divine talisman

Chapter 1689

Thanks to the brother "Shen Chen sx" for the 200000 vertical and horizontal coins reward and support, and promoted to the Golden League in one fell swoop, thank you, it is so awesome~~Scattering flowers~~



The Blood Desolation Divine Bell wailed continuously, and the blood-colored divine radiance released was about to collapse.

This made Pei Wen unbelievable, and exclaimed: "Some kind of mutation must have occurred in the gate of the Great Dao, otherwise my baby would never be so unbearable."

This is inevitable, because at this moment, not only his Blood Desolation Divine Clock, but also the ancestral insect in Kun Wuqing's hand is no longer able to function.

Everyone's faces were gloomy, and they couldn't figure out what happened in the gate of the great way just now.

But they are very clear that once they lose the defense of the Blood Desolation Divine Bell, and if there is no ancestral spirit worm to lead the way, they will have to confront the numerous killings on this road head-on!

This is the road.

There are eight people in their group, and each of them controls a different Dao of God, which means that on this road, they have to face the oppressive power of all the Dao they have mastered!

And according to the news they learned, since ancient times, no one has ever been able to break through this place with their own strength!

If not, that emperor-level dao root might have been taken away many years ago, why would they wait for them to pick it?

"How to do?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Put away your treasures, and then... let me lead the way."

At this moment, Luo Shaonong suddenly took a deep breath, and there was a hint of determination in his long and narrow eyes, as if he had made a certain decision.

Everyone was startled, and then they saw Luo Shaonong stepping out suddenly, coming to the front of the team, waving his sleeves.


A piece of animal skin soared into the air, shining brightly, and suddenly there was a stream of chanting sounds, like Sanskrit chanting, which was deafening.

Immediately, hundreds of millions of phantoms of creatures emerged from the animal skin, all of them looked pious, kneeling on the ground, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

At the same time, bright rays of light rushed out, turning into light rain, and each raindrop fell to the ground, and it evolved into a page of Taoism, on which were imprinted one after another obscure ancient texts, every word is pearly, shining brilliantly.

Countless golden light rains evolved into countless pages of Taoist scriptures and ancient prose. All of a sudden, all kinds of handwriting floated in this piece of heaven and earth, resounding through the grand chanting, like ancient sages preaching.

Those kinds of scenes can be called the supreme miracle, which shocked people, and made them wish to sit cross-legged on the ground and listen to the enlightenment of the Dao.

"Picture of Sages and Sages!?"

Everyone was stunned, it seemed unbelievable, this is the most mysterious congenital treasure of the Luo family in the imperial domain, this treasure was originally a piece of mysterious animal skin born in chaos, after many supreme congenital gods used secret methods Refining brings together the luck of all living beings, the hard work of sages, and the power is so powerful that it can be called against the sky!

It is rumored that as early as the infinite years ago, the ancestors of the Luo family used this treasure to realize the Tao, and created a huge foundation in the imperial domain in one fell swoop, which is immortal and brilliant, and has continued to this day.

There are many rumors about the power of this treasure, but there is no doubt that the reason why the Luo family of Emperor Yu has today's foundation is also closely related to this treasure.

Now, Luo Shaonong actually carried this treasure with him, which immediately shocked everyone, but immediately, a strong confidence surged in their hearts, and they were very excited. Only then did they understand that Luo Shaonong wanted to overcome this obstacle. Dao Tu has already made complete preparations to obtain the emperor-level ancestral Dao root.

"Everyone, let's go."

Sensing the strange gazes from around, Luo Shaonong couldn't help but smile slightly, gave a casual order, and walked forward.


The pictures of saints and sages of all living beings shine, overflowing with hundreds of millions of ancient scriptures, resounding like the grand voice of gods and Buddhas chanting scriptures.

An invisible force spreads, easily dissolving the pressure that surged on that road, which is extremely miraculous.

Seeing this, everyone was excited again. With the picture of all living beings and sages, why can't they pass this hurdle?



In another area, Chen Xi sat cross-legged, and billions of brilliant divine brilliance evaporated from his body, which evolved into strands of mysterious runes that surrounded him endlessly, incomparably blazing.

He looked calm, and his whole body was surrounded by a primordial Daoist breath, constantly nourishing and tempering his Daoist foundation.

During this process, his control of the divine way also showed a kind of improvement and leap, which seemed extremely incredible.

This is the power of the Dao of the ancestor of chaos, ancient and primitive, infinitely close to the charm of the original source.

When the chaos is opened, the heaven and the earth will be divided into two, and all laws will run in the heaven, and all things will sprout because of it, order will exist because of it, and the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth will be determined because of it.

The ten thousand methods in it come from the original power of chaos!

Inside the gate of the Great Dao is a chaotic ancestral source that was sealed by a group of innate gods in the Manggu period. One can imagine how pure, ancient and primitive the power of the Great Dao is.

Now, because of the abnormal movement of Xuanwu's remnant sword, Chen Xi suddenly obtained this power of the Great Dao into his body by coincidence, and his own Dao enlightenment cultivation base also gained great benefits from it, and the tide rose.


The divine power is surging, the universe in the body is running, the divine way is transpiring, and it is continuously tempered and improved. This process has continued for several hours.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes again, it was as if his whole body had been reshaped. The meridians and acupoints in his body were full of divine light, and even the bone marrow was glowing with golden luster, showing the wonder of divinity.

