divine talisman

Chapter 1704 The Spear of the Brave


Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi slashed out with a sword.

As a result, the three-legged Golden Crow's figure flashed, turned into a golden light, and fled far away, staying on a rock.

"Young man, this is not a place for you to set foot in, retreat quickly, otherwise there will be disaster!"

The golden crow's eyes were like lightning, and the monstrous divine flames were steaming all over his body, like a day, releasing a divine power that could burn the sky.

According to ancient legends, the Golden Crow is a supreme divine bird, whose body can transform the scorching sun into the sky, illuminate the eternal blue sky, rule the rotation of fire and sun, and the changes of four seasons, which is extremely terrifying.

Now, this three-legged Golden Crow appeared in Xuanzhu's ancestral temple, opened his mouth to scold him, and wanted to make Chen Xi retreat, appearing extremely majestic.

This made Chen Xi amazed, there actually exists the divine bird Golden Crow with wisdom in the Xuanzhu Temple?It's unimaginable.

"Young man, if you hesitate any longer, don't blame the ancestor for killing you!"

The golden crow stood proudly on the rock, fluttering its wings gently, and the glow of fire was transpiring, shining brightly for nine heavens and ten earths.

"Oh? Then I want to try. Can you block my way?"

There was a hint of chill in Chen Xi's black eyes, and a wave of obscure chill appeared in Xuanwu's remnant sword in his palm.


A swipe of sword energy turned into a stream of light, pierced through time and space, and disappeared.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship—Liu Guang Style!

Almost at the same time, the three-legged Golden Crow spread its wings and its figure flickered, turning into ten figures at once.

Each figure is majestic and powerful, like a flame poured into gold, forming a perfect circle formation with each other, spreading their wings and hovering in the sky.


The ten Golden Crows circulated, and the Heaven Burning Divine Flame released forcefully wiped out Chen Xi's sword energy, causing light and rain to splash.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and his heart couldn't help shaking. Those ten Golden Crows were obviously not illusory, but real Golden Crows!

Obviously, this is a method of "incarnation outside the body", which allowed the Golden Crow to give birth to nine incarnations outside the body in an instant.

"Liuguang style? Young man, this level of fire is far from enough to defeat your ancestor!" A majestic voice came out, startling Jiuxiao.

The next moment, the ten golden crows separated suddenly, and in an instant, they suddenly turned into ten golden rays of light, traveling through time and space, rushing towards them from different directions.


The time and space of this piece of heaven and earth were burnt into shocking holes one after another. Those were not real golden rays of light, but were caused by their speed too fast.

With Chen Xi's current combat power, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, his figure kept flickering, and he managed to avoid this round of attack just now.

"With such ability, how dare you think about emperor-level Daogen? Ridiculous!" The sneer of the divine bird Golden Crow resounded throughout the world.

Accompanied by the sound, the streaks of golden light roared and criss-crossed like rain. The speed was terrifying to the extreme, and there was an invincible penetrating power.


The extremely hard rock in the distance was pierced through, and instantly incinerated, it seemed that as long as it was slightly contaminated, it would end in death!

Chen Xi kept dodging, but what made his expression dignified was that even if he used the Kunpeng Divine Art, he was somehow unable to compete with the opponent's speed!

too fast!

These divine birds, Golden Crows, themselves control the fire and sun divine way, possess the might of burning the sky and boiling the sea, coupled with their speed like ghosts, they can evolve into ten clones and rush to kill them from different directions. The number of levels of gods supreme siege.

All of this made Chen Xi finally realize the true meaning of Canaan's words. Even he, who controls the power of the only altar, felt exhausted, let alone other people coming here?


Suddenly, a golden ray of light flashed past, and narrowly brushed against Chen Xi's shoulder. That terrifying incineration power instantly scorched and peeled off his flesh and bones, exposing his bones.

"It's ridiculous, the endless years have passed, have today's ascetics become so weak? It seems that the world has changed, and the current path of practice is rotten!"

The Golden Crow Divine Bird made a sound again, with a sense of sadness in its majesty.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, his expression was calm, and there was indeed a murderous intent in his heart.

He stopped moving, stood still, took a deep breath, and instantly entered a state of extreme tranquility.

The incomparably powerful thought was like a tidal wave, spreading and covering every inch of this world, and behind his head, a dazzling, holy, and magnificent light wheel emerged from the transpiration, and the only altar sat up and down in it.

In just a split second, Chen Xi seemed to have become another person, his entire aura was boiling, and the majestic sword intent permeating his body went straight to the nine heavens, like a peerless divine sword leaping out of an abyss, suddenly unsheathed at this moment!


Almost at the same time, a golden ray pierced the sky and came, engulfed in a scorching hot enough to incinerate the terrifying power of heaven and earth.


Incredibly fast!

So fast that even Chen Xi's thoughts couldn't capture its trajectory in time!

If he had done it before, facing such a blow, Chen Xi would have chosen to dodge, but at this moment he did not do so.

