divine talisman

Chapter 1706 Old White

That voice seemed to be completely exasperated, a little annoyed.

However, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head. At this moment, he had roughly judged that the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, it was just that his mouth was a little tricky, and he was a little bit in need of a beating.

He intends to move on.

At this time, time and space suddenly fluctuated, and an extraordinary divine bird appeared.

It is covered with snow-white wings, and its claws are like poured gold, shining brilliantly. A pair of eyes are as bright as stars, carrying an unruly and oppressive aura.

On the top of its head, there is also a pinch of feather crowns, which exudes an illusory seven-color divine brilliance, which is extremely dazzling.

At this moment, its wings are retracted, and its slender, white head is proudly raised. It is simply magnificent and proud to the extreme.

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the other party was like a white-haired chicken, but he had a good skin, a very flirtatious look.

"Hmph! What are you looking at? Are you feeling ashamed in front of my patriarch's unrivaled majesty?" It gave Chen Xi a sideways look, full of pride.

Chen Xi finally came to his senses, it turned out that this guy was the owner of that voice!But...it really looks like a white chicken.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile, and said, "Dare to ask this old ancestor's name?"

This "white-feathered chicken" seemed not to have heard the ridicule in Chen Xi's tone. He proudly raised his head, and said old-fashionedly: "Little doll is quite polite, and I am not afraid to tell you that my ancestor, I was born in the ancient chaos. , Seven-color auspicious clouds descended from the sky, thousands of golden lotuses burst from the earth, the gods in the ten directions trembled, and the sun, moon and stars shook. If you hadn't witnessed the scene at that time, it would be hard to imagine such a glorious miracle in this world. So far, This has become an indelible mark on the Manggu years..."

The more he talked, the more excited this "white-feathered chicken" became, foaming and radiant, as if he was lamenting the past and lamenting the past.

Chen Xi frowned when he heard it. He had never seen such a brazen old guy, but out of a kind of respect in the end, he still suppressed the chill in his heart and finished listening.

According to the ancestor of the "White-feathered Chicken", it is an innate god born in the chaos of Manggu. Other than that, everything else is almost bragging about how great it is, how it followed the gods to conquer the world, There is no valuable news after sweeping thousands of domains.

This made Chen Xi speechless for a while. He never expected that in this sacred and solemn ancestral temple of the Xuanzhu, he would encounter such a top-quality strange creature. Not only did he have a bad mouth, but he also liked to brag. Se's appearance.

It was the first time for Chen Xi to meet such a divine bird with such a personality, and he couldn't help being a little funny for a moment.

"Old Bai..." Chen Xi opened his mouth and gave the other party a title.

However, it aroused strong dissatisfaction from the other party at the very first moment. Before it finished speaking, it scolded in a deep voice: "Bold! What do you call your ancestor? How dare you slander my ancestor's name, put it in the Manggu period, Even if Xuan comes, he can't save you!"

Chen Xi felt helpless again, and said, "Then you..."

"Bold! How can you use 'you' to describe this ancestor, this is simply disrespectful..."

Chen Xi immediately reached out and grabbed the opponent's neck, as if he was holding a chicken. He looked extremely relaxed, his voice stopped abruptly, and the whole world became quiet.

"How dare you call yourself Patriarch with this little ability?" Chen Xi said calmly, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I don't mind killing you with a sword!"

The "White Chicken" was so angry that it trembled all over, its eyes widened, and it wanted to speak, but Chen Xi grabbed its neck, making its face red to the point of oozing blood.

Eventually, it wilted away completely, looking listless and sickly.

Seeing this, Chen Xi stopped.

But as soon as he let go, the white-feathered chicken roared angrily: "Little baby, you dare to treat the ancestor like this, do you know that even Xuan had to call me "Guru" when he saw the ancestor? '?you……"

The sound stopped abruptly, and it was grabbed by the throat by Chen Xi again. It was so angry that its lungs were about to explode, and it felt endless grief and anger. This world has really changed, and now even a little doll dares to desecrate his dignity... …


It's disgusting!

"From now on, you will be called Lao Bai. If you want to live, you'd better listen to me obediently. If you dare to babble, I'll really be rude." Chen Xi glanced at it coldly, and then let go.

Being threatened by Chen Xi in such a way, Lao Bai was furious, and he opened his mouth to say something, but when Chen Xi glared at him, his expression froze immediately, and the words that came to his mouth were forcefully swallowed into his stomach, so aggrieved that his head was crowned with feathers. There was a flurry of tremors, and he looked like a "burst of anger".

"Tell me, where is that emperor-level dao root?" Chen Xi couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief when he saw that this guy's arrogance had finally been temporarily suppressed.

To be honest, he took a risk just now, if this guy is really as powerful as it brags, then the consequences... are really unimaginable.

