divine talisman

Chapter 1674

Hearing Chen Xi's proposal, both Tao Dong and Wei Zifu nodded in agreement, and there was no longer any resistance in their hearts.

If it wasn't for Chen Xi's action this time, they would have been in danger long ago. After all, they are not supreme gods, and even if they were killed, they wouldn't be able to cause much trouble.

Coupled with the terrifying fighting power that Chen Xi displayed in this battle, the two of them even admired Chen Xi a little. Under such circumstances, they naturally obeyed Chen Xi's proposal.

Chen Xi didn't think too much about it, so he found a hidden cave, then asked Tao Dong and Wei Zifu to protect him, and then began to meditate.

Although he won this battle in the end, it also consumed him a lot. If he hadn't reached the first level of mental strength cultivation, he might not even be able to persist until the end.

The reason is that the secret sword of the heart is powerful, but it not only consumes a lot of divine power, but also consumes a lot of mental power.

Call ~

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and began to concentrate on repairing it.

In the body, the divine aura of the Cangwu Sacred Tree spewed out, like a tide, constantly filled with Chen Xi's exhausted divine power.

Almost at the same time, in the Dao Heart, the childish Xinying sat cross-legged, formed mudras with both hands, and began to run the "Primitive Heart Sutra".

Soon, Chen Xi fell into a deep feeling.


Originally, Chen Xi planned to take action early the next morning, but he never imagined that three days had passed since he meditated without realizing the passage of time, and there was still no sign of waking up.

This made Tao Dong and Wei Zifu feel a little worried, thinking that Chen Xi had suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battle.

"If it continues like this, what should we do if he still can't wake up after the appearance of the original ancestor." Tao Dong was a little worried.

However, Wei Zifu smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you actually found out with your conscience that you started to care about fellow Taoist Chen Xi. This is very rare."

Tao Dong said angrily: "Am I the kind of heartless person? I admit that I have always looked down on fellow Taoist Chen Xi in my heart, but now that I am lost, can I return?"

Wei Zifu smiled and said, "Of course." Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "I never thought that a person like Fellow Daoist Chen Xi could be born in a place other than the Emperor's Domain. There are people outside the people, and the ancients were sincere and did not deceive me."

Tao Dong deeply agrees: "Those of us disciples of the Imperial Clan, although our status is extraordinary, our cultivation is not bad, but we are far behind fellow Daoist Chen Xi. It's not because of his cultivation, but because of him. , obviously has an extremely unusual experience, must have gone through a lot of bloody tempering, and compared to us... Hehe, although the combat power is strong, when it comes to combat experience, it is far inferior to fellow Taoist Chen Xi."

Wei Zifu laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, you have a clear understanding of yourself, and you are not arrogant and confused."

Tao Dong widened his eyes, and was about to say something, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming from the cave behind him, and he immediately beamed with joy, and said, "Come out!"

"Thank you, fellow daoists." It was Chen Xi who walked out of the cave.

At this moment, his whole body's aura is becoming more and more indifferent, his black eyes are dark, the ancient well is still, and his whole body is full of vigor and hair, and there is a trace of invisible perfection than before.

Apparently, during these three days of meditation, his cultivation has clearly improved again.

The fact is indeed the case. After going through this battle, Chen Xi benefited from it, and his cultivation finally crossed over that small gap, and he reached the consummation of the Spiritual God Realm.

Even though it was just a small gap, it made Chen Xi's combat power significantly improved, giving him a "perfect" atmosphere.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi is too polite."

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu hurriedly handed over their hands. Let alone helping Chen Xi protect the law for three days, even protecting the law for a month, they would not have any complaints.

Chen Xi was also keenly aware that some subtle changes had taken place in the attitudes of the two of them towards him, so he couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Let's go, let's continue to search for our ancestors."

At the moment, they set off immediately without further delay.


Before, a fierce battle was triggered because of each of the fifth-rank ancestral origin dao roots, which made Chen Xi and the others deeply realize how cruel the competition in this ancestral land is.

This is just a fifth-rank Daogen. If it meets a sixth-rank, seventh-rank, or even eighth-rank ancestral Daogen, I can't imagine what kind of cruel competition will happen again.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi and the others were all more cautious, especially Tao Dong and Wei Zifu, who became more cautious than before along the way.


I don't know if it was their luck. Not long after this departure, they found an ancestral source that no one had set foot on yet.

Moreover, a light blue beam of light rushed out of the ancestral source, which is a sixth-grade source!

This time, without waiting for Chen Xi to ask, Tao Dong quickly said, "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, I have decided that I want this sixth-grade dao root."

Chen Xi nodded: "Alright, you go get it."

Tao Dong immediately rushed over.

During this process, Chen Xi was thinking about where to find an ancestral dao root that was above rank seven.

