divine talisman

Chapter 1686 One Way of Surprise

After obtaining the [Xuanxin Sword Art] inheritance, Chen Xi returned all the way, but he still didn't expect that he was a step late in the end, and failed to join Le Wuhen and the others.

Especially when he heard that Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu formed an alliance, and promised to give up that ninth-grade emperor-level daogen, it made Chen Xi feel a sense of urgency.

This time he came to the Manggu Ruins, his main purpose was to fulfill his promise to Empress Yu Che, and prevent Gongye Zhefu from taking that nine-rank Dao root.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi didn't dare to waste any more time.


His figure flashed, and he was already heading towards the white jade staircase in the distance.

"Huh? Is he going to go through the barrier alone?"

"This guy is a bit careless. Even Luo Shaonong and others looked embarrassed when they entered it. How could he step over the white jade ladder and enter the Zixiao Dao Palace by himself?"

"Hey, just watch, there must be a good show to watch, I want to see if this Chen Xi is as powerful as the rumors say."

"But with him alone, it's a bit of a mystery if he wants to break through."

When they saw Chen Xi rushing out alone and approaching the white jade staircase, all the other ascetics present were in an uproar.

Some people are suspicious, some are disdainful, some are shaking their heads bluntly, some are gloating at other people's misfortune...the expressions are all different, to name a few.

After all, they had seen with their own eyes before that whether it was Luo Shaonong and his party, or Le Wuhen and the other four gods, they were all in a panic when they broke through this white jade staircase.

The key point is that the power of the nine-foot-tall deity phantom who is the last gatekeeper is really terrifying.

Under such circumstances, they didn't think that Chen Xi would be able to achieve this step by himself.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Chen Xi came to the white jade steps and looked up.

The Dao Palace is grand, suspended under the sky, filled with transpiring purple divine light, it is the image of an emperor, and its splendor is immeasurable.

A white jade step is paved straight up, leading to the entrance of the Taoist Palace.

At this moment, in Chen Xi's mind, an obscure fluctuation suddenly appeared on the surface of the blood-stained sword named "Xuan Wu", buzzing endlessly.

Chen Xi already knew now that this was the place where "Xuan" lived and practiced. In other words, Xuan was the master of the Zixiao Dao Palace in front of him!

Of course, this is also the home of Xuan Wujian.

According to Chen Xi's current vision, Xuanwu Sword is not an innate spiritual treasure, and it is now broken, rotten, and its power no longer exists, but because it is imprinted with Xuan's will, it suddenly becomes very Comparable.

Even, Chen Xi could vaguely feel that Xuan's affection for Xuanwu Sword was just like his own affection for the divine talisman. It was a kind of companionship that could be used for life and death, and could not be replaced!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi walked up the white jade stairs without any hesitation.

At this moment, the eyes of all the ascetics present were wide open, without blinking, for fear of missing any details.

But what surprised them was that from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi was not hindered in the slightest!

On the white jade stairs, there was a complete silence, there was no steaming purple divine brilliance, no terrifying coercion that swept out suddenly, and there was not even a trace of movement!

How can this be?

Everyone was so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell off, and they were dumbfounded.

Many of them have tried their best to break through the white jade stairs, and they still have residual injuries on their bodies. They have also witnessed the process of Luo Shaonong, Le Wuhen and other gods and gods breaking through the level, but they have never seen it as easy as Chen Xi. of!

This... is no different from walking on the ground.

again and again!again and again!again and again!

The scene was completely silent, there was no sound, only Chen Xi's steady steps walked up with a unique rhythm.

With his hands behind his back, his expression was calm, he was hunting in the green mountains, his thick black long hair was flying in the wind, it didn't look like he was going through a barrier, but more like revisiting his old place, he looked so calm and indifferent.


However, when he was about to get close to the end of the white jade stairs, a phantom of a nine-foot-high deity suddenly appeared, filled with purple divine light, holding a bronze halberd, mighty and terrifying.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, this is normal, otherwise it would be too unreasonable to allow this guy to enter Zixiao Dao Palace so easily!

But Tao Dong, Wei Zifu and others felt anxious and worried. When Le Wuhen and the others broke through the barrier, they were almost defeated by this phantom of the god.

At this time, Chen Xi was alone, so could he be able to fight against the other party?

But what happened next made all of their eyes straighten again, and their mouths opened uncontrollably.

"God bless me!"

When he saw Chen Xi in front of him, that phantom of the god froze all over, and suddenly let out a long cry, crying and laughing, happy and sad.

Immediately, his whole body turned into a wisp of purple smoke and disappeared without a trace.

