divine talisman

Chapter 1710 Doomsday

How could that eye appear here?

Chen Xi's heart was shaken, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. Until now, he still had very little understanding of the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment".

When I was in the Three Realms, I only heard that the power of the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" can only be used by the Supreme Sect, but cannot be controlled by the Supreme Sect.

And it is rumored that the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" surpasses the heavens in the three realms, and its power is unpredictable.

But Chen Xi still never expected that it would appear in the Ancient God Realm, in the most mysterious Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple!

If he hadn't made a mistake in his deduction, the power that destroyed that ray of purple-gold divine radiance and everything in that area just now must have come from that eye.

If it is really the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", the power it produces now is too terrifying, and it is definitely not comparable to it in the Three Realms.

When Chen Xi continued to perceive, the palpitating darkness disappeared like a tide, and the world returned to its original state.

However, there is no longer the ancestral source that can produce emperor-level dao roots, and there is no longer the purple-gold divine brilliance with the emperor's aura.

All that was left was the ruins of a place, which was in a mess, as if after a catastrophe, everything was crushed and ceased to exist.


Lao Bai in front of him suddenly stamped his feet, then turned his head to look back, and said with lingering fear: "This damned thing really never gave up the idea of ​​killing the emperor-level Daogen."

Speaking of this, it turned its head to look at Chen Xi: "Little brat, have you ever succeeded?"

Chen Xi nodded. He had already sealed up that emperor-level dao root with restraint before, and swallowed it into his body to preserve it.

Lao Bai seemed to heave a long sigh of relief, his whole body relaxed, and he returned to his complacent look: "Hey, how about it, with the ancestor, I will take the initiative, and getting this supreme opportunity is not as easy as picking something out of a bag ?”

This time, Chen Xi didn't pay attention to the other party, but said solemnly: "Old Bai, what you said just now was the catastrophe against the emperor-level Dao Root?"

"That's right." Lao Bai nodded disapprovingly, "This ghost thing has been spying on this place as early as Manggu, trying to destroy this emperor-level dao root. If Xuan hadn't arranged many methods here, I'm afraid it would have been killed It worked."

"What kind of power is it?" Chen Xi asked.

"Doom." Lao Bai answered concisely.

"Doom?" Chen Xi glanced at Lao Bai, and he noticed that Lao Bai seemed to answer easily, but when these two words were mentioned, his expression was slightly uncomfortable.

"Don't ask any more questions. You will understand this thing when you become an emperor in the future. No matter how much I tell you now, it will be difficult for you to understand."

Lao Bai was a little impatient, and seemed unwilling to mention this matter, so he changed the subject and said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible, I'm already tired of staying here, Patriarch."

"I have fought against it before, but at that time it was in the Three Realms. Unlike this time, the power it displayed was completely beyond my imagination."

Chen Xi didn't care whether Lao Bai was happy or not, and quickly said, "At that time, the Supreme Sect had been using its power to deal with the gods born in the Three Realms, which made me think that it was the butcher's knife controlled by the Supreme Sect , but now it seems that it is obviously more than that simple."

Lao Bai was silent, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "It's really not easy."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Don't you have anything else to say?"

Lao Bai shrugged: "No."


Xuanwu's remnant sword in Chen Xi's hand let out a sword cry.

Lao Bai said angrily: "Little guy, I have said everything that I should say, and I will never say what I should not say. Don't force me, this is the bottom line."

Chen Xi looked at Lao Bai for a long time, but finally shook his head, turned around and returned to the original path.

Seeing this, Lao Bai hesitated to speak, but he also shook his head and chased after him with flapping wings.


After a while, Chen Xi walked out of Xuanzhu's ancestral temple and returned to the top of the sacred mountain.

Looking at the steaming sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and the blue sky, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel relieved for a moment.

During this trip to Xuanzhu's ancestral temple, he fought ten golden crow birds, the spear of the brave, the star rainbow butterfly, and 36 sword souls... until he got the emperor-level dao root. It is dangerous, but the rewards are also beyond imagination.

Not only did he successfully obtain the emperor-level dao root, but he also allowed him to master all the core mysteries of the four major sword styles of Xuanxin swordsmanship through fierce battles. Most importantly, he finally tested himself. Where is the real limit!

In addition, a huge doubt also arose along with it, did that catastrophe come from the "Eye of God's Punishment" he had seen before?

It's a pity that Lao Bai didn't want to reveal more, which made all this more confusing.

However, Chen Xi was sure of one thing. Back then, the Manggu master Xuan was able to prevent that emperor-level dao root from catastrophe by arranging various means. This proved that the power of catastrophe was not irresistible.

that's enough.

Lao Bai followed, spread out his snow-white wings as if intoxicated, and said with emotion: "It's been so many years, my ancestor, I finally see the light of day again."

Chen Xi didn't even bother to pay attention to this old bird, and went straight down the mountain.

"Little guy, look at how big your stomach is, are you still angry? Patriarch, I really can't determine the reason for this." Lao Bai chased after him, landed on Chen Xi's shoulder, and laughed.

"Since you don't know about this, let me ask you, do you know how to release the power of the 'Black Witch God Gu'?" Chen Xi asked indifferently.

"This..." Lao Bai's expression froze, as if he was getting angry from embarrassment, "That's a secret technique that only existed in the last era. How could I, Patriarch, know?"

Although it was just to test Lao Bai, when Chen Xi heard such an answer, he still couldn't help being disappointed.

Last era?

What kind of time was that, and why did such an extremely evil secret method as "Black Witch God Gu" come into being?

The so-called era is a process from the birth of the origin of chaos to the destruction and disappearance. The time is long, extremely long, and cannot be measured.

Also known as the Great Chaos Period.

Although this ancient God Realm claims to have thousands of realms and countless universes, in the final analysis, they are all born from the same great chaos.

The origin of this great chaos has survived to this day, and it has evolved into the current Ancient God Realm

And as far as Chen Xi knew, the Ancient God Realm had existed for an unknown number of years since its birth. It was almost immortal, and it was called the "Eternal Divine Land".

This also made it impossible for him to imagine how many years of changes and how many cultivation civilizations were born in the era before the ancient gods.

After all, that is too far away.

"No matter what, within ten years, we must find a way to revive Liuqing!" Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Even if the hope is slim, he will never give up until the last moment.


All the way down the mountain, there is no obstacle, nor like when going up the mountain, encountering those war spirits who were suppressed here.

Moreover, under the leadership of Lao Bai, Chen Xi was surprised to find that the return journey seemed to be shortened by more than ten times, and he returned to the gate of the great avenue not long after.

"It seems that you are only talented in leading the way." Chen Xi glanced at Lao Bai.

"Little guy, are you scolding the ancestor that I am a leader? It is unreasonable. Do you know that the ancestor and I..." Lao Bai was furious.

In the middle of speaking, he was blocked by Chen Xi's cold gaze, and shut up. He was really a little scared by Chen Xi's grip on his neck before.

"Don't forget, you promised to obey me in everything after you go out." Chen Xi put down a few words, and stepped into the gate of the great avenue.

"What an impolite brat!" Lao Bai was trembling with anger, but he still chased after him, as if he never knew what morality was.


"How many days?"

"Nineteen days."

"Why is there no news yet?"

"Unfortunately, when Canaan left before, I forgot to ask him what happened inside."

"Canaan? Humph, you think he's going to tell us this? Anyone who meets this guy will feel like he's a dumb man practicing closed-mouthed meditation."

"Okay, stop arguing."

In the ancient and grand hall, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui were discussing a lot.

With the passage of time, the injuries on their bodies had long been repaired, but they had not seen Chen Xi show up until now, which made them all feel a little worried.

"Tell me, there shouldn't be any accidents happening to Chen Xi. After all, Luo Shaonong and his party are also among them. If something happens to Chen Xi, none of us will know."

Yu Qiujing suddenly said.

In a word, Dele Wuhen and the others felt anxious, and it was precisely this that they were most worried about.


But at this moment, there was a sudden fluctuation in the gate of the avenue, and a figure appeared.

Chen Xi!

Everyone raised their eyes and looked up, and they all felt relieved, and they all got up to meet him.

Seeing Le Wuhen and the others waiting here, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling warm, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"How come there are so many blood stains on your body?" Soon, Le Wuhen and the others noticed that Chen Xi's clothes were torn and blood-stained, and he had obviously encountered conflicts and duels before.

"Luo Shaonong and those guys must have done it! These damn things!" Yu Qiujing gritted his teeth and cursed.

Before, when they snatched the ninth-grade emperor-level dao root here, they were attacked by Luo Shaonong's group and seriously injured. Seeing Chen Xi's clothes stained with blood, old and new grudges welled up in their hearts .

"You don't have to worry, am I fine?" Chen Xi smiled.

"What about Luo Shaonong and the others?" Le Wuhen asked.

"It's still... inside." Chen Xi was startled, and then replied.

After everyone heard the words, there was another silence. Now that Chen Xi has returned early, doesn't this mean that in the competition to capture this emperor-level dao root, Chen Xi also ended in failure?

Thinking of this, Shentu Yanran couldn't help comforting Chen Xi in a gentle voice: "It's okay, after all, you are only one person, and it is not easy to return safely."

"Not bad, not bad, it's good to be back." The others also comforted Chen Xi as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Chen Xi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.


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