Fortunately, he made the right bet, the opponent's strength was barely comparable to that of a spirit god, and in the eyes of Chen Xi today, it was simply not worth showing off.

And just now, he suspected that the other party was some kind of eccentric expert who lived here for an unknown number of years.

Of course, Chen Xi would not underestimate the other party because of this, and being able to live in this Xuanzhu's ancestral temple was an extremely incredible thing in itself.

"Old Ancestor, why should I tell you?" Lao Bai suddenly calmed down at this moment, combing his snow-white wings leisurely.

"Oh, are you sure?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, his eyes filled with cold light.

Lao Bai froze all over, rolled his eyes: "Well..."

Speaking of this, it fluttered its wings and said slowly in a very proud attitude, "Forget it, I haven't been in the world for many years, the ancestor. It's normal for you not to know how powerful the ancestor is, and I don't care about you anymore. Let me tell you. No problem."

Chen Xi shook his head for a while. He was obviously very guilty, but he still put on a show like this. This strange thing is really hypocritical.

However, he didn't bother to expose the other party, he was just an old guy who was extremely proud, hypocritical, sloppy, and bragging, so what could he care about?

"Lead the way." Chen Xi said bluntly and directly.

Lao Bai was stunned, and wanted to say something, but seeing Chen Xi's unkind expression, he couldn't help curling his lips, and shrugged his shoulders quite chicly, looking like you little brat is really impatient.

Then it flapped its wings and flew away towards the distance.

Chen Xi immediately followed.

Along the way, he found that the direction Lao Bai was leading was no different from what he had judged before, and they all pointed to the direction where the ray of fragrant light and rain came from afar.

"Although this guy has bad conduct, his actions are still reliable." Chen Xi muttered to himself.

"Little guy, the last test is ahead, you should be careful, don't blame the ancestor for not reminding you." After a while, Lao Bai suddenly spoke, still with the same proud look.

"Call me Chen Xi from now on."

Chen Xi glanced at the other party coldly, and then turned his eyes to the distance. There was a strange-shaped mountain range, scattered on the ground, with different heights, and the whole body was bare, not a single blade of grass grew.

"What is this test?" Chen Xi asked. He keenly noticed that that area was dangerous and very unusual.

This time Lao Bai looked very happy, and said proudly: "You don't know that, that mountain is called Qimo Ridge, and in every mountain, there is a sword soul suppressed. A ray of sword soul is standing here. As long as you can kill them, you can see the figure of the emperor-level dao root."

Speaking of this, it gave Chen Xi a sideways look, and said calmly: "Chen Xi, the ancestor has to remind you that if you fail this level, it means death. I can't help you."

The last sentence was immediately ignored by Chen Xi. No matter what this guy said, he always liked to brag about himself, so he couldn't take it seriously.

Seeing Chen Xi's appearance, Lao Bai not only sneered: "Don't think that the ancestor is trying to scare you, then every sword soul has already mastered the core meaning of the Xuanxin sword technique 'Jie Niu Style', you should know this sword well How strong is the formula."

Untie the cow!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and became serious. This move has the most killing power, precise and sharp. In a one-on-one duel, when it comes to lethality, it absolutely surpasses other sword moves.

What's even more frightening is that this move is not only surprisingly lethal, but also extremely precise. Once it is locked on, there is no way to dodge it except for frontal resistance.

And according to what Lao Bai said, all the sword souls that were suppressed in Qimo Ridge controlled the core profound meaning of this move. How could Chen Xi not be startled?

After pondering for a long time, a flash of determination finally flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and he dodged to plunder the Demon Habitat Ridge.

No matter what, he had to obtain that emperor-level dao root. No matter how dangerous this test was, he would not stop because of it.

"Heh, I'm a bit timid, Xuan is right." Lao Bai looked at Chen Xi in surprise, thoughtfully.

But immediately it yelled: "Chen Xi, do you still remember the hugging style that you comprehended just now?"

Chen Xi's figure suddenly paused, knowing that this was a kind of guidance, he said without turning his head, "Thank you very much."

"Thank you again! Chen Xi, you really have no personality! But... the ancestor is still very pleased that you can humbly accept the teachings, and the painstaking efforts of the ancestor are not in vain." Lao Bai held his head high, feeling a burst of emotion.

"..." Chen Xi was completely speechless, and secretly decided that he must never be more polite to this shameless guy in the future!


In front of Qimo Ridge, the strong wind is like a knife, whistling bitterly, the world is silent and chilling, only the hills that are barren of grass are entrenched, like wild beasts that have been sleeping here for endless years, as long as there is any wind and grass, they will wake up generally.

Chen Xi was dressed in loose clothes, and stood far away, looking at everything in the distance. There was a vague sword intent in the air, which caused his eyes to squint, and a cold light glowed.


ps: The second is later.


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