divine talisman

Chapter 1675

This is a pile of ruins.

Zhuan Yushui was drenched in blood, his face was pale and almost transparent, and his breathing became heavy, like a bellows that was constantly being pulled.

He is a strong man in the divine realm of body training, and he is also the supreme god ranked No. 20 in the spiritual realm of the gods.

Now that he has fallen to such a miserable state, it can be seen how cruel the battle he has suffered, even if he is not a strong body refiner, he might have been killed countless times.

Now, although he can stand tenaciously, it is obvious that he can't last long.

It is not impossible to kill those who are strong in the body-refining god realm. As long as every drop of their blood is squeezed out, every thought is crushed, they will still die without a doubt.

Of course, it is very difficult to achieve this step.

This is the reason why Zhuan Yushui is still standing here.

At this moment, although his brows could not hide the tired and weak look, but his expression was still determined, because behind him, there were still three ascetics guarding him.

In front of him is a group of enemies!

There were more than a dozen of these enemies, and the leader was a young man in red with a frivolous expression, a fair complexion like a woman, and a touch of rouge on his lips.

He was playing with a sharp, blood-red, dazzling, one-foot-long scimitar in his hand, licking his scarlet lips, looking at Zhuan Yushui playfully, and said leisurely: "Zhuan Yushui, if you lose the corner again If you continue to resist, you may not die, but when you are powerless to fight, the three guys behind you will suffer."

The voice is soft and sharp, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, which is creepy.

Zhuan Yushui pursed his lips and said nothing.

On the opposite side is the strange young man in red, named Zhai Jun, from the Di Clan of the Imperial Domain. He himself is the No. 12 Supreme God in the List of Conferred Gods, and his body is extremely powerful.

But Zhuan Yushui's eyes did not look at him, but at the back of the crowd.

There, standing alone was a young man with an evil and handsome face, thick black long hair draped over his shoulders, and a lazy smile on his lips, currently teasing a fiery red Suzaku standing on his shoulder.

This person is Luo Shaonong!

"You should be clear that if the three of them fall into the hands of Zhai Jun, they will definitely not be able to survive, not to die, not to mention suffering endless pain and torture, and they will still inevitably die in the end."

Zhai Jun continued slowly, "So, I advise you to hand over that seventh-rank Dao root as soon as possible, so that it will be good for us all."

Zhuan Yushui still didn't say a word.

But the three ascetics behind him trembled all over and showed fear on their faces. Obviously, they also recognized Zhai Jun, and they knew that once they were stared at by this guy, the consequences would definitely be more terrifying than entering the eighteenth floor of hell.

"It seems that you still hope that someone will come to rescue you, but unfortunately, I will not give you another chance." Zhai Jun sighed softly, as if he had lost his patience.


The blood-colored exquisite scimitar in his palm spun around, releasing a strange light, and then with a chirping sound, it tore through time and space, and slashed towards Zhuan Yushui at an incredible speed.

Zhuan Yushui wanted to resist, but his whole body trembled, his Qi was disordered, and he was cut on the body by this knife, and an arm was cut off.

Then, his whole body was blown out, and he staggered to the ground, so painful that he couldn't stand up anymore.

Before, he had suffered great trauma, if not for an incomparably tenacious will, he might have fallen down already.

Even so, after suffering this blow at this moment, it completely brought him to the brink of collapse.

"Zhai Jun, I discovered this seventh-rank ancestral group first. You have already snatched three seventh-rank Dao roots. Do you want to continue to press?"

Zhuan Yushui gasped and opened his mouth, blood dripped from the corners of his lips, a rare anger welled up in his eyes, and his eyes were about to split.

He didn't worry about his own fate, because as a descendant of the Zhuanyu clan, as a supreme god, Zhai Jun would not dare to kill him no matter how arrogant he was.

He was worried about the three companions behind him. After losing his protection, their lives were in danger!

"This is competition. Skills are not as good as others. Owning this seventh-rank Dao root is also a crime."

Zhai Jun smiled softly, and walked towards the three ascetics step by step, "Zhuan Yushui, for the last chance, do you want to hand it in or not? I'll count to three, if you are still obsessed with it, these three will be killed." died because of you."


Like a note urging them to death, at this moment, the faces of the three ascetics were so frightened that they almost begged for mercy. They couldn't help looking at Zhuan Yushui with a touch of begging.

Zhuan Yushui panted for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhai Jun! Are you going to force me into a desperate situation!?"


Zhai Jun was smiling, as if he didn't realize it, he just quietly raised the blood-colored exquisite scimitar in his hand, and pointed at the three ascetics from afar.

"Brother Zhuanyu, why don't you...give it to him?"

The three ascetics were helpless, and their defenses were about to collapse. They didn't want to die just like that, even if they knew that Zhuan Yushui was waiting for Le Wuhen and the others to come to support them, what if they came a step late?

Zhuan Yushui's resolute expression was also uncertain, just when Zhai Jun was about to shout "three", he finally gritted his teeth, made a decision, and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Every word was paused, as if squeezed out from between the teeth, containing endless anger.

