divine talisman

Chapter 1680 Calling Land

After performing the move of "Going back, come back", Chen Xi quietly dodged to the side, and clearly saw the four ancient corpses of the ancestor gods who were originally guarding the eighth-rank ancestor source rushing out towards Luo Shaonong and Zhai who were in the distance. Jun and his party were killed.

Without hesitation, almost at the same time, with a wave of his sleeve, he swept away the dao root that was filled with dazzling blue divine radiance at the bottom of the eighth-rank ancestral source.

From beginning to end, it did not attract any attention.


Chen Xi didn't care about getting excited, let alone wasting time, his figure flickered like a wisp of ethereal smoke, and quietly swept towards a seventh-rank Dao source on the other side.


A battle broke out in the distance, and Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his party were all exposed, surrounded by hundreds of ancient corpses of the ancestor gods, and they were killed until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark.

From time to time, waves of angry shouting and cursing could be heard coming from the battle situation, and Chen Xi felt the same in his heart.

It has to be said that this time the strategy of "directing disaster to the east" was very successful, and the original crisis was instantly blamed on Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and the others, and the situation also changed suddenly, which became favorable to Chen Xi.

At this moment, Chen Xi's aura in his body was covered by the secret pattern of the forbidden path, and he dug out three seventh-rank roots in a row almost within a few breaths.

In the distance, the sound of fighting became louder and louder. All kinds of Taoism and divine treasures collided, and billions of rays of light burst out, roaring in all directions, covering the whole world.

Even Chen Xi had to carefully dodge to avoid being swept away by the aftermath of this battle.


His figure flickered again and again, zigzagging between the broken time and space, and finally arrived at the last seventh-rank Dao source without any danger.

However, just when he was about to ingest that seventh-rank dao root, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the movement stopped abruptly.

Almost at the same time, his figure suddenly turned to one side and avoided fiercely.


A round of great sun derived from black lightning brushed against Chen Xi's figure dangerously, and blasted on the ground on one side. The ground with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly collapsed and pulverized. Unfathomable subsidence zone!

And his seventh-rank Daoyuan was also affected, and it trembled violently, as if it was about to fall.

"Hmph, I knew there must be something strange going on this time, but I didn't expect that it was you who were playing tricks in the dark!" In the distance, there was an incomparably cold and stern voice, shaking the world.

Luo Shaonong!

Chen Xi squinted his pupils, and saw in an instant that in the battle situation far away, Luo Shaonong's long hair was flying, his handsome and charming face was full of icy coldness, and his whole body was filled with turbulent black thunder divine power, which reflected him Like a world-beating Lei Zun, looking down proudly.

Near Luo Shaonong, many ancestor gods and ancient corpses were besieging him together, but from the beginning to the end, it was impossible to break through the black thunder covering him, let alone hurt him.

Even, he remained motionless, relying on his own divine power alone, suppressing those ancient corpses of the ancestor gods to crumble!

That kind of divine power can be called shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

It can also be seen from this that, as the third-ranked existence in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods, how powerful Luo Shaonong's combat effectiveness is.

"It turned out to be that guy!"

"Bastard, I knew something was wrong this time!"

"Damn it, we were tricked by this guy. No matter what, we must not spare him!"

At this time, Zhai Jun and other ascetics also reacted, and they were all so angry that their eyes were tearing apart, and they yelled angrily.

With their identities, and following Luo Shaonong to act together, how have they ever been calculated like this?

But they could only scream twice in anger, and the ancient corpse of the ancestor god beside them was like a shackle, making them useless.

Chen Xi only glanced at the other party, then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards that seventh-rank Dao source.

Because of Luo Shaonong's attack, this seventh-rank Dao source is about to collapse. If no action is taken, the seventh-rank Dao root growing at the bottom may be destroyed!

If this rare treasure of heaven and earth is destroyed, it will be the wrath of both humans and gods.

"Stop me!"

Accompanied by Luo Shaonong's yelling, a round of black thunder and scorching sun, transpiring billions of divine lights, rumbled and crushed time and space, sealing off Chen Xi's escape routes in all directions, and there was no escape, no escape.


With a sword groan, Chen Xi slashed out with a backhanded sword without turning his head.

There was a loud bang, like the collision of the sun and the moon, a hundred thousand volcanoes erupted, and the terrifying power fluctuations spread, crushing time and space in all directions.

And under the impact of this blow, Chen Xi's whole body was filled with qi and blood, as if he was crushed by a huge mountain.

But immediately, he gritted his teeth violently, and with the help of this impact, the figure rushed forward suddenly, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, he absorbed the seventh-rank Dao root all at once.


Luo Shaonong in the distance was also a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi to be able to block his blow.

Immediately, his face darkened, and he said coldly: "Chen Xi, even if you take away all the roots, you will only become my prey in the end, so I advise you to hand over everything right now, I can forgive you once, and forget the past."

