divine talisman

Chapter 1683 Mysterious Heart Sword Art

Chen Xi was shocked and a little speechless.

If Xuan is Hetu's seventh enlightened person, then... how many times is he?

Immediately, Chen Xi laughed at himself in his heart. The river maps he obtained were all fragments, and they hadn't been pieced together yet, so why talk about the first Taoist.

At the same time, because the words "Lord of the Manggu Mystery Realm" also confirmed Chen Xi's previous thought, the first innate god "Xuan" who was born in the ancestral source of Manggu's chaos must be the one who had been rumored to be The gods who inhabit this ancient ruins.

In other words, this ancient ruins lying outside the God Burial Sea, this ancestral land with many opportunities, is the hometown of "Xuan"!

Once he realized this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. No wonder the mysterious words "Desolation" and "Ruins" appeared in the fragments of the river map, and it was also no wonder that he was able to obtain the blood-stained broken sword as soon as he arrived at the Mang Ancient Ruins. Inheritance of pictures...

It turns out that all of this is because of the seventh enlightened person in Hetu—"Xuan"!

It even occurred to Chen Xi that more than one obscure ancient text appeared in the fragments of the river map. Since the words "Desolate" and "Xuan" made him accidentally see "Xuan", then who did the other ancient texts represent?

Are they the first six enlightened people in Hetu?

Or are there other secrets hidden in the river map?

"Friend Daoist, you are here."

Just when Chen Xi's mind was full of thoughts, Xuan who was sitting cross-legged across from him suddenly spoke. His voice was gentle and clean, like a clear spring, which made people feel peaceful.

Chen Xi was startled, and cupped his hands silently.

He knew that this was a brand of will left by Xuan, without wisdom and consciousness, and it was enough for him to just listen.

"Unfortunately, in order to pursue the ultimate path, I have been unable to meet fellow Taoists, so I can only keep here what I have learned, thought, and realized."

"This is the mission of every Hetu enlightener. When the ultimate meaning is truly discovered, it is time to leave, and what you have learned must be left behind to guide those who come later, and to live up to the meaning of inheritance. "

"If one day, fellow Taoists embark on the ultimate path, they should be like me, keep their unique knowledge, and pass on the fruits of Daoism, so as not to cut off the fire of inheritance."

Xuan's body was filled with wisps of illusory luster, his voice was gentle and clean, resounding like bubbling spring water in this dark universe.

The more Chen Xi heard it, the more shocked he felt, and finally understood why he was able to obtain the inheritance of the blood-stained broken sword.

Before he could react, Xuan stood up suddenly, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, take care."

While speaking, Xuan stretched out his finger, pointing at the center of Chen Xi's eyebrows.


Chen Xi only felt a buzzing sound in his head, as if struck by lightning, his vision went dark, and he immediately lost consciousness.


The next moment, Chen Xi felt as if he had fallen into a dream.

In the dream, one after another sword energy roared, endless, sometimes it was like a surging sea, destroying everything; sometimes it was like a flowing light without a trace, coming and going without a shadow;

These sword qi are all extremely terrifying, filled with the majesty of the emperor, and control the gods of the gods. They roar, roll, densely packed, endless, filling every inch of void in the field of vision, and it is impossible to see them.

Immediately, all the sword energy suddenly changed directions, and they all slashed towards him, like a torrential rain of swords, and the scene was terrifying.

This made Chen Xi feel palpitations. He wanted to escape, but it was already too late. In the next moment, hundreds of millions of sword energy submerged him.

In that instant, Chen Xi was startled awake and opened his eyes.

All the strange phenomena before his eyes disappeared, and Chen Xi couldn't help letting out a long breath of foul air, but there was still a trace of throbbing in his eyes.

The scene that happened in the dream just now...was too terrifying. If it had happened in real life, Chen Xi would definitely not be able to guarantee that he would be able to survive.


The place where Chen Xi stood was still the same wilderness, with gusts of cold wind howling, making a bleak and empty sound.

Only the densely packed ancient corpses of the ancestor gods were gone, and the blood-stained sword at the end of the wilderness was gone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Xi was in a trance again. If he hadn't been conscious at this moment, he would have almost thought that everything he experienced just now was fake.


Chen Xi suddenly noticed that in his sea of ​​consciousness, the blood-stained and crippled sword had unexpectedly appeared in it at some point, and there was an obscure fluctuation permeating it.


At this moment, the familiar feeling that happened in the dream flooded my heart like a bursting flood.

It is a kind of sword power, different from the secret sword of the heart, but it is exactly the same as the secret realm of the heart. The only difference is that there is an extra specific move.

A flash of sword energy appeared, as vast as the sea, as solid as a cliff, filled with majestic power that crushed everything!

Chen Xi had a clear understanding in his heart, and he knew that the profound meaning of this move was surprisingly similar to the "Looking at the Sea and Listening to the Waves" created by himself, but this Sea Cliff Pose had more of an air of being tempered and invincible.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Sea Cliff Style!


