divine talisman

Chapter 1708 Test Limit

Lao Bai quickly shook his head bluntly. Although this kid has been beaten all the time, he was able to resist the joint suppression of nineteen sword souls. This kind of defensive ability can be called unique in all ages.

But soon, his expression became serious again, and there was even a rare look of worry in his eyes.


Chen Xi kept coughing up blood, his face became paler and paler, and the round sword curtain constructed with the "circle-hugging style" was like violently fluctuating bubbles, as if there were signs of breaking at any moment.

He was continuously knocked away by waves of unparalleled sword energy, and he had no power to parry, and his situation was also precarious.

Those sword souls are really too powerful, even if they only use the "Unraveling Cow Stance", they are like a peerless sword emperor, releasing an indescribable might.

If it is one-on-one, Luo Shaonong and other gods who are ranked No. 3 in the Spiritual God Realm of the Conferred Gods list are probably no match for any of them!

Now, nineteen sword souls have mobilized together, their sword intent piercing through the nine heavens and ten earths, crossing the eight wildernesses, and jointly suppressing Chen Xi alone, one can imagine how terrifying that kind of power is.

For Chen Xi, this kind of situation is so dangerous.

What's more important is that as time went by, among the 36 peaks of Qimo Ridge in the distance, there were continuous flashes of light, which meant that sword souls appeared and joined the battle...


Finally, when the number of sword souls reached No. 20 five, the "Holding the Circle" that Chen Xi exerted with all his strength was overwhelmed, and was ruthlessly shattered, turning into light and rain~


Lao Bai in the distance gasped, his heart hung in his throat, could this guy be robbed at this last step?

What a pity!

This Xuanzhu ancestral temple has stood here for a long time, and has gone through countless years of erosion, but since ancient times, no one has been able to set foot here.

It can be said that Chen Xi is the first ascetic that Lao Bai has seen in these boundless years, and Chen Xi's various performances before are really very good. defects come.

Although... Lao Bai was very dissatisfied with Chen Xi's rude and rude attitude towards him, but when he saw such a young man on the verge of danger at this moment, Lao Bai was also worried to the extreme.


Seeing howling sword qi, they wanted to kill Chen Xi on the spot, but at this moment, a round sword curtain appeared again, barely blocking Chen Xi's body.


The sword energy exploded, and the light rained like a waterfall, spreading in all directions.

Unsurprisingly, Chen Xi's whole body was blown out again, bleeding from the corners of his lips, staining his clothes red.

It was too embarrassing and dangerous, which made Lao Bai breathe a sigh of relief, but also broke into a cold sweat for him.

"If it weren't for the ancestor, my heart has been trained to be comparable to the ancient god iron, and I must be stimulated to death by this little guy..."

Lao Bai flapped his wings against his chest, as if he had made a false alarm.

But very soon, it trembled all over and froze there again, because in its field of vision, Chen Xi's situation did not improve because of this, and it became more and more dangerous.


Chen Xi's "Holding the Circle" was constantly shattered, and every time he seemed to be on the verge of life and death, and if he missed it a little bit, he would end up dying.

In such a tragic and dangerous situation, if it was someone else who was a little less determined, his mind would have already collapsed and he would have been killed on the spot.

But Chen Xi didn't. Time and time again he was in danger, time and time again he was saved from danger, and being able to persevere until now was simply like a miracle.

But Lao Bai saw it very clearly, it was not a miracle, and it had nothing to do with a miracle. Chen Xi was able to do all of this because of his own powerful strength.

This kind of power is not only cultivation, but also will, wisdom, perseverance and determination!

Without these, no matter how amazing the cultivation base is, it will definitely be difficult to persist until now.

But the more he understood this, the more worried and worried Lao Bai became, because as time went by, a full 32 sword souls had joined the battle!

This number is absolutely horrifying, just like 32 peerless sword emperors who are stronger than Luo Shaonong, attacking Chen Xi together.


A moment later, the No.30 three sword souls joined the battle.

Chen Xi's face was as pale as paper, his whole body was stained with blood, and his whole body's aura seemed to be collapsing, but his eyes were still firm and bright.

Even though he has been suppressed to the point where he has no power to fight back from the beginning to the end, he has been persisting, persisting...


It was another attack of the sword soul that smashed the round sword curtain around Chen Xi's body in one fell swoop, and his entire body was shaken until his breastbone collapsed, and his face was miserable.

"35 sword souls, why is this guy so dull, he hasn't comprehended the core mystery of the Jieniu pose?"

Lao Bai was so nervous that his whole body tensed up, he was even more worried and anxious than Chen Xi, and he really wanted to rush into the arena and explain to him personally, explaining all the mysteries of the cow pose.

