divine talisman

Chapter 1692 Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple

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This animal bone token is about the size of a palm, in the shape of a sharp sword, crystal clear throughout, and filled with a pure chaotic energy.

On its front, there is only a few seals engraved with the word "Xuan", the brush is as sharp as a blade, and the iron draws a silver hook, revealing a forceful and sharp sword intent.

Looking at it from a distance, it can make people's eyes sting, like a thorn between the eyebrows, which is extremely frightening.

Everyone's heart trembled, this token looks ordinary, but it is obviously made by a big man, especially the sword intent pervading it, killing Wushuang, it has reached the level of appalling.

"This was obtained by the ancestors of the Luo family from the master of Manggu by accident. The token was refined from the bones of the ancient beast 'Tiu Xie' of Chaos. The master carved the seal with his own hands, imprinting a trace of the mystery of the way of the sword that he has comprehended, which is of invaluable value, if not for coming to the Manggu Ruins this time, the elders of the clan would definitely not have given me such a rare thing."

Luo Shaonong explained lightly, when he felt the shocked and envious eyes from around him, a vague smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

This is the foundation!

It is what he is proud of, even if everyone present is from the top giants of the God Emperor's Domain, they can't compare with Luo's in this aspect.

"Dare to ask Brother Luo, what is so magical about this thing?" Someone couldn't help asking, curious.

Luo Shaonong smiled, raised his head proudly, pointed to the ancient sacred mountain suspended under the sky in the distance, and said: "On it, suppressed the battle spirits of a group of powerful gods who were killed by the lord of Manggu. , although they have been imprisoned in this boundless time, their strengths are three points stronger than those in the Ancestral God Realm, and there are even some terrifying existences at the level of emperors."

Everyone was startled and horrified, none of them expected that there would be such a horrific murder on this mountain.

Stronger than the ancestor gods, there are even emperors!

Those words alone were enough to make all of them feel powerless and hopeless.

"However, with this token, when we climb the mountain, we can resolve most of the fatalities. As long as you and I work together, we will definitely be able to set foot on the top of the sacred mountain safely!"

Luo Shaonong's eyes were shining brightly, and his handsome and charming cheeks were full of disdain.

No one knew that in order to seize that emperor-level Daogen, he had already prepared too much, and even paid a lot of effort and price.

It's like recruiting Gongye Tetsuo and his party to help.

Like using the ancestral worm and blood barren bell in the hands of Kun Wuqing and Pei Wen to lead the way.

Like the picture of all living beings and sages in his hand and this piece of animal bone token.

All this seems to come easily, but who knows the price and hard work behind it?

Now, with success in sight, Luo Shaonong couldn't help feeling a sense of pride and excitement in his heart. He was finally about to succeed. When he captured the emperor-level dao root and advanced to the ancestral god realm, who could compare with him?

Yu Jiuyue, who is now ranked second in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods?


Although this guy is strong, he is just a reckless man.

The number one ranked Yechen?

Perhaps, he can overwhelm himself now, but after advancing to the Ancestral God Realm, it may not be the case anymore!

Thinking of this, Luo Shaonong took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, start to act."

With that said, he took the lead and headed towards the mountain road first.

The others followed closely behind, and soon disappeared on the vast and steep mountain road.


After a cup of tea time.

In another direction, white jade lotus flowers bloom quietly and spread to the foot of the sacred mountain.

Then, Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, who was dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, floated towards the lotus with his feet on the lotus.

Although he entered the gate of the avenue more than ten days later than the others, but now, he was only one step away from catching up with the others!

All of this is like a miracle, unbelievable.

Clothed and dressed, Canaan looked as calm and resolute as usual, and the ancient well was calm.

He raised his eyes to look at the majestic and incomparably golden holy mountain, stared at it for a long time, then bowed his head, clasped his hands together, and silently chose a Buddha's name in his heart.

It seems that he dare not speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heaven and the people.

Then, Canaan's expression became pious, and he took out a blue lantern, a futon, an alms bowl, a string of beads, and a volume of Buddhist scriptures.

Light the green lantern.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon.

The alms bowl is placed in front of the body.

Put your hands together, and move a string of rosary beads between your palms and fingers.

After doing all this, Canaan's expression became more pious and solemn, with a layer of Buddha's light completely scattered, perfect and clear, like the glass of the avenue.

In front of him, a volume of Buddhist scriptures was automatically suspended, and when the pages were opened, a magnificent and immeasurable light was released, shining on the nine heavens and ten earths!

Immediately, there was a burst of Sanskrit chanting and chanting, curling up between the heaven and the earth——

"If the heart has something to live in, it is not to live in. There should be no place to live in, so as to give birth to its heart."

"All things are impermanent, and everything is suffering. All dharmas have no self, and extinction is joy."

"All dharmas arise due to conditions, all dharmas cease due to conditions, and dharmas arise and cease due to conditions. The Buddha said that they are all emptiness!"

"I see the original self, hold on to the non-self, and seek the true self, so the vajra is immortal and permanent, the heart is nirvana and I exist forever..."

The sound of the Buddha became louder and louder, and Canaan's whole body seemed to be supported by an invisible big hand, and he went up layer by layer along the mountain road leading to the top of the sacred mountain.

Around his body, green lanterns flickered, futons glowed, and when the rosary beads were tossed, there was a strong wind and thunder, and the alms bowl was suspended around, spouting immeasurable Buddha light!

