divine talisman

Chapter 1687

This magnificent palace, which looks like the residence of an emperor, is extremely vast, filled with chaotic energy everywhere, sacred and extraordinary.

But now, the palace is in a mess, dilapidated everywhere, and the air is filled with a sense of fighting and killing, as well as a bloody smell that chokes the nostrils.

When Chen Xi arrived, he could see at a glance that Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui were sitting in a pool of blood. Their bodies were covered in scars, their faces were pale and dull, and they were out of breath.

Only Shentu Yanran is in a good situation, but her beautiful face is pale, and the brows are full of exhaustion.

Obviously, before Chen Xi arrived, there had been a big battle here, and all four of Le Wuhen were seriously injured in the battle!

"Chen Xi?"

When Chen Xi arrived, he was immediately noticed by Le Wuhen and the others, and his spirits were lifted, but immediately dimmed.

They have been reduced to such a miserable state, it is really shameful and shameless.

"What happened?"

Chen Xi was a little worried and frowned. It was thanks to the help of Le Wuhen and the others that he was able to enter the land of ancestry so smoothly along the way. They had already become friends with each other. Seeing them in distress at this moment, Chen Xi was also quite angry and peaceful in his heart. uncomfortable.

"Hey, you came a step late, they have snatched that ninth-grade emperor-level daogen..." Le Wuhen sighed, his voice full of bitterness.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, scanned the surroundings, and suddenly saw that in the center of the great hall, there was a pool, and a deep purple divine radiance was bubbling in the pool, erupting wisps of incomparably pure and thick spirit of the ancestors.

If Chen Xi guessed correctly, then the pool should be a ninth-rank ancestor source!

But now, the bottom of this ancestral source is empty. Obviously, as Le Wuhen said, the ninth-grade emperor-level Dao root that was born in it has been looted by others.

This made Chen Xi's heart sink, after all, he was one step too late!

"Before, we were the ones who arrived here first and discovered this ninth-grade emperor-level daogen. We never thought that when they took it, we were attacked by Luo Shaonong and the others..."

Shentu Yanran took a deep breath, and briefly narrated the incident, with anger and deep helplessness in her voice.

There is no way, compared with Luo Shaonong and his party, their overall strength is far behind after all, even if Chen Xi is not late, it may not help.

"Why did they..."

Looking at Le Wuhen and the others who were seriously injured and looked gloomy, Chen Xi opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much.

But Shentu Yanran saw his intentions, and couldn't help laughing at herself: "Are you asking why they didn't commit murder?"

Before Chen Xi could speak, Shentu Yanran continued, "It's very simple, kill us, and when they return to the Emperor's Domain, their situation will become extremely bad."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and immediately understood.

In the final analysis, it is because the identities of Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui are too unusual, and behind them all stand an ancient power from the imperial realm, and they themselves are transcendent gods. exist.

If any one of them is killed, they are afraid that it will cause the wrath of an ancient power. Luo Shaonong and the others may not be afraid, but if they do so, they will definitely pay a very heavy price for it.

The opposite is also true, if Le Wuhen and the others have an absolute advantage, they probably won't be able to kill Luo Shaonong and the others.

This is a kind of mutual restraint in terms of power, identity, strength...etc.

After all, both of them are from the imperial domain, and even their clans are related to each other. No matter how fierce the fight is in private, such a thing must not be done on the surface.

If you were an ordinary cultivator, even if you were born in a powerful force in the Emperor's Domain, you would die if you died, because in terms of importance, they would not be able to compare with the supreme gods.

this is the truth.

For Chen Xi, there was no such consideration, so when he encountered this scene that happened to Le Wuhen and the others, he felt a little strange in his heart.

However, now that he understands it, Chen Xi does not accept this kind of unspoken rules. He will never be polite to his enemies because of their origins, origins, and backgrounds.


"Then... where are they?" Chen Xi asked in a deep voice.

In his opinion, as long as the other party has not left the original ancestral source, there is a chance to take back that Ninth Grade Emperor Dao Root.

What's more, Chen Xi was not willing to admit defeat because of this. He had promised Empress Yu Che that he would stop Gongye Zhefu's actions to seize the ninth-rank Taoist root, but now that such an accident happened, how could he be reconciled.

Hearing this, Le Wuhen and the others were silent, as if unwilling to mention it.

But Chen Xi still keenly noticed that their gazes, intentionally or not, all glanced in the same direction of the main hall.

That direction is located on the right side of the main hall, a mess, and there is a door opened on one side, which is unremarkable.

But when Chen Xi glanced over it for the first time, he immediately noticed something unusual. That portal was actually filled with an obscure wave, like a gate leading to another world, deep and mysterious.