It's a pity that he can't do this, one is because of the rules, but more importantly, if he can't comprehend this kind of supreme swordsmanship, even if others point it out countless times, it won't have any effect at all.


The strong wind breaks through the air, and the No.30 Six Paths Sword Soul is dispatched!

At this moment, Lao Bai's face changed, and the seven-colored feather crown on his head was full of blazing divine brilliance, and he felt almost suffocated.

Lao Bai has never experienced this feeling for a long time, but now he feels this feeling when he witnesses a battle, which makes Lao Bai feel ashamed and angry at the same time, this little guy is too good at torturing people!

Why doesn't he die?


Just when Lao Bai was restless, suddenly, the battle situation in the distance changed suddenly.

An indescribably sharp aura, like a supreme soldier who has been tempered in the furnace of troubled times, is suddenly born at this moment.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly went dark, and everything fell into dead silence, except for a gleam of light, like the coldest lightning in the world, tearing apart the sky, fleeting.

If you don't look carefully, it is even difficult to find the trace of this bright light, it appears too fast and disappears too fast.


Bang bang bang!

The incomparably fierce sword energy that beheaded Chen Xi shattered at the same time, like shattered rain of light, illuminating the world.

And the 36 sword souls seemed to be frozen, maintaining the same movement, standing in different areas of the void.

"This is?" Old Bai's pupils shrank suddenly.

puff puff~

There was a muffled sound, and the bodies of the sword souls were like paper paste, and at this moment they were suddenly torn to pieces and collapsed!

All this happened in an instant!

Lao Bai was completely stunned.

On Qimo Ridge, the scattered fragments of sword energy spread like a vast torrent, tearing apart time and space, and confusing the world.

The 36 sword soul fragments that were suppressed in this endless time were all submerged in the torrent and completely disappeared in the long river of history.

Everything is so turbulent and so thrilling!


It took a long time before all these disappeared and the silence was restored, only the sound of short panting echoed between the heaven and the earth one after another.

That was Chen Xi, his whole body was covered in blood, his face was as pale as paper, his right hand holding Xuanwu's remnant sword burst out with blue veins, and was constantly trembling.

He was lying on the devastated land, gasping for breath, looking so embarrassed and miserable, but his pair of black eyes were so bright, like the brightest stars in the sky, and there was a smile of relief on the corner of his lips .

This is the winner's smile, from the heart, revealing incomparable pride, not glaring, but moving.

This battle can definitely be called dangerous and murderous, extremely thrilling and deadly.

Now, the opponents were all executed, but Chen Xi had the last laugh.

After a while, Lao Bai suddenly flashed out, appeared in front of Chen Xi, and said in an extremely complicated voice: "Hey, I finally got the hang of it, Patriarch, I thought you would definitely die this time."

Chen Xi panted and sat up, and said, "You seemed more nervous than me just now, didn't you?"

Lao Bai's expression froze, and he snorted coldly: "Nervous? I have lived for countless years, my ancestor. How can I be nervous?"

Chen Xi kept laughing, laughing so much that Lao Bai felt guilty for a while, he couldn't help coughing twice, and changed the subject, "How do I feel, you have already grasped the core meaning of the cow style, why are you so slow to do it? Do you want to embarrass yourself like this?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his whole body glowed with radiance, and the injuries he suffered in the battle were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, he stood up, looked at the distance of Qimo Ridge, and said, "Where is that emperor-level daogen?"

Lao Bai was annoyed for a while, and said in a hurry: "The ancestor is asking you something, don't change the subject!"

"You really want to know?"

"miss you!"

"It's very simple, I just want to try where my limit is."

Hearing this answer, Lao Bai was stunned, testing his limits?How can anyone in this world take his own life to test the limit?

This little guy...is simply a lunatic!

Lao Bai wanted to yell at him, he was so nervous just now, how could he think that the other party did all this for such a reason?

However, even though it was thinking like this, the way it looked at Chen Xi changed a lot unconsciously, and a touch of emotion spread in its heart.

Perhaps, only such young people can go beyond the past and create their own ultimate path, right?

"Old Bai, there are no other tests going on, right?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi opened his mouth, awakening Lao Bai who was in deep thought. His snow-white wings spread out, piercing the sky and flying towards the distance.

"follow me!"

Chen Xi was startled, but he didn't expect the old guy to be so happy this time, he shook his head, and hurried to catch up.

After crossing Qimo Ridge and walking forward for a long time, a purple-gold soaring divine light came into view.

Chen Xi opened his eyes wide. What kind of divine radiance was that, which actually attracted hundreds of millions of powers of order from the divine way, wrapping around it!


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