divine talisman

Chapter 1688

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "In other words, after Luo Shaonong and the others entered the gate of the Dao, it is impossible for them to obtain the emperor-level ancestral Dao root smoothly?"

This is obviously beyond doubt.

According to Le Wuhen, all the killings and catastrophes filled with the three thousand avenues in the gate of the avenue can be described as murderous intentions every step of the way, extremely dangerous, and there is a possibility of death at any time, and it is impossible to pass through it so easily.

Le Wuhen and the others were all startled, and sighed inwardly. With one word, they would know that Chen Xi had made up his mind and could no longer dissuade him.

Chen Xi glanced at everyone, and earnestly cupped his hands and said, "Everyone, thank you for taking care of me along the way."

Le Wuhen sighed and waved his hands: "Forget it, since you guys have made a decision, go quickly."

"Chen Xi, take care!"

"Be more careful."

"We are waiting for you here, but you must come back!"

Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui all spoke.

Chen Xi nodded, then smiled casually, and with a flash of his figure, he jumped into that mysterious and deep portal and disappeared.

"This guy..." Yu Qiujing suddenly sighed, but didn't know what to say to Chen Xi.

"Let's take the time to repair the injury, and if something happens to Chen Xi when he returns, we can help in time." Shentu Yanran's starry eyes were shining, and her pretty face was firm.

"That's right. From my point of view, this fellow Chen Xi might really be able to succeed. Don't forget, before Luo Shaonong said brazenly that Chen Xi was robbed as early as yesterday, but you see, this fellow Chen Xi Don't you live well?" Le Wuhen smiled.

"That's right, his ability to pass through the white jade staircase leading to Zixiao Dao Palace alone proves his extraordinaryness."

Even Zhuan Yushui, who had always been taciturn, spoke at this moment.

In a word, Le Wuhen and the others were stunned immediately, and a feeling of emotion welled up in their hearts. Only then did they realize that this guy Chen Xi was indeed incomparable to any of them. Not within their reach.



As soon as he entered that portal, Chen Xi felt as if he had entered a grotesque world. As far as he looked, there was a glow everywhere, brilliant and blazing, illuminating the world.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and only then did he adapt to the environment here.

In front of him, there are countless roads that spread into the distance like spiders, tens of thousands, densely packed.

Every road represents a profound meaning of the Great Dao.

The avenue of blue trees.

The red road of fire.

The road of blue water.

The avenue of yin and yang represented by black and white...

There are even avenues showing runes, vortexes, starlight, wind, clouds, thunder... and so on.

Too much!

It is densely packed, seemingly infinite, and all of them are filled with a primitive, chaotic and pure atmosphere, which sprays out the divine luster and looks extremely sacred.

"It seems that this place is the origin of the sealed chaos..."

Between Chen Xi's eyes opening and closing, there was a divine glow, as deep as a starry sky, he kept looking around, and did not act in a hurry.

In his opinion, the scene in front of him is what Le Wuhen called the "Three Thousand Ways", which is a general term, but in fact the number of ways is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, almost infinite.

"This place contains all the killings and catastrophes in the Three Thousand Ways. It can be called a step-by-step killing opportunity. If Luo Shaonong and the others want to seize the only emperor-level Dao Root, they must also pass through this hurdle first."

Chen Xi pondered, and he roughly judged that the scene in front of him was also a test, no matter which path he chose, he would definitely endure the murderous intent ambush on this path.

And this kind of murderous intent must be no small matter!

However, the scene that happened next was really beyond Chen Xi's expectation, completely overturning his judgment.

Because just when he found the avenue of talisman, the moment he took a step, the sky and the earth moved, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

All the roads of the Great Dao disappeared, only the road in front of me remained, but it was no longer a pure way of talisman.

In an instant, Chen Xi could at least feel that there were no less than ten kinds of mysteries of the Dao on this Dao, the five elements of Yin and Yang, wind and thunder, stars, light, and darkness...

It seems that only the mysteries of the Dao that he has mastered now have been presented and integrated on this road one by one!

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble, and he became even more vigilant.



Chen Xi started to step forward, and just as he made a movement, he felt a huge pressure, as if one after another divine mountain suppressed him, hitting him.

If he hadn't been vigilant, he was almost shocked by this oppressive force and retreated, his whole body was tumbling with energy and blood.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, resisting the heavy pressure and continuing to walk.

Along the way, horrible visions such as volcanoes, storms, tsunamis, thunder, falling stars, overlapping light and dark, etc. appeared in front of my eyes from time to time.

Chen Xi knew that it was the illusion of all kinds of avenues, bewitching his heart, shaking his will, and cooperating with the power of the avenue oppressing his body, it made him feel as if he was suffocating.

