divine talisman

Chapter 1711: Straight Talk

Although there was some irony, Chen Xi still explained: "Don't worry, everyone, I didn't say that this operation failed."

Everyone was stunned, all puzzled.

"Could it be that you have seized that emperor-level dao root?" Shentu Yanran's clear eyes filled her eyes, and she dared not believe it.

The hearts of the others were also shocked, and they all looked at Chen Xi. If this was true, it would be too shocking.

Before Chen Xi could open his mouth, an incomparably proud and majestic voice sounded: "Of course, with the help of my ancestor, won't it be easy to obtain such a supreme opportunity?"

Accompanied by the sound, a white shadow suddenly flew out from the gate of the avenue, no need to guess, it must be Lao Bai.

It folded its wings and stood on Chen Xi's shoulders. Its pair of eyes stared down at everyone, as if looking down on everyone and pointing at the world.

I have to say that Lao Bai's appearance is still very bluffing. His snow-white wings are filled with holy brilliance, his sharp claws are made of gold, his eyes are deep and deep, and his head is filled with colorful feathers. extraordinary.

As soon as he appeared, Le Wuhen and the others were shocked immediately, and they all looked at Lao Bai with some suspicion, not sure of the other party's origin.

Seeing this, Lao Bai became more and more proud, and said: "Look at your stupid looks, you really have never seen the world, patriarch, I..."

Seeing that this old bird was about to boast again, Chen Xi's face darkened, and he glanced at it.

Lao Bai's expression froze, he curled his lips, and began to comb his hair gracefully, but a pair of eyeballs looked at Le Wuhen and the others indistinctly.

"Everyone, don't bother with it."

Chen Xi didn't even bother to introduce Lao Bai's identity, so he ignored it and said, "It's not too late, let's leave here first."

Although everyone had a lot of doubts in their hearts, seeing Chen Xi's appearance, they knew that it was not appropriate to ask more questions at this time.


At this time, they were in a great hall in the deepest part of Zixiao Taoist Palace. The way back was very smooth, and they walked out of Zixiao Taoist Palace soon.

"Someone came out again."

"Huh? How could it be them?"

Below the white jade staircase, when they saw Chen Xi and his party appear, those ascetics from all directions were all agitated and surprised.

They had been waiting here all this time, saw the Buddha's son Canaan leaving, and now they saw Chen Xi and his party returning, but they did not see Luo Shaonong and his party appearing, so they all thought that Chen Xi and his party must be like Canaan, Return in defeat.

Regarding this, Chen Xi and his party would not pay too much attention to it.

"Young Master Wuhen, can you gain something?" A monk asked with a smile.

Le Wuhen glanced at him and said, "I have gained a little."

"Could it be that...you really found that Ninth Grade Emperor Dao Root?" Everyone nearby was shocked.

Mentioning the ninth-grade emperor-level Daogen made Dele Wuhen and the others all look a little gloomy, and they didn't respond, and turned to leave expressionlessly.

But this aroused everyone's suspicion, and everyone showed strange colors.

"It seems that they have failed, and their faces are a little abnormal."

"Of course, didn't you see that Luo Shaonong and his party haven't returned yet? I'm afraid Luo Shaonong and the others have snatched that nine-rank emperor-level daogen."

Seeing Le Wuhen and his party leave, everyone discussed in low voices.

"Hmph, don't even look at your own abilities. This kind of fate is already doomed. If they can win that ninth-rank emperor-level dao root, that would be a strange thing."

Some ascetics taunted them. Most of them came with Luo Shaonong and his group. Because they were not strong enough, they were unable to enter the Zixiao Taoist Palace together. However, when they saw Canaan, Chen Xi and their group return one after another, they subconsciously thought that it was still time for them to return. Luo Shaonong and his party who did not return must have succeeded.

Therefore, at this moment, their hearts are also very excited, and they are honored, and there is an unavoidable smell of yin and yang when they speak.

"Returning the ninth-rank emperor-level Daogen? Hehehe, what a bunch of poor idiots, they deserve to be vassals for the rest of their lives."

Suddenly, an extremely arrogant and twitching voice sounded, sneering at those people unabashedly.

Of course it was Laobai who spoke. It flapped its wings and hovered over the heads of those people, leaving behind a series of sneers before turning around and leaving through the air.

"Stop!" Someone was angry and shouted loudly, being so provoked by a flat-haired beast, this is simply trampling on dignity.

Lao Bai didn't bother to pay attention, Shi Shiran caught up with Chen Xi's pace, and walked towards the distance.


The cultivator raised his hand and slashed out a sword aura, the radiance was blazing, as bright as a rainbow piercing through the sky, and it was fierce at times.


But before he got close to Lao Bai, a big hand stretched out, and with a pinch of his fingers, it imprisoned that wisp of sword energy, and then shattered inch by inch.

"You want to fight?" Chen Xi turned around, looked at the man, and asked calmly.

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, because Chen Xi's previous attack was too shocking, and he could wipe out that wisp of sword energy in an understatement, which is something no ordinary person can do.

In addition, long ago, they all knew that Chen Xi had foiled the joint attack of Yue Ruhuo and Jin Qingyang by himself, and his fighting power was astonishing, and it was not at all that they dared to offend them.

"Fellow daoist, calm down, this junior brother has a violent temper, he was just a little impulsive just now." Someone hurriedly spoke out to help persuade him.

The cultivator who made the move also thumped in his heart, his whole body was terrified, and he was a little scared. Although he came from the Emperor's Domain, his status was noble, and he could look down on most cultivators in the world, but he really didn't have the guts to face Chen Xi and other heavenly figures. Provocative and disrespectful.

"Hey, not only is he an idiot, but he's also a wimp." Seeing this, Lao Bai became more and more complacent, and sneered again.

Not only the ascetic, but everyone else also heard a piercing ear, and felt uncomfortable all over. This bird's mouth is too short!

"Old Bai, let's go."

Chen Xi shook his head, turned around and continued walking.

"How arrogant! If Senior Brother Luo Shaonong and the others were here, how dare they do this?"

Seeing Chen Xi and his group drift away until they disappeared into the distance, the cultivator who made the move before spoke out indignantly.

"Okay, the situation is not in your control, so don't worry about it." Someone beside him persuaded.

The cultivator snorted coldly, his face was gloomy. Although he thought he was not as good as Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran and the others, and he was powerless to fight against Chen Xi, but no matter what, he was also a noble person from the imperial domain, but now he It was very difficult for him to accept that his dignity was trampled on by a flat-haired beast.

"Then Chen Xi is really rampant. He has completely offended Senior Brother Luo Shaonong and the others before, and now he dares to be so domineering. He might die sooner or later!" the ascetic cursed viciously.

The main reason is that Chen Xi and the others have gone far away, otherwise he would never dare to do this.

However, when everyone heard the words, they all believed that this Chen Xi was indeed too arrogant. Since entering the land of ancestral origin, he had successively offended Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang, Zhai Jun, Gongye Zhefu and Luo Shaonong. In this way, I am afraid that he has already shrunk in fright and panic all day long, but it is good for him, he is still acting so rampantly.

"Fortunately, this time he came back without a feather. If he got the ninth-grade emperor-level dao root, wouldn't he be crazy?"

Someone sneered.

"However, senior brother Luo Shaonong and the others don't know what's going on now, why haven't they come back?"

Someone is suspicious.



After a stick of incense, the Zixiao Taoist Palace on the sky suddenly roared, and in an instant, everything including the white jade staircase turned into a steaming blazing light, which gradually disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

All of a sudden, the audience was silent and silent, and everyone's faces were dull and unbelievable.

How could this be?

How could Zixiao Dao Palace suddenly disappear?

Brother Luo Shaonong and the others haven't returned yet!

Everyone was shocked and couldn't calm down. Could it be that...Luo Shaonong and the others have encountered some accident?

Thinking of this, their faces changed. What's going on?


Before they could figure it out, there was a violent vibration in this world, and everything was in chaos.

"Not good! This place of ancestral origin is about to be closed!"

"Didn't it say there were three months, how could it end so early?"

"Could it be that that ninth-grade emperor-level dao root has already been obtained by someone? But, why have Luo Shaonong and the others never shown up?"

"Could it be that the ninth-grade emperor-level Daogen has already been taken by others?"

"What time is it, why are you still talking about these things, let's go!"

The crowd was agitated and uproarious, their faces changed constantly, they hurriedly set up the escape light, tore apart time and space and fled away, once the land of ancestral origin is closed, it is impossible to go out in this life!


At this time, Chen Xi and his party had already left the land of ancestral origin and walked out of the temple of ancestral origin, so they didn't know that earth-shaking changes had taken place not long after they left.

On the altar in front of the Temple of Zuyuan, when Chen Xi and his party appeared, the temple guard who looked extremely old and seemed to be in a deep sleep suddenly opened his eyes, and landed on Chen Xi in an instant.

Gradually, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Huh! You're still alive?" Lao Bai cried out in surprise when he saw the temple guard.

Le Wuhen and the others were all shocked, this divine bird with a mysterious origin actually recognized the temple guard?

"I want to talk to him alone." The temple guard ignored Lao Bai, pointed at Chen Xi, and said slowly.

Le Wuhen and the others glanced at each other and left the place wisely.

It's just that in their hearts, they couldn't help being shocked again. After Chen Xi entered the gate of the great way, what happened to him? Not only did he bring out a divine bird with a mysterious origin, but it also obviously attracted the attention of the temple guards. ?

It wasn't until they were far away that Le Wuhen and the others stood still, looking at Chen Xi and the temple guards in the distance, feeling complicated in their hearts.

They suddenly discovered that since Chen Xi returned from the gate of the Great Dao, he seemed to have become another person, which made it even more difficult for them to see through it.

"Little guy, although you finally obtained the emperor-level Daogen, I have to remind you that you have killed too many supreme gods this time. After leaving this place, I am afraid that you will encounter all kinds of troubles."

But at this moment, the temple guard stared at Chen Xi, and bluntly explained his situation.


ps: Tomorrow 5 update, congratulations to the leader of September, next will be one by one for the leader of Ye Shen and X Hao to engage in updates~


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