divine talisman

Chapter 1707

There are 36 peaks in total.

In every mountain peak, there is a vague and vague aura dormant, like a person but not a person, like a ghost but not a ghost, it must be the sword soul in Lao Bai's mouth.

With a single glance, Chen Xi judged the general situation in the Demon-Dwelling Ridge. He took a deep breath, and a murderous look quietly appeared between his brows.

These sword souls control the core meaning of the "Unraveling the Cow Stance". If they are one-on-one, Chen Xi is not afraid, but if they rush forward, the scene is absolutely terrifying.

Fortunately, before this, he had completely grasped the core mysteries of the most defensive "Holding the Circle", and relying on this, Chen Xi was relieved a lot.


All of a sudden, the void in the extreme distance seemed to be sliced ​​open by a piece of cloth, with an extremely sharp sword energy, and it slashed straight at Chen Xi.




The essence of the "Untie the Cow Stance" is brought into full play, facing this blow, it gives people a sense of suffocation, which is too terrifying.

At this moment, even Chen Xi's whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his hair stood on end. Almost subconsciously, he performed the "Holding the Circle"!


There was a sharp and ear-piercing collision sound, which caused the round sword curtain to burst into light and rain. Chen Xi's whole body was violently sent flying, his whole body was writhing with qi and blood, and he almost coughed up blood.

too strong!

It's like gathering the power of a hundred thousand mountains on an embroidery needle and smashing it fiercely, causing a terrifying impact.

If it wasn't for the round defense, this single blow would be enough to pierce Chen Xi's body and kill him in one fell swoop!

This is not an exaggeration. When it comes to speed, this "Jie Niu Style" may not be as good as the "Liuguang Style", but when it comes to lethality and penetrating power, it can definitely be called the most powerful style in Xuanxin Sword Art!


Another ray of sword energy lit up from a distance, tearing apart time and space suddenly, it was still in the hugging style, still so sharp and precise, and pointed directly at the vital point between Chen Xi's brows!

"I really think I'm easy to bully!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi swung his sword violently, and slashed out with the same "Cow-Untying Style".

With a bang, the two sword qi collided in mid-air, and the divine brilliance exploded, shattering the universe for thousands of miles around, causing chaos in time and space.

What surprised Chen Xi was that in comparison, his "Untie the Cow Stance" was like a hollow bamboo, which looked useless and was crushed into powder by the opponent in one fell swoop, and the opponent's sword energy remained undiminished, and he slashed at him without hesitation. come.

Although the strength has obviously weakened a lot compared to before, but through this comparison, it made Chen Xi suddenly understand that his mastery of the "Unraveling the Cow Stance" is indeed far behind!


Xuanwu's remnant sword swung, and chopped off the remaining sword energy. Only now did Chen Xi see clearly that the strike was a black figure that quietly appeared on the mountain peak far away.

His body was full of fierce sword brilliance, and his figure was illusory and blurred, just like a peerless sword, showing its supreme edge!

This is the soul of the sword buried here. It became obsessed because of its obsession with swordsmanship, leaving only a remnant soul, which is immortal and has long lost its sanity. Such a ray of sword soul will definitely cause unimaginable disaster to the practice world.

But now, they are suppressed here by the lord of Manggu, so they can no longer do harm to the world, but instead become a fortified checkpoint guarded here.

If you want to get that emperor-level Daogen, there are only two results, either kill them or be killed by them!


That sword soul moved out again, and a flash of sword energy emerged in the palm, smashing through Yin and Yang, and sweeping towards it.

The Jieniu pose is not as simple as straight-forward, but has extremely subtle and mysterious changes, just like an antelope hanging its horns, flowing clouds and flowing water, but no matter how it changes, its power is wrapped in a precise, sharp and concise momentum from beginning to end !

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also moved, his body was filled with divine brilliance, and the majestic and vast divine power evolved into strands of mysterious runes, which circulated around his body, making him look like an unrivaled emperor with overwhelming power.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, he and the sword soul fought for hundreds of rounds. Both of them performed the "Expelling Cow Stance", and their sword qi collided with each other, just like the tip of a needle against a wheat awning. It was a real confrontation.

This kind of confrontation is extremely dangerous, because each other uses the most fierce and lethal sword moves, and if there is a little carelessness, they will be beheaded on the spot.

Compared to that sword soul, Chen Xi is relatively much safer, because the "circle-holding style" he has mastered is enough for him to save himself from danger.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi couldn't take advantage of anything at all. The reason was that he was not as good as the opponent in terms of the control of the "Unleash the Bull Style". During fierce battles, he even had to adopt defensive strategies again and again.


Suddenly, a ray of light rushed out from a mountain peak in the distance, evolved into a sword soul, and came through the air, joined the battle, and dealt with Chen Xi together with another sword soul.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi felt a great strain, and danger abounded.

