divine talisman

Chapter 1699

The roar of grief and indignation shook the whole field, filled with pain, unspeakable pain.

There was never a moment when Chen Xi felt so powerless and grief-stricken, like a knife being pierced into his heart so hard that he couldn't breathe.

Watching the woman I once liked close her eyes in my arms and die suddenly, that feeling is simply the greatest torture in the world.

At this moment, Chen Xi's face was mournful, his eyes were tearing apart, his long hair was flying all over his head, and he looked like a complete madman.

He hugged Zhen Liuqing's body tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear, a line of tears fell from his face uncontrollably.

I don't know when it started, but Chen Xi has never cried again. Over the years, he has even forgotten what it feels like to cry, and what kind of temperature and weight are carried in those tears.

At this moment, as the Supreme God, he stepped into the Great Perfection Realm of the Spirit God Realm, and his lifespan was almost immortal, but he couldn't restrain the tears from falling down.


Incomparable hate!

Filled in the chest, stirred in the heart, intensified, the breath in the whole body also became violent like a vast ocean, constantly boiling and spreading, startling the sky and changing the situation, and everything seemed to be crying.


Zhen Liuqing committed suicide?

Zhai Jun and his party were startled in horror, their expressions were dull, as if they couldn't imagine where this woman got the courage, she would rather die than succumb to fate, she would rather die than implicate Chen Xi!

Gongye Zhefu opened his eyes wide, also in disbelief.

Luo Shaonong frowned, looking at Chen Xi who looked like a madman in the distance, an inexplicable chill surged in his heart.

He was surprised by Zhen Liuqing's death, but it had nothing to do with it, it just felt extremely tricky and troublesome.

Because he knew that what they were afraid to face next was the suppression from Chen Xi's endless anger!

"Get ready to retreat!"

At this moment, Luo Shaonong made a decisive decision and quickly transmitted the sound to everyone.

Gongye Zhefu came to his senses suddenly, and said in a daze, "Just give up that emperor-level daogen?"

"Do you think life is more important, or that emperor-level dao root?" Luo Shaonong frowned and asked coldly.

Gongye Zhefu's face changed slightly, and then he sneered and said, "Hmph, if he really had the guts to kill people, he wouldn't have spared Zhai Jun and the others before. It's obvious that he was bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and worried about offending the forces behind you and me."

Luo Shaonong's face darkened: "So, are you going to stay and fight him to the end?"

Gongye Zhefu shook his head disapprovingly: "Since you have given up, then I have nothing to say."

Before, Luo Shaonong gave him the ninth-grade emperor-level dao root, and in exchange, he would help Luo Shaonong come together to seize the emperor-level dao root.

Now that the other party has given up, he will no longer be persistent.

"Weird, why hasn't that guy from Canaan come yet..." Luo Shaonong frowned and glanced around, but finally made a decision and didn't intend to stay.

The son of a daughter, if he can't sit still, he won't risk his life.

"Let's go!"

Luo Shaonong glanced at Chen Xi, who looked sad and angry in the distance, hugging Zhen Liuqing's body like a clay sculpture, then withdrew his gaze, and quickly sent a voice transmission to others.

Although the others were unwilling, they also knew that to offend Chen Xi at this time would definitely be no different from courting death.

At that moment, they followed Luo Shaonong and planned to go down the mountain along the same path.

"You... still want to leave?"

At this moment, a hoarse, indifferent, and heartless voice suddenly resounded, making Luo Shaonong and the others stiff and their faces darkened.

The thing they least wanted to see still happened!


Luo Shaonong didn't dare to hesitate, he wanted to evacuate first, to avoid being entangled by Chen Xi who was almost insane.

But immediately, his steps stopped abruptly.

Not only him, but everyone else also stopped, with expressions of horror on their faces.

A hundred feet in front of them, Chen Xi's figure had stood there at some point.

His face was expressionless, his eyes were as red as blood, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations. Instead, he was like a pool of stagnant water, making one's heart palpitate.

On his back was Zhen Liuqing's body.

This made him look a little cumbersome, but when everyone met his bloodshot eyes, they all felt chills in their hearts.

"Chen Xi, that woman committed suicide. Don't blame us, but after all, she has a relationship with us. As compensation, the emperor-level dao root in the Xuanzhu's ancestral temple is left to you." Luo Shaonong Taking a deep breath, he said quickly, "This time, we admit our failure, please back down a step."

"Didn't you just want to kill me?" Chen Xi said indifferently, his voice was hoarse and low, without any emotion.

Luo Shaonong frowned, and a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart.

"You...don't tell me to kneel down." Chen Xi's blood-red pupils moved slowly, and swept over Zhai Jun and his party, making their expressions extremely ugly.

"You bastard! Do you really think we are afraid of you?" Gongye Zhefu frowned and shouted sharply.

Indifferently, Chen Xi raised his sword and pointed at the crowd, and a murderous intent surged into the sky: "Today, you all have to pay the price in blood for this."

The voice was calm and hoarse, but there was an overwhelming force of determination.

Gongye Zhefu laughed angrily: "Haha, idiot, let alone whether you can kill all of us with your ability, even if you can really do it, you really dare to do it? Do you know the consequences of doing so? Don't be stupid, be smart and get out of the way!"


Before the words were finished, a burst of sword energy suddenly crossed the air, the killing boiled to the extreme, and it burst out with a burst of grief and anger that was suppressed to the extreme.

