divine talisman

Chapter 1702

The list of conferred gods releases golden holy brilliance, illuminating the chaos of the sky.

It fluctuates constantly, and the aura it releases is obscure and ancient, filling the avenues of the heavens, like the supreme way of heaven, with an indescribable sense of majesty.

Just for a moment.

The list suddenly paused and spread out on the sky, and the brilliant names imprinted on it were gradually revealed.

Every name is dazzling, blazing and dazzling, and it shines on the bullfighting, possessing a supreme power.

"Spirit God Realm list?"

"Could it be that... this kind of mutation happened to the top [-] Supreme Spiritual Gods in the Spiritual God Realm?"

Around the altar, a group of stalwart and ancient figures were amazed. They were used to the wind and rain, and they had stood for an unknown number of years, but this was the first time they witnessed such a change.

"Do you remember that some time ago, there was also a change in the list of gods, but it only lasted for a moment, and then returned to the original. At the beginning, we all thought that there was an era god treasure that surpassed the power of heaven, but later... After investigation , but not so.”

An old man with silver beard and hair and a thin and awkward face spoke in a deep voice.

"What's that for?"

"It's very simple. Outside the imperial domain, a new Supreme God was born. Originally, he seemed to be strong enough to be included in the list of spirit gods on the list of gods, but for some unknown reason, he failed to make it to the list in the end. list, so it caused a change in the list of gods."

"Oh? Do you know who that young man is?"

"It has not been found out yet, which is a bit strange."

"It's nothing more than a supreme god. He can't even make it to the list of conferred gods. There is no need to pay more attention. Let's take a look at the changes in front of you. Can you deduce anything?"

While there was a lot of discussion, a group of stalwart figures unconsciously glanced at the sky and landed on the list of gods.


At this moment, on the surface of the shining list of gods, a name suddenly flew up from it, turned into a touch of golden light, and disappeared, like a falling comet.

"Someone has fallen!"

"Who is so bold, dare to kill the god supreme on the list of gods?"

"The one who fell was Pei Wen, who ranked fourth. This young man was the leader of the younger generation of the Pei family in the imperial domain, but he never thought that he would die like this."

All the stalwart figures were startled, a little surprised.

"In the past few years, there are not many strong men who have fallen on the list of gods, but they have not caused such a change like today. Could it be that Pei Wen's fall is also implicated in something that can make the list of gods vigilant? ?”

Someone frowned.


During the discussion, another name flew up from the list of gods and gods, and disappeared in a flash of golden light.

"Jin Qingyang, ranked No. 20 and fourth! This is also a young master of the Emperor Yuyan Jin Clan. He has made great achievements. The ancestors of his clan also bestowed on him the Xiantian Lingbao Shutu Xinghuang Banner, which shows how much he loves him. Valuable, but now, it has also been robbed and fallen."

The stalwart figures were shocked again. In a short while, two gods and gods fell in succession. What does this mean?


The faces of these stalwart figures unconsciously became a little dignified.


Before they could deduce the reason, a name flew up again, turned into a golden light and disappeared on the list of gods.

"Kunwuqing ranked No.19!"

The fall of three consecutive gods and gods completely moved these stalwart figures, and they were in shock. Many people even got up from the ground and looked up at the past.

Supreme God!

Each of them is an unrivaled figure, and it is difficult for one to be born in the world of thousands of spirits and gods. But now, in a short period of time, three gods and supreme beings have fallen in succession. Such a shocking thing has never been seen before. happened before!


But what shocked these stalwart and ancient figures who had guarded this place for an unknown number of years, and whose state of mind had already been transcended, was that in the following, the names of the supreme gods disappeared from the list one after another.

Moon Ruhuo ranked No.14.

Zhai Jun ranked No.12.


When they saw Luo Shaonong, ranked third, and Gongye Zhefu, ranked ninth, all fall together, at that moment, the audience fell into a deathly silence, and a needle could be heard.

These stalwart and ancient figures were all shocked at this moment, and felt a kind of shock from the inside out, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

A total of seven gods and gods all fell on the same day, and two of them were among the top ten!If word of this spreads, the entire Imperial Domain will be plunged into a shock!

"How could this be?"

"Why do things like this happen?"


After a long time, when it was confirmed that there was no more movement on the Conferred Gods List, all the stalwart figures came back to their senses. The expressions that had become slightly dull due to shock were completely replaced by dignified expressions at this moment.

They are very clear that this kind of mutation will definitely bring a storm to the entire imperial domain, and will make many top giants angry because of this. The consequences are simply unimaginable!

"Who is it that dares to risk the disgrace of the world and kill so many young arrogances? It's simply daring and insane!"

"Check! We must find out who did it!"

"In this matter, let's quickly notify the clansmen of the fallen gods and supreme beings. We can't hide it, or their anger will burn to us, and it will be troublesome."

"Frequent killings and catastrophes, and abnormal movements of the Conferred Gods, could it be that... the ancient gods are going to be in chaos again? This is not a good sign!"

