divine talisman

Chapter 1709 The Calamity of World Destruction

That ray of purple-gold divine brilliance is majestic and majestic, with the aura of an emperor, radiating hundreds of millions of auspicious lights, and the power of order in the divine way surrounds the surroundings, creating chaos and surging, extremely eye-catching.

There was no need to ask, Chen Xi knew that that emperor-level dao root must have grown there. After all, the vision on that day was really astonishing, as if the world had been opened up, the divine light was surging, and the divine glow was transpiring, beyond imagination.

A wisp of fragrant fragrance seemed to be able to soak the soul, rushing toward the face, it was too strong, like a fairy brew, pouring into Chen Xi's body.

In an instant, his unhealed injuries were repaired in an incredible way.In just a few short breaths, not only was the injury completely healed, but also his energy and energy seemed to be replenished, full of vitality, lively and unusual, as if he was cheering.

This surprised Chen Xi again. This is too unbelievable. It is even stronger than the effect of the peerless magic medicine. In the past, it would take at least three years for the injuries he suffered from fighting against the 36 sword souls. It takes about a month to cultivate.

But now, with just a few breaths, he has completely healed. Whoever this is, I am afraid that his heart will be shaken, it is unbelievable.

"That is the emperor-level dao root. It has been bred here for an unknown number of years. If you can refine it and advance to the ancestor god realm in the future, it will be enough to overwhelm the world. No one in the same realm can match it!"

Lao Bai pointed to the sky-reaching purple-gold divine brilliance in the distance, his eyes sparkled, and he said proudly, "This kind of power that turns decay into magic is the only one in the world. The emperor-level daogen can really survive to this day."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows: "How do you say that?"

Lao Bai said disdainfully: "Silly boy, don't you understand that whether it is the Chaos ancestors who gathered the power of three thousand great ways in the gate of the great way, or those war spirits who were suppressed on the sacred mountain of Xuanzhu, Even the power that exists in the entire Xuanzhu ancestral temple is to ensure the survival of this emperor-level dao root."

Speaking of this, it couldn't help but sigh, "After all, such a heaven-defying thing is the easiest to be robbed. If it weren't for Xuan Tanjing's careful arrangement of so many methods, this emperor-level Dao root might have already been condemned by the heavens and wiped out of the world." gone."

Chen Xi's heart was shaken, but he didn't expect this level.

"Old Bai, tell me how to obtain it." Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the impulse in his heart, and spoke slowly.

He could keenly sense that there was an extremely terrifying force field around that purple-gold divine radiance reaching up to the sky, which made his soul tremble, and he knew that he could not rush into it rashly.

"Old Ancestor, I have one condition. As long as you agree, I guarantee that you can easily obtain this supreme opportunity. If you don't agree, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to get close at all!"

Lao Bai chuckled, puffed out his chest energetically, and looked like he was waiting for Chen Xi to take the bait.

A cold light flashed across Chen Xi's eyes, but this time Lao Bai refused to budge an inch, and shouted, "Even if you kill Patriarch this time, don't make Patriarch compromise!"

"You talk first and listen."

Chen Xi was a little helpless, he really had a headache when he met such an old beast who had lived for an unknown number of years, was shameless, hypocritical, narcissistic, and loved to brag.

Hearing this, Lao Bai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said excitedly with a little longing, "Little guy, you don't understand my distress, my ancestor, I am alone here and have been lonely for countless years. No one remembers the coquettishness and majesty of the ancestors back then..."

The more he said it, the more unreliable it became. Chen Xi frowned, and interrupted, "Speak simply!"

Lao Bai's expression froze, and he gave Chen Xi a resentful look, and finally he looked lonely and sighed, "The world is so big, and I want to go out for a walk, ancestor, is that enough reason?"

Chen Xi almost pooh-poohed, this shameless old man was really weird to the extreme.

But when he thought of agreeing to the other party, he would have to walk with such an old bird full of problems in the future, Chen Xi felt dizzy for a while.

"Hmph! Don't pretend to be wronged, don't forget, back then even the lord of Manggu, Xuan, respectfully called me 'Guru'. Having the ancestor by his side is simply a great fortune for you little guy. Thousands of thousands, but there is no such blessing! What's more, they are just begging on their knees, and I don't even bother to pay attention to the ancestor."

Seeing that Chen Xi was hesitating, Lao Bai couldn't help being a little displeased, and gave a cold snort with a majestic expression.

"I can agree, but you have to promise to obey me in everything after you go out." Chen Xi pondered for a long time before gritting his teeth.

"A word is settled!"

Lao Bai immediately grinned, and started trembling again, "Old Ancestor, I knew that you won't miss this great fortune."

Speaking of this, it gave Chen Xi a serious look, and coughed dryly, "By the way, Patriarch, I have one more condition, as long as you agree..." It looked like it was pushing its feet.


Xuanwu's remnant sword groaned, and Chen Xi glanced at Lao Bai murderously, causing the opponent's neck to shrink back in fright, and immediately shut up in a timely manner.

