divine talisman

Chapter 1682 River Map Inheritance

The earth is shaking, and the situation is changing.

At this moment, the entire ancestral land was filled with a terrifying coercion in all directions, spreading like a hurricane.

Not only Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his group, but also other ascetics who are still operating in the land of ancestral origin, were also alarmed at this moment.

"what is this?"

"What a terrifying coercion!"

"How could such a mutation happen?"


The ascetics didn't care about looking for their ancestors anymore, their expressions suddenly changed, and they dodged away into the distance. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what happened.

But soon, they noticed that the coercion coming from all directions was actually gathering towards the center of the ancestral land.


I don't know when, the sky darkened, lightning flashed and thundered, black clouds were densely covered, and the twisted and thick lightning bolts danced wildly between the sky and the earth like silver snakes.

The thunderous cry of gods and demons, like a big drum beating in the hands of a god, made all the ascetics tremble with fear.

This vision is too abnormal!

After a full cup of tea.


In the core area of ​​the storm and thunder, a wisp of purple clouds soared into the sky, permeating a majestic, majestic, and ethereal atmosphere.

In the distance, there were even bursts of Sanskrit chants, like the resonating sounds of the great avenue and the sound of nature, or like the gods in the Mang ancient period chanting scriptures, floating between the heaven and the earth, revealing a solemn and solemn power that reaches people's hearts.

All of a sudden, the originally dark sky was suddenly dyed purple, and the originally violent thunder also turned into wisps of twisted rainbows, guarding around the purple clouds that soared into the sky.

Between heaven and earth, there is no hurricane, no terrifying coercion, no thrilling thunder and lightning, only the ultimate tranquility.

At this moment between the heaven and the earth, the purple clouds soar into the sky, the god of thunder and lightning guards the rainbow, and the ethereal sound of Zen and chanting sutras in the air presents a peaceful, solemn, sacred, and grand atmosphere.

All the ascetics were stunned at this moment. The previous moment was still a scene of doomsday catastrophe, but this moment presented such a sacred scene, which made them a little unbelievable.

"Zixia Chongxiao, then...couldn't it be the place where the Ninth Grade Emperor Daogen was born?" someone trembled.

"Ninth-rank emperor-level dao root!? Yes, only the appearance of this kind of peerless dao root will trigger such a grand vision!"

"However, according to the previous deduction, there are still a few days before the initial ancestors will appear. How can it be brought forward now?"

"It's just a deduction, it can't be true. Since ancient times, the appearance of the initial ancestors has never been followed by rules. Otherwise, how can it be said that it is rare?"

"However, the timing of the initial ancestor's appearance this time is indeed a bit strange. In the entrustment of the seniors of my sect, there has never been a description of that terrifying coercion, and even such a vision of heaven and earth is unique! "

"Don't worry about it so much, act quickly! Such an opportunity has appeared in advance now, and it would be a pity to miss it again."

Amidst the discussions, the ascetics scattered in various areas of the ancestral land almost rushed from all directions to the area where the purple clouds soared to the sky at full speed.


It didn't take long before they had to stop, and their faces were even more surprised.

When they were thousands of miles away from that streak of purple clouds soaring into the sky, there was an invisible force field lying in front of them, making them insurmountable.

Someone didn't believe in evil and tried to rush in, but a purple lightning struck down out of thin air. That person was considered a leader in the spirit realm, but he couldn't resist. Died.

This scene immediately caused a lot of ascetics to be in an uproar, and the excitement in their hearts subsided a lot, and there was a touch of dignity in the eyes looking at the ray of purple clouds in the distance.

This kind of unrivaled romance is indeed not so easy to obtain.

But let them stop here, watching all this, but they are not reconciled.


Suddenly, a blood-colored scimitar rose into the air, charging away fiercely.

It was Zhai Jun who made the move, but before he could get close, a purple lightning appeared again, and with a bang, the bloody scimitar was violently trembling, and flew out, causing Zhai Jun to suffer backlash, and his figure staggered uncontrollably Taking a few steps back, his face turns blue and white.

At this moment, everyone was completely shocked. Zhai Jun is the No. 12 supreme god on the list of gods. terror.

"Hmph! I don't believe I can't hack you!"

Zhai Jun's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and was about to go on, but was stopped by Luo Shaonong at the side.

"There's no need to break through, the original place has not yet appeared, let alone you at this time, we all join forces here, and we can't go beyond one step."

