divine talisman

Chapter 1703

Although Chen Xi didn't know the origin of the "Five Sacred Treasures of the Buddha Sect", his eyesight had already been honed to an incomparably sharp level, and he could recognize the rarity and rarity of those five Buddhist treasures at a glance.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Xi's heart was so shaken, and he was so grateful.

For Chen Xi's gratitude, Canaan just smiled, then stood up and said, "If one day, Fellow Daoist undoes the secret technique on Miss Zhen, please come to the Buddhist School of the Emperor's Domain once, and the little monk will wait for you at that time. I beg you to fight head-on with fellow daoists."

Chen Xi was startled, and said, "Why does it have to be like this?"

Canaan's expression was calm and resolute, and he remained silent for a long time before saying, "For the sake of my own way."

It was a very inexplicable sentence, but it made Chen Xi narrow his eyes, and cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely go there at that time."

Canaan clasped his hands together, and Jishou said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your completion."

After all, he turned around straight away, intending to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Xi called him to stop, "You have done me a great favor, please take the emperor-level dao root from Xuanzhu's ancestral temple."

Canaan didn't turn around, but just stood there and said calmly: "Fellow Taoist, let me ask you a question, can you be sure to advance to the realm of ancestor gods within ten years?"

Chen Xi was startled, but still replied: "No accidents, more than enough."

Canaan continued: "What I want to challenge is you in the Ancestral God Realm, not the current you. As for the emperor-level Dao Root... In this world, there are only you and the God-Conferred Spiritual God Realm. No one can get it except Yechen, who ranks number one."

At the end of the voice, there was a rare hint of melancholy, and it immediately returned to calm.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, vaguely guessing something.

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly waved his sleeve robe, and passed a jade box across the air: "This is a ninth-grade emperor-level dao root, please accept it."

He took it from the corpse of Gongye Zhefu. In the final analysis, it should be considered that Le Wuhen and his group got it first, but it was taken away by Gongye Zhefu and his group.

Canaan seemed a little surprised, finally turned around, looked at the jade box floating in front of him, and was silent for a long time before putting it away carefully.

Then, he clasped his hands together, Jishou proclaimed the Buddha's name, then turned around and left without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

Wearing a moon-white monk's robe, wearing straw sandals, and holding a dead wood Zen staff, he was as calm and determined as before.

But in Chen Xi's eyes, there was a sense of mystery.

Canaan's behavior is indeed unbelievable in the eyes of outsiders.

He survived numerous murders and countless tribulations, climbed to the Xuanzhu Divine Mountain, and witnessed a shocking duel between Chen Xi and Luo Shaonong and his party, but he did not take the opportunity to enter the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple Go get that emperor-level Daogen.

He didn't show up until the battle ended, but he took the initiative to help Chen Xi, using the "Bodhi Great Compassion Mantra" and "Five Sacred Treasures of the Buddha Sect" to suppress the "Black Witch God Gu" in Zhen Liuqing's body. In order to be able to fight Chen Xi head-on one day.

Even when Chen Xi proposed more than once to take the initiative to get that emperor-level dao root, he remained indifferent.

All this seemed too unbelievable indeed.

What is he for?

And what considerations did you make these things?

Chen Xi didn't know, he couldn't even see through this Canaan, so the image of Canaan in his heart became more and more mysterious.

Perhaps one day, when he set foot in the pure land of the Buddhist sect in the imperial domain and fought head-on with Canaan, he would be able to know all of this.

No matter what, Chen Xi was extremely grateful for Canaan, even if he took the initiative to give away a ninth-rank emperor-level dao root for this, he would still be willing.


"Liuqing, don't worry, I will definitely save you, no matter what the price is!"

Chen Xi lowered his head, staring at Zhen Liuqing's tranquil and beautiful face in his arms, there was no sorrow in his heart, only a kind of determination.

He carefully put away Zhen Liuqing's body and put it in the universe inside his body. Only in this way could he feel most at ease.


Then, Chen Xi took a few deep breaths, and looked at the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple in the distance.

Canaan had said before that only he and Yechen, who was ranked No. 1 in the Spiritual God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods, could hope to obtain that emperor-level Dao root from Xuanzhu's ancestral temple.

At that time, Chen Xi didn't think too much about it, but now that he took a closer look, he discovered a conclusion that even shocked him.

Doesn't this mean that even if Luo Shaonong and the others entered the Xuanzhu's ancestral temple first, they would never have the chance to obtain that emperor-level dao root?

If this is true, what is the reason?

Could it be that there are still other mysteries in the ancestral temple of Xuanzhu?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, feeling somewhat curious.

Without hesitation, he walked towards the ancestral temple.


Ten golden crows linger in the sky, pouring down blazing golden light, which is sacred and magnificent.

In the distance, the Zuyuan Temple is ancient, and it has stood here for an unknown number of years.

