divine talisman

Chapter 1714 Aggressive

Soon, Yunqing came outside the city gate.

The Sea of ​​Burying Gods in the distance is calm, stretching as far as the eye can see, filled with a palpitating power of dead silence.

On the bank of the sea cliff, there are densely packed figures.

A bronze treasure chariot pulled by four divine birds and seven-tailed fire doves is suspended above the sky, surrounded by divine slaves, with a mighty force, releasing oppressive power.

Yun Qing knew that it was the car of Gongye Nanli, a great figure from the peak realm of the ancestral gods of the Gongye clan in the imperial domain, and it was named Huojiubao chariot.


A thunderous cry of frogs resounded through the heaven and earth. It was a nine-eyed blue toad, as big as a mountain, with strands of golden earthworm-like textures branded all over its body.

An imposing old man with a stern face, beard and hair like silver, stands proudly above the nine-eyed green toad. This is Zhai Yunqiu from the Zhai family, the top power in the imperial domain, and he is also a powerful figure.

In the past, it was absolutely rare to see a big person like this, but in this matter, if you look around, you can see the presence of Gongye Nanli and Zhai Yunqiu at this level everywhere.

They are distributed in different areas, or ride in gorgeous treasure chariots, or drive divine birds, or stand on top of the clouds...they are surrounded by powerful servants of the gods.

Looking from a distance, this piece of heaven and earth is changing, time and space are stagnant, and it is shrouded in waves of monstrous aura, which is extremely frightening.

If it were ordinary people who came here, just the terrifying coercion in the air would be enough to make their hearts tremble and their knees go weak.

The scene at the moment is indeed terrifying. The big figures from the imperial domain, like overlords, gather together at this moment. The lineup is by no means shocking.

However, in Yunqing's view, the most conspicuous of them is the blue dragon quietly entrenched on the central sea cliff!

The dragon's body was like a mountain, its claws were like blades hanging from the sky, and its eyes were like the sun and the moon. When it breathed, the wind and thunder rumbled loudly, and a suffocating terrifying coercion pervaded its whole body.

This blue dragon, at least already has the Dao of the Ancestral God Realm, and it is even stronger!

Looking at it from a distance makes one's heart tremble.

But at this moment, an old man sat cross-legged on top of the blue dragon. His whole body was shrouded in a layer of blazing purple thunder, and electric arcs were flowing, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

However, its aura is so powerful that it penetrates beyond Qingming. Although it sits quietly, it is like an emperor coming to the world. There is a sense of majesty overlooking the mountains and rivers and controlling the universe!

His name is Luo Chong.

An old antique from the Luo family of the ancient clan in the imperial domain, honored as "Emperor Chongdou"!

In other words, this is an existence at the level of an emperor!Putting it in the domain of the ancient gods is the domain master who controls a domain!

Monarch Realm!

Such a character, placed in the imperial domain, can be regarded as the pillar of the pinnacle, enough to look down on the ancestors of the world, possessing a monstrous dignity.

At this moment, it wasn't just Yun Qing who was shocked, but the eyes of other big figures present were also consciously or unconsciously looking at Luo Chong on the sea cliff, and there was a hint of surprise and fear between their brows.

No one seemed to have expected that because of the fall of Luo Shaonong, the Luo family in the imperial domain would actually send out an old antique in the imperial realm!

After all, when one's cultivation reaches the Emperor's Realm, one has already reached the pinnacle of the road of cultivating the gods. In ordinary years, one may not show up once in thousands of years.

From this, it can be seen how important Luo Shaonong's position in the Luo clan is, and how furious the Luo clan was because of his fall.


Inexplicably, there was a throbbing and worry in Yun Qing's heart. The lineup in front of him is too scary, and now Chen Xi has a serious suspicion. Even if it is finally proved that Chen Xi did not do it, who can guarantee that the anger of these big shots will not poured on him?

There was dead silence in the field.

No one spoke, and all eyes were on the depths of the Burying God Sea.

They are waiting.

Waiting for a truth that vents anger!


"That seems to be the spirit-slaying gourd of the Diyule family!"

Suddenly, there was a soft sigh, and at this moment, all the eyes on the scene looked into the distance.


A palpitation suddenly rose in Chen Xi's heart, and he woke up from the meditation.

Almost at the same time, Le Wuhen's voice came from a distance: "Everyone, Fengqi Divine City is in the distance, get ready, we will leave Zhanling Gourd immediately."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and finally understood where his palpitations came from.

He took a deep breath, stood up and walked out of the room.

At this time, Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others had already gathered together, and when they saw Chen Xi, they all nodded their heads.

Chen Xi understood, and they also understood, that an unprecedented crisis must be lurking in front of the Fengqi Divine City in the distance, and whether they can get through it safely depends on their next actions.


The divine radiance was dense, the light and rain splashed, and the spirit-slaying gourd turned around, and Chen Xi and his group suddenly walked out of it.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of people!"

