divine talisman

Chapter 1715

As soon as Zhai Yunqiu's voice fell, one voice after another came from all directions.

"What Fellow Daoist Yunqiu said is absolutely true."

"Shen Tubao, you can leave, but that kid can't, no matter who it is, don't even try to take him away today!"

"That's right, when everything is investigated clearly, if it really has nothing to do with this son, we will not embarrass him anymore in our capacity."

These voices are all made by big figures from the top powers in the imperial domain, each of them is more majestic than the other, like the sound of the great way, resounding through the world, making one's heart palpitate.

In an instant, the expressions of Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and the others were quite gloomy, and they all looked anxiously at the elders around them.

"Everyone, this Chen Xi is only a little suspicious. You guys are acting too much. Do you think that he alone can kill the seven supreme gods?"

Shen Tubao frowned, a little displeased.

He really didn't believe that Chen Xi could do this. The reason was very simple. Luo Shaonong and the others were all gods and gods who ranked extremely high in the list of gods, and this little guy Chen Xi... …who heard his name before?

Such an unknown little guy, even if he had clashed with Luo Shaonong and the others in the Manggu ruins, how could he wipe out Luo Shaonong and others by himself?

"Hmph! This matter is of great importance. If there is any suspicion, you must investigate clearly. If you Shen Tubao continues to do this, you will be an enemy of everyone present!"

Zhai Yunqiu snorted coldly, his expression extremely cold.

"What if I don't agree?"

Shen Tubao was also angry, and asked back.

Seeing this, Le Beiyou on the side suddenly smiled and persuaded: "Okay, please be safe and don't be impatient, isn't it just to investigate the situation? It won't waste much time."

Zhai Yunqiu nodded and said, "Brother Beiyou still understands righteousness."

Shen Tubao frowned and glanced at Le Beiyou, but he didn't say anything in the end.

But in this way, Le Wuhen refused to agree, and said displeasedly: "Uncle Jiu, Chen Xi is my friend, and he has a lifelong friendship, how can this be so?"

Le Beiyou smiled, and said disapprovingly: "It's just a search, don't be impatient, if it wasn't for this little friend Chen Xi, I guarantee that no one would dare to hurt him."

Le Wuhen was stunned, a little helpless and irritable, the development of the situation had faintly escaped his control, which made him feel a little ashamed of Chen Xi.

Before, he was swearing that there would be no major problems, but now something like this happened, which made him extremely aggrieved.

Not only Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others were all displeased and secretly annoyed.

They were about to say something, but Chen Xi stopped him with a smile: "Senior Beiyou is right, it's better to find out about this matter, I haven't figured it out yet, what exactly happened, and how could everything be taken away The target is suspicious of me."

As he said that, he looked at Zhai Yunqiu and said calmly, "I wonder if this senior can give me some pointers?"

For those who don't know the details, after hearing these candid words, I'm afraid they will dispel some doubts in their hearts.

Even Le Wuhen and the others couldn't help feeling secretly, they didn't expect Chen Xi to be so proficient in telling lies, without blinking his eyes.

However, Zhai Yunqiu snorted coldly, looked straight at Chen Xi like lightning, and said with a coercing force, "Little guy, you should know what price you will pay for lying."

Chen Xi smiled calmly: "There is no need to remind, please correct me."

Zhai Yunqiu took a deep breath, and said hesitantly: "Okay then, let me ask you, is it you who killed Zhai Jun, my son of the Zhai family?"

There was a soul-stirring power in the voice, as if as long as Chen Xi told a lie, he would be doomed.

This is a secret technique, designed to frighten the soul.

But for Chen Xi, it was obviously not enough to watch, so he asked in surprise without thinking, "What? Zhai Jun is dead?"

A look of shock when he heard this suddenly.

Zhai Yunqiu narrowed his eyes, examined Chen Xi carefully for a long time, and said coldly, "Stop pretending, why don't you think about it, why are there so many people, why do I suspect you?"

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Senior, you are a bit bloody when you say that. Dare I ask if you have evidence?"

Seeing Chen Xi's unrepentant appearance, the other big figures around him all frowned. If it wasn't for the presence of Le Beiyou, Shen Tubao and others, they would have already made a move to capture Chen Xi and torture him severely.

Zhai Yunqiu also smiled angrily: "Evidence? Good! Then let me ask you, did you have any conflicts with Zhai Jun in the Manggu ruins?"

Chen Xi said calmly: "It happened once, but it was just a fight, and many people were present at that time."

Zhai Yunqiu continued: "Then let me ask you again, have you ever had conflicts with Luo Shaonong?"

Chen Xi still nodded: "There was, but it was just for fighting for Dao Gen, and they didn't fight for their lives."

"Then have you ever had conflicts with Gongye Zhefu, Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang, Kunwuqing, and Pei Wen?"