But Chen Xi didn't stop. He activated all his cultivation bases, his whole body was surging with divine power, and he went all out. Only in this way did he slightly relieve the pressure on his body.

This road is straight, seemingly endless, and the deeper you go, the greater the pressure.

Until later, every time Chen Xi took a step forward, his bones all over his body would make a grinding sound of being overwhelmed, and his divine radiance would splash and fluctuate violently.

In this way, Chen Xi forcibly endured for ten days. He silently calculated that, step by step, he had traveled at least three thousand miles, but until now, he still seemed to be unable to see where the end of this road was.

This made him sigh inwardly, but his face became more serious.

If it weren't for the fact that the secret power of the heart had reached the first forging stage of the [Original Heart Sutra], and the divine power of the Cangwu Sacred Tree in his body was constantly replenishing the divine power, he even doubted that he would not be able to persist until now!

This is still him, if he were a cultivator with slightly weaker strength, he would have been blown out already, and his life and death would be unknown!

"What method did Luo Shaonong and the others use to break through the barrier?"

Very soon, Chen Xi shook his head to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind. At this moment, he was already a little overwhelmed, and this was not the time to think about other things.


Another three days passed, and on this day, Chen Xi trembled all over, cracks appeared in many bones of his body, and they were about to collapse.

Chen Xi let out a muffled snort, feeling a bone-piercing pain.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, the road was long, but he still couldn't see the end.

This made him frown a little, if he continued like this, he would be robbed.

After contemplating for a long time, he gritted his teeth, and Chen Xi stepped forward again. This is not his limit. If it really comes to a life-threatening moment, he will definitely turn his head and return immediately.



After a cup of tea, a trace of blood suddenly spilled from the corner of Chen Xi's lips, and the bones all over his body cracked and cracked, and they were about to burst completely.

At this moment, he could only stand still, but his face was extremely ugly. This road was too terrifying. With his current cultivation, he could only persist so far. How did Luo Shaonong and the others move forward?


At this moment, in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness, Xuanwu's remnant sword suddenly hummed, releasing an obscure wave.

Immediately, Chen Xi's ears resounded with the sound of the great avenue, like the sound of heaven, overwhelmingly coming from all directions, it was like enlightenment.

Almost at the same time, gusts of surging and thick Dao Qi surged in, entering Chen Xi's limbs and bones like spring water, converging in every inch of his body.

At this moment, Chen Xi's body and mind felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. The oppression and pain he had been burdened for the past few days were suddenly swept away. After reshaping and tempering, a golden rain of light and divine brilliance permeated.

This is the power of all the avenues, born in the primordial primordial origin, as if summoned at this moment, nourishing Chen Xi's whole body, making his whole body peaceful and radiant, appearing extremely sacred.

Chen Xi didn't think much about it, he sat cross-legged, circulated the energy in his whole body, and started to meditate.

He finally understood that since the test in the Great Dao Gate is a kind of training, it is also a kind of opportunity!

Of course, this cut off would not be possible without the help of Xuanwu Canjian.


While Chen Xi was meditating, he was in another area of ​​the Great Dao Gate.


A simple, heavy brass bell hangs in the air, engraved with many mysterious patterns on the surface, releasing a blood-colored divine light, spreading in all directions.

Luo Shaonong and his party stood behind the big brass clock, their expressions were extremely solemn.

"what happened?"

Luo Shaonong turned his head, frowned and looked at Kun Wuqing who was on the side.

At this moment, Kun Wuqing was sweating profusely, with an anxious expression on his face. In his hand, there was an insect about the size of a thumb, with a dark body and a very strange appearance.

This worm is called the ancestral worm, and it was found by Kun Wuqing from the original ancestral source through all the hard work and means.

And the only magical function of this insect is to be able to search for the only emperor-level dao root!

"It seems that something unexpected happened. The ancestral spirit insect...can't sense the direction..." Kun Wuqing said in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of other people nearby also sank.


At this moment, the big brass bell trembled violently and let out a mournful cry.

Pei Wen on one side suffered a backlash and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

When everyone saw this, their hearts jumped again, and their faces became more and more gloomy.

This big bell is called the Blood Desolation Divine Bell, and it is an incomparably miraculous innate spiritual treasure.

The most important thing is that, unlike other innate spirit treasures, the Blood Desolation Divine Bell can resolve the invisible oppressive force of the Great Dao, and it is because of its cooperation with the ancestral insects that they have been able to travel all the way here these days without any surprises. He narrowly avoided many murderous intentions and dangers.

But at this time, whether it was the worm of the ancestral spirit or the blood desolate bell, an accident happened, which made Luo Shaonong and his group feel a little bad.


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