"The fire dove chariot of Zhai Clan Zhai Yunqiu, and the nine-eyed Bichan of Gongye Clan Gongye Nanli... Hiss! How is it possible, Emperor Dou Chong is also here!"

"The situation is not good."

"It seems that they have all heard the news of the fall of Luo Shaonong and his party."

Looking at the figures standing on the seashore from a distance, Le Wuhen and the others all trembled in their hearts, realizing that the situation was much more serious than they expected.

At this time, they stood in the God Burying Sea, less than three thousand miles away from the shore.

From this position, Chen Xi could clearly perceive that most of the figures who stopped by the shore were above the Ancestral God Realm!

One by one, the aura rushed straight into the sky, and the ancestral spirit spread, making it extremely terrifying.

Especially in the center of the sea cliff, there is an aura that makes Chen Xi's heart palpitate. There is no doubt that it must be Luo Chong, the "Emperor Chongdou" from the Luo family!

Facing such a huge situation, Chen Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"Play by ear, don't show your feet!" Le Wuhen said quickly through voice transmission, and then flew forward with everyone.

When they were about to reach the coast, a group of imposing figures greeted them with smiles on their faces.

"Hahaha, Wuhen, you kid is back safely."

"Uncle Nine, it turns out that you are here."

"Yan Ran, this time your father asked me to pick you up."

"Ah Jing, what have you gained this time?"

All of a sudden, the scene became lively. It turned out that those important figures were all the elders of Le Wuhen and his party, and they had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Only Chen Xi, no one came to greet him, not because there was really no one, but when he saw Yun Qing in the distance who was about to step forward, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the other party, so that the other party pretended not to recognize him for the time being, It won't be too late to meet each other when the immediate crisis is resolved.

Although Yun Qing was puzzled in his heart, he also knew that Chen Xi must have thought about making such an arrangement, but he did not leave just then, but stood aside, silently watching the progress of the situation.

"Chen Xi, let me introduce you. This is my Uncle Jiu, Le Beiyou." At this moment, Le Wuhen turned his head with a smile and introduced to Chen Xi.

Le Beiyou was a well-mannered middle-aged man with a high crown and a graceful demeanor. He originally looked at all this with a smile, but when he heard Chen Xi's name, he immediately narrowed his eyes and the smile on his lips faded a lot.

"I've met senior." Chen Xi greeted with a calm expression.

Le Beiyou nodded and didn't say much.

Le Wuhen was startled, and just as he was about to say something, Shentu Yanran introduced to Chen Xi with a smile: "Chen Xi, this is my third uncle Shen Tubao, third uncle, this time in the Manggu ruins, Chen Xi But it helped me a lot.”

Shen Tubao has a strong figure, a rough face, and lightning-like eyes, but he laughed out loud when he heard this, and said: "The friends Yan Ran recognizes are no longer outsiders."

Chen Xi smiled, and also bowed his hands in salute.

Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and the others also wanted to introduce their elders to Chen Xi, but they were interrupted by Le Wuhen: "Let's leave here first, and we can have a good chat when we enter the city."

While speaking, he glanced around intentionally or unintentionally.

The others knew immediately.

However, just as the group of them was about to set foot on the coast and return to Fengqi Divine City, suddenly, a voice sounded in the lively atmosphere, which seemed extremely abrupt.

"Elders, look, that is Chen Xi!"

Le Wuhen and the others all froze.

The next moment, Chen Xi noticed that a series of gazes, like sharp knives, locked on him from all directions.

The originally bustling atmosphere all around suddenly became quiet for no reason, and there was a hint of chill and depression in the air.

"Let's go, don't worry about so much."

Le Wuhen said in a low voice that he was going to lead everyone to move on, but what happened next made his heart sink and he had to stop.

Because at this moment, a bronze treasure chariot pulled by the four-headed divine bird and the seven-tailed fire dove suddenly broke through the clouds, traveled through time and space, and blocked them.

Almost at the same time, a middle-aged man dressed in black with a stern face and meticulously combed hair walked out of the treasure chariot.

Zhai Yunqiu!

One of the pinnacle ancestor gods exists in the Zhai clan of the imperial domain!

As soon as he appeared, he ignored the others, his eyes locked on Chen Xi like a knife, and he said coldly, "You are Chen Xi?"

As soon as these words came out, all eyes on the scene gathered here, and an invisible pressure also spread.

If it were someone else, if they met such a big man in the imperial domain, they would have been overwhelmed by shock.

But Chen Xi didn't. He calmly nodded and said, "That's right."

"Uncle San." Shentu Yanran frowned and called out in a low voice.

Shen Tubao nodded as if waking up from a dream, looked at Zhai Yunqiu and said, "Brother Yunqiu, please let me go, if there is anything, we can talk about it when we return to the city."

Zhai Yunqiu snorted coldly: "Going back to the city? I'm afraid it will be too late by then! Shen Tubao, get out of the way, this matter is not only for me, but also for other fellow Taoists present!"

Strong rhetoric, aggressive.


ps: The fourth update is around 11:[-].


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