divine talisman

Chapter 1698

Thanks to the lord "Shen Shen sx" for the 100000 floating red reward~~ Thanks~


The audience was silent and dead silent.

As we all know, with the existence of the spirit god realm, one can be called the supreme god if one has nine auras of spiritual light in the soul altar, which is enough to disdain most people of the same generation.

Like everyone present, could it be such a person.

Moreover, the Supreme God is extremely rare, there is no one in a million, like the ancient God Realm, which has thousands of realms and countless universes, it is possible to give birth to the Supreme God, and only a small part of the realms.

After all, this level has reached the limit in the realm of spirits and gods, and it can be said to be unique in ancient and modern times.


In the boundless years of the ancient gods, there has always been such a rumor that above the supreme god, there is a realm of perfection that breaks through the limit, known as the only one, crowning the supreme realm!

This level is called the Great Perfection of the Spiritual God, and its distinctive feature is the possession of the "unique altar"!

Of course, this does not refer to those strong men who have a spiritual altar, but the existence of a "divine altar light wheel" that combines the nine spiritual lights of the altar into one!

Because there are very few strong men who can reach this level since ancient times, most people in the world don't know about it at all, and they haven't even heard of such rumors.

But for the supreme gods who were born in the top wealthy families of the imperial domain, they naturally understood that this was not a rumor, but a real existence.

Ye Chen, who ranked No. 1 in the Spiritual God Realm in the Conferred God List, is the best proof!

Now, in the peak match against Luo Shaonong, Chen Xi actually displayed the power of the "unique altar", which naturally seemed a bit shocking and unbelievable.

In addition, his reputation in the ancient gods was not well known in the past, and his name had never appeared on the list of gods, which made all this even more unbelievable.

At this moment, Chen Xi in the arena seemed to be the focus of attention. He was wearing a green shirt and standing alone with a sword in his hand. His appearance was still the same, but everyone felt a deep sense of fear, even fear!


Luo Shaonong coughed up blood and got up, wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his lips, stared fixedly at Chen Xi, his expression complicated.


He was actually defeated by an unknown young man!

This made him, who has always been proud and conceited, feel a deep sense of frustration at this moment, making it difficult to accept this result.

He looked at the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple in the distance, and he knew that there was an emperor-level dao root that he had dreamed of growing there. As long as he got that dao root, he would be able to advance to the ancestral god realm in the future. Be afraid of any ancestor gods in the world.

But the premise is that Chen Xi’s obstacle must be removed first!

But... in the current situation, who can be that Chen Xi's opponent?

again and again!again and again!

These thoughts flashed in Luo Shaonong's mind instantly, before he could make a decision, the sound of stepping on time and space resounded.

In the distance, Chen Xi charged again with a sword, his brows were full of chill and coldness, his aura was overwhelming.

Deceiving too much!

Is this guy really planning to kill himself?

Luo Shaonong was furious in his heart. He didn't believe that Chen Xi would dare to kill him, but he still felt that Chen Xi's behavior was a kind of trampling on his own self-esteem, which made his face turn gloomy and livid in an instant.

Luo Shaonong has already made a decision. If Chen Xi dares to push himself to death at this moment, he will call all the other gods and gods to go out together and fight to the death with the other party!


But at this moment, there was a muffled sound in the field.

Chen Xi stopped abruptly, turned his head abruptly, and saw Zhen Liuqing coughing up blood in the distance, her pretty face was pale, her brows were full of pain and struggle, and her slender and slender body was constantly trembling, as if she was bearing With a kind of incomparable torment and pain.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked for a moment, his face changed slightly, he didn't care about continuing to kill the enemy, he came to Zhen Liuqing's side, and asked anxiously, "Liuqing, what happened?"

At this moment, the others were also surprised, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Zhen Liuqing's accident just happened to prevent Chen Xi from continuing to commit murder, but it actually helped them resolve a crisis invisibly.

Only Luo Shaonong seemed to realize something, and glanced at Gongye Zhefu on the other side, and sure enough, he saw that the latter had a sneer on his lips, and looked at Zhen Liuqing with cold eyes.

"I...I'm fine...Wow!"

Zhen Liuqing's whole body trembled more violently, her pretty face became paler and more transparent, her brows and eyes were filled with pain, she was dripping with cold sweat, and finally couldn't help but spit out a puddle of blood, the blood showed strange colorful colors, but the smell was sweet and attractive Incomparable.

But Chen Xi could tell at a glance that it was a kind of poison!

This made his face suddenly darken, with a murderous look on his brows, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who did this?"

"Don't...don't worry...I..." Zhen Liuqing's face was pale, and her voice became weaker and weaker. Finally, her body softened, as if she had lost her strength, and she fell to the ground.

"Liu Qing!" Chen Xi hurriedly hugged her in his arms, feeling anxious, angry, and distressed.

As if realizing something, he turned his head and locked on to Gongye Zhefu in an instant, his expression was extremely cold.

"You poisoned it?"

He paused every word, as if squeezed out between his teeth. Although his expression was calm, those who were familiar with Chen Xi knew that he was completely enraged.

At this moment, Gongye Zhefu, with a smug face and a hint of pride, looked a little ferocious, and said proudly: "This is not poison, there is no poison in this world that can kill a god-level existence."

