divine talisman

Chapter 1677 Acting Alone

Everyone was startled, and then laughed.

Yu Qiujing was "releasing the past" with Chen Xi, but he just found an excuse to drink.

Chen Xi smiled, and also said: "Since you say that, then I will risk my life to accompany Junzi."

Yu Qiujing snorted coldly: "In terms of strength, maybe I am not as good as you, but when it comes to drinking skills, you have to be more careful!"

The crowd laughed again.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is indeed no deep hatred between Yu Qiujing and Chen Xi, and there is nothing more than some small friction between the two.

Of course, most of these small frictions were caused by Yu Qiujing, and he had already suffered a lot because of them. It was obviously very wise for him to choose this opportunity to settle his differences with Chen Xi.

After all, whether it was the defeat of Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang's teamwork, or the shock of Zhai Jun just now, or the confrontation with Luo Shaonong, all these facts have proved that Chen Xi is absolutely extraordinary.

Facing such an unrivaled figure who rises like a comet, as long as Yu Qiujing is not stupid, he will not choose to fight forever.

However, it obviously takes a lot of courage and courage to make him, a proud figure from an ancient clan in the imperial domain, bow his head.

By doing this, Yu Qiujing made Chen Xi take a high look at him.

In any case, whether it is Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, or even other ascetics in their camp, they are still very happy to see such a scene.


This little episode passed in a flash, and soon, everyone focused on Zhuan Yushui.

Zhuan Yushui had stood up at this moment and changed into clean clothes. Except for his pale and transparent face, it was impossible to see that he was on the verge of extinction just now, seriously injured and dying.

This is the strength of the God Demon Body Refiner, as long as the thoughts are still there, they can recover quickly, and the means of saving their lives are the best in the world.

However, the injury on his body may not be able to fully recover in a short time.

After all, he was seriously injured in the confrontation with Zhai Jun before. If it were any other ascetic, he would have been killed countless times.

"What happened?" Le Wuhen asked.

Zhuan Yushui has always been a taciturn character. Hearing the words, he simply said: "The battle for Daogen."

"It's more than that simple."

A monk spoke excitedly. He and the other two followed Zhuan Yushui. Just now, if Zhuan Yushui hadn't fought to protect each other, they would have been killed by Zhai Jun.

Of course, in the end, it was also thanks to Chen Xi's timely rescue that they were truly spared.

According to the introduction of this cultivator, Zhuan Yushui and his group accidentally discovered an ancestral group here. What made them particularly excited was that this was an ancestral group that contained four seventh-rank monarch-level Dao roots. !

But just as they ingested the four seventh-rank Dao roots, they ran into Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his party, and inevitably, a fierce battle broke out.

In the end, Zhuan Yushui fought desperately, and only kept one seventh-rank Dao root, and the other three were taken away.

After hearing this, the faces of Le Wuhen and the others suddenly darkened, it was really deceiving!

That is the seventh-rank ancestral source Daogen!

It can be said that they are hard to come by, each one is extremely rare, but now, Luo Shaonong and the others forcibly snatched three of them, and Zhuan Yushui and the others almost died because of this, how can this not make people angry?

"Hmph, this matter must not be left alone. Since they dare to do this, we must retaliate!" Yu Qiujing was the first to bear it, gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"That's right, those three seventh-rank Dao roots must be taken back!"

Other ascetics have also opened their mouths. They have been looking for the Dao roots of their ancestors these days, but the Dao roots they have obtained are not only rare, but none of them has reached the seventh rank. Daogen was taken away, so it's no wonder he wasn't angry.

"No, we haven't got enough Daogens yet, so it's not appropriate to confront Luo Shaonong and the others at this time."

Le Wuhen pondered for a long time, then shook his head and said, "One is because if we go to war at this time, it will inevitably affect our search for Daogen, and the other is because our real purpose is the ninth-rank emperor-level Daogen in the original ancestral source. If we start the war early at this time, I am afraid that other forces will take the opportunity to enter, after all, the ascetics who entered the ancestral land this time are not the only ones like us and Luo Shaonong."

These words are reasonable, and although everyone is extremely unwilling, they can only accept it.

Indeed, fighting Luo Shaonong and the others at this moment must be extremely tragic. It is even no exaggeration to say that even if the three seventh-rank Dao roots can be regained in the end, both sides will suffer heavy losses.

Such a result was unbearable for any of them.

"Don't worry, as long as they are still in this ancestral land, we have a chance to take Daogen back."

Chen Xi said from the side, "Even if we can't take revenge at this time, when the original ancestor appears, we will definitely meet with Luo Shaonong and the others. By then, all hatred can be settled."

When everyone saw Chen Xi saying the same thing, they immediately understood that they could only choose to endure it at this time.