Zhai Jun suddenly smiled triumphantly, and sighed: "It's a pity, you are one step late in agreeing."

As he spoke, he glanced at the three ascetics, and softly uttered a word from his blood-red lips: "Three!"


The blood-colored scimitar pierced through the air, and suddenly cut through the sky.

"You... despicable!" Zhuan Yushui roared angrily, almost going mad with anger.

At this moment, the hearts of the three ascetics were also icy cold, and there was a touch of deep despair, and they finally realized that Zhai Jun had no intention of letting them go from the beginning to the end.

The previous rhetoric is completely nonsense, and it is playing tricks on them!

Not reconciled!

They were angry. If they could do it all over again, they would definitely not just sit and wait for death. Unfortunately...

It's too late...huh?

Suddenly, their whole bodies froze, their pupils dilated, and they suddenly saw that a sword energy suddenly appeared out of thin air, abruptly blocking the bloody scimitar in the middle, and the two collided, bursting out billions of divine brilliance.

The bloody scimitar trembled violently and buzzed endlessly.

This is?

At this moment, escaping from death made the three ascetics almost think it was a dream, and they stayed there, so it was unbelievable.

"Finally... it's here..." Zhuan Yushui's heart trembled, and the corners of his blood-stained lips curled up stiffly, as if he wanted to laugh.

Zhai Jun was also slightly surprised. Immediately, he raised his eyebrows, sneered, took control of the bloody scimitar, and killed the three ascetics again.

At this moment, a tall figure quietly appeared in front of the three ascetics, and that was Chen Xi!


With a twist of the sword in his hand, it was like an iron chain crossing a river, crushing time and space, and with a majestic and vast force, he sent the bloody scimitar flying.


Di Jun seemed a little surprised, squinted his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Probably you are that Chen Xi."

A kind of cultivator near Zhai Jun also showed a look of interest at the moment, without any tension, and looked leisurely with the overall situation in mind.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't even bother to take a look at Zhai Jun, and turned his head to look at Zhuan Yushui on the ground. When he saw the extremely serious injury on his body, he couldn't help frowning, and a gleam of coldness appeared in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuanyu, you calm down and heal your wounds, leave this place to me." Chen Xi quickly sent a voice transmission.

"Be careful, Luo Shaonong is on the sidelines, as long as you hold on until Mr. Wuhen and the others come together, you can turn the situation around." Zhuan Yushui warned.

Chen Xi nodded with his eyes, and he naturally noticed Luo Shaonong behind the crowd, even from the moment he arrived here, most of his attention was on Luo Shaonong.

At this time, the three ascetics also woke up from their stupor. When they saw that it was Chen Xi, they all couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous and worried, because there was only one person in Chen Xi, and there was not only Zhai on the other side. Jun is a supreme god!

In other words, the situation remains grim.

Now, they only hoped that Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, and Yu Qiujing could arrive in time.

But obviously, Zhai Jun didn't intend to let such a thing happen.

Seeing Chen Xi's appearance of ignoring him, he couldn't help laughing out loud again, soft and sharp, piercing the eardrums.

"Very good, I want to see how powerful the guy who can defeat Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang is!"

Zhai Jun's red clothes fluttered, his aura suddenly rose, his whole body was boiling with blood, and he rushed straight to the sky, like a blood god, holding a blood-colored scimitar, and slashing down.


This knife seemed to have been cut from the ages, and it had been baptized by the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

This blow was too terrifying, more than a notch stronger than that Yue Ruhuo.


Time and space exploded, completely crushed by the blade light, and it slashed straight at Chen Xi.

"A guy like you is worthy of yelling at me?" Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, his thick black hair fluttered, and his whole body was like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath.

He didn't see any movement, and an understated sword energy gushed out, obscure and ordinary, but as soon as it appeared, the world seemed to be at a standstill, and time and space were frozen!


In the distance, Luo Shaonong, who had been teasing the Suzaku on his shoulder, seemed to notice something, finally raised his head, and a pair of eyes suddenly locked in this direction.


The clash of sword qi and blade light was like two hundred thousand mountains colliding with each other, and there was a deafening bang.

Immediately, the blood-colored scimitar suddenly trembled violently, collapsed and flew backwards, unexpectedly losing to Chen Xi's sword energy.

And Zhai Jun let out a scream, and was knocked into the void with a bang, and his figure staggered back tens of feet uncontrollably.

When he finally stopped, his face turned pale suddenly, his whole body shook, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow sound.

The audience was silent for a moment, all shocked.


ps: The tenth update is here!After fighting so far, my back is sore and my neck hurts, my fingers are trembling, my brain is swollen and blank, and my whole body is not well~ But I am relieved in my heart, because I finally completed another 10 update!Friends, thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards, which gave Goldfish the motivation to fight until now, thank you!Thank you everyone~ In the last two days at the end of the month, if you still have remaining monthly tickets, please reward me for working so hard~~ Bow and leave, sleep!


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