Luo Shaonong locked his eyes on the distant Zixia, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't forget, the initial place is not as simple as this purple glow. According to ancient records, when it appeared, it was accompanied by a Zixiao Taoist Palace, which was originally the birthplace of the innate gods born in the chaos. The place where the 'Emperor' resides, only there can a true emperor-level Daogen be born."

When everyone heard the words, they all came to their senses.

But immediately, Zhai Jun frowned: "Are we going to wait here?"

A secretive smile appeared on the corner of Luo Shaonong's lips: "If my guess is correct, within these two days, the initial ancestor source may appear at any time, at this time, why not just wait? "


In this area, the purple clouds soared into the sky, the sky guarded the thunder and lightning rainbow, and there were wisps of chanting sounds of heaven floating in the air.

The land with a radius of thousands of miles centered on this purple cloud is shrouded in an invisible force field, which blocks all ascetics from the outside, making it impossible to go beyond the thunder pool.

At this time, Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun and his group were not the only ascetics around here.

People like Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing and others, like Gongye Zhefu, Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang and others... have also arrived at this moment.

They also judged all of this and waited quietly. No one was willing to leave, even those ascetics who were not as powerful as the supreme gods, did not want to miss this unique opportunity.

"Once the initial ancestral source appears, an extremely fierce conflict will inevitably erupt, but now... where is Chen Xi?"

Shentu Yanran frowned her delicate black eyebrows, a little puzzled, this scene of heaven and earth vision is so vast, logically speaking, if Chen Xi notices this scene, there is absolutely no reason not to come.

"Is there something wrong with him?"

Yu Qiujing raised his eyebrows and said, ever since he and Chen Xi settled their suspicions, he had already accepted Chen Xi and regarded Chen Xi as a friend. Seeing Chen Xi's delay in coming now, he felt a little worried in his heart.

When the others heard the words, they were all silent.

Chen Xi's combat power is so strong that he has already established a very high position in their camp. Even Le Wuhen thinks that he is not as good as Chen Xi. It will undoubtedly seriously affect their overall power.

"Wait a little longer, isn't the primordial ancestor yet to appear, as long as he can arrive in time." Le Wuhen said with a smile, but in his heart he was also a little worried about Chen Xi.

"This guy, I don't know where to hang out right now..." Shentu Yanran bit her shiny and plump red lips, complaining and worried at the same time.


Chen Xi was a little unbelievable at the moment, but even more shocked.

In front of him was a dark cosmic space, empty and silent, except for an almost nothing figure sitting cross-legged in the center.

His whole body was filled with strands of illusory light and shadow, which made it difficult to see clearly, let alone recognize his face.

But Chen Xi still recognized at a glance that the other party was the owner of the iron sword!

Because the aura on his body is as heavy as wild, as far away as heaven, as primitive as chaos, looking at him from afar, it makes people feel unstoppably small like ants .

Although he was sitting cross-legged and motionless, he seemed to be the ruler of the universe incarnate!

too strong!

Even though Chen Xi had reached the realm of spiritual perfection at this moment, when he faced this almost nothing figure, his whole body was still stiff, like walking on thin ice.

He didn't know how he came here, let alone what he would encounter next, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Fortunately, years of practice experience and rich experience allowed him to judge at a glance that the other party was indeed the master of the iron sword, but he was not a real person, but an existence like a brand of will.

He has seen such situations with his master Fuxi, with his senior brother Wu Xuechan, and with the Supreme Leader who is above the 33rd heaven of the Supreme Realm.

However, what I saw was a brand of will.

The figure of the master of the iron sword in front of him is obviously the same.


Just when Chen Xi's thoughts were flying, suddenly, that figure sitting cross-legged opened his eyes. In an instant, those eyes were like a flash of lightning splitting the chaos, causing Chen Xi's soul to tremble.

Almost at the same time, the fragments of the river chart in his mind suddenly buzzed and trembled, which made his heart feel as if enlightened, and there was an inexplicable understanding.

Xuan, the seventh Taoist of Hetu, the first innate god born in the primordial origin of Manggu's chaos, the master of Manggu's secret realm!

"It turns out that the iron sword master's name is 'Xuan'..." Chen Xi's heart shook, not because he knew the iron sword master's name, but because the other party was actually the seventh enlightened person of Hetu!

what does this mean?

It means that Xuan, back then, also comprehended the mysteries of the river map like himself, and set foot on the pinnacle of the Great Dao!

And before Xuan, there were six other ascetics who had obtained the Hetu inheritance!

Chen Xi had never thought about this in the past!

Because in his consciousness, he only knows that his master, Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, once used the river map to realize the wonders of heaven, and thus embarked on a supreme road.


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