In particular, the Divine Dao of Talisman under his control is only a thread away, and he can step from the "small success" to the "great success" realm!

The realm of the divine way is divided into four major realms: "first glimpse", "small success", "great success" and "consummation". Every time you cross a realm, it is extremely difficult and obscure, comparable to ordinary people ascending to heaven.

Generally speaking, with the existence of the Dongyu Ancestral God Realm, it is amazing to be able to temper one's own divine way cultivation to the level of "great success", but in most cases, the ancestor god powerhouses can still only have "minor success" in the level of divine way cultivation. for.

But now, relying on his spiritual perfection, Chen Xi was able to cultivate his enlightenment to such a level, which is enough to be called astonishing.

No matter how amazing the talent is, the God Supreme will never be able to reach this step without a great chance.

"I didn't expect that breaking through this time was actually a blessing in disguise, which made me improve a lot..." Chen Xi couldn't help being amazed as he felt the changes in his body's aura.

But he knew that all of this was inseparable from "Xuan", without the help of his Xuanwu Canjian, he would never have been able to meet such an opportunity.

What's more, here... is the place where "Xuan" lived and practiced back then!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi stood up and walked forward again.

Unlike before, although Chen Xi still endured the terrifying and oppressive power from all directions at all times, Chen Xi was no longer afraid in his heart.

He could even clearly feel that after reshaping himself and improving his strength this time, he made himself appear more calm when moving forward on this road.


The road is vast and seemingly endless, just like the road of practice, where the end point cannot be found.

Before I knew it, another three days passed.

Chen Xi once again felt an incomparably terrifying pressure, and the power of the avenue pervading the road became stronger and stronger.


Suddenly, a void spirit body appeared in front of it. It was ten thousand meters tall and wrapped around wisps of violent lightning. As soon as it appeared, it roared and rushed towards Chen Xi.

This is the power born in the Dao of Thunder, condensed into shape, and turned into the power of a god, intending to stop Chen Xi from moving forward.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help but feel the shock in his heart. The power of the Great Dao has possessed spirituality, which is too terrifying!


He sacrificed his sword talisman to fight against it, but with just one blow, he was shocked to the point where his blood was rolling, he staggered backwards, and almost coughed up blood.

This made Chen Xi's heart startled again. He had once fought against Ye Yan, the Supreme Master who already possessed the cultivation of an ancestor god, but now the attack of this void thunder spirit was no different from the might of an ancestor god!

How can it be so strong?

Before Chen Xi could react, that thunder spirit came again, controlled the lightning, and evolved into knives, spears, swords, halberds, pagodas, mountains, great seals... and even a thunderstorm city, severely suppressing Chen Xi, intending to Its powder.

And during this process, relying on Chen Xi's current combat power, he was actually powerless to parry. He was forced to cough up blood, his bones were almost split apart, and he was completely in a state of embarrassment.

too strong!

If this Lei Ling born in the Dao of Thunder is an ancestor god, then it is definitely a top-notch existence in the realm of ancestor gods!

Chen Xi secretly felt bitter in his heart. The test in the Great Dao Gate was too perverted. I am afraid that if the existence of the Ancestral God Realm came, they would not be able to withstand such suppression, right?

No wonder since ancient times no one has been able to capture that ancestral root of the emperor rank. With such a cruel and harsh test before it, which spiritual god realm can cross it?


The torrent of thunder and lightning evolved into a sea of ​​thunderstorms, which came here to kill.


Chen Xi sacrificed the falling treasure copper coin.

But... little effect!

Because this thunder spirit is transformed by the power of the Dao, it is not an entity, no matter how powerful the falling treasure copper coin is, it is actually helpless to the opponent!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xi sacrificed Da Luotian again. This treasure was said to be able to hunt the luck of the heavens and the trajectory of the avenue. If it couldn't achieve the effect, then Chen Xi really had nothing to do.


Qing Lie leaped into the air like a dream, and immediately wrapped that head of Thunder Ling. This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, knowing that he had found the right method.

But before he could be happy, his whole body was shocked, that Lei Ling stretched out his whole body, breaking free from Da Luotian's shackles in one fell swoop!

Chen Xi suffered backlash, and suddenly coughed up another mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.


Chen Xi's face became gloomy. If he was defeated, this operation would completely collapse, but...how on earth should he resolve the murder in front of him?


That Thunder Spirit came striding forward, not letting go of the pressure on Chen Xi at all.


At this moment, Chen Xi gritted his teeth violently, sacrificed Xuanwu's remnant sword suspended in the sea of ​​consciousness, and swiped away.

He has nothing to do, he can only try with Xuanwu's broken sword, if it doesn't work, he can only turn around and run away immediately.


An astonishing scene appeared.

As soon as the blood-stained sword appeared, wisps of obscure light rained out, and with a chirping sound, the sword split the Thunder Spirit in half, it was as easy as tearing a piece of paper, effortlessly!


ps: The second update is after midnight, my buddies will get married in a few days, and go to give red envelopes. No matter what time you come back at night, you will definitely code the second update, no matter how late, brothers and sisters who can’t wait to watch it tomorrow morning.In addition, when the owed updates are completed this week, two 2th updates will be made separately for the two new leaders of "September Good Rain" and "Shen Shen sx".If you can't do what you say, feel free to criticize it.


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