divine talisman

Chapter 1681

The mysterious feeling lingering in my heart is actually a sword intent emerging from the end of the wilderness!

And that sword intent is still so familiar...

In just an instant, Chen Xi concluded that that wisp of sword intent was exactly the same as the inheritance of the blood-stained broken sword he had obtained!


Suddenly, a sword chant resounded, as if waking up from the silence of the boundless years, an unspeakable terrifying coercion suddenly spread.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the clouds in all directions collapsed.

The countless ancient corpses of ancestor gods standing densely like sculptures in the wilderness even knelt down on the ground with a bang, trembling all over.

The invisible sword intent, like the majesty of the emperor in the supreme sword, enveloped the world, making everything seem to be bowing their heads.


Chen Xi only felt his whole body go numb, and every inch of his body felt a tingling pain. Even if he was running all his cultivation, he still felt as if his soul was about to be frozen.

At this moment, he even had the urge to kneel down and worship.

This sword intent is too terrifying, like a ruler, like an emperor, like a supreme being, releasing a coercion that is enough to shock the ages and control the world.

If Chen Xi hadn't already possessed the [Primitive Heart Sutra]'s first cultivation level of heart training, if he hadn't already controlled the power of the first level of the sword emperor's realm in the way of the sword, he might not be able to gain a foothold at all!


The sword chant became clearer and clearer, resounding through the nine layers of sky, stirring the world, and its power became more and more intense.

At this moment, Chen Xi's breath was suffocated, and in his field of vision, he finally saw clearly that there was a sword emerging from the end of the wilderness.

The sword was not dazzling, but ordinary. The blade was dull and mottled, and even a part of it was incomplete, but its power was so vast, fierce and far away, filled with ancient primitive energy.

It's like an unrivaled emperor, although he is wearing simple and ordinary clothes, but he can't conceal his majestic spirit that looks down on everything and looks down upon all ages!

When Chen Xi saw this rusty and incomplete iron sword, he couldn't help being shocked again, why is it?

Chen Xi had seen this incomplete iron sword before, and it was exactly the same as the iron sword on the picture of the blood-stained incomplete sword.

Even Chen Xi was so familiar with the oppressive aura that permeated its body. In a trance, that shocking image appeared again inadvertently——

In the boundless and dark universe, a slender figure stood with his hands behind his back, and at his feet, an iron sword was inserted obliquely...

Thinking of this, Chen Xi gasped. He clearly remembered that the man in the picture had once used this sword to sweep across the universe, crush the boundless time and space, and behead countless terrifying figures who reached the sky. It can be called invincible , invincible!

However, didn't this sword fall into that dark universe with the disappearance of the mysterious man? How could it appear here?

and many more!

Could it be that the Meteor God Ruins...was transformed by that piece of darkness?

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered something.

This is the ruins of Manggu, the land of ancient ancestral origin, and the dwelling place of the first batch of innate gods that were rumored to be born in the chaos of Manggu, but after a shocking duel, it was finally reduced to ruins ...

That shocking duel, shouldn't it be the confrontation between the mysterious man and other great figures of the sky?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the mysterious man is very likely to be a god who was born and lived here?


The incomplete iron sword soared into the air, suspended quietly, and its power became more and more powerful. The terrifying aura spread like a storm.

Countless ancient corpses of ancestor gods prostrated on the ground turned into flying ash in this instant!

This scene shocked Chen Xi so much that he didn't dare to think about it any longer. These monsters were as powerful as the ancestor gods, but they were swept away by the coercion of the iron sword!

What kind of terrifying power does this have to do this?

Chen Xi subconsciously wanted to dodge with all his strength, but what surprised him was that when this wave of majesty spread, it didn't have any effect on him, just like a gust of wind, passing by his side!

This can't help but startled him.


The next moment, he noticed that this coercion did not dissipate, but centered on this wilderness, it spread in all directions, crushing all the time and space, mist, and barren air, and continued to expand outward .

What happened along the way was like a storm sweeping through everything, everything was invincible, and everything was invincible!

With Chen Xi's powerful perception, he couldn't help being terrified at this moment, because in just one breath, this coercion swept across hundreds of thousands of miles, and all the ruins, mist, and ancient corpses of ancestor gods along the way were completely destroyed!

Moreover, this diffusion is still not over...

And what caused all of this was just a wave of sword-like coercion from that broken iron sword!

This was even beyond Chen Xi's imagination, more than twice as powerful as the Litian Divine Sword and Abizhuo Sword he had seen before!

How terrifying would this sword be if it was intact?

Chen Xi didn't dare to imagine.

Soon, he noticed that strands of bright red blood beads emerged from the wilderness, and then gathered towards the broken iron sword as if summoned.