On this day, news spread out one after another, spreading throughout the entire imperial domain at an inconceivable speed.

Almost in just one day, the entire imperial domain was plunged into an uproar, hundreds of millions of ascetics were in an uproar, and countless ancient orthodoxy were shaken.


The top of Xuanzhu Divine Mountain.

Canaan, dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, sat on the ground, with a holy Buddha's light on his resolute and peaceful face. He carefully examined Zhen Liuqing's body for a long time before he sighed softly.

"Miss Zhen is indeed planted with the Black Witch God Gu. It is really an ancient secret technique that existed in the last era. Even in the entire Ancient God Realm, there are very few masters of this technique."

Last epoch?

Chen Xi frowned. He didn't care about these things, but looked at Canaan with a little hope, and said, "Fellow Canaan, according to your judgment, Liuqing...is there a possibility of her resurrection?"

"It's hard." Canaan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Once this kind of secret technique is used, the power can penetrate fate, manipulate fate, and reverse the mind and soul. .”

Infiltrate fate, manipulate fate!

Just hearing such words made Chen Xi's heart sink, and he knew that this so-called "Black Witch God Gu" was indeed too overbearing, beyond imagination.

"So, Liu Qing...has no hope of being resurrected?" Chen Xi's expression turned ugly, and an unspeakable grief and indignation welled up in his heart.

Canaan raised his eyes, looked at Chen Xi calmly, and said, "Fellow Daoist, please be safe and don't be impatient. Now that it is confirmed that Miss Zhen has not passed away completely, this is considered a lucky thing, isn't it?"

Chen Xi was stunned, and his heart was shocked. That's right, why did he ignore this point?

As long as he is not dead, doesn't it represent a kind of hope?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the grief and indignation accumulated in his heart was relieved a lot. He couldn't help asking, "Fellow Canaan, since you recognize this secret technique, do you also know how to remove it?"

"Sorry, according to my current abilities, I can only temporarily help Miss Zhen suppress this force attack, but there is no way to completely solve it." Canaan apologized.

Chen Xi was not disappointed, instead his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said, "This is enough, as long as Liu Qing can be guaranteed to have no accidents, we will always be able to find a solution in the future!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to realize something, looked at Canaan seriously, and said: "What I said just now remains unchanged, as long as fellow Taoists can help me, the emperor's plant that grows in Xuanzhu's ancestral temple will Super Daogen is yours!"

Canaan didn't speak, he was silent for a long time, but in the end he took out a blue lamp, a futon, a string of beads, an alms bowl and a volume of Buddhist scriptures.


Canaan clasped his hands together, the treasure looks solemn, and he recited scriptures, the sound was like morning bells and evening drums, and the Sanskrit chanting was immeasurably magnificent.

In the void, the holy and pure white jade lotus bloomed quietly, spewing out strands of Buddha-nature brilliance, covering Zhen Liuqing's entire body.

The next moment, the green lantern, futon, rosary beads, bowl, Buddhist scriptures... these five sacred treasures of Buddhism, actually evolved into five bright lights, pouring into Zhen Liuqing's altar, eyebrows, throat, heart, and dantian, and disappeared. not see.

In an instant, Zhen Liuqing's whole body was filled with a halo of holiness and perfection. If she hadn't stopped breathing and her eyes were closed tightly, she didn't look like a dead person at all, but she seemed to be in a deep sleep.

This made Chen Xi even more excited. He never expected that things would turn around when he was most sad, angry and desperate.


Suddenly, Na Canaan coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his face turned a little pale, but his expression remained calm and resolute as before.

"Fellow Taoist, I have already used the 'Bodhi Great Compassion Mantra' to assist the power of the Five Sacred Treasures to suppress the power of the 'Black Witch God Gu' in Miss Zhen's body. Within ten years, there will be no more accidents." Canaan smiled and spoke, as if relieved.

Canaan coughed up blood, which shocked Chen Xi, and he immediately understood that he must have damaged himself by casting spells.

"Thank you."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi earnestly cupped his hands, his heart filled with gratitude.

He and Canaan had never known each other, let alone had any communication, but the other party showed up and did him a big favor, which made Chen Xi's heart very moved.

He didn't know that the five treasures suppressed by Canaan in Zhen Liuqing's body, known as the "Treasures of the Five Sages", came from the hands of five great Buddha masters with bodhisattva appearances in the Emperor's Domain Buddhist School. Big enough to rival five innate spirit treasures!

Five innate spirit treasures!

Who in this world would be willing to spend such a large amount of money when they first met?


ps: I attended the wedding the day after tomorrow, and there were 2 updates in these three days, and then I began to fulfill the agreement of the leaders to carry out 5 updates.Another question, this year, as a single dog, I will participate in nine weddings from classmates, friends, and relatives!Does this indirectly prove that it is difficult to marry a daughter-in-law by writing a book?


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