This is the place where everyone was shocked and speechless, it was incredible, who would have thought that the phantom of the gods who made Luo Shaonong and others feel a little embarrassed before, would actually do such an unimaginable move at this moment?

What is God Bless My Lord?

Could it be that Chen Xi used some kind of soul-absorbing secret technique, so that the phantom of the god was unknowingly tricked?

Everyone was at a loss, but their hearts were inexplicably shocked.

Seeing this, Chen Xi, who was standing on the white jade staircase, paused for a moment. After a moment of silence, he stepped into the portal of the Zixiao Dao Palace and disappeared.


"what on earth is it?"

"Why is he able to travel unimpeded all the way? Could it be that he has mastered a special method that we haven't discovered yet?"

"It's unbelievable. I originally wanted to see what this guy is capable of. Who would have thought that such an unimaginable thing would happen."

As soon as Chen Xifu left, the scene suddenly exploded, and the scene was boiling with excitement.

Some people suspected that the barrier on the white jade ladder had disappeared, so they stepped forward to test it, but before they got close, they were violently blasted out by a purple divine radiance, screaming endlessly.

At this moment, everyone became more and more sure that there must be something weird hidden in Chen Xi, otherwise how could he have entered the Zixiao Dao Palace so easily?

"Maybe, with fellow Taoist Chen Xi joining this time, some kind of miracle will really happen?" Tao Dong murmured, but a glimmer of hope rose in his heart.


In Zixiao Taoist Palace, a universe is formed by itself.

As soon as Chen Xi arrived, a dazzling array of buildings appeared in his field of vision!

Those buildings are all ancient, magnificent, tall, full of vicissitudes of life, solemn and majestic, located in different areas.

It is conceivable that as early as the ancient times of Mang, there must have been many innate gods entrenched here. They lived here, enlightened and practiced, and had nothing to do with the world.

But now, all of this no longer exists, leaving only a silent and desolate atmosphere.

What appeared under Chen Xi's feet was a straight bluestone corridor, leading far away to a palace in the very depths.

On both sides of the bluestone corridor, there is a pond that communicates with each other, in which the clear water is gurgling, and there are wisps of milky white mist.

Two or three divine lotus plants floated among them, but the flowers were no longer there, obviously they had been picked long ago.

"This is where the primordial ancestors exist..." Chen Xi glanced around, but frowned after a while.

This place is really too big, its own universe, like a big world, which is densely covered with countless ancient buildings, densely packed, like a maze, if you search one by one, I don't know how much effort it will take.

After pondering for a moment, he walked along the bluestone corridor.

It didn't take long to come to the palace at the end of the corridor. The place is extremely magnificent, and there are ancient stone pillars standing one after another. Many mysterious totem patterns are engraved on the stone pillars.

However, it was clear that a fierce battle had taken place here, and there were traces of battle everywhere in the hall, collapsed documents, dilapidated incense burners, broken bronze lamps...

Seeing all this, Chen Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and thought to himself, "Could it be that Le Wuhen and the others have already started a war with Luo Shaonong and his party?"

Fortunately, there were no corpses in the field, and there were no blood stains on the ground. This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, knowing that there should be no casualties in this confrontation.

But where did Le Wuhen and the others go?

Chen Xi released his powerful will, and carefully searched every inch of breath in the hall. After a while, his eyebrows were raised, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

He caught a ray of Shentu Yanran's unique aura!

"She must have known that I was coming, so she left this wisp of breath behind... Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, if I waited a little longer, this wisp of breath would probably disappear."

Chen Xi quickly deduced in his mind, and very soon, he locked on to a direction, without hesitation, he used time-space teleportation, and suddenly disappeared in place.


Time and space fluctuated, and one piece after another of the ancient buildings along the way disappeared like a fleeting image. Unfortunately, there was no time, otherwise Chen Xi would really like to search for those buildings.

After all, this is the place where "Xuan" lived, and there were countless innate gods entrenched in those days. These ancient buildings must have left their marks of existence.

But immediately, Chen Xi shook his head, denying this idea. After all, the existence of this initial ancestor source has gone through countless years. No matter how many secret treasures there are, I am afraid that they have already been searched for.

After a cup of tea.

Chen Xi stopped walking abruptly, and a thousand miles away from him stood a splendid, magnificent, and incomparably magnificent shrine.

It is filled with golden light, steaming purple Shenxi, like an emperor entrenched here, looking down on all directions, it looks extremely outstanding.

Even though the distance was still far away, Chen Xi could still feel an aura of majesty rushing towards his face, which made him amazed, and secretly speculated, could this be the place where Xuan Nian lived and practiced?

But soon, he seemed to have noticed something, his face darkened, and without thinking about it, his figure moved towards the palace at full speed in a flash.


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