divine talisman

Chapter 1685

Thank you my friend Jiuyue Haoyu for your support and becoming the new leader of Emperor Fuhuang. Congratulations~

The alliance between Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu and his team did exceed the expectations of everyone present, and it also changed the situation suddenly, making Le Wuhen and the others precarious.

After all, whether it is Luo Shaonong or Gongye Zhefu, when it comes to their own strength, they are enough to crush anyone on Le Wuhen's side.

Now they have merged into one camp, and among them are Zhai Jun, Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang and other gods and supreme beings as companions. Even in terms of comprehensive strength, the distance between Hele Wuhen and the others has been far away.

People even suspected that even if Chen Xi arrived in time at this moment, he might not be able to change anything.

At this moment, Luo Shaonong is undoubtedly the most dazzling person in the field. If there is no accident, he will definitely obtain the Ninth Grade Emperor Dao Root hidden in the original ancestral source.

But at this moment, Le Wuhen suddenly said: "I remember that there is only one ninth-rank emperor-level dao root in this initial ancestor source. There are so many of you, it seems difficult to divide it?"

The implication is that maybe you are forming an alliance at this time, and it seems that there are many people, but when you really rob the ninth-rank emperor Daogen, can you Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu still maintain this alliance?

This is not to sow discord, but to state a fact.

However, when Luo Shaonong heard this, a smile appeared on Luo Shaonong's lips, and said: "You are right, in order to avoid this kind of dispute, I have already agreed with Zhefu that this Ninth Grade Emperor Dao Root... ...for his use."

As soon as these words came out, the audience shook, and everyone opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

That is a ninth-rank emperor-level dao root, and there is only one plant in the entire initial ancestor source. How could Luo Shaonong be willing to give it up?

This is unbelievable!

If it is said that Gongye Zhefu gave up such an opportunity, it would be more understandable, but it is a person like Luo Shaonong who made such a decision, which is puzzling.

Even Le Wuhen and the others couldn't help being shocked at the moment. They never thought that Luo Shaonong would make such a big sacrifice for what.

But at this moment, no matter Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun, or Gongye Zhefu and the others seemed extremely calm, it was obvious that they had reached this agreement long before.

Whether there is any hidden secret in it, only they themselves know.

But no matter what, the development of the situation to such a point is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to Le Wuhen and others.

The other party has even planned carefully for a long time for this ninth-rank emperor-level dao root, and his power is far stronger than others. He is obviously determined to win this great opportunity.

As for Le Wuhen and the others, they paled in comparison, and even the hope of winning seemed slim.

"Haha, Brother Kunwu, Pei Wen, you don't have to wait any longer, let's act together."

At this moment, Luo Shaonong spoke again, like throwing a heavy bomb, which shocked the eyes of everyone present.

Immediately, two figures suddenly appeared, they were Kun Wuqing and Pei Wen!

The two smiled and bowed their hands towards Luo Shaonong, and then stood aside. Obviously, like Gongye Zhefu and his party, they had already formed an alliance with Luo Shaonong!

All of a sudden, the faces of Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui couldn't keep their composure, and turned gloomy.

The strength of Kun Wuqing and Pei Wen is not very strong, but after all, they are the two supreme gods, and now they have joined the ranks of Luo Shaonong, making their camp more and more powerful, and Le Wuhen and the others are very worried. I couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness.

The situation is changing too fast!

Fast enough to catch them off guard!


A group of ascetics nearby secretly sighed in their hearts, Luo Shaonong's wrists turned into clouds and rain, and in a short time, he completely controlled the whole situation and played everything in his hands. General ability, but extraordinary people can have it.

"Let's go."

Luo Shaonong took a leisurely look at Le Wuhen and the others, then turned and walked towards the white jade staircase leading up to the sky in the distance.

Gongye Zhefu, Kun Wuqing and others followed behind.

At this moment, Le Wuhen and the others' faces were gloomy, and in the end they didn't try to stop them. The battle broke out at this moment, and they were the ones who suffered.


In front of the white jade stairs, the purple divine brilliance exploded, turning into a majestic oppressive force, crashing towards Luo Shaonong and the others, trying to stop them from advancing.

"Go away!"

With a wave of Luo Shaonong's sleeve robe, a black thunderbolt turned into thousands of sharp blades, which easily chopped up the purple divine brilliance and scattered them in all directions.

In this way, he led the crowd forward, like an invincible and proud god of war, splitting thousands of purple lights, and swaying up the white jade stairs.


Until later, at the end of the white jade stairs, suddenly a figure of a nihilistic god appeared!

He is nine feet tall, with a purple glow flowing all over his body, as soon as he appeared, a terrifying coercion crushed all directions, smashing time and space, making him look extremely terrifying.


He stepped forward, swung a bronze halberd in his hand, pulled billions of purple divine thunders, and slashed down on Luo Shaonong and others.

Such a blow seemed to strike out from the ages, filled with a terrifying force that would kill the world and suppress all living beings.

