divine talisman

Chapter 1679

This is a divine sword, grasped in a pale and stiff wrist, it is dazzling, transpiring with a cold divine brilliance.

And in this moment of confrontation, the sword hummed violently and trembled, its divine brilliance exploded, and the wrist holding the divine sword was also shaken by a huge force, making a crisp crackling sound.

"Ho! Ho!"

There was a sharp sound like metal rubbing against each other.

When Chen Xi turned around, he saw an ancient corpse of an ancestor god staggering backwards, and the blood-red pupils released a luster of violence and true anger.


Chen Xi's heart trembled, knowing that when his mind was shaken just now, there was a slight mistake, and this guy immediately noticed it, so he carried out a sneak attack on him.


In the next moment, his figure flashed, and he cast the secret pattern of the forbidden path again, covering his whole body with breath, and quietly disappeared nearby.

The ancient corpse of the ancestral god was stunned for a moment, doubts flashed in the blood pupils, and immediately let out a very unwilling roar.

The sound was like thunder, resounding in all directions.

Soon, there was a sound of breaking through the air from all around, and the silhouettes of the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods appeared here. In just a short moment, there were no less than thirty corpses gathered!

This caused Chen Xi, who was hiding in the dark, to feel chills in his heart. He knew that if he had directly fought against the ancient corpse of the ancestor god, he would be surrounded by these densely packed ghosts in just a moment, and by that time, he might not even be able to escape in time.

At this time, these ancient corpses of the ancestor gods gathered together and communicated with an obscure and mysterious idea, and even Chen Xi couldn't hear what they were talking about.

It was an extremely unfamiliar language, ancient and obscure, and it was different from what Chen Xi had seen before.

Soon, these ancient corpses of ancestor gods dispersed and flew away in different directions.

"Let's not talk about the supreme god, I'm afraid that the ancestor gods are here, once surrounded by these guys, I'm afraid they will not escape..."

Chen Xi was terrified in his heart, and he didn't dare to be negligent, until he confirmed that there was no abnormality in the area around thousands of miles away, then he quietly started to move towards the blue divine radiance that soared into the sky in the distance.


This is a dilapidated ancient ruin, shrouded in a thick barren air, and traces of the collapse of many ancient buildings can be vaguely seen on the ground.

At this moment, there is a dazzling blue beam of light rushing up from the ruins, blazing and vast, filled with pure ancestral spirit.

When Chen Xi arrived here, his pupils shrank uncontrollably. If he hadn't experienced the scene just now, he would almost have been shocked again at this moment.

Not only because it is judged that this is indeed an eighth-rank ancestor, but also because, with this eighth-rank ancestor as the core, within a thousand miles, there are actually four seventh-rank ancestors that are steaming with blue divine brilliance!

"Four seventh-rank ancestral sources and one eighth-rank ancestral source, this is simply... almost..." Chen Xi sucked in a cold breath, and his state of mind at this moment was somewhat indescribable.

This is too shocking, if it doesn't appear, it will be such a masterpiece once it appears, it is simply unbelievable.

You know, he and Le Wuhen's group searched hard before, but found nothing at all, but now, such a group of ancestral origins suddenly appeared, it was like a natural treasure house suddenly descending in front of him, the shocking power can be imagined Know how big it is.

But in just a moment, Chen Xi felt a chill in his heart, because in his perception, there were at least a hundred ancient corpses of ancestor gods dormant near these five ancestors!

Hundreds of heads!

It seems that the number is not large enough to have much shocking power, but if it is said that there are hundreds of monsters whose strength is comparable to that of the ancestor gods, it is enough to make people daunting!

"It's no wonder that these five ancestors have not been discovered so far. Just the hundreds of ancient corpses of the ancestor gods alone make people dare not go one step further..."

At this moment, Chen Xi became more and more careful, but what puzzled him was that a ray of calling will lingered in his heart, coming from the depths of the thick fog.

This also means that there is no relationship between this ray of calling and the eighth-rank ancestral source in front of you.

And if Chen Xi wanted to know where this ray of calling came from, and what was it that sent it, he had to keep moving forward and keep going deeper!

"After arriving here, I have encountered so many ancient corpses of ancestor gods. I really don't know what kind of danger exists in the deeper area."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, pondered for a long time, and finally decided to try to win the opportunity in front of him first. If no fatal accident happened, he would continue to move forward, otherwise he would immediately turn around and run away.

Compared with exploring and understanding the call, one's own life is undoubtedly the most important.


After making a decision, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he quietly approached that eighth-rank ancestor source. Along the way, he covered his whole body with the forbidden path secret pattern, and he moved silently, lest he would cause those ancestor gods to Corpse's attention.

It has to be said that the secret pattern of the forbidden path from the fragments of the river map is really powerful to the extreme, and it is also extremely mysterious, so that when Chen Xi acted, it seemed invisible and substanceless, and he arrived at the eighth place without any danger. Before the ancestors of the product.