Along the way, from time to time, phantoms of gods and gods rushed out, but before they got close, they were shaken by the bursts of Buddha's voice, screamed endlessly, and finally collapsed and fled.



On the mountain road, Luo Shaonong's eyes burst into a ray of light, as if he had sensed something, his face darkened immediately, and he said coldly: "So it's the treasure of the five sages of the Buddhist sect? Unexpectedly, this Canaan has some tricks , to be able to ask five great Buddha Lords who have the appearance of a bodhisattva to help him together!"

Everyone was shocked.

Before they could react, Luo Shaonong waved his hand and said, "Don't be distracted, hurry up, if this Canaan really dares to compete with us, he will be killed!"


"What a grand Buddha's voice..." On the other side, Chen Xi slashed a phantom of a battle spirit in front of him with a sword, and couldn't help frowning.

He also felt the Buddha's voice that shook for nine days, and he knew that the holy son of the Buddha Sect, Canaan, might have arrived.

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble, adding one more Canaan was equivalent to adding another variable. If Luo Shaonong and his group were added, the competition would inevitably become more cruel.

"It seems that we can only speed up our pace."

After pondering for a while, Chen Xi immediately made a decision and started to sprint with all his strength.

Previously, in order to absorb the aura of the Dao along the way and integrate the nine spiritual lights in the Lingtai, he had always maintained a constant speed.

But now, obviously, these are no longer considered.


At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body was like a sharp blade, breaking through numerous obstacles, soaring up, and quickly approaching the top of the divine mountain.

The illusory God of War figures encountered along the way were all smashed and smashed by the Xuanwu Remnant Sword in Chen Xi's hand, and there was no one who could beat him.

After a stick of incense.

Finally reaching the top of the mountain, at this moment, Chen Xi's field of vision was filled with a vast golden light, and he saw round after round of scorching sun leaping into the sky from the sea of ​​clouds.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are huge three-legged golden crows one after another!

There are ten heads, lingering above the sky, releasing blazing and dazzling light, dyeing the sea of ​​clouds, heaven and earth, and mountains into golden colors, magnificent, vast, and extremely magnificent.

But very soon, Chen Xi noticed that it was not the real Golden Crow, but derived from a mysterious force field.

And that mysterious force field came from an ancient building standing in the middle of the mountain. The whole body was covered with golden bricks and stones, bathed in golden light, and radiated hundreds of millions of divine lights.

To Chen Xi's surprise, this ancient building was like a medicine garden cultivated by gods. From a very far distance, there was a mellow fragrance wafting towards his face, turning into light rain.

At this moment, Chen Xi felt a sense of relief both inside and outside his body, and a rhythm of jumping and cheering appeared in his mind and soul.

This surprised Chen Xi immediately. The aura alone possesses such a miraculous aura, which is something extraordinary.

What exactly exists in that ancient building?Could it be the only emperor-level dao root in the world?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi felt an uncontrollable excitement in his heart. He scanned his surroundings and found that no one had arrived ahead of schedule, which meant that he was the first one ahead of Luo Shaonong and Fozi Zhenlu. Arrived here!

Facing such an excellent opportunity, how could Chen Xi let himself miss it? With a flash of his figure, he was about to rush towards the ancient building.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred——

"Hahaha, it's finally here!"

"Xuanzhu's ancestral temple! This is the rumored Xuanzhu's ancestral temple! Have you seen that the golden crow is empty, presenting a perfect momentum in ten directions, covering the surroundings of the ancestral temple? This is the unique and supreme atmosphere of Xuanzhu's ancestral temple! "

"Huh? That's...damn it! Chen Xi!"

"Damn it! Why is he here? He's even ahead of us!"

There was a burst of noise, and along with the sound, figures came through the air, and they were Luo Shaonong and his party.

They were discussing something excitedly at first, but when they saw Chen Xi standing in the distance, their eyes immediately focused.

At this moment, Chen Xi also stopped walking abruptly, sighing inwardly, knowing that if he stepped forward again rashly, he would definitely be ambushed by these guys.

"It's really him."

Whether it was Luo Shaonong, Zhai Jun, or Gongye Zhefu, Zhen Liuqing, Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang, or Nakun Wuqing and Pei Wen, the moment Chen Xi's identity was completely confirmed, all of them had complex and wonderful expressions.

Yes, any one of them has either suffered at the hands of Chen Xi, or has something to do with Chen Xi, and there is no one who has nothing to do with Chen Xi!

Like Pei Wen, who was almost killed by Chen Xi when he first arrived at the Manggu Ruins.

Like Kun Wuqing, on the way from Shenshen Sea to this place, she contacted Chen Xi again and again, and wanted to form an alliance, but was rejected by Chen Xi time and time again.

Like Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang were once defeated by Chen Xi, and even Zhai Jun was knocked back by Chen Xi in a confrontation.

As for Luo Shaonong, when he snatched the eighth-grade Dao Root, he also fought against Chen Xi, but in the end he couldn't do anything to Chen Xi.

Zhen Liuqing is the last one left... Of course, there is no need to mention it.

That's why when they saw Chen Xi, they felt so uneasy.


ps: Goldfish’s tenosynovitis is recovering well. Thank you for your concern. In addition, there will be no less than 3 updates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I will make up for the updates owed before. Next week, I will be alone for X Hao, September Good Rain, and Shen Shen sx is added separately.


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