divine talisman

Chapter 1716 Brave and Peerless

Is this guy crazy?

When they heard Chen Xi's words, everyone was a little surprised and couldn't believe their ears.

Including Le Wuhen and the others, they couldn't help being shocked. It wasn't that they didn't believe Chen Xi's words, but because they trusted them too much, they were worried that he would put all his eggs in one basket and completely tear his skin apart with those big shots from the imperial domain. !

In that case, even if they could ask the elders around them to take action, they might not be able to save Chen Xi.

After all, there is still an important figure from the Luo family in the imperial realm sitting in the arena!

"Oh, I didn't expect such a little guy to have very hard bones."

Someone sneered.

"It's just a fool who came out of nowhere. He doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and he is trying to challenge the authority of the imperial family.

Some people are disdainful.

"This time, Le Beiyou, Shentubao and the others may not be able to protect this kid."

Someone gloated.

No matter how everyone present reacted, at this moment Chen Xi seemed surprisingly calm, as if he hadn't noticed the murderous intent filling the air.

"So, are you planning to fight to the end?"

Zhai Yunqiu opened his mouth in an extremely imposing manner, his eyes opened and closed, revealing his murderous intent, and a surging momentum spread like a storm.

This is the coercion that belongs to the ancestral god realm. It is earth-shattering and disrupts the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth. It is extremely frightening.

"I'm just defending my dignity and my bottom line."

Chen Xi said indifferently.


Zhai Yunqiu laughed out loud, full of sarcasm, "You are a little thing in the spiritual realm, what right do you have to talk about dignity with this old man?"

Chen Xi remained calm and said nothing, he had nothing to talk to with these old things with high eyesight and high self-esteem.

"Little guy, for the sake of fellow Daoists Le Beiyou and the others, I will give you one last chance. Whether to accept it or not is up to you!"

Zhai Yunqiu spoke in a deep voice.

Le Wuhen and the others looked at Chen Xi together, their eyes full of worry, they were also in a state of confusion at this moment, not knowing what to do.

"Everyone, do you still remember our previous agreement? I will leave the rest to me. In the future... please cut off contact with Chen so as not to be implicated."

Chen Xi sent voice transmission, and after comforting him with a warm voice, he suddenly turned around, looked directly at Zhai Yunqiu, and said, "One day, I will also give you such a choice, and when the time comes, I will see how much your dignity is worth. "

"You bastard! You don't know how to live or die!"

Hearing these cruel words full of irony, Zhai Yunqiu was completely enraged, he suddenly let out a cold snort, and grabbed his big hand forward.


Time and space exploded, and a big hand wrapped around wisps of ancestral spirit's divine brilliance, like a hand covering the sky, sealing off Chen Xi's escape routes in all directions, and there was no escape, no escape.

As soon as the Ancestral God Realm strikes, the weather is absolutely terrifying, and the attack faintly presents the taste of "returning to the ancestors and returning to the truth, and everything is for the defense". It seems that he has controlled the Dao and become the ancestor of Taoism!

"do not want!"


"Chen Xi be careful!"

Le Wuhen and the others were all frightened and uttered angrily, wanting to help, but they were firmly stopped by the elders around them.

At this moment, all the big shots present were all sneering, just an ant, talking about self-esteem, toasting and refusing to eat fine wine, deserves to be suppressed!


At this time, Chen Xi also made a move, his palms were filled with brilliance, and a world of swords quietly appeared in his palms, and he shook his opponent head-on.

Before they confronted each other, quite a few big shots showed sarcasm on their faces. This little guy is really ignorant and fearless, and dared to fight head-on with Zhai Yunqiu.


The burst of light and rain was earth-shattering, and the sea water in this area was suddenly shattered, exposing a large crack.

Almost at the same time, a figure flew out fiercely, his clothes were torn, blood was coughing up from the corner of his lips, and his meticulously combed hair was disheveled.

When they saw the identity of that person clearly, the sarcasm on the corners of the lips of those big figures froze suddenly, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhai Yunqiu!

How can this be?

You know, Zhai Yunqiu is an existence at the peak level of an ancestor god in the Zhai family in the imperial domain. Such a character can crush any strong person in the spiritual realm. Even the supreme god can barely protect himself in his hands, but he absolutely cannot Can't shake him!

But now, under one blow, he was blown away by the concussion!

All of a sudden, the audience was silent. These big people present were used to wind and rain, and had a wealth of experience, but how could they have seen such unimaginable things?

The smoke and dust filled the air, and Chen Xi stood on the spot with a solitary and majestic figure, solitary in the dust, with a pair of deep and deep eyes, indifferent and heartless.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the big figures present were shocked again, and they couldn't calm down. This kid is clearly an existence in the spirit realm, how could it be possible to have such a heaven-defying fighting power?


Compared with the others, Zhai Yunqiu seemed even more furious. He never expected that he would stumble as soon as he made a move. Under the watchful eyes of all the people, he lost all face.


He moved out again, with divine light roaring all over his body, and he rushed straight to the sky, his whole body was like an incarnation of the unrivaled war god, and his might was to the extreme.

He covered the sky with his big hands, suppressing and killing them.