Originally dealing with a sword soul, he had to use the "hugging circle" to save himself from time to time, but now that he has an equally powerful sword soul joining him, one can imagine how much pressure it has caused him.

"No, if it goes on like this, if all the sword souls in the 36 peaks of Qimo Ridge are dispatched, will it be okay?"

"We must fight quickly!"

"But, how to break the situation?"

Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi put his mind on the "untie the cow pose". He knew very well that this training was aimed at the untie cow pose, but until now, it was actually difficult for him to understand the mystery of it.

too difficult!

It is obviously much more difficult than comprehending the "sea cliff pose", "flowing light pose" and "circle hugging pose". It is not because of how wonderful this move is, but because it is difficult for Chen Xi to catch it in such a fierce confrontation in a short time. To that murderous charm!

Yes, he needs time and energy to deduce, but unfortunately, under the attack of these two sword souls, he doesn't even have time to breathe, and the situation has become extremely severe, let alone concentrate on deducing Solve the mystery of the cow style.

Of course, it is also possible to sharpen it a little bit through actual combat, but Chen Xi can't guarantee that before the other sword souls are all mobilized, whether he can really thoroughly understand the mystery of it.


Suddenly, a bright light appeared on the third mountain peak, and a sword spirit rushed out again, roaring towards this side.

This made Chen Xi's face extremely solemn, and he didn't dare to think about it any more, so he fought with all his strength.

All of a sudden, this area was filled with unparalleled sword energy, which criss-crossed and roared for nine days and ten grounds, generating terrifying air currents that swept and spread around.

Such a scene is simply like the end of the world.

If Luo Shaonong and the others were still alive and saw such a shocking battle, how would they feel?

Perhaps, the holy son Canaan had already guessed this point, so he resolutely gave up this opportunity, right?

After all... With Chen Xi's current combat power, he could easily kill Luo Shaonong, who was ranked No. 3 in the Spiritual God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods. But when he got here, he was restrained everywhere. It is even on the verge of being faintly suppressed. Under such circumstances, one can imagine what kind of blow other people will encounter when they come here.

In short, this Xuanzhu ancestral temple is indeed not something that anyone can come to if they want to.

It has stood here for an unknown number of years, but so far no one has been able to take away the emperor-level dao root, and the reason is self-evident.


When the third sword soul joined, Chen Xi was completely suppressed, and he had no strength to fight back.

He could only rely on the "circle-hugging style" to continuously defend and dodge. Every sword qi that slashed and slashed on the round sword screen contained an unparalleled impact force, which made Chen Xi's blood twitch endlessly until later. , The corners of the lips overflowed with blood stains.


Half a sound later, Chen Xi was sent flying again. His face was slightly pale, but his eyes were still firm, persistent, and bright, like eternal stars.

For a long, long time, Chen Xi hadn't experienced this feeling of being absolutely suppressed. This didn't make him feel aggrieved, but instead raised his fighting spirit.

Because he knows that his path of cultivation has been honed from the very beginning. When everyone is amazed and shocked by his extraordinary fighting power, no one knows how much effort, effort and effort he has put into it. sweat.

And no one knows how many murders and murders he has experienced along the way!

But all of this is not important anymore. To the current Chen Xi, he is even more aware that after going through this incomparably dangerous training, the benefits he has obtained will definitely not disappoint him.

Of course, what he has to pay for this is to bear the deadly danger and the constant suppression from the body and soul all the time.

At this moment, Chen Xi was very embarrassed, but he no longer had any worries or thoughts in his heart, and he even forgot about the sky, the place, and the person.

Forget about the surrounding world.

Forget about time passing.

Forget about that emperor-level Daogen.

In the eyes, in the heart, in the mind...all the thoughts are concentrated in this battle, like a piece of fine iron in the furnace, although it has been continuously tempered, it has never been broken from the beginning to the end!




During this process, the fourth mountain peak, the fifth mountain peak, the sixth mountain... sword souls rushed out continuously, joined the battle, and besieged Chen Xi.

Unparalleled sword energy, cast out in the most lethal "Jie Niu style", is like a light that stretches across the nine heavens and ten earths, invincible, beheading the universe!

And Chen Xi... the sword curtain around his body violently surged, and when viewed from a distance, it was like a ball that was constantly being shaken away, and he had no power to parry at all.

"Nineteen sword souls have already been dispatched, why hasn't this little guy comprehended the profound meaning of the cow-dispelling style?"

In the distance of Qimo Ridge, Laobai's wings were retracted, and he stood proudly on the top of the clouds, watching the battle in the distance. There was no longer playfulness, rebelliousness, and jealousy in his pair of eyes, but a trace of doubt and solemnity.

"Impossible, according to the talent and comprehension he showed before, he was able to penetrate the mystery long before the sixth sword soul was dispatched..."


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