Luo Shaonong and the others were also shocked. Sensing the danger, they almost subconsciously used all their power and started to attack together.


All kinds of supreme magical techniques are intertwined, and the gorgeous divine treasures release their divine power across the sky, completely submerging the area, producing a terrifying collision sound like thunder from nine heavens, as if the sun and moon are sinking in it, and the avenue is wailing in it.

All the ascetics nearby were shocked. If it were other ascetics, they would have been robbed and died by this blow, right?

After half a sound, all movement disappeared.

It could be clearly seen that Luo Shaonong and the others were in a panic and out of breath, but in the end no one was injured or injured.

And the phantom of the nine-foot-high god that appeared out of thin air has disappeared at this moment, and it has obviously been defeated by Luo Shaonong and the others.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Shaonong and the others dared to be negligent, they all rushed towards the portal of Zixiao Taoist Palace, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the ascetics present were filled with emotion again. Sure enough, only those gods and gods could break into such a place of great opportunity.

"How to do?"

Witnessing this scene, Yu Qiujing's face turned livid to the extreme.

"Let's go too, how can we give up too early if we don't reach the end?"

Le Wuhen's eyes opened and closed, lightning flashed, and there was a look of disdain, "What's more, as far as I know, this Zixiao Taoist Palace is a universe of its own, in which there are dangers everywhere, mysterious and unpredictable, that plant It is not yet known who will win the emperor-level Daogen deer!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Shentu Yanran and Zhuan Yushui pondered for a while, then immediately agreed.

"What about Chen Xi? Don't wait any longer?" Yu Qiujing hesitated.

When Chen Xi was mentioned, everyone's hearts felt heavy again, and in the end Le Wuhen said, "Let's act first, and if he is okay, he will definitely come."

Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui nodded and said no more.

At that moment, Le Wuhen took them into action, and they all went up the white jade staircase.

Along the way, they also encountered many oppressions and obstacles, but they were all resolved by the four of them together without any danger.

Until later, they also encountered the phantom of the nine-foot-tall god, and they tried their best to survive.

However, compared to Luo Shaonong and his group, they looked more embarrassed, their faces turned slightly pale, and they were gasping for breath.

On the one hand, it was because of their own strength, and on the other hand, it was also because, after all, there were only four of them, while Luo Shaonong and the others had a total of eight!

Comparing the two, the gap is clear at a glance.

But fortunately, they also broke through this barrier and entered the Zixiao Dao Palace.


After witnessing all this, none of the ascetics present could be at peace.

"From this point of view, Le Wuhen's chances of winning are much slimmer. I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete with Luo Shaonong and the others."

"That's for sure. Luo Shaonong can even hand over a ninth-rank emperor-level Daogen. What else can he not do?"

"I didn't expect that the biggest winner this time would be Gongye Zhefu. I really don't know what he promised Luo Shaonong to make Luo Shaonong do this."

People talked a lot, but they were not optimistic about Le Wuhen and his party.

There were also people who were unwilling to reconcile and tried to break through the white jade staircase leading to the sky again, but they failed in the end. There was even a cultivator who was seriously injured on the spot and fell to the ground.

All of this immediately cut off the thoughts in the hearts of all present, but they were unwilling to let them leave.


Suddenly, someone made a sound of surprise, as if they had discovered something, which attracted the attention of many people.


At this moment, there was a violent fluctuation in this space-time, and a tall figure walked out of it.

Chen Xi!

All the ascetics present were startled, almost unable to believe their eyes.

The person who came had a handsome face, an indifferent demeanor, and a pair of abyss-like eyes, who else could it be if it wasn't Chen Xi?

But, didn't Luo Shaonong say just now that he was robbed in yesterday's Meteor God Ruins?

Is there a fake in it?

Just when everyone was in doubt, Chen Xi had floated to a group of people.

"What about them?" he asked.

Opposite him were Tao Dong, Wei Zifu and the others, who could only stay here because they failed to rank among the supreme gods.

When they saw Chen Xi, they were also pleasantly surprised, and immediately Tao Dong quickly told the whole story of what happened just now.

After Chen Xi heard it, his eyes narrowed immediately. He also didn't expect that Luo Shaonong would form an alliance with Gongye Zhefu and the others. Even characters like Kun Wuqing and Pei Wen had joined Luo Shaonong's camp. middle.

"Oh, it's really scheming."

A cold arc appeared on the corners of Chen Xi's lips, and he immediately shook his head, looking at Tao Dong and the others, "Everyone, I'll take a step ahead, there's not enough time."


Tao Dong and the others were startled, and hurriedly said, "There are many dangers around the white jade staircase..."

As he spoke, he narrated the scenes that happened just now, especially emphasizing the terrifying phantom of the nine-foot-high god.

However, before Tao Dong and the others could finish speaking, they discovered that Chen Xi had already started his actions and rushed towards that white jade staircase.


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