This sword was so decisive, chilling, and resolute, like a spark, completely detonated the molten hatred in Chen Xi's heart!

Gongye Zhefu was astonished, his pupils dilated. He never expected that Chen Xi would actually dare to strike, and the murderous intent contained in this blow made him smell a deadly danger.

He screamed strangely and used all his strength to resist.


But in the next moment, his whole body was split by a sword, his whole body was crushed like a deep mountain, his chest was cut, blood burst out, his whole body was almost split in half!

"Ah!" Gongye Zhefu screamed, completely terrified and frightened, this blow was simply too powerful to imagine.

He struggled to get up, but he felt pain all over his body, and only then did he realize that all the muscles and bones of his limbs had already been shattered by that wisp of sword energy.


"Damn it! This guy actually wants to kill us!"

"Come on!"

When they saw this scene, Zhai Jun and the others were so startled that their scalps went numb, their souls froze, they couldn't hold back the panic in their hearts, and fled in all directions, looking like that, they wished that their parents would have two more legs.

At this moment, they no longer cared about their dignity or status, just like a group of dogs in a panic.

Yes, when the forces behind them can no longer provide them with the power to deter the enemy, it's like being stripped of their gorgeous clothes, facing death, they will also be terrified and afraid, no different from others.


However, at the moment when they collapsed, a dreamlike clear starlight turned into an overwhelming sky, completely covering the mountain, blocking all escape routes!

Da Luotian!

At this moment, in order to kill these people, Chen Xi has no scruples, even if the world is destroyed at this moment, he will not hesitate!


Some people rushed desperately, wanting to use the magic treasure in their hands to break through Daluotian, but it was of no avail, which made them completely panic.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, a swipe of sword flow overflowed, and a bloody head was harvested in an instant!

It was Pei Wen. Before he could react, his throat was cut, his head was thrown into the air, and the headless body crashed to the ground, dying on the spot!

This blow completely made the others realize that Chen Xi had indeed made up his mind to kill them, and he did not intend to let them go!

The only sliver of luck in their hearts completely collapsed and disappeared at this moment, their faces were filled with horror and anger, and they couldn't figure it out even if they broke their heads. There are really people who are not afraid of anything in this world.

"Da Luotian! Are you a descendant of Shenyan Mountain?"

Almost at the same time, Luo Shaonong uttered angrily, with a touch of disbelief in his voice.


Shenyan Mountain?

Everyone felt that the sky was about to fall. Originally, they thought that Chen Xi's background was so ordinary that he couldn't compare with them, and that relying on the overwhelming power behind him was enough to deter Chen Xi from killing him. But who would have thought that the other party... The other party might be the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi remained indifferent. At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a heartless killing god, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was walking with a sword in his hand.

He hated these guys in front of him so much that he was about to go crazy with hatred. If he didn't vent it, he would go completely crazy!


With a wave of his sleeve robe, hundreds of millions of runes reflected in the sky and the earth, evolving into one after another mysterious and magnificent gods, sitting on the eight poles, reflecting each other, with immeasurable power.

In an instant, a complete divine formation was formed, like a cage, together with Da Luotian, completely sealed off this piece of heaven and earth!

"Inheritance of the divine talisman, the formation of the gods in an instant...you...you are indeed a disciple of Shenyan Mountain!" Luo Shaonong was completely shocked, his whole body was terrified, like falling into an ice cave!

To be able to frighten such an existence like No. 3 in the list of gods like him shows how much shock he has suffered in his heart.


Just when Luo Shaonong opened his mouth, Chen Xi held Xuanwu's remnant sword and beheaded another person. It was Jin Qingyang. Although he had tried his best, he could not block Chen Xi's blow. Very miserable.

"Everyone! If you don't want to die, you can deal with this son with all your strength! Otherwise, if this continues, you will all be killed!"

Looking at the chaotic crowd looking around in panic, Luo Shaonong couldn't help but take a deep breath, and shouted loudly.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately came to their senses and moved towards Luo Shaonong.


However, that Kun Wuqing moved a little slower, even though it was just an inconspicuous small step, it cost his life. Chen Xi pierced his throat with a sword, and his soul was crushed.

Before he died, he yelled in disbelief: "Why...why?"


What a ridiculous question!

In the end, Kun Wuqing fell to the ground, completely desperate, and died with regret.

Chen Xi's expression became more and more cold and indifferent. He carefully hugged Zhen Liuqing who was behind him tightly, and then a pair of blood-colored pupils coldly glanced at Luo Shaonong and the others.


ps: Regarding Zhen Liuqing, Jinyu would like to briefly talk about it. Many friends may have already discovered why Zhen Liuqing was able to enter the Zixiao Dao Palace together with other supreme gods, why she arrived at the Ancient God Realm earlier than Chen Xi, and how she was accepted by the emperor. All of this will be explained later, because Goldfish has already started preparations for this clue very early.Is Zhen Liuqing dead?I can only say that I like the character of Zhen Liuqing, very much, friends who like her as much as I do, please rest assured, I will give a satisfactory explanation, if you don’t like it, please rest assured, I will never disgust you again.The reason why there are so many explanations is because writing these two chapters is really passive, which disrupts the plots and plots I originally planned. I can only explain and explain, and I will not be so long-winded in the future.

Finally, the 4th update is completed, and the owed updates are completed. Please ask for a monthly pass to encourage the goldfish. Please detour the trolls. I am in a particularly unhappy mood tonight. I just need encouragement, thank you~~


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