The clear blue divine brilliance turned into a beam of light, soaring into the sky, blazing and dazzling, while in the ruins at the bottom, there was a ball of light that looked like a small sun, and the surface was filled with the charm of the avenue, filled with life-like surges The spirit of the ancestors.

There is no doubt that it must be the eighth-rank king-level Daogen!

At this moment, Chen Xi did not show any excitement, but became more cautious and did not dare to neglect, because next to the eighth-grade Dao Root, four ancient corpses of ancestor gods were impressively entrenched!

They presented four directions, motionless like sculptures, and the aura around them blended with the barren atmosphere of the world. If Chen Xi hadn't seen their horror before, he would have been almost blinded by them.

But even so, Chen Xi still frowned. The reason was that once he seized that eighth-rank Dao root, he would definitely startle the four ancient corpses of the ancestor gods. It will be noticed by the other party!

If it was just that, then it would be simple, but the key point is that in this land of thousands of miles, there are hundreds of ancient corpses of ancestor gods dormant!

This was the most troublesome part for Chen Xi.

"It's really troublesome." Chen Xi sighed in his heart. This feeling is like a treasure house in front of him, but it is full of endless murderous intentions, making people dare not take a step beyond it.

"If it really doesn't work, you can only give up the other four seventh-rank Dao sources..."

After much deliberation, Chen Xi had no choice but to find that the only way was to immediately turn around and run away after snatching this eighth-grade root. Maybe there was still a slight chance of escape, otherwise it was doomed to be unable to take an inch.

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he was about to take action, but at this moment, a wave of thought suddenly caught in his forbidden path secret pattern.

Soon, a burst of thoughtful conversation was conveyed.

"Brother Shaonong, it seems that the news is true. This place must be the Ruins of the Meteor God recorded in the ancient books of the Daoist Academy!"

"Ancestors of the eighth grade! Only the Meteor God Ruins can give birth to ancestors of this level..."

"Be careful, everyone, don't startle those monsters!"

"Brother Luo, you must be too careful, those evil obstacles are not our opponents."

"Zhai Jun, only you and I can fight against those monsters here. Do you think we can kill hundreds of ancient corpses of ancestor gods with our strength?"

"If you don't fight, who knows?"

"Shut up! If you want to get an eighth-grade root, listen to me, or leave now!"

"Hmph, fine, I'll listen to you, I hope you can really give me this eighth-rank dao root in the end, otherwise, I won't help you take that ninth-rank emperor-level dao root!"

The exchange of ideas came to an abrupt end.

However, Chen Xi already had a rough idea of ​​who the visitor was. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was filled with emotion in his heart.

Meteor God Ruins!

Just by hearing the name, one can tell that Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and the others have already received definite information and came prepared.

This is the difference in the background, Luo Shaonong and the others come from the background, the clan power is almost as high as the sky, it is huge, and the news they get is naturally far beyond the ordinary, incomparable to others.

Like Chen Xi, he could only arrive here by mistake, otherwise, with his identity, he would definitely not be able to know the name of this area.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, because the arrival of Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his party immediately made Chen Xi feel a kind of pressure.

In other words, the current situation is not only about fighting those ancient corpses of ancestor gods, but also preventing Luo Shaonong and the others from taking advantage of the fire to rob them.

Chen Xi was even sure that Luo Shaonong and the others would definitely do this, and what happened to Zhuan Yushui was a living example.

How to do?

Chen Xi quickly deduced it in his mind. At this moment, he could even sense that the footsteps of Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and the others had begun to approach this side.

In other words, the current situation is extremely urgent and urgent!


There was a gleam in Chen Xi's eyes, which was fleeting.

The next moment, with a light flick of his finger, he cast "Return to Come" to release a wisp of sword energy, which slashed far away out of thin air.


Time and space exploded, and a void a hundred miles away was torn apart and shattered. The roar was like thunder, deafening.


In just a split second, the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods who were dormant in a thousand miles around were startled and jumped up suddenly. Hundreds of pairs of blood-colored pupils were like dazzling lanterns, shining in the thick mist.

The world was suddenly filled with violent, raging, and eerie coercion.


"They found us!"

"To shut up!"

"It's late, it seems that we can only fight."

"I've said it a long time ago. It's enough to just kill him. Why be so cautious? Now it seems that it's unnecessary."

Almost at the same time, there was a sound of exclamation in the distance, obviously from Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his group, which immediately attracted the attention of the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods.

The next moment, screams like metal rubbing came out one after another, and those ancient corpses of ancestor gods rushed towards the same direction roaring like a school of sharks smelling blood.

"Everyone, enjoy yourself." Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile, and looked at the eighth-rank Dao Root on one side.


ps: It’s gone tonight. What I owed two days ago will be made up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I injured my hand. I can finally code at home these days. Is it a blessing in disguise?It's just that I want to smash the keyboard at a slow speed...


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