After a pause, he said slowly, "As for what it is... Hehe, you kneel down for me, and I'll tell you slowly, how about it?"

The words were filled with a taste of vengeful pride, which was even more humiliating and provocative.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and the murderous intent in his eyes had boiled to the extreme. Ever since he entered the Ancient God Realm, he had never been so eager to kill someone like this for a moment.

"Let Liuqing go, this time, I will spare you all." Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and spoke slowly.

"Hahaha..." Gongye Zhefu looked up to the sky and laughed, his silver hair fluttering all over his head. Immediately, he withdrew his smile and said in a contemptuous tone: "Chen Xi, don't you like her very much? You can do it because of her." Let the enemy trample over the corpse? Now, I just make you kneel, can't you do it?"

Chen Xi's expression was extremely indifferent, and there was a murderous desire accumulating in his body, and he was about to be unable to hold back.

However, the more he behaved like this, the happier Gongye Zhefu felt. He laughed and said, "Hurry up, if you waste any more time, that woman won't last long."

Before Chen Xi could speak, he continued: "Of course, after you kneel down, I will definitely tell you what happened to her, and even help her relieve this pain, but everything depends on your performance."

"Kneel down!"

"Chen Xi, kneeling down for the woman he likes, if it gets out, wouldn't it be a good reputation?"

"I see, this guy can't do without kneeling, unless he wants that woman to die!"

In the distance, when Zhai Jun and the others saw this, they couldn't help but joke and laughed loudly, thinking that Zhefu Gongye had already caught Chen Xi's weak point, and he couldn't help being arrogant anymore.

Only Luo Shaonong frowned, as if he felt that a woman was being used to threaten his identity, but in the end he didn't say much.

Normally, using such despicable tricks to fight against the enemy would definitely make everyone present feel ashamed, but at this moment, in order to deal with Chen Xi, they also completely shameless, and the exposed faces were extremely ugly.

"Why are you still hesitating? Kneel down!" Gongye Zhefu shouted, his voice aggressive.

"do not want!"

Suddenly, Zhen Liuqing didn't know where the strength came from, and she tightly grasped Chen Xi's lapel with both hands, and shouted, "Chen Xi, don't promise him! I was planted with an ancient witch's secret ban, and he, Gongye Zhefu, completely lifted it." No!"

Forbidden by ancient witches?

Chen Xi felt irritated again, it was the first time he had heard of such a thing, so he was naturally at a loss as to what to do.

"Bitch! If you dare to speak again, believe it or not, your master will be buried with you!?" Gongye Zhefu's expression darkened, and he sternly scolded.

Zhen Liuqing's whole body froze, and she showed a look of incomparable pain and struggle. Chen Xi was heartbroken again when she saw it, and she hated Gongye Zhefu to the bone.

At this moment, he finally understood why Zhen Liuqing didn't recognize herself before. It turned out that not only was she planted with the secret ban of ancient witches, but also Dao Que, her master, was also arrested by the Gongye clan!

Under such circumstances, whoever it is, I'm afraid that Gongye Zhefu will lead him away by the nose, and he has no choice but to obey.

The damn thing!

Chen Xi's eyes seemed to be burning with uncontrollable murderous intent, which was incomparably frightening.

At this moment, Zhen Liuqing in his arms suddenly struggled to raise her head, staring at Chen Xi with a pair of clear eyes, and said in a weak voice, "Chen Xi, do you know that I... have always... envied Qing Xiuyi, she ... After all, I have... my child, since... Master and I were taken away... what I am most afraid of is... that is... I will never see you again in this life... Now look at you In this way... I feel... that if I die in this life... I will have no regrets!"

Chen Xi felt another stabbing pain in his heart, and an indescribable anger surged through his whole body like molten lava, and it was about to explode.

"Stop talking! I must let you live!" Chen Xi said in a low voice, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his chest, his grief and indignation were mixed, shaking the world.

Seeing this, everyone was a little bit surprised, especially Gongye Zhefu, who vaguely sensed something was wrong, and roared sharply: "Bitch! Don't think that you will be free after death! Don't forget, your master has been imprisoned there!"

However, Zhen Liuqing didn't seem to have heard all of this. The pained expression on her face disappeared and was replaced by a blush. Her eyes were as gentle as water. She raised her slightly trembling white palm and stroked Chen Xi's face, murmuring as if in a dream. He muttered: "In this life, I can fall in love with someone who likes me, and in the end, I can be held in your arms with an innocent body...Even if I pass away like this, I can't express my joy..."

The sound became weaker and weaker until it became silent.

Suddenly passed away.

There was a smile from the heart hanging on the corner of his lips, and his quiet and beautiful demeanor was just like the first time he saw it.

As if he still couldn't believe it, Chen Xi stared blankly at everything in front of him, and immediately raised his head and let out a roar of extreme grief and indignation. There was a piercing pain spreading in his heart, and he almost couldn't breathe.

"Do not--!!!"


ps: I feel very aggrieved. I know that when Zhen Liuqing had an accident, she must have fulfilled the wishes of many people, but in my heart, Zhen Liuqing has always been as beautiful as before, pure and flawless. As for whether she is completely dead, don’t ask, I will write my own my own.In the future, I will not read the opinions of various experts.In addition, the fourth episode is very late, I can't wait for my brothers and sisters to watch it tomorrow~


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