divine talisman

Chapter 1691 Beast Bone Token

Chen Xi had no idea whether he had caught up with Luo Shaonong and the others.

Similarly, he didn't know that after more than ten days of his journey, Canaan, the holy son from the Buddhist sect, had also stepped into the gate of the Dao, and he was traveling unimpeded all the way.

Holding Xuanwu's remnant sword in his hand, he slashed all the way without stopping.


On this day, Chen Xi suddenly felt that the path under his feet had become different, it actually started to get higher, as if he was climbing higher step by step.

He raised his eyes, and immediately saw the outline of an ancient sacred mountain looming in front of the road.

This mountain is too tall, shrouded in a golden light, as if suspended above the sky, it can be called immeasurable.

Could it be the end of the road?

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, Ruoyuan's black eyes glowed brightly.

If his deduction is correct, then the top of the sacred mountain may be the place where the only emperor-level Dao root grows!

Without stopping, Chen Xi started to climb the mountain.


Unlike before, the road under his feet not only became steeper, but also the power of the Great Dao that oppressed him suddenly became terrifying.

At this moment, the void was distorted, countless silver snakes danced wildly with lightning, and shadows of gods and gods emerged from nothingness.

They either control the flames, step on the sea of ​​fire, or control the water, swim on the dragon, or control the sun and the moon, surrounded by billions of stars!

There are even some ancient gods and men, some of them are wearing animal skin clothes, and their naked upper bodies are full of mysterious totem tattoos, and some of them are wearing fairy armor, which is radiant and looks extremely sacred.

Although each figure is extremely illusory, they are all majestic, with an awe-inspiring aura. Facing them, it is like seeing the gods in the ancient times, making people want to kneel down and worship!

Chen Xi sucked in a breath of cold air. At this moment, he couldn't help but be terrified. What kind of existence is this group?

Could it be that they were the innate gods who were born in the chaos and lived and practiced here?

Chen Xi noticed that those figures were all illusory, obviously not the real god body, but there was a primitive and ancient aura all over his body, as if he had existed for hundreds of millions of years.


Before Chen Xi could react, a sea of ​​flames spread across the sky, suppressing and killing him, intending to sink his figure into it and incinerate it.

This blow was too terrifying, the divine flames surged, filled with the ancient power of the divine way of fire, and evolved into a sea of ​​fire and purgatory, locking all directions and eight poles.


Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi swung Xuanwu's remnant sword, and a sword energy that was as violent as a tsunami and as solid as a cliff burst out from the sword.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Sea Cliff Style!


The sea of ​​fire and the tsunami confronted each other, bursting into billions of divine brilliance, roaring in all directions.

In just a split second, the torrential sea of ​​flames was crushed and shattered, even submerging the nothingness figure controlling the divine flame.

"Xuan Wu! Sea Cliff Style! This..." A roar full of shock and anger came out, which seemed unbelievable, but in just a moment, it was completely overwhelmed and covered by the sword energy.

Chen Xi was terrified. He knew very well that based on his current strength alone, it would definitely be impossible for him to be the opponent. It was all because the Xuanwu Remnant Sword in his hand had exerted an unimaginable power.



"It is the power of Mang Gu who dominates 'Xuan'!"

A burst of powerful and terrifying thoughts was conveyed, and the phantoms of the gods that emerged seemed to be frightened and angry, and the voice was full of panic and hatred.

This scene made Chen Xi judge in an instant that these phantoms of gods did not seem to be the batch of innate gods born here, but rather enemies of "Xuan"!

But if it was an enemy, how could it appear here?Could it be that he was imprisoned and suppressed here by "Xuan" with supreme divine power?


"This little ant is definitely not Xuan!"

"Back when Xuan killed us, he wanted to use the heavens and myriad ways in Manggu's origin to wipe out our fighting spirit. Unfortunately, he was wrong! We were born for war and have survived for several epochs. How could he be wiped out? of!"

Those nihilistic gods roared angrily, like thunder shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, it looked extremely terrifying.

If it were any other place, Chen Xi would have fled long ago. Although these phantoms were wisps of battle spirits that had never been wiped out, their auras were incomparably heaven-defying. One can imagine how powerful it is.

Now, they targeted Chen Xi with all their murderous intentions, making him feel helpless like falling into an ice cave, almost suffocating.

This is terrible!

Who would have imagined that after going through many trials and tribulations, when the end was in sight and the opportunity was within reach, such a group of terrifying existences would appear?

Who would have thought that "Xuan" would suppress so many ancient war spirits here?

Before, Chen Xi was still lamenting that this road was so difficult to climb to the sky, no wonder no one has been able to win that emperor-level dao root since ancient times.

Seeing this scene now, he finally understands that he has underestimated the horror of this place. Just these battle spirits that have never been wiped out in the endless years are enough to make any ascetic feel desperate!


A variety of terrifying and supreme divine arts poured and slanted across the void.

Those war spirits who were suppressed here angrily shot out, and they all wanted to kill Chen Xi in order to repay the hatred that was suppressed here by "Xuan" back then.