Everything is so quiet and solemn.

In the arena, only the sound of Chen Xi stepping alone echoed on the top of the mountain.


As soon as Chen Xi's figure approached, the gate of the ancestral temple suddenly glowed with a layer of light, golden and shining like the first light of the morning sun, holy and vast.

This is a prohibition, lying in front of it, blocking the entrance.


Chen Xi flicked his sleeves, and a wave of divine glow swept out, ruthlessly bombarding that golden curtain of light, making a crashing sound like thunder.

But to his surprise, the golden light curtain just trembled slightly, and then it returned to its original state.


Chen Xi struck again. This time, he had already used [-]% of his strength, and a wave of divine glow enveloping the laws of the monstrous divine way spread, evolved into the shape of a sword, and slashed down fiercely.

Such a blow was enough to easily kill Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang and other divine beings, but in the end, it failed to break through this golden light curtain!

This made Chen Xi even more surprised. He took a deep breath, and suddenly a round of blazing, gorgeous, and immeasurable light appeared in the back of his head, and the only altar was sitting in it.

The parallel fingers are used as swords, and one "untie the cow style" chops and kills.

This attack has already used all of Chen Xi's strength!


The light and rain exploded, and the mountain tops were shaking. This time, the golden light curtain was forcibly split into a tunnel.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's figure flashed, took the opportunity to rush in, and disappeared.

Soon, the gate of the Xuanzhu Temple was closed again and returned to its original state, but the ten golden crows lingering in the sky disappeared...


Outside the land of ancestral origin, in front of the ancestral temple, the temple guard with an extremely old face seemed to have noticed something, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his lips.

Finally, he couldn't help laughing anymore.

The laughter became louder and louder until later, the laughter even went straight to the sky, shattering the clouds in all directions.

In that laughter, there was incomparable relief, excitement, and joy, as if something on his mind had come true.

"Great little guy, after counting, he should be Hetu's ninth enlightened person... I only hope that he can withstand the test and cultivate the emperor-level Dao root that the Lord has worked so hard to conceive. Take it away, in this way, it can be regarded as fulfilling the master's wish, whether he can surpass the master in the future, and open up the ultimate path that truly belongs to him, depends on him..."

The temple guard murmured, his old face full of emotion.

In a trance, he remembered the beginning again.

At that time, the Lord summoned thousands of innate gods, opened up the Xuanzhu Mountain with supreme means, cast the ancestral temple on the top of the mountain with the power of the sky, and then suppressed the fighting spirits of thousands of enemies here. It is to conceive and raise that emperor-level Daogen!

And all of this became the only concern of the master when he left...

For the latecomers, perhaps this is a supreme opportunity, but only the temple guards know that the reason why the Lord did this is for the way!

Not only for his own way, but also for someone in this world who can truly understand the ultimate way, transcend the heavens and all ways, and reach the end of the great way!

Such a big heart, boldness, and generosity, looking at the whole world, how many people can do it?

"But..." Suddenly, the temple guard frowned, as if thinking of something, "Killing so many gods and supreme beings, this kid is in big trouble."

Even so, the temple guards were not worried.

This is tempering, without going through the tempering of the world, without going up and down a few times on the road, how can you walk out of a road that is completely different from others?

In his opinion, if Chen Xi died just like this in the future, the sky would not collapse, and the world would only lose one cultivator.


After passing through the gate of Xuanzhu's ancestral temple, Chen Xi stopped and looked around.

This is an almost primitive ancient forest, dotted with interlaced mountains and rivers, it is extremely vast, the air is full of golden clouds, and the mysterious chaotic atmosphere is dense and mysterious.


The golden glow was raging, containing a soul-drenching fragrance, which poured into Chen Xi's body, making his whole body warm and extremely comfortable.

This feeling is like soaking in the potion refined by the unrivaled magic medicine, which is enough to make any ascetic be intoxicated.

If you practice here, you can definitely reap unexpected miraculous effects.

Here, I'm afraid there are still many treasures of heaven and earth distributed here!

After Chen Xi sighed in his heart, he went on the road again, walking through the ancient forest, looking for that legendary emperor-level dao root.

He is not aimless, but perceives the light rain transformed by the wisps of fragrance in the air, and searches for its source.

This kind of fragrance is very unusual, it penetrates the bone marrow, and makes one's soul tremble. As early as outside Xuanzhu's ancestral temple, Chen Xi noticed its uniqueness.

Along the way, he also saw many magical medicines that were hard to find from the outside world, but what surprised Chen Xi was that when most of these magical medicines matured, the essence conceived in them had already been absorbed, leaving only a withered body.

And who has absorbed the essence contained in these magical medicines?


Just when Chen Xi was having doubts in his heart, suddenly, there was a strong gust of wind, and a three-legged golden crow bird flew towards him, with divine fire overflowing from its body, and it rushed towards Chen Xi with terrifying arrogance.


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