Another sword aura appeared, like a stream of light, coming and going without a trace, with an elusive and uncapturable taste, the speed was unbelievably fast, but it was not as secretive and ruthless as "Go Back Come", but more An ethereal, vague atmosphere like smoke.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship—Liu Guang Style!

In the following time, two different sword moves appeared one after another, one was as precise as a Pao Ding dispelling a cow, and it was sharp and concise to the extreme, called "Jie Niu Style".

A kind of round sword curtain, complete, perfect, impeccable, strong defensive power, like a stone in the turbulent current, no matter how it is washed, it will not move. This move is called "Holding the Circle"!

So far, the majestic and vast comprehension of swordsmanship has been simplified and gathered into completely different four-style sword moves, which are mastered by Chen Xi.

This kind of kendo inheritance, named [Xuanxin Sword Art], came from the hand of Xuan, the seventh Taoist in Hetu, and it is a kind of supreme kendo honed all his life.

If it is said that before Chen Xi obtained the [Primitive Heart Sutra] and the [Secret Sword of the Heart] from the inheritance of the painting of the blood-stained broken sword, then the current [Xuanxin Sword Art] gathered Xuan Yisheng His kendo experience is a masterpiece of his kendo. In terms of its preciousness, it can be called a masterpiece of swordsmanship that would make any sword cultivator in the world salivate!


At this moment, Chen Xi completely fell into a kind of epiphany.

The whole body was full of sword intent, as if covered with a layer of divine brilliance, which made his aura even more sacred and arrogant, looking down on the emperor like an emperor.

In terms of kendo cultivation, he has already reached the first level of the Sword Emperor, and now he has obtained the inheritance of [Xuanxin Sword Art], which has brought his knowledge of the way of sword to a higher level, and he even has a faint breakthrough to advance to the second level of the Sword Emperor sign.

Under the stimulation of this kind of perception, even the energy of his whole body changed accordingly, becoming more and more mellow, perfect, and clear...

If this momentum continues, it is even very possible to capture the opportunity to advance to the Ancestral God Realm.


But in Zhouyu's body, the divine power was surging, boiling like molten lava, releasing blazing and dazzling divine brilliance, constantly surging and expanding, reaching a saturated state, and about to overflow out of the body!

For ordinary ascetics, I am afraid that they have already seized this opportunity to refine an ancestral Dao root and go all out to attack the ancestral god realm.

But Chen Xi didn't do that, even though he already had an eighth-grade Dao root in his body at this moment, he didn't have any plans to attack the Ancestral God Realm at this moment.

After all, to reach his level, the requirements for one's own path are becoming more and more stringent, and what one seeks is perfection. If one breaks through and advances based on the eighth-rank path root, there will be a slight regret after all.

after one day.

Chen Xi woke up from this epiphany, and the blazing divine radiance that permeated his body suddenly restrained himself, and he returned to his previous indifferent temperament.

At this moment, a voice suddenly resounded from the blood-stained sword in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Fellow Daoist, when someone reaches the realm of the Sword Emperor Nine Heavens, you can use this 'Xuanwu' sword." Open the clues leading to the ultimate path, and hope that one day I can meet fellow Taoists and cherish it.”

The voice is peaceful and clean, and the silence gradually disappears.

The ultimate path...

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and murmured: "I will."


"It really is him, my lord, the old slave finally waited until this day..."

Outside the land of ancestral origin, in front of the ancient ancestral temple, the temple guard sitting cross-legged on the altar and meditating suddenly opened his eyes, and a complicated look appeared on his extremely old face, like relief, like excitement, It seems to be emotional.

Immediately, he stood up and looked up at the ancient temple in front of him, a glimmer of luster flashed in his eyes.

"The original ancestral source should also appear in the world..."

The vicissitudes of life murmured, floating between heaven and earth, like a prophecy.



The land of ancestral origin, the land where the purple clouds soared to the sky, the ascetics who waited patiently here suddenly felt that the ground under their feet was shaking violently.

Within a radius of [-] miles, ruins collapsed, rocks splashed, and the earth cracked shocking cracks, spreading and spreading.

And in the sky, the thunder and lightning divine rainbow guarding Zixia's surroundings suddenly glowed brightly at this moment, turning into a huge vortex and spinning crazily.

That rosy cloud that soared into the sky stood right at the core of this vortex. At this moment, hundreds of millions of rays of light rained suddenly from all around Zixia.

"This is?"

"Could it be that... the original ancestor is about to appear?"

"It sure is!"

"Everyone, get ready quickly, we will act as soon as the initial ancestor appears!"

Witnessing such a shocking scene, all the ascetics were shocked, and immediately there was an uncontrollable excitement in their eyes.

They had a premonition that the original ancestors might really appear!


The shaking of the ground became more and more violent, and at some point in time, there was an obscure force that oppressed people's hearts.

Then, with that ray of purple clouds as the center, the hundreds of millions of light rains and Shenxi released by it were actually built together, and gradually outlined a vague embryonic form of a Taoist palace in the void!


ps: It's gone tonight, there is a problem with the plot, and it is being adjusted, and the second update is temporarily owed.


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