divine talisman

Chapter 1676 came to an abrupt end

Just one sword!

Then Zhai Jun, who was ranked No. 12 in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of gods, was blown away, staggered and coughed up blood!

This scene was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

"This guy... seems to be much stronger than when he fought against Yuqiu Jing." Zhuan Yushui squinted his eyes and was amazed in his heart.

The more you understand Chen Xi, the more you realize that his strength is simply unfathomable, as if there is no limit at all, and he can always give people surprises and surprises.

"How could this be..."

"too strong!"

"Even Zhai Jun can't block his blow?"

All the ascetics around Zhai Jun were shocked, gasping for air. Suddenly, all the gazes they looked at Chen Xi changed, terrified, apprehensive, and unbelievable.

"I didn't expect to meet a young man here who embarked on the ultimate sword path. It's interesting. If this boy doesn't die, the future of the Ancient God Realm will be much more interesting..." In the distance, Luo Shaonong seemed to be thinking Thinking, the corners of the handsome lips curled up, extremely evil and charming.

Compared to these, Zhai Jun was furious in his heart at the moment. This blow didn't cause him much damage, but it had already made him realize clearly that Chen Xi's fighting power in the distance would at least not be weaker than his own, but How strong its combat power is, even he can't be sure.

Immediately, he suddenly laughed, slowly wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his lips, straightened his body, and leisurely looked at Chen Xi in the distance, but there was a hint of fiery madness in his eyes: "Not bad, not bad, I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time Yes, it really excites me."

The voice was sharp and feminine, but it carried a touch of insane madness, giving people a twisted and perverted feeling.

Chen Xi's expression was calm and indifferent. Most of his thoughts were still on Luo Shaonong in the distance. As for Zhai Jun, he didn't pose much threat to him.

It's not that Zhai Jun is not strong enough, but compared to Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun undoubtedly poses a much smaller threat.

As soon as he made a move before, he used all his strength to defeat Zhai Jun in one fell swoop, in order to show his strength and frighten everyone in the field.

At the same time, it was also to show Luo Shaonong, to make him realize what price he would pay if he wanted to deal with them at this time.

This is the most important.

Luo Shaonong was different from the others, he was the No.3 existence in the list of gods, with him sitting here, Chen Xi also felt a lot of pressure.

In addition, Zhuan Yushui was seriously injured and dying, and he had to protect the three companions behind him. In such a situation, Chen Xi could only seek to protect himself first.

"Chen Xi, come on, I won't underestimate you this time, if you can defeat me, you will take my head, and I guarantee that the Zhai clan of the Imperial Region will not trouble you!"


Zhai Jun licked the corners of his scarlet, blood-like lips, as if he was extremely excited, the scimitar in his hand fluctuated strangely, the blood glistened, and it was dyed red for nine days!

At this moment, he stands like the scorching sun burning, and the lava is surging, and his momentum is much stronger than before. Looking from afar, he looks like a god who has stepped out of the sea of ​​blood in hell, which is breathtaking.

"This guy is going crazy again!"

Everyone around Zhai Jun was trembling all over. Did they know that once Zhai Jun became crazy, he would be a monster, killing people without blinking an eye, and no one could stop him unless his opponent was tortured to death!

"Be careful, this guy is a well-known lunatic in the Imperial Domain. He is cruel and bloodthirsty, with a violent temperament. He is so mad that he dares to kill even members of the Zhai clan!"

In the ear, Zhuan Yushui's slightly anxious voice transmission made Chen Xi narrow his eyes and his expression became serious.

"Chen Xi, come here, this time I'll let you make the first move, hurry up, I can't wait!"

Zhai Jun looked up to the sky and laughed, full of madness, his black hair suddenly turned blood red, making him look even more monstrous, like a bloody demon god.

And in his hand, that exquisite blood-colored scimitar actually appeared a vision of a blood-colored purgatory. In the purgatory, there are many bones, ghosts cry, gods and Buddhas roar in it, and the holy sigh in it... It looks extremely frightening.

Obviously, to be able to possess such a terrifying vision, this divine sword is also an innate spiritual treasure with unpredictable power!

This scene shocked the hearts of everyone around them, and they felt chills all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"It really deserves a beating."

The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled into a cold arc, and with a turn of the sword in his palm, the point pointed at Zhai Jun in the distance.

Accompanied by such a subtle movement of his, a mighty and vast sword intent spread from Chen Xi's body like a vast ocean.

The sword intent is like an ocean, like an abyss, filling the sky and the earth, it is like turning into a world of swords, every inch of space is filled with traces of sharp and extremely sharp aura.

The scene right now is extremely rare. The world where Zhai Jun is located is like a blood-colored purgatory. Everything is stained with blood, and ghosts are crying.

And the world where Chen Xi is located is just like the realm of swords, time and space, air currents, light, dust, and even every flower, tree and stone... are all as sharp and chilling as a sword.

As for Chen Xi, he was like the master of ten thousand swords, with a mighty power that broke through the nine heavens.

This is caused by the power released by the two supreme gods. Before they even make a move, the terrifying vision has already shocked the audience.

Only by reaching their height can such a magnificent scene be created.