Next, after discussing for a while, everyone made a decision not to divide into groups to act. This was done to avoid things like what happened to Zhuan Yushui and the others from happening again.

More importantly, with the passage of time, there are more and more ascetics in this ancestral land, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. At such times, it is indeed not suitable to act separately.

Without any further delay, everyone immediately started to act again.

On the way, Chen Xi also learned that the three teams of Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, and Yu Qiujing also encountered a lot of competition and fights before, but in the end they all survived without any danger. Unfortunately, the Tao they gained The number of roots is very few.

On the contrary, he, Tao Dong, and Wei Zifu got the most Daogens.

However, there are still about ten days before the initial ancestral source appears. As long as there are no accidents, they are not worried that they will not be able to obtain the ancestral source. It is just a matter of rank.

Five days later.

Chen Xi and his group stood beside a seventh-rank ancestral source, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing and the others all looked a little helpless.

No way, they came one step too late, this is another empty seventh-rank ancestor source!

During these five days, they did not encounter any major dangers, and the journey was peaceful, and after gathering together, with their power, other ascetics did not dare to confront them at all.

However, they only obtained six dao roots along the way, four of which were fifth-rank dao roots, two sixth-rank dao roots, and not even a seventh-rank dao root.

It's not that they haven't encountered the seventh-rank ancestral source, but when they found out, the Daogens of these seventh-rank ancestral sources had already been taken by others.

The current situation is that in their group, except for Chen Xi, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, and Yu Qiujing, the other ascetics have each obtained a dao root, either a sixth-rank or a fifth-rank. It also satisfies them.

Zhuan Yushui already had a seventh-rank Dao root.

Only Chen Xi and the other five were struggling to find the Dao Roots above the seventh rank, but they couldn't find it. This made them feel a little anxious.

Seeing that the initial ancestral source will appear soon, if then, there will be no time to obtain other Dao roots.

In other words, there is not much time left for them to obtain Daogen!

"Damn it, there are at least [-] cultivators who have entered the ancestral land this time, which makes the competition more and more fierce. Finding an ancestral source that no one has picked is simply as difficult as going to heaven." Yu Qiujing was a little annoyed.

"Even so, there are still some areas that haven't been explored yet, which means we still have a chance, so there's no need to be so impatient." Le Wuhen comforted with a smile.

"Of course I know this truth, but I'm worried that when we arrive, other ascetics will already be there first." Yuqiu Jing said depressedly, "The number of seventh-rank Taoist roots is already scarce. If this continues, what will happen?"

Shentu Yanran pondered: "If it really doesn't work, we'll go to Luo Shaonong!"

"Looking for him?" Yu Qiujing was stunned, and then said in surprise, "You mean, let's take back the three seventh-rank Dao roots?"

Shentu Yanran shrugged and said, "Aside from doing this, is there any other way?"

Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke at this moment: "I want to search for it alone."

Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Immediately, Le Wuhen said, "Chen Xi, it's very dangerous to do this."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I understand, but it's not so easy for others to trouble me."

Seeing that Chen Xi had already made up his mind, everyone stopped persuading him.

"Then you take the god Luo Bei well. If you encounter any danger, please notify us immediately. Remember, you must return before the original ancestor appears at the latest." Le Wuhen warned.

"I see."

Chen Xi nodded, then his figure flickered and drifted away.

"This guy Chen Xi, isn't he going to kill people and seize treasures by himself?" Yu Qiujing joked.

"He won't do that, unless he meets his enemy." Shentu Yanran was thoughtful, and she was somewhat unable to figure out what Chen Xi was thinking.

"Let's act quickly, time is running out, I hope that before the initial ancestors appear, we can all get a seventh-rank Daogen." Le Wuhen took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

The change in the current situation made them dare not expect to obtain an eighth-rank king-level dao root. It can be seen how fierce the competition in this ancestral land is. next best.


At the same time, Chen Xi's figure flickered in time and space, roaring straight towards the true north.

These days, as the time for the appearance of the original ancestral source is getting closer and closer, the vague call emerged in his heart again.

Up until now, this call had even become extremely clear, lingering in his heart all the time, which made Chen Xi unable to sit still.

He wasn't sure what this call meant, whether it was danger or chance, so for the sake of everyone's safety, he just said goodbye to everyone and chose to go on the road alone!


ps: Goldfish is not here, I will send it on my behalf. If there is no update at 10:2 pm, Goldfish will make up for the owed yesterday and today, a total of 500 updates.Everyone, please understand that it is said that the goldfish has tenosynovitis in the right hand, and it is possible to use a knife on the hand.In addition, everyone is welcome to read the more than [-] million words "Xian Wu Fellow Cultivator", don't guess, I am not the author Yue Ruhuo...


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