This made Chen Xi's heart move, and he wanted to go forward and search carefully.

"Chen Xi!"

Le Wuhen called out and stopped him, "You can't beat them alone, let's admit defeat this time."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and said, "How will you know if you don't try it?"

Le Wuhen smiled bitterly: "I know, you are not reconciled, but at this moment, you must not be overwhelmed by anger. If you fall into their hands, you will end up..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning was very clear. With Chen Xi's background, Luo Shaonong and the others would definitely dare to kill him unceremoniously!

Chen Xi naturally heard the meaning, he couldn't help sighing, and immediately a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he immediately waved his sleeves, took out three jade boxes, and handed them to Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Yu Qiu Jing and three people.

"Among them are three seventh-grade Dao roots. Take them and get out of here first." Chen Xi said, and walked towards that door.

The reaction of Le Wuhen and the others gave him a strong intuition that Luo Shaonong and his group must have entered this portal.

"Wait a minute!"

Le Wuhen shouted, "Do you know what exists in that door!? That is the door of the Great Dao! It is a source of chaos sealed by the innate gods who were born here with supreme power! It claims to contain All the killings and calamities in the Three Thousand Ways of the Heavens, if you take a wrong step, you are doomed to die!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and stopped in his footsteps.

The gate of the avenue?

A sealed chaotic ancestor?

Gathered all the killings of the three thousand avenues of the heavens?

"Xuan" occupies the dwelling place, how could such a place be opened up?

Doubts surged into Chen Xi's heart.

"Originally, I thought that the gate of the Great Dao was an illusory legend, and no one cared about it, but who ever thought that this is indeed true..."

Le Wuhen sighed, with a touch of melancholy in his voice, and even a touch of deep loss, "Do you know why Luo Shaonong gave up that ninth-grade emperor-level daogen?"

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Could it be because of the gate of the Great Dao?"

He couldn't believe it, but that was a ninth-grade emperor-level Daogen. For any strong person in the spiritual realm, what is more precious and rare in this world than this thing?


Le Wuhen stared at the door in the distance, and said, "The door of the Dao, the seal is the real primordial source of chaos, and according to the rumors, it can produce something stronger than the ninth-rank emperor-level dao root." Dogan!"

Chen Xi was shocked, and said, "How is this possible?"

Le Wuhen and the others all sighed, they were like Chen Xi before, they couldn't believe it, and they took this as an illusory rumor.

But it wasn't until Luo Shaonong and the others used some kind of secret method to open the door of the Great Dao and entered it that they realized that the rumor was actually true!

"The seventh rank is the king, the eighth rank is the king, and the ninth rank is the emperor. This is the ancestral Dao root known to the world, and the emperor-level Dao root is so powerful that it is unimaginable."

Le Wuhen took a deep breath, and said slowly, "However, there is another rumor that in this chaotic ancestral source, there is a unique Dao root, which is the only one in the sky and earth, and has the power of the emperor's merits and virtues." can!"

"With the power of ancestors, respect him as the emperor."

"Possess the virtue of the ancestors, and respect the emperor."

"The unity of merit and virtue is the emperor of the emperor!"

"This Daogen, which was born in the gate of the Dao, is also called the 'Emperor's Daogen'. It is said to be perfect and supreme, and has the power of the only ruler. Will become a giant in the ancient gods, roaring proudly in the world!"

Le Wuhen paused every word, as if explaining an ancient and long-standing secret, and Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a bit of shock in his heart.

Emperor Dogan!

Who can imagine that above the ninth-grade emperor-level Dao root, there is such a supreme thing?

"If that wasn't the case, how could Luo Shaonong give up that Ninth Grade Emperor Plant to Gongye Zhefu?" Le Wuhen's lips curled into a sneer.

"But since this thing is said to be the only one, why hasn't it been discovered and excavated in these boundless years?" Chen Xi frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"Who knows this?"

Le Wuhen and others didn't know about it. After all, they thought it was a illusory rumor, but they never thought that such a supreme treasure would actually exist in the original ancestral source.

Chen Xi nodded, and fell silent.

"Chen Xi, don't take any more risks, even if you are really not afraid of Luo Shaonong and the others, but you must know that the gate of the Great Dao is filled with all the killings and calamities of the three thousand Dao of the heavens. Meteor Dao Xiao's fate."

"Yes, for safety's sake, let's go back together."

"According to our deduction, even if Luo Shaonong and the others enter it, they will inevitably bear great risks. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and there is a possibility of death at any time."

At this moment, even Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui also spoke to persuade Chen Xi, not wanting to see him risk his life by himself.


ps: The second update is around 11 o'clock, and the owed 3 updates will be completed before this weekend.


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