"Okay, the conditions have been agreed to you, can you tell me now?" Chen Xi said coldly, he knew that he must not give this old bird a good face, otherwise the other party would just kick his nose in the face, and he would be extremely worthy of a beating.


Lao Bai soared into the sky, spreading his snow-white wings, drawing an elegant arc, tearing apart time and space, and came before the sky-reaching purple-gold divine glow.

Then, a dazzling light suddenly appeared from the colorful feather crown above its head, spreading out like ripples.


That ray of light was extremely miraculous, colorful, and filled with an obscure and mysterious aura. Wherever it passed, the time and space around that sky-reaching purple golden glow suddenly boiled.

It seems that a ban that has been silent for countless years has been opened wide, and the sound of rumbling vibrations resounds throughout the world, stirring the world.

All of a sudden, purple light rained down, hundreds of millions of divine order chains swayed, and chaotic air currents roared continuously, reflecting the mountains and rivers in a bright, colorful, and dazzling way.

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of the Great Dao reverberated one after another, spreading like the sound of nature.

Those kinds of scenes are indeed rare in the world, thrilling, like a miracle unfolding in front of your eyes one by one.

At this moment, Lao Bai looked extremely majestic and solemn, and his whole body was filled with an aura of looking down on the eternity and commanding the world.

But Chen Xi was secretly amused when he saw it, this old bird never forgets to show off.


Laobai's wings were like knives, and he slashed lightly, cutting a tunnel in the void, pointing directly at the bottom of that purple-gold divine radiance.

"Act quickly, after a long time, catastrophe will come!"

Lao Bai's hasty and dignified voice came from beside his ears, making Chen Xi's heart tremble, how could he dare to be negligent, his figure flashed, turned into a flash of light, and rushed away with a howl.

It is true that as Lao Bai promised before, from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi did not encounter any obstacles, and reached the bottom of that purple-gold divine radiance in one fell swoop.

Almost immediately, Chen Xi saw that emperor-level dao root.

Its whole body is shimmering with purple light, and the light cluster is blazing, dazzling to the extreme, releasing a majesty of the emperor.

Looking carefully, the purple light group is filled with chaotic ancestral energy, which looks extremely deep, and there are a little golden starlight floating in it, like golden stars circulating in the universe, appearing more and more magnificent and immeasurable.

Too detached and extraordinary!

It is completely different from the seventh-rank monarch-level dao roots, eighth-rank king-level dao roots, and ninth-rank emperor-level dao roots that Chen Xi has seen before. They are completely different existences!

Looking at this emperor-level dao root, it was like facing an ancestral emperor. The aura was so strong that Chen Xi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and a little throbbing spontaneously arose.


Suddenly, thunder resounded in the sky, with a force that reached people's hearts, it was creepy, and it seemed that some catastrophe was about to come.

"Hurry up!"

Almost at the same time, Lao Bai's roar sounded, looking extremely anxious and nervous.


Chen Xi was startled, and subconsciously waved his sleeve robe, sweeping up that emperor-level dao root in one fell swoop, then his figure flashed, and he returned along the original path with all his strength.


Almost as soon as he finished all this, the whole world shook, and an unspeakable terrifying force descended, obliterating that ray of purple divine brilliance reaching the sky!

The hundreds of millions of gods and all kinds of god order powers that originally permeated the heaven and earth were all chaotic, shattered, and annihilated at this moment.

This force was too terrifying, the aftermath spread, and in the blink of an eye, the passage opened by Lao Bai was completely wiped out.

If Chen Xi hadn't returned in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable!


When he saw Chen Xi coming out, Lao Bai flapped his wings almost desperately, and fled away into the distance with a whoosh.

"This old fellow escaped faster than anyone else!"

Chen Xi cursed secretly in his heart, and hurriedly followed.

With his powerful thoughts, he could clearly perceive that the world behind him had turned into darkness, a deathlike silence, without that ray of purple divine radiance reaching the sky, without that colorful and blazing rain of light, and without The pervasive entanglement of the divine order power...

Yes, it's just darkness, like a black hole devouring the universe, which is chilling.


Suddenly, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he noticed that in the depths of the dead darkness, a pair of eyes quietly emerged, even if it was fleeting, it seemed as if it had never appeared before.

But Chen Xi was absolutely sure that it was not an illusion, because he had seen that eye a long time ago!

Deep, cold, ruthless, without any emotional fluctuations, it is exactly the same as the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" that the Supreme Master once set off endless bloody storms in the Three Realms!

When he was in the Three Realms Conferred Gods Domain, because of the fragments of the River Map, Chen Xi even saw countless cages where gods were imprisoned from that eye!

But now, after so many years, this eye quietly resurfaced in the ancient ruins outside the ancient gods' domain, and appeared in the deepest part of the Xuanzhu Temple. Chen Xi couldn't help but be shocked.


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