After all, there is only one ninth-rank emperor-level dao root in the initial ancestral source, but there are many competitors. If you can't compete, it will be a waste of work.

Therefore, it is also a top priority to prepare a dao root of good grade for yourself in advance.

In particular, Chen Xi knew very well that because he wanted to fulfill Empress Yu Che's entrustment and stop Gongye Zhefu's actions, his chances of being able to compete for that ninth-grade emperor-level dao root might not be too great.

What made Chen Xi frown was that this land of ancestral origins was extremely vast, and the terrain was complex, and the many ancestral origins distributed were also chaotic, with no rules to follow, which made it impossible for him to judge whether the Dao roots above the seventh rank In which source of Taoism.

"Looks like it's just luck."

In the end, Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and had to admit that such rare ancestral Dao roots as seventh-rank monarch level and eighth-rank king level indeed fulfilled the saying "you can't meet them but you can't seek them".

After Tao Dong returned, Chen Xi and the others set off immediately without any delay.


A full ten days.

They shuttled through this vast land of ancestral origin, and passed through the vast ruins. On the way, they saw some ancestral origins where Daogen was born.

It's a pity that none of these ancestral Daogens are above the sixth rank, and most of them have been excavated.

In the end, Chen Xi managed to obtain only one fifth-grade dao root and one sixth-grade dao root again.

It seemed to be very light, but for the sake of these two Dao roots, Chen Xi and the others once again went to war with some ascetics, forcibly killing a bloody path.

If it weren't for Chen Xi's fighting power being strong enough, Tao Dong and Wei Zifu's lives would have been lost long ago, let alone these two Daogens.

Along the way, they also witnessed the battles and killings that happened to other ascetics. Those scenes can be called bloody and tragic.

Many of the top and most beautiful people died completely in it, which makes people feel sad.

For this, Chen Xi had already foreseen it. After all, the greater the opportunity, the greater the risk. If you want to get it, there is no reason not to pay.

It's just that some sacrifices are bearable, while others are unbearable, such as death.

this day.

Chen Xi and the others discovered a sixth-grade ancestral source again, but at almost the same time, other ascetics also discovered this place.

Those were seven or eight cultivators. When they saw Chen Xi and the three of them, they seemed to recognize them, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"No, let's go!"

"I didn't expect it to be this guy."

"What's going on? Why are you running away?"

"Idiot, that guy is Chen Xi! He killed an unknown number of people, and even the supreme god Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were defeated in his hands. If you don't run away at this time, do you still want to find death?"

"It's actually him!"

With a crash, these ascetics seemed to be frightened, scattered like birds and beasts, and ran away quickly, not daring to stay for a moment at all.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but startled, and laughed at himself, "I never expected that I'm already so famous now."

Both Tao Dong and Wei Zifu were also surprised, and immediately felt a sense of emotion in their hearts. They knew that the current Chen Xi had cultivated his own power and reputation through one battle after another. The unknown generation at that time.

At this time, whoever dares to say that Chen Xi is famous for hugging Shentu Yanran's thigh will definitely be cast aside to death.

Such an astonishing person, even Shentu Yanran is not his opponent, so how could he be a softie?

Regarding this, Chen Xi took it very lightly. He knew that what he gained was not only prestige and fame, but also the hatred formed from killing one after another!

After successfully ingesting the sixth-rank dao roots from this ancestral source, Chen Xi now has two fifth-rank dao roots and two sixth-rank dao roots.

This is definitely an astonishing achievement that is enough to make other ascetics covet, but to Chen Xi, it was a bit disappointing.

Because his goal is the ancestral dao root of the seventh rank or above, other ancestral dao roots can't attract his interest.

"It's strange, we've been traveling for so long, how come we haven't met Zuyuan who is above the seventh rank?" Chen Xi frowned and fell silent.

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu looked at each other, but they were also helpless. They also didn't know about this, and there was nothing they could do to help.


At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly raised his brows, opened his palm, and there was already an extra god Luobei, but at this moment, the god Luobei was shining brightly, producing a violent fluctuation.

Immediately, there was a sound of fighting and killing, mixed with roars.

"It's Zhuan Yushui's voice!"

"Is he in danger?"

Tao Dong and Wei Zifu were taken aback.

But at this moment, the voice in the god Luo Bei suddenly disappeared, and then it turned into a white light and flew away into the sky.

"Let's follow!"

Chen Xi made a prompt decision, led Tao Dong and Wei Zifu to use the method of teleportation, and chased after the direction of the god Luo Bei.

He knew very well that silent and tough people like Zhuan Yushui would never ask for help if they were not in extreme danger.


ps: Chapter 9 is here, everyone is almost asleep, right?Goldfish continues to fight, and the promised 10th update will be done even if it is dawn!


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