The voice was cold and threatening.

"Let go of the past? Haha, I, Chen Xi, don't care too much!"

Chen Xi shook his head, said a word with a sneer, and then used time-space shifting to gallop deeper into the Meteor God Ruins.

Not only because he wanted to avoid threats and interceptions from Luo Shaonong and others, but more importantly, he had obtained the five spiritual roots. Taking this opportunity, he also wanted to see what happened to the mysterious call that had been lingering in his heart. What is it.


Time and space fluctuated, and in an instant, Chen Xi's figure disappeared without a trace.

"He doesn't shed tears when he sees the coffin, what a stubborn guy." Luo Shaonong's eyes flashed coldly, full of coldness.


His figure suddenly stretched out, his whole body's aura suddenly rose, and hundreds of millions of black thunderstorms exploded from his body.

bang bang bang~~

There was a violent collision sound, and before the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods nearby could scream, they were covered by the billions of black thunderstorms, their bodies shattered and collapsed, and disappeared without a trace, forming a large blank area.

This scene made Zhai Jun and other ascetics startled, and they looked at him one after another.

"Go! Chase and kill Chen Xi!"

Luo Shaonong spat out a few words lightly from his lips, the words were like knives, and a murderous air rushed towards his face.


Wow~ Wow~~

Time and space were separated like tides, and Chen Xi's figure was like a sharp blade moving at full speed at an incredible speed.

Obtaining an eighth-rank dao root and four seventh-rank dao roots did not make Chen Xi overly happy. If possible, he would rather go for the ninth-rank emperor-level dao root.

And what he is doing now is nothing more than paving a way out for himself. In this way, even if an accident occurs in the battle for the ninth-rank emperor Daogen, he doesn't have to worry about Daogen anymore.

"Luo Shaonong and the others will definitely not be reconciled to being plotted against like this, but the more dangerous this Meteor God Desolate Moon goes, it depends on whether they have the courage to catch up..."

While flying away, Chen Xi thought secretly in his heart.

He is not afraid to fight the opponent, but if it is one-to-many, he will never fight recklessly.

The reason is that on Luo Shaonong's side, there is not only Luo Shaonong, a supreme god, but also Zhai Jun. The combined combat power of the two makes Chen Xi extremely afraid, and he will never confront him head-on unless he has to. up.

"Forget it, when we find out what that ray of call is, we will immediately go to join Le Wuhen and the others."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and began to carefully pay attention to the surrounding environment.

As it gets deeper, the barren air between heaven and earth becomes more and more thick, filling every inch of space like a substance. If you are an ordinary person entering it, you may get lost in it, and you will not be able to find your way.

Not only that, but there was also an unspeakable palpitation and uneasiness in the air, which was weird and quiet.

As time passed, this aura became more and more intense, to the point that Chen Xi even faintly felt his heart beating and his hair stand on end.

If it was left at another time, he would have turned his head away decisively.

But now, he didn't do that, because as he got deeper, the mysterious call that had been lingering in his heart became clearer and clearer.

All of these prompted Chen Xi to keep moving forward, instead of choosing to retreat.

Along the way, it is not without encountering dangers. For example, the number of ancient corpses of ancestor spirits scattered in the vast mist gradually increased with the depth.

Fortunately, Chen Xi covered his whole body's aura with the forbidden path secret lines, otherwise he might have spent the whole journey fighting with these ancient corpses of ancestor spirits.


After a full hour, Chen Xi suddenly felt the pressure all over his body suddenly decrease, the barren aura in front of him suddenly parted, and his field of vision became extremely clear.

But at this moment, Chen Xi stopped abruptly!

An uncontrollable look of horror appeared on his handsome face, and his whole body froze suddenly.

This is a black world, the sky is like ink, the darkness is vast and boundless, and the earth is like a wilderness, boundless as far as the eye can see.

At this moment, in the wilderness, there are thousands of ancient corpses of ancestor gods!

They were dressed in broken armor, covered in black dead air, closed their eyes, and stood silently, row by row, row by row, all over every corner of the wilderness, looking around, it was so dense that there was no end in sight!

This scene is too shocking!

It is like a mighty army of ancestor gods stationed here, silent, chilling, and silent, but it is enough to make anyone fear.

It's unbelievable, unbelievable.

When Chen Xi saw this scene for the first time, his whole body shivered, and his heart felt an unprecedented shock.

What exactly is this place?How could there be so many ancient corpses of ancestor gods?Why would they stop here?

After a long time, Chen Xi regained his composure a little, only then did he notice that at the end of the wilderness, there was a sharp sword intent looming.

Even though there was an extremely long distance, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, because he had a vaguely familiar feeling with that breath of sword intent.

At the same time, the lingering call in his heart suddenly became extremely strong, and it was full of longing, pointing to the sword intent at the end of the distant wilderness...


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