Zhai Yunqiu announced a series of names in one breath, firmly attracting all the attention of the audience, and at the same time, one after another of terrifying coercion swept over, oppressing Chen Xi, making him stare blankly. His eyes narrowed suddenly.

After a while, Chen Xi finally said: "Although I don't want to admit it, it is the truth."

As soon as these words came out, the audience shook.

Before, most of them had heard of Chen Xi's name for the first time, and in addition, Chen Xi had never been on the list of Conferred Gods, which made them also doubt where such a young man with little reputation came from. How dare he dare to offend so many supreme gods.

So at this moment, when they heard Chen Xi's personal confession, they couldn't help but feel a ripple in their hearts, and they had to re-examine this young man.

"Then let me ask you one last question, are you responsible for Luo Shaonong's death!?" Zhai Yunqiu shouted loudly, deafening like thunder.

"No." Chen Xi answered concisely.

"Well, since you said so, let me use the method of soul searching and investigate. If you are not lying, you can leave now, how about it?" Zhai Yunqiu said coldly.

"Doesn't that seem inappropriate?"

Le Wuhen at the side couldn't hold back any longer, feeling that this old fellow simply treated Chen Xi as a prisoner.

Shentu Yanran and the others were also displeased and looked at Zhai Yunqiu coldly. With the elders of the clan present, they would not be afraid of each other.

Zhai Yunqiu would never take the interference of these juniors seriously. He kept his eyes fixed on Chen Xi, and as long as the other party showed any abnormal movements, he would be aware of it.

It's a pity that up until now, Chen Xi hadn't revealed any traces of his flaws, but this didn't dispel the suspicion in Zhai Yunqiu's heart.

On the contrary, because Chen Xi was too calm, he felt even more that even if this matter was not done by Chen Xi, it must have something to do with it.

"Let me ask you again, are you willing to accept the old man's soul-searching method to investigate and prove your innocence?" Zhai Yunqiu was aggressive.

Chen Xi's face darkened, and he said with a sneer: "Senior, please clarify one thing. First, I am not a prisoner, so I have no obligation to cooperate with you in investigating the truth. Second, I don't blame you for questioning again and again. You, after all, who made Zhai Jun die? I can understand your feelings."

After a pause, he said angrily, "However, your request to search for the soul is too much. Do you really think that Chen's dignity can be trampled on at will?"

Every word was impassioned and forceful, as if filled with righteous indignation after being wronged.

Seeing this, Le Wuhen and the others felt a burst of amazement in their hearts. They never expected that Chen Xi's acting would be so lifelike that it could be easily mistaken for real.

Zhai Yunqiu's expression froze, and his heart was full of anger. If it wasn't for the presence of Le Beiyou, Shen Tubao and others, he would have wished to tear Chen Xi's mouth apart and suppress him first. In this way, he would not have to worry about the other party's refusal at all. up.

"Okay, let's call it a day." Shen Tubao said, wanting to end this "questioning" and take a group of people away.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a thick and deep voice came from the clouds in the distance, and it was Gongye Nanli who was riding on the nine-eyed green toad and left the exit.

"Young man, if you have a clear conscience, you agree to search for the soul. If it turns out that you did not do it, I will apologize to you in front of everyone present!"

Gongye Nanli's voice was flat, but there was an overwhelming pressure on his face.

Hearing the promise he made shocked many people present. Just for this matter, Gongye Nanli did not hesitate to bet his dignity. It can be seen how much Gongye Zhefu's death has caused him the Gongye clan. The injury caused him to become reckless in doing things.

But to Chen Xi, this was like a joke, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Apology? Is it death? If it's just an apology, I'm sorry!"

Apology with death!

Hearing these provocative words made Gongye Nanli's eyes turn cold, his whole body became more aggressive, and he said coldly: "Little guy, don't refuse toast and fine wine! If it wasn't for Le Bei For their sake, how can I have time to listen to your nonsense?"

It is true that in the eyes of these big shots, Chen Xi was nothing at all, not even qualified to talk to them, and the reason why he did not do anything so late was nothing more than to give Le Beiyou, Shen Tubao and others face.

But if Chen Xi would rather die than cooperate, then they can only show no mercy!

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely dead.

All eyes were on Chen Xi, as if they were waiting for what choice he would make.

Le Wuhen and the others were anxious, like ants on a hot pan.

Shentu Yanran gritted her silver teeth suddenly, and was about to stand up and say something, but was stopped by Chen Xi's voice transmission again: "Don't move, leave all this to me."

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression appeared to be extremely calm, but his eyes were already filled with indifference, without any emotional fluctuations.

He swept his eyes over the big figures from the imperial domain one by one, and said a word from his lips: "It's better to be broken jade than to be whole."

The words are calm and resounding.


ps: After the early morning of the 5th, everyone has monthly votes to vote for, but only 3 friends voted for monthly votes in 2 days, which is too dampened the enthusiasm of code words~


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