divine talisman

Chapter 1678

All the way to the north, the arrogance between heaven and earth became more and more serious.

At the beginning, wisps of mist floated between the sky and the earth, until the closer you looked to the north, these wild and desolate atmospheres had turned into thick fog, covering every inch of the void like a haze, and entering it was like advancing in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

This breath is extremely terrifying, containing a strange power of heaven, oppressing the soul, making people feel as if they have fallen into a quagmire.

A few days ago, Chen Xi and his group also approached this place, but they didn't go deep, because the aura of ancient desolation was too thick and dangerous, and it was extremely easy to encounter accidents.

But now, the call that came out of Chen Xi's heart faintly pointed to the depths of this ancient and desolate area.

He continued on without hesitation, but he was vigilant compared to before.


Streams of barren air that was as thick as water rolled towards the two sides, weaving through it, as if flying through a sea of ​​gray clouds where you couldn't see your fingers. With Chen Xi's powerful perception, he could only explore within a range of less than a thousand miles. Area.

Everything seemed so still.

But Chen Xi became more and more vigilant. Sometimes the unknown meant danger, and he didn't dare to take it lightly.

After a full stick of incense.

Suddenly, Chen Xi stood there, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

In his mind, there were strong and obscure auras rushing up from the area thousands of miles ahead. Obviously, many ascetics had also entered here.

This made Chen Xi's heart move, and immediately cast the Forbidden Path Secret Pattern to completely cover his own aura. At the same time, he also clearly caught the sound of thoughts communicating.

"We have penetrated more than ten thousand miles, but so far we have found nothing. The news must be false, right?"

"Impossible! According to what my grandfather said, someone did obtain an eighth-rank king-level ancestral root from here."

"Hmph, then tell me, who actually obtained that eighth-rank Dao root?"

"I can't say that it involves a big shot in the Imperial Domain, but I dare to swear to God, this matter will never be false!"

"Forget it, let's search again. If we find nothing, we will immediately turn around and leave. I don't know what happened. The deeper I go, the more panicked I feel."

"Me too. I always feel that this place is too weird. Be careful, everyone. If something goes wrong, we will retreat immediately."


The conversation came to an abrupt end, and the aura of the group of ascetics disappeared, obviously they had already started their actions and continued to go deeper.

"Eighth-rank king-level dao root?" Chen Xi was thoughtful.

From the day he entered the land of ancestral origins until today, Chen Xi has found many ancestors. He even saw many seventh-rank ancestors that had already been excavated by others, but he did not find a single eighth-rank king-level ancestor. .

At that time, Chen Xi was still wondering that this place of ancestral origin did not have an eighth-rank ancestral origin, but looking at it now, it was obviously not the case.

The so-called seventh rank is the king, the eighth rank is the king, and the ninth rank is the emperor. The ancestral root of the eighth rank is no less than the ninth rank in terms of rarity.

If there is really an ancestor in this place that can give birth to the eighth-rank Daogen, then it is considered a great opportunity.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi was suddenly taken aback. He came here because he had a feeling in his heart, and he felt the power of calling.

And now, I heard such news by accident, could there be a trace of connection between the two?

"Ancestral origin of the eighth grade, the mysterious call..." Chen Xi pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out a clue, so he could only shake his head and stop thinking about it.

Without wasting time, he continued to fly forward.

It is true that as those ascetics said in the exchange, it didn't take long for Chen Xi to feel a slight throbbing in his heart. It was as if some terrifying murderous intentions were dormant in this vast and hazy barren atmosphere. Waiting for it to be delivered to my door.


With a low moan, the sword talisman quietly fell into Chen Xi's palm. His eyes were like lightning, and there was a touch of coldness and fear in his expression.

Moving forward, not long after, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly narrowed, and at this moment, a scream came from far away from the depths of the mist.

"not good!"

"It's the ancient corpse of the ancestor god!"


The screams only lasted for a few breaths, and then stopped abruptly, and everything fell into a deathly silence again, which seemed extremely strange and made people feel hairy.

Chen Xi's expression became a little serious, and he smelled a trace of blood in the air.

The ancient corpse of the ancestor god?

Before entering the land of ancestral origin, he had also heard that the land of ancestral origin was full of dangers, among which the most dangerous was the ancient corpse of the ancestor god.

This kind of ancient corpse was transformed from the remnant soul of a god who fell here countless years ago. It has absorbed an unknown amount of ancient wildness, and its strength is comparable to that of an ancestor god.

Of course, it is comparable to the ancestor gods, not the real ancestor gods. In other words, this ancient corpse is stronger than the ordinary spirit gods, and already possesses the power of the ancestor gods!

In the past few days in the ancestral land, aside from the competition and fights from other ascetics, Chen Xi encountered various dangers more than once, and most of these dangers happened near every ancestral source.

For example, the fierce beasts and corpses dormant near each ancestral source, if you want to seize the Dao root, you must kill these beasts and corpses first.

