divine talisman

Chapter 1717 A sudden change

Gongye Nanli, a powerful figure from the Gongye clan in the imperial domain.

His strength is even stronger than that of Zhai Yunqiu, ranking No. 80 in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods!

It seems that the ranking is not conspicuous, but you must know that every ancestor god realm exists, is it an old monster that has survived for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years!

What's more, being able to rank among the ancestor gods is already an extremely difficult thing, but it is conceivable how difficult it is to be able to rank one's name on the list of gods in the entire ancient gods.

At least someone like Zhai Yunqiu existed in the Ancestor God Realm, and his combat power was enough to crush most of his peers, but so far he has not been able to make his name on the list of Conferred Gods.

It is worth mentioning that the ranking of the Ancestral God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods is more difficult to get into than the ranking of the Spiritual God Realm, and the rankings above it will hardly change for a long time.

The reason is that these old monsters in the Ancestral God Realm are too powerful, and it is extremely difficult to kill them completely. It is even harder than ascending to the sky to shake their status!


At this moment, Gongye Nanli and other tyrannical figures shot out in anger. For a moment, time and space were on fire, the avenue collapsed, and the divine light penetrated the sky, causing all kinds of terrifying visions.

"Not good! Back!"

The expressions of Le Beiyou, Shentubao and the others changed slightly. Knowing the severity of the blow, they almost subconsciously took Le Wuhen and the others to dodge away to avoid being affected.

At this moment, they obviously couldn't care about Chen Xi.

This distinguishes closeness and closeness. Compared to Chen Xi, a young man who met for the first time, they must first consider Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui, the children of their respective clans.

Coupled with the powerful means Chen Xi displayed before, De Le Beiyou and the others began to suspect that Luo Shaonong and his party were most likely killed by Chen Xi.

Therefore, under such circumstances, they subconsciously took actions to protect themselves, and did not want to be involved in this monstrous turmoil.


A divine light descended from the sky, a terrifying aura shrouded it, and the power of the Dao shook. At this moment, Gongye Nanli was obviously planning to capture and kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop.


Instead of advancing, Chen Xi retreated. With a flash of his figure, he shattered time and space, and fled into the sea of ​​burying the gods, narrowly dodging the blow.

Once the blow missed, the terrifying force shattered, collapsed, and turned the coast where Chen Xi had stood before into a shocking abyss.

too strong!

If this blow actually killed Chen Xi, one can imagine how serious the consequences would be.

"Evil! How dare you dodge!"

Gongye Nanli snorted coldly, smashing time and space with one foot, his whole body was like a god of war from the ancient times, controlling all paths and walking, and with a random movement, he possessed the power of heaven and earth.

He rushed into the sea of ​​burying the gods, and between flipping his hands, a ray of red divine flames evaporated, like a rising sun of the gods, suppressing and killing Chen Xi.

This sea area was instantly evaporated, turning into a dry and cracked place, the sky seemed to be incinerated, and the terrible high temperature burned time and space into a distorted and explosive zone.

Such a scene is simply "burning the sky and boiling the sea"!

The horrific heat wave made many nearby ascetics suffocate, as if they were in a stove for an instant, the heat was unbearable.


Chen Xi sacrificed the sword talisman, and slashed in the air.

Untie the cow!

After being sharpened by 36 peerless sword souls, the Jieniu posture is completely different from the previous ones, and it is precise and chilling to the extreme.

In just an instant, it cut the burning sun in two, then cut through time and space, and went straight to kill Gongye Nanli.


This blow was too fast, showing all the essence of the first level of swordsmanship. Caught off guard, Gongye Nanli's pupils shrank, and he took several strong palms in succession to defuse the blow.

Such a strong sword!

The hearts of all the people nearby trembled. Most of them were outstanding figures in the Ancestral God Realm, they were old monsters who had lived for an unknown number of years, and they could tell at a glance the transcendence and wonder of Chen Xi's sword moves.

Not surprisingly, this kind of swordsmanship has integrated the secret power of the heart, ascended to the Sword Emperor Realm, and possessed his own power!

This made the audience's hearts unavoidably stir up waves again, where did this little monster-like thing come from?


Here, Gongye Nanli and Chen Xi had already fought fiercely together. The two fought and fought in the Sea of ​​Burying Gods. The sword energy and divine brilliance shot out, reducing the sea area with a radius of [-] miles to a devastated place. The scene was horrifying. pole.

If one hadn't seen it with one's own eyes, one would have never imagined that there exists a spirit god in this world who can compete to such an extent with an old monster in the Ancestral God Realm who is ranked among the gods.

This is simply shocking!

As a result, everyone became more certain that the fall of Luo Shaonong and the other seven gods must have something to do with this son!

This made many old monsters feel even more resentful. If it wasn't for their dignity and face, they would have rushed out to deal with Chen Xi together with Gongye Nanli.


"This kid is so powerful, how did you know each other?"

At this moment, Le Beiyou couldn't help being startled, his elegant face was solemn.


Le Wuhen snorted coldly, with a gloