divine talisman

Chapter 1690


With one blow of the sword, the head of Lei Ling transformed by Daoyuan was cut into two, and the entire tall body suddenly turned into light rain and collapsed, disappearing without a trace.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment. Looking at the Xuanwu remnant sword in his hand, his heart was greatly shaken. He never thought that this sword, which was obviously broken and rusty, could exert such terrifying power.

If he had known that this sword possessed such miraculous power, why would it be so difficult to move forward on this road?

After a moment of silence, Chen Xi took a deep breath, put away the sword talisman, switched to Xuanwu's broken sword, and continued to walk towards the front of the road.

Half a sound later, a star spirit body derived from the power of the stars emerged, controlling the stars one by one, like the master of the universe, violently killing Chen Xi.

This spirit body is more terrifying than that thunder spirit. It is filled with the aura of stars, as if the stars are killing them one after another. Just the forceful power alone stimulates Chen Xi to stiffen and almost suffocate. No accident, he will definitely be robbed and blown away by this blow.

However, at this moment, the Xuanwu remnant sword in Chen Xi's hand trembled, and an obscure radiance enveloped it, crushing all these threats in an instant.

"Xuan Wu! Why... Xuan... why is he still in this world!" The spirit body screamed at this moment, as if terrified.

"He actually has roots of wisdom and memory!" Chen Xi was shocked, and felt that this place was more and more extraordinary.

He didn't neglect, he took the sword and slashed away.

It's a pity that this spirit body derived from the Avenue of Stars seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, and disappeared in an instant. It actually fled away, not daring to hinder Chen Xi anymore.

"As expected, everything that exists here must have a great connection with 'Xuan'!" Seeing this, Chen Xi became more and more certain of his speculation.


Chen Xi moved his cultivation level, holding his sword and slashing forward.

Immediately, he discovered that the oppressive and deterrent power existing on this path was easily crushed and disintegrated, and could no longer cause any obstacles to himself.

This feeling is almost the same as walking on the ground, and it is extremely relaxed.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also discovered that as he walked forward holding the Xuanwu Remnant Sword, he had never encountered a spirit body derived from the power of the Great Dao along the way.

Not only that, in this process, although the oppressive forces of the Dao were crushed one after another, they did not dissipate. Instead, they turned into wisps of light and rain, which were easily absorbed by myself and transformed into the power of my own divine way, which seemed extremely miraculous.

This caused another shock in Chen Xi's heart, and he couldn't help but secretly speculate, could it be that the door of the Great Dao was sealed by "Xuan" himself back then?

If not, how could I get such a chance at this moment?



No matter what Chen Xi thought in his heart, all the shattered auras of the Dao along the way were absorbed and refined by him, and became part of his own cultivation of the divine way...

Isn't all this another great opportunity?

Until later, Chen Xi felt that his whole body was about to be filled with the Qi of the Dao, and he had a feeling of fullness about to overflow.

However, what made Chen Xi a little unbelievable was that under such circumstances, his cultivation level of enlightenment at the level of "minor success" was still unable to reach the level of "great success".

Just one line away!

But it was like a moat in the sky, lying there, which made Chen Xi suddenly understand that although he possessed sufficient power of the divine way, he lacked an opportunity to break through.

This kind of opportunity cannot be supplemented by quantity alone, but needs to be realized!

Wanting to understand this, Chen Xi ignored these things and continued to move forward step by step.

In fact, up to now, whether it is his own cultivation of qi refining or enlightenment, he has reached a full and full level.

In other words, his own power has reached the limit of what can be achieved in the spiritual realm. If he wants to break through, there is only one way to go, and that is to advance!

Advance to the Ancestral God Realm!

Otherwise, even if you continue to practice, it will be difficult to improve your strength.

This is the consensus of the practice world, and Chen Xi is very clear about it, even he knows that, looking at the ascetics in the entire spiritual realm, it is almost impossible to find a cultivator who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!

But what happened next was beyond Chen Xi's expectations.

Because during this journey, although the cultivation of Qi refining and Dao enlightenment have reached a kind of limit bottleneck, the "God Altar" floating in his soul is gradually changing!

The Hollow Spirit God is the existence that has opened up an aura of spiritual light in its own soul.

According to the number of auras released by the altar, cultivators in the spiritual realm were divided into different levels. Like Chen Xi, the altar he opened up had nine auras, so he possessed the potential of "spiritual supremacy".This is already the highest potential in the spiritual realm.

For example, the top [-] powerhouses in the list of gods are all gods who have developed nine auras. The reason why the rankings are high or low is entirely due to the difference in comprehensive combat power.

In short, the altar has the existence of nine auras, has stepped into the limit of the spiritual realm, and is a supreme existence.

However, at this moment, in Chen Xi's soul, as he continued to absorb wisps of divine power, the nine streams of transpiring aura on the altar that had been suspended all the time seemed to faintly show signs of fusion!

The nine auras, divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white, are completely different from each other and echo each other from a distance. Sitting around the soul altar, this is already the power of the supreme god.

But now, the nine auras in Chen Xi's altar are gradually merging, and as time goes by, they are almost indistinguishable from each other.

Ninety-nine to one!

These nine auras formed a trend of "returning to one" at this moment!

With Chen Xi's current knowledge, he couldn't tell what this change was like.

But there is no doubt that with the occurrence of this change, he clearly felt that his soul was growing, and his perception, will, and even the energy of his body had all received a great benefit!

In fact, in short, this is a kind of transformation of the soul, a kind of evolution of the foundation of the great self, and this kind of breakthrough has even surpassed the category of "spiritual supremacy"!

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help being excited, and he felt hopeful, when all these changes were completely completed, to what level could his combat power be raised?


"It's been more than ten days, how can there be no news?"

"Don't be impatient, Luo Shaonong and the others didn't show up either? This may prove that Chen Xi hasn't been robbed yet."

"If that's the case, Chen Xi is really amazing. He's alone, and he's able to persevere until now. I really don't know where this guy came from."

"Do you still remember the Wang Jianchen I said 8000 years ago? His name was also not on the list of gods, but he shocked the world with his sword. Entering the Emperor's Taoist Temple was like entering a land of no one. Later, he was honored as a generation As a sword demon, Chen Xi is not far behind Wang Jianchen from back then."

"So, does it mean that Chen Xi might become the second Wang Jianchen?"

"No, everyone has their own way to go. Chen Xi is Chen Xi, and Wang Jianchen is Wang Jianchen, but there is no doubt that both of them are unrivaled figures who are unknown to the world."

In the main hall, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui waited quietly while conversing in low voices. When Chen Xi was mentioned, their expressions couldn't hide their emotions.

None of them expected that this young man who joined their camp on the way would show such a dazzling light in this ancient ruins, it was like a comet piercing the sky, and it was impossible not to look at it squarely.


While they were discussing, a figure suddenly entered the hall, and suddenly, he came to the door leading to the road.

He wore a moon-white monk's robe, stepped on straw sandals, and held a dead wooden Zen staff. He had a peaceful expression, and the ancient well was calm, and he exuded a resolute, calm, and peaceful aura. Canaan, the No.7 Buddhist son!

After Chen Xi entered the gate of the great way for more than ten days, he arrived at this moment, and he was alone. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be about to step into the gate of the great way.

This made Le Wuhen and the others startled. Even if they came so late, even if they acted again, they would be far from being able to compare with Luo Shaonong and his group, as well as Chen Xi. Why didn't he give up?

"Jianan, you have no chance, please back down!" Yu Qiujing couldn't help but shouted.

"Fate is determined, all karma has not ended, so why talk about it sooner or later?" Canaan said calmly, without turning his head.

"But... that's the gate of the Great Dao, and there are many murders!" Yu Qiujing frowned.

"Thank you for reminding me, Fellow Daoist." Even though Canaan said so, the figure stepped out in one step and disappeared into the portal in an instant.

"This Buddhist sect is really paranoid and unreasonable." Yu Qiujing shook his head bluntly.

"Don't underestimate him. Among the many great powers, the Emperor Domain Buddhist Sect is even more mysterious than Shenyan Mountain. The disciples of the sect hardly set foot in the world. If this person in Canaan is not seeking the way of the true self, he may not be at all. Will step out of the mountain gate, this person seems to be not as ranked as Luo Shaonong, but his real strength must not be underestimated."

Le Wuhen looked serious, with a touch of awe, "Perhaps, he might become a strong enemy of Chen Xi!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts trembled, and they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


In the gate of the avenue.

Canaan stood in front of his own avenue, silent for a long time, a smile appeared on his indifferent and resolute face.

He knew that it was okay for him to come, and it was not too late.

Then, he sacrificed the dead wood Zen stick in his hand, clasped his hands together, bowed his head slightly, proclaimed the Buddha's name devoutly and seriously, and stepped forward in one step, starting to move forward.




Waves of immeasurable Buddha voices spread in all directions like golden ripples, and at the foot of Canaan, white jade lotus stands rose one after another, blooming continuously, transpiring strands of Buddha-nature divine brilliance.

He stepped on a lotus platform, and his figure was like flowing clouds and flowing water, and he swept towards the depths of the avenue. From the beginning to the end, he didn't seem to encounter any obstacles!

If Le Wuhen and others see such a scene, they must not believe their eyes.


ps: The second update will be delivered as promised, see you tomorrow, good night everyone~


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