However, none of these dangers are very strong, and naturally it is impossible to compare with the real ancient corpse of the ancestor god.

But now, in the depths of this vast mist, there may be an ancient corpse of the ancestor god, one can imagine how dangerous it is.

At this moment, even Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless, he had even judged that those ascetics who screamed were probably all in distress.

"Generally speaking, whenever there are dangerous things in this ancestral land, there are mostly ancestral sources of Yunsheng Dao nearby. If we infer from this, does it mean that there is really a possibility of eight ranks in the depths of this area? Zuyuan?"

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, but finally decided to move on and find out.

After a while.

Chen Xi stood again. In front of him, corpses lay here and there in disorder. Some had their throats crushed, some had their heads smashed, and some were even torn into pieces of flesh. It was extremely miserable.

The divine blood was flowing, soaking the ground. These corpses had obviously just died, and there was still a lingering warmth and divine power in the corpses.

But all the divine treasures on their bodies had vanished. This discovery made Chen Xi's face a lot more serious. What does this mean?It means that those ancient corpses of ancestor gods still have a certain amount of wisdom, and they already know how to search for divine treasures for their own use!

The only thing that made Chen Xi feel lucky, perhaps, was that he didn't find a Supreme Being in the field. In other words, the strength of these killed cultivators was still a little bit behind compared to the Supreme Being.

If there is a god supreme who falls here, then Chen Xi will definitely turn around and leave without saying a word. He doesn't dare to rush into such a dangerous situation.

"Killed eight top ascetics in one fell swoop, and depending on the injuries of the deceased, at least four ancient corpses of ancestor gods did it together..."

Chen Xi silently deduced, but unfortunately, based on the current scene alone, it was impossible for him to know exactly how powerful those ancient corpses of ancestor gods were.


Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a strong sense of crisis. Almost subconsciously, he activated the forbidden path secret pattern, and quietly left this place.


Time and space fluctuated, and a tall figure appeared, covered in broken bronze armor, with a pale and stiff face, eyes like blood, full of sinister and violent aura.

As soon as he appeared, a thick and substantial death energy permeated his body, which evolved into black circles of light, circulating around his body.

From a distance, he looks like a human but not a human, a ghost but not a ghost, just like a zombie walking dead, extremely frightening.

He seemed to have discovered something, and looked around, but found nothing. There was a rattling sound in his throat, like metal rubbing, piercing the eardrum.

In the end, his figure flashed and disappeared quietly.

"It seems that this ghost thing is the ancient corpse of the ancestor god. The aura is really powerful. If it wasn't for the protection of the forbidden path secret pattern before, it was almost discovered by this thing..."

After a while, Chen Xi's figure reappeared, with cold light in his eyes. Just now he had been hiding on one side and silently sizing up, roughly judging that the aura of the ancient corpse of the ancestor god was not weaker than that of the supreme god at all. !

As for how strong it is, it can only be known by fighting.

After pondering silently for a long time, Chen Xi sacrificed three more precious copper coins, which were sandwiched between the fingers of his left hand and the sword talisman in his right hand, and only then did he continue his actions.

Because of the forbidden path secret pattern, he was not worried about being spotted by the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods, thus avoiding the possibility of the other party's sneak attack on him.

But Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless, this place of ancestral origin was full of weirdness, it could be said that every step of the way was murderous, and he had to tense up his nerves.

Sure enough, as Chen Xi expected, on the ensuing journey, he noticed the traces of those ancient corpses of ancestor gods more than once. They were either acting alone, or in groups of three or five, floating in the mist like ghosts. In the middle, and the breath is extremely subtle, faintly blending with the wild and barren air between the heaven and the earth, if you don't carefully identify it, it is difficult to detect it at all.

What exactly exists here?Why are there so many ancient corpses of ancestor gods?

Until later, Chen Xi couldn't restrain a doubt in his heart, and felt more and more that this place was too unusual.

It's time for another cup of tea.

Suddenly, in the thick fog in the distance, a dazzling blue light appeared faintly, dazzling like lightning, and it was extremely eye-catching.

That is……

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, the eighth-rank ancestor!

Ninth grade of Daogen is divided into nine kinds of divine light, black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. From the ancestral source where the eighth grade of Daogen was born, there will be a blue pillar of divine light gushing out!

If there is no mistake in deduction, there must be an eighth-rank Dao source in the extremely distant place!


But before Chen Xi had time to cheer up, suddenly, a sharp and sinister force pierced through time and space without a sound, and slashed fiercely at him from behind.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and the sword talisman in his palm seemed to have eyes, and it turned suddenly, like a galaxy revolving upside down, and with a bang, he blocked the blow, and his divine brilliance exploded!


ps: I made a diagnosis yesterday, and it was confirmed that the right wrist had tenosynovitis, which is the inflammation caused by the mouse hand. , but this still seriously affects the typing speed. Don’t worry, please wait for one or two. There will be more in the evening. In addition, on the first day of the first month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. Thank you~


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