divine talisman

Chapter 1684

The purple clouds soaring into the sky transpired, and the hundreds of millions of light and rain Shenxi floating out were intertwined and constructed at this moment, outlining the embryonic form of a Taoist palace in the void.

All the cultivators present were stunned, and their hearts were shocked. This scene was like the birth of a miracle, and it was so grand and brilliant that it was unimaginable.

No one spoke, all eyes were staring at the sky without blinking, lest if they missed any detail, they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

After half a sound.

In the blazing radiance, the Dao Palace built by the radiance and light rain finally took shape under the attention of all the people!

It stretches across the sky for eight thousand miles, reaches as high as the nine heavens, and connects to the earth below. The whole body is filled with transpiration and dazzling purple divine brilliance, solemn, vast, and filled with an oppressive imperial aura.

It's like the ancient emperor's entrenched place, there is a kind of natural luck, suppressing all directions, and disdain the four poles!

All of a sudden, Sanskrit chants fluttered in the sky and the earth, like gods and Buddhas chanting scriptures, light and rain fell randomly, and thousands of auspicious clouds filled the surroundings of the sky palace, which was extremely sacred.

"Zixiao Taoist Palace!"

"I'm afraid this is the rumored place where the 'emperor' of the congenital gods born in the ancient chaos lived!"

"The original ancestral source is located in it, and only such a miraculous and supreme existence can give birth to such a supreme treasure as the Ninth-Rank Emperor Daogen."

All of a sudden, people's hearts were filled with excitement, their eyes lit up, and they thought of too many rumors about this Taoist palace and the original ancestor.



At this moment, a unique and ethereal Taoist voice suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth. It vibrated continuously, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. Every vibration made the atmosphere of this piece of heaven and earth become more holy, and the coercion pervading the void became stronger. .

When the Dao sound resounded nine times, the entire Dao Palace suddenly roared, and a door suddenly opened wide, filled with light and rain, making it difficult to see the mystery inside.

Then, a white jade staircase emerged from the front of the portal, descending layer by layer, leading to the ground.

So far, everything is silent.

"Come on!"

Some people couldn't hold back for a long time. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but rushed out and rushed towards the white jade staircase.


Not only this person, but at this moment, at least hundreds of ascetics set off together, all eager to rush into the Dao Palace at the first time, looking for great opportunities.


But before they approached, a terrifying purple divine radiance suddenly appeared around the white jade staircase, like a precocious purple dragon, sweeping across all directions.

Bang bang bang~~~ The next moment, one after another figure was photographed and flew back, like a kite with a broken string, they all coughed up blood and fell to the ground, screaming incessantly.

This scene immediately shocked the hearts of other ascetics who were eager to try, as if someone poured a basin of ice water over their heads, most of the excitement in their hearts disappeared.

"It's really a group of blind guys. How can people enter this initial place casually? With this little ability, it's ridiculous to try to get such an opportunity."

A sneer came out, but it was Zhai Jun who witnessed this scene and sneered.

Many people's faces were uncertain, but no one dared to argue with Zhai Jun.

But there were also people who didn't believe in evil, and cautiously approached the white jade staircase, without exception, they were also swept away by a terrifying purple divine radiance, coughing up blood and falling to the ground, screaming incessantly.

This can't help but make people feel horrified. You know, they are all first-class figures in the spirit and god realm, but now they can't even step into a door, which is simply unacceptable to them.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was a little dull. Facing such a big opportunity, but unable to enter it, this is simply tormenting.

Suddenly, Luo Shaonong stood up and said calmly: "We all made a mistake before, that is, places like the original ancestors, only the supreme gods can step in."

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a sentence had been pronounced, causing many cultivators present to extinguish the last trace of luck in their hearts, and their expressions were gloomy.

Eighty-nine out of ten of those present are not the Supreme God, and this also means that most of them will not be able to fight for this great opportunity again!

It is conceivable how heavy such a blow is to them.

"Zhai Jun, you go with me, and the others stay here to meet you." Luo Shaonong casually ordered, then put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the white jade staircase.

"Hahaha, that's fine, it saves too many flies entering it, and it's troublesome to kill." Zhai Jun laughed, his voice was soft and sharp, which made the expressions of many ascetics present change.


When had they been so humiliated?But in the end they dared not speak out, because that was Zhai Jun, who was No. 12 in the list of gods, and a well-known lunatic in the central imperial domain.

No one would dare to foolishly offend such a lunatic who wanted status and strength.

What's more, this lunatic is accompanied by Luo Shaonong!


Seeing that Luo Shaonong and Zhai Jun were about to approach the white jade staircase, suddenly, there was a burst of space-time fluctuations, and figures moved instantly from the other side.