At this moment, he even closed his eyes.

The secret power of the heart in the body is spreading infinitely.

Xuanxin swordsmanship is a kind of supreme swordsmanship, but at the same time, it is also a kind of secret sword of the heart!

The heart is immeasurable, within a square inch, it can accommodate all ages, the past, the present, and the universe, and it can contain everything and everything.

This kind of power is mysterious and obscure, far beyond imagination. Looking at the cultivators of ancient and modern times, and all the amazing heroes in the world, those who can fully control such power are only a small group of people.



At this moment, it was as if time and space were frozen, and everything in the world was still.

There is only a touch of sword intent, just like a wisp of wind, passing by gently, wrinkling the whole world.

With a bang, the whole world shattered into ripples and spread, and the golden ray of light uttered a scream.

Everything returned to its original state, and the golden light also turned into a golden crow, but its wing was cut off, and the blood of the wound flew like a waterfall!

A sword.

Cut off a Golden Crow wing.

The Golden Crow wailed and fell, just like a scorching sun falling from the sky.


The rocks splashed, and the Golden Crow suddenly shattered into a ball of golden light, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.


There was a sound of shock and suspicion between heaven and earth.

The attack did not end there, and the attacks of the other nine golden rays did not stop either, but became more terrifying.

But only for an instant.

The nine golden rays were cut off at the same time, and they returned to the appearance of the Golden Crow. They all lost a wing and screamed again and again.


At this moment, it was as if the golden crow was falling one after another, the golden crow burst into pieces, and the dazzling golden light evaporated, disappearing without a trace.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi stood on the spot, his eyes were closed, his expression was calm and indifferent, and he never moved a single step.

Only the Xuanwu Remnant Sword in his hand had cut out ten sword qi and cut off ten golden crow wings before. His movements were crisp and neat, to put it lightly, they were all in the same "flowing light style", but the result was nothing short of amazing. Shocking.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes, an unexpected scene happened. All ten golden crows fell, but above the sky, there was that voice again.

"Damn little baby! What's so great about mastering the core mystery of the Liuguang style? Bah! The ancestor will never let you go!"

There was a sense of desperation in the voice, like a street thug talking harshly.

This made Chen Xi startled: "Not dead yet?"

"Hey hey hey, silly, look at your idiot, if the ancestor is so easy to bully, how could he stay here for endless years? Little guy, you are still too childish, too young!"

That voice was no longer as majestic as before, but instead exuded a sense of shame, pride, and acrimony.

Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, his huge thoughts swept across the world, but he didn't lock on the trace of the other party, and that voice also fell silent at this moment, as if the other party had gone away.

"I don't know what the hell it is. How could such a thing exist in Xuanzhu's ancestral temple?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, a little speechless.

Shaking his head, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it and continued to walk. This time, he came here for the Emperor's Dao Root. No matter how many dangers there are on the road, he will never stop!

Along the way, the light rain transformed by the ray of fragrance has been lingering, never dissipating, and floated from the extreme depths.

Chen Xi walked all the way, but he became much more vigilant than before.


After a cup of tea, suddenly a blood-stained bronze spear pierced through time and space.

As powerful as Chen Xi, his heart couldn't help throbbing at this moment, his whole body was agitated, he was attacked by murderous aura, and he couldn't control it.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, the divine radiance surged all over his body, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and the majestic divine power continued to rage, like a vast ocean boiling.


A sword qi crossed the sky, displaying the utmost power of the streamer, and collided with the bronze spear, making a deafening sound, like a pair of sun and moon exploding here.

Ding Ding Deng!

Chen Xi was shocked and took several steps back in a row. What shocked him was that although the spear was also shaken back, but in just a split second, there was a buzzing sound, and the spear body released divine brilliance, killing again violently.

One must know that Chen Xi could easily chop off a Golden Crow's wings with such sword intent before, but now it is difficult to shake a blood-stained spear!

"Idiot! This is the spear of the brave. It is brave and diligent, and it will never return. It is known as the number one valiant soldier in Manggu, but you challenge it with the most illusory streamer style in Xuanxin swordsmanship. You are even more idiotic than an idiot! If Xuan is still alive, he must be pissed off by you."

That voice sounded again, triumphant, sarcastic, with a taste of gloating.

This is very irritating, and the voice is "cheesy", and it needs to be beaten to the extreme.

Spear of the Brave?

Just as this thought flashed through Chen Xi's mind, with a bang, that blood-stained battle spear charged at him, smashing time and space, destroying it, and being overbearing and brave to the extreme.

Chen Xi couldn't avoid it, he could only fight it head on.

There was a terrifying crash, and this time, he was shocked to take a few steps back again, and his wrists were slightly numb.


Before Chen Xi could catch his breath, time and space exploded, and that bronze spear charged again.

This battle spear is indeed too powerful, with a head-on attack, simple and rough moves, full of flaws, but with its brave, diligent, overbearing power, it becomes extremely terrifying!


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