In an instant, the world was full of chills, and Chen Xi and Zhai Jun faced each other from a distance, swords drawn.

Seeing that a shocking duel was about to break out between the two, but at this critical moment, a lazy voice resounded through the audience—"Okay, Zhai Jun, we should go."

Just a few words, but like the voice of the Great Dao, it is deafening and deafening, diluting the murderous atmosphere in the field by a lot.

Everyone was stunned, only then did they realize that it was Luo Shaonong who spoke in the distance.

This is surprising. No one thought that instead of helping, he wanted to take Zhai Jun away. Why?

Even the ascetics around Zhai Jun were confused.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and immediately understood the reason with a movement in his heart.

"Don't worry, wait until my battle is over."

Zhai Jun frowned, a little irritable, when he spoke, he took a sudden step, rolled the bloody knife in his hand, and launched an attack violently.

"It's time to go." Suddenly, Luo Shaonong's sigh resounded from the sky and the earth. Accompanied by the sound, his figure suddenly appeared in the field, barely blocking Zhai Jun, and standing in front of the bloody knife attack.

He didn't even make a move, just stood there casually, as if there was a magic power, which stopped Zhai Jun's attack abruptly.

"You..." Zhai Jun yelled frantically, "Why did you stop me?"

"I never say the third time when I say it." After finishing speaking, Luo Shaonong put his hands on his back and floated away into the distance.

From the moment he stopped the battle to the moment he left, it seemed very casual and plain from the beginning to the end, as if he had done an ordinary thing.

But the more this happened, the more pressure it seemed to bring to Zhai Jun. He stood still, his face changed for a long time, and finally stomped his feet angrily, turned his head and left.

Seeing this, everyone was a little dazed. This little monster of the Zhai family who became crazy and lawless was stopped by a single sentence?

But soon, those ascetics who came with Zhai Jun didn't care about it, and hurriedly left.

"Chen Xi, when we meet again next time, I will deal with you with my own hands. I hope you can enter the original place alive. Don't let me down."

In the distance, Luo Shaonong's lazy voice came, echoing between the heaven and the earth, the lingering sound lingering, but not dispersed.

"Unfortunately, my opponent is Gongsun Zhefu. If you want to fight me, you may have to wait in line..."

Suddenly, Chen Xi, who stood still on the spot, let out a clear and passionate voice, like Huang Zhong Dalu's voice, which was conveyed far away.

The ascetic who heard this voice was shocked all over his body. It is unbelievable that this guy is simply too arrogant to challenge Gongye Zhefu and Luo Shaonong at the same time! ?

Or even say that Luo Shaonong can only compete with him if he waits in line?

At this moment, Zhuan Yushui was also taken aback, completely unimaginable that such arrogant words came from Chen Xi's mouth.

"Hahaha, what an interesting guy, as long as he can kill you, why not wait?" From far away, Luo Shaonong's voice came again, and the rumble resounded through the heavens and the earth, and Chen Xi's voice was instantly overwhelmed. cover.

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't say much anymore, he just smiled, smiling lightly, as if he didn't notice the cold murderous intent in those words at all.

kill yourself?

That depends on whether you have such a skill!


With the departure of Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his party, this dangerous crisis was completely resolved.

However, the three ascetics who were protected by Chen Xi were still confused at the moment, unable to figure out why Luo Shaonong and the others, who had a huge advantage, wanted to leave.

But soon, they understood.

Zhuan Yushui also understood.

Because at this moment, figures emerged from the nearby time and space, and they were Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing and others!

They obviously didn't just arrive at this moment. As soon as they appeared, Le Wuhen smiled and said to Chen Xi: "You won't blame us for interrupting the battle between you and Zhai Jun, will you?"

Chen Xi shrugged: "So what if I blame you, you won't give me compensation."

Le Wuhen laughed loudly: "You guys have learned how to joke."

Shentu Yanran also couldn't help but smile, looking at Chen Xi's starry eyes, there was a smear of strange splendor that couldn't be concealed, like admiration, like admiration.

She had seen everything just now, and felt more and more that Chen Xi was unusual, especially the tit-for-tat words between Chen Xi and Luo Shaonong at the end, which made her feel astonished in her heart.

Chen Xi smiled: "I just don't joke around with strangers."

In a word, both Le Wuhen and Shentu Yanran felt warm in their hearts, knowing that in Chen Xi's heart, they no longer regarded them as strangers, since they were not strangers, they were naturally good friends.

"Now is not the time to joke, let's leave here early." On the side, Yu Qiujing said coldly.

Le Wuhen and Shentu Yanran were stunned, and looked at Chen Xi, but Chen Xi shrugged and said casually, "Fellow Daoist Yuqiu is right, we should really leave here first."

Hearing the words, Yu Qiujing didn't seem to have expected Chen Xi to be so eloquent. After a daze, he said, "Hmph, if you don't do this, I won't appreciate it."

As he said that, he turned his head and left here, but he stopped halfway and said, "Unless...you accompany me to drink for three days!"


ps: Let’s make an update tonight, my fingers are swollen today, it hurts to press the keyboard, I’m crying~ I’ll fix it tomorrow


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