Those are Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui, the four supreme gods!

As soon as they appeared, they formed a faint confrontation with Luo Shaonong and Zhai Jun, and they all approached the white jade ladder.

This is not over, just after Le Wuhen and the others appeared, there was another wave of time and space, and Gongye Zhefu, Zhen Liuqing, Yue Ruhuo, and Jin Qingyang also rushed forward.

All of a sudden, the scene seemed extremely lively and full of tension.

Everyone present was almost dumbfounded. The three teams, including the powerful and mighty gods and gods, all appeared at this moment, wanting to compete for the first chance to enter Zixiao Taoist Palace. This scene can definitely be called a luxurious lineup, shocking the world.

"Hehe, it's really lively."

Luo Shaonong suddenly stopped, cast a sidelong glance at Le Wuhen and the others, and spoke lazily.The position where he is standing at the moment is exactly one hundred feet away from the side of the white jade staircase, once he makes a move, no one can pass safely.

"Brother Shaonong, wouldn't it be better to be more lively?" Le Wuhen laughed heartily, waved his hand, led everyone to stop, and stood on the other side of the white jade stairs.

At this time, Gongye Zhefu and his party also stopped, and the situation in the field suddenly formed a posture of three parties facing each other from afar.

The atmosphere is tense and undercurrents are surging.

No one took any further action, lest they be sneaked by the other side.

"I didn't come here to join in the fun, so the more lively it is, the more it annoys me."

Luo Shaonong stretched out his hand to tease the fiery red Suzaku standing on his shoulder, and said slowly, "So, I think you should step back, so as not to fight, and blame me, Luo Shaonong, for bullying others."

After a pause, his eyes suddenly fell on Shentu Yanran, showing a charming smile: "Of course, if Miss Yanran is willing, she can still choose to follow me now."

Le Wuhen narrowed his eyes, and immediately smiled and said: "Since we are here, there is no reason to back away. If those old guys in the Imperial Domain know about this, it will appear that we are too useless. Brother Luo, what do you think? ?”

As for Luo Shaonong's invitation to Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen ignored it directly, and Shentu Yanran seemed to turn a deaf ear and didn't respond at all.

Seeing this, Luo Shaonong suddenly withdrew the smile from the corner of his lips, and his expression became cold: "To put it bluntly, the four of you alone are not enough to watch, and you are destined to be defeated. If you don't care about all of us Coming from the Imperial Domain, I won’t talk so much nonsense with you at all!”

"That's not necessarily true." Shentu Yanran frowned and said.

"Why, are you still delusional that that kid Chen Xi will arrive in time?" Luo Shaonong glanced at her, and suddenly sighed, "It's a pity, something happened in the fallen ruins yesterday, and even I had to retreat. And that kid hasn't returned yet...I'm afraid he has been robbed."


Hearing this, Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen and the others all sank in their hearts. As Luo Shaonong, there was absolutely no need to deliberately provoke them with this matter.

Then this also means... Chen Xi, who has not arrived for a long time, is really likely to encounter an accident?

At this moment, the other ascetics present were also shocked. Who is Chen Xi?This name is no stranger to them.

Defeating Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang's team-up with one force, and driving away crazy figures like Zhai Jun in one fell swoop, his reputation has even surpassed most gods and gods, just like a dazzling new star rising.

But now, it is such a person who may have been robbed!

How can this make people believe it?

Gongye Zhefu keenly noticed that at this moment, Zhen Liuqing who was beside her seemed to be in a daze, uneasy.

This made him frown, and an imperceptible coldness appeared in the depths of his purple eyes, but in the end he didn't say much.

"Whether Chen Xi comes or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with the situation in front of us?" Le Wuhen took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"Of course." Luo Shaonong smiled, then suddenly turned his head, and said to Gongye Zhefu who was on the side: "Zhefu, it's already reached this point, there is no need to hide it anymore."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Immediately, in their field of vision, they suddenly saw Gongye Zhefu leading a group of people to Luo Shaonong, and looked at Le Wuhen and the others.

Apparently, the two of them had secretly formed an alliance!

All the ascetics present were in an uproar. This is really a changing situation, full of waves. Who would have thought that Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu, who are ranked in the top ten of the list of gods, would form an alliance?

All of a sudden, Le Wuhen and the others all turned gloomy, and their hearts were shaken. They never expected that such an accident would happen.

But no matter what, the current situation has changed suddenly, and Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu have gathered together to fight against Le Wuhen and others.

Leaving aside the true law of the Buddha who has disappeared so far, the scene in front of him alone is extremely detrimental to Le Wuhen and the others!


ps: The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 o'clock.


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