If Chen Xi guessed correctly, the strands of blood beads should be left by the ancient corpse of the ancestor god who was crushed to death by the sword power just now, there are tens of thousands of them densely packed!

Even, from time to time, blood drops flew from the enemy far away, rushing towards the incomplete iron sword as if he had been summoned.

This is……

Could it be that after it recovered, it urgently needed to draw strength, so it released its coercion and killed these ancient corpses of ancestor gods to supplement itself?

Chen Xi was in doubt, but very quickly, he denied his own idea.

Because he suddenly saw that strands of blood poured into the rusty and mottled surface of the iron sword, imprinted on it, and turned into a chilling force contained in it, as if suddenly giving the iron sword an extra vitality .

The broken sword was stained with blood, and its power became more and more blazing, stirring up the situation in all directions!

This is the real blood-stained sword!

It is exactly the same as the pattern Chen Xi saw from the fragments of the river map!

"It turns out that the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods were able to be revived because they absorbed a trace of the breath from the blood-stained sword. Now, the sword has awakened from silence and has begun to withdraw its own power..."

All of a sudden, Chen Xi understood everything. He finally understood that the reason why these ancient corpses of the ancestor gods could be resurrected from the endless years, and even survived until now, was all due to the influence of the breath of the blood-stained sword!

Think about it, a wisp of blood stains can give an ancient corpse of an ancestor god a power comparable to that of an ancestor god. With this, one can know how terrifying the blood-stained sword is.


Before Chen Xi could continue with the deduction, a sword chant suddenly resounded in the depths of his mind, and the fragments of the river map even trembled with a buzzing sound.

At this moment, Chen Xi's head was a little dazed, he only felt a stabbing pain in his vision, and at the next moment, he suddenly lost consciousness.

At this moment, the blood-stained sword suspended in mid-air at the far end of the wilderness also suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


"I didn't expect that kid to be so cunning, and I haven't found his trace until now."

"Keep chasing! That's an eighth-rank dao root and four seventh-rank dao roots. We must get rid of that kid before the initial ancestor appears!"

"Damn it, that kid seems to have mastered some kind of secret technique that can avoid the induction of the ancient corpse of the ancestor god. If we keep chasing like this, when will we catch up with him?"

"Don't worry, he won't escape for long!"

In the vast fog, Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his party moved at full speed, but their faces were all gloomy.

It's been a full burn of incense, but they haven't found any trace of Chen Xi. If that's all, it's nothing.

But to their dismay, along the way, they would be attacked by the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods from time to time, which seriously affected their speed.

Up to now, even Luo Shaonong is very gloomy in his heart, let alone other people.

"What an interesting prey. If I catch him, I will definitely have fun with him. It will definitely be very exciting."

On the other hand, Zhai Jun spoke with a smile. He licked the corners of his scarlet, rouge-like lips, and his voice was soft and sharp. Although he was laughing, it gave people a creepy feeling.

Even people like Luo Shaonong couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart when he heard the words. He knew very well how serious and terrible the consequences would be for his opponents once Zhai Jun, a lunatic, started to "play". , It is absolutely impossible to survive, unable to seek death, and unable to escape after suffering all kinds of abuse.


At this moment, there was a terrible booming sound from a distance, as if thousands of troops were rushing through the thick fog in the distance.

Luo Shaonong's eyes were fixed, and he stopped suddenly, and said sharply: "No, back quickly!"

Everyone was stunned, did the ancient corpses of the ancestor gods come again?

"Idiot! Let's go!" Luo Shaonong turned around to ask for it, but when he saw the appearance of the crowd, he couldn't help yelling sharply.

His face was solemn, which made everyone's hearts tremble. Although they hadn't figured out the situation yet, they still followed Luo Shaonong subconsciously and turned around and fled.


Time and space fluctuate, and they return at full speed.

On the way, someone couldn't help turning his head back. What he saw immediately made his scalp tingle and his soul almost flew out.

I saw an indescribable terrifying coercion, like an invisible sharp blade, shredding time and space, crushing the barren air, and everything it passed was invincible!

This was too terrifying, like a scythe in the hand of the god of death was killing their lives, so shocked that they and the group ran away with all their strength without Luo Shaonong's urging.

"What exactly is that?"

"It's scary! That kind of breath is ten times more terrifying than my ancestor's anger, it's just terrible!"

After an hour, Luo Shaonong and the others finally escaped from the area covered by the barren air and returned to the familiar ancestral land.

At this moment, their expressions were uncertain, and many of them were panting, as if walking on the edge of life and death.

They looked into the distance, and they didn't figure out what it all was until now.


Suddenly, time and space in the distance shattered, and the barren air suddenly spread, and that terrifying coercion swept over again.

"Damn it! It's not over yet!" Luo Shaonong was startled, cursed fiercely, and continued to run away with everyone.


ps: The second update is around 11:[-].


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