But almost at the same time, a wisp of sword energy suddenly appeared, easily breaking through his attack, making the hairs all over his body stand on end.

not good!

Zhai Yunqiu wanted to dodge subconsciously, but he felt a pain in his wrist, and he was tightly bound, and his bones were almost crushed.


The next moment, his whole body was kicked up, and then he was smashed to the ground like a wooden stake, the ground exploded, the rocks splashed, his facial features were bloody, and he couldn't help but let out a shriek like killing a pig like screaming.

Then, a big foot stepped on him hard, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing down on him, making him almost suffocate, unable to struggle anymore.

This time, all the important figures present clearly witnessed all of this, they saw that Chen Xi subdued Di Yunqiu in an understatement, and saw him throw Di Yunqiu to the ground like a piling...


For no reason, many people gasped.

Everyone couldn't sit still anymore, and suddenly stood up, watching all this in disbelief, with shock written all over their faces.

A young man in the spiritual realm completely suppressed an ancestor god in the peak realm! ?

In the boundless years of the ancient gods, I am afraid that such a shocking deed cannot be found, right?

In fact, none of them knew that Chen Xi had once fought Ye Yan, who had the cultivation level of an ancestor god, when he was in the Dongwei True God Realm. Even though he was hunted down quite embarrassingly, he turned defeat into victory in the end.

But now, Chen Xi is no longer what it used to be. Not only does he possess the "unique altar", but he has brought his cultivation to an unprecedented level in the realm of spirit gods, and he has honed his "Xuanxin swordsmanship" in the Xuanzhu ancestral temple. Core meaning.

Under such circumstances, if Zhai Yunqiu had been more cautious, it would have been impossible for him to lose so quickly, but he didn't know about this, and treated Chen Xi as an ordinary spiritual realm, so he fell into the situation before him.

It is true that there is a barrier between the Spirit God Realm and the Ancestral God Realm. With Zhai Yunqiu's cultivation at the peak of the Ancestral God Realm, he can even ignore any supreme god.

But it's a pity that Chen Xi is no longer the Supreme God in the true sense, and his current cultivation level may be called "Supreme Crown Gai"!



"Quickly release my master!"

Zhai Yunqiu came here, and the formation was also luxurious. He not only rode on a bronze treasure chariot pulled by four divine birds and seven-tailed fire doves, but also accompanied by a group of divine slaves. Seeing the humiliation of their master at this moment, these divine slaves were immediately outraged and all Qi rushed up.


Chen Xi kicked Zhai Yunqiu away with one kick, and then used his palm and fingers together to display the core profound meaning of the "Sea Cliff Style" with a swish.


The sword intent is like a violent ocean, and like a river of hundreds of millions of stars being drawn and swept down, the momentum is surging and vast to the extreme.

In an instant, those god slaves rushed up quickly, and went even faster, and were sent flying by the raging waves of sword intent, and fell to the ground in various places, coughing up blood.

"This son, has set foot in the realm of pursuing the ultimate sword!"

At this moment, all the big shots finally saw clearly, and they were all shocked. Why has such a stunning young man never heard of his name?He didn't even have a place on the list of gods?

And seeing Chen Xi's bravery, before Le Wuhen and the others could cheer up, he heard a deep voice suddenly shouted from above the sky: "Everyone! Now you can see clearly that even Fellow Daoist Zhai Yunqiu is pale, Luo The young peasants must have been killed by this son!"

It was Gongye Nanli who spoke, and a single sentence caused a commotion in the audience, and they all came to their senses.

Those big figures from the Luo family, the Yue family, the Jin family, the Kunwu family, the Pei family, etc. all had gloomy faces at this moment, and raging anger burned in their eyes.

not good!

Le Wuhen and the others thumped in their hearts, and their faces finally changed. They never expected that at such a critical moment, Chen Xi would expose everything instead.

But when they looked at Chen Xi, they found that the latter's expression was still calm and calm, as if he had already expected such a situation to happen.

Just as they expected, Chen Xi had indeed considered this point, but at this moment, he didn't care at all.

In this world, nothing is perfect, and some accidents and risks may happen at any time.

Just like this time, even if Youle Wuhen and the others used the clan power to help them, but in the face of such a situation, there was little effect.

Coupled with the fact that Zhai Yunqiu and other big figures are aggressive and pressing every step of the way, if Chen Xi doesn't fight hard, it will really be completely over.

However, even though the current situation was extremely bad, it did not make Chen Xi feel hopeless, so he would not lose his footing just because of this.

"Evil! Not dead yet!"

It was too late to say all this, and when he saw through all this, Gongye Nanli shouted loudly, and swooped down from the sky on the nine-eyed green toad.

His face was stern, his eyes were as cold as electricity, and at this moment he shot with anger, like a burning comet falling from the sky, his whole body was surrounded by the incomparable ancestral splendor, dazzling and blazing, and his power was extremely terrifying.


ps: The fifth update is sent, and the celebration of the leader of September is completed. In the next period of time, updates will be added for the leader of Yeshen and x Hao.

In addition, many children's shoes are already guessing how Chen Xi will escape this time, Jinyu can only say, please wait and see.


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