At this moment, Chen Xi's scalp was numb, and he could only use all his strength subconsciously to fight against it with Xuanwu Remnant Sword.


A round sword curtain appeared, complete, perfect, and impeccable, filled with the secret power of the crystal heart, and billions of majestic laws of the divine way circulated in it, like a sky curtain that covered everything, perfectly defending Chen Xi's whole body.

Hug circle!

【Xuanxin Sword Art】The strongest defensive sword style!

Now that it is cast out by Chen Xi with the Xuanwu Remnant Sword, it is even more covered with an obscure and mysterious aura.

bang bang bang~~~

One after another terrifying collision sounds resounded, and the blazing brilliance burst out. Although the round sword curtain vibrated violently, it was never broken from the beginning to the end.

This made Chen Xi, who was originally feeling powerless, suddenly lift up his spirits. Even he himself could not believe it, but immediately, his heart was filled with an uplifting emotion!

He finally dared to be sure that the sword from "Xuan" and [Xuanxin Sword Art] had an absolute suppression effect on these battle spirits!

Even if their fighting power is enough to crush themselves, but because of Xuanwu's broken sword and Xuanxin swordsmanship, they can only do nothing!

"Holding the circle!"


"This son must be Xuan's successor!"

Those phantoms of war spirits became more frightened and furious, as if falling into mania, and their attacks became more violent, terrifying to the extreme.

But at this moment, Chen Xi was like a stone in the turbulent current, despite the violent wind and rain, I would not move.

Those scenes are indeed unimaginable and unbelievable.

If outside cultivators saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock, and they would regard Chen Xi as a great man with power that reaches the sky.

But only Chen Xi knew that all of this was thanks to "Xuan"!


At this moment in Chen Xi, the horror in his heart was swept away, replaced by a confident look, no longer afraid of the front.


The Xuanwu remnant sword in his hand changed, turning into a stream of light, coming and going without a trace, with an elusive and uncapturable taste, and the speed was unimaginably fast.

streamer style!

This sword is less mysterious and ruthless than "Returning Back", and has a more ethereal and vague aura.


In an instant, a phantom of a war spirit was obliterated. Because it was too abrupt and swift, he didn't even have time to scream, and his whole body turned into light rain and disappeared.

"Bastard!" Almost at the same time, a battle spirit that controls Wanshui roared and charged, and with a wave of his sleeves, he froze thousands of miles, freezing everything, and freezing time and space.


Chen Xi's sword changed again, precise and sharp to the extreme, with one blow, he cut the ice layer of thousands of miles into two, and the sword energy pierced through the opponent's brow.

Untie the cow!

It is as precise as a Pao Ding solving an ox, and in a one-on-one situation, no one can beat it!


At this moment, Chen Xi no longer passively accepted the move, but launched an active attack, stepping up the mountain road step by step, the Xuanwu remnant sword in his hand was like a violent storm, splashing out a little bit of sword energy,

This entire inheritance from [Xuanxin Sword Art] was used by Chen Xi with all his strength for the first time. That level of power can be said to be invincible.

All of a sudden, the mountain road was filled with the sound of roaring and roaring, the sound of sword qi booming, the sound of mournful wailing, and the sound of divine brilliance colliding...

And from this moment on, Chen Xi never stopped moving forward!


When Chen Xi began to step up towards the top of the sacred mountain, in another area, Luo Shaonong and his party also came to the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the road under their feet began to become steeper, looking at the majestic and majestic ancient golden mountain suspended above the sky in the distance, the expressions of the group of people also became excited and fiery.

"Mysterious Lord Divine Mountain!"

"This is the sacred mountain that was rumored to have been created by the Lord Manggu."

"It is rumored that in the days of Manggu, there was a shocking confrontation here. The Lord of Manggu beheaded thousands of enemies with a single sword, and then sealed and suppressed all the fighting spirits of those enemies here. He wanted to wipe out their thoughts completely, but he did not know this It's true or false."

"It's true, I heard from the ancestors of the clan that those opponents of the Manggu Lord have survived for several epochs, and each of them has the power to seize the good fortune, but in the end... no one can resist the Manggu Lord. The master's sword!"

"Hey! So strong?"

"That is a legendary figure who has embarked on the ultimate road. He is said to be immortal. In the huge imperial domain, there are not many to be found. Unfortunately, in order to find the ultimate road, he disappeared completely. Nor was it alive.”

Everyone didn't move forward in a hurry, they all started discussing, but most of the time, it was Luo Shaonong who was talking and the others were listening.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Luo Shaonong was not only well prepared, but also seemed to be extremely familiar with everything in this Manggu deep ruins.

"Brother Luo, do you think that emperor-level Taoist root is on the top of the Xuanzhu Mountain?" Gongye Zhefu was thoughtful.

"It's natural." Luo Shaonong nodded and said, he swung his left hand, took out a token of animal bones, and said, "With this thing, we can resolve most of the fatal dangers when we climb the mountain."

All of a sudden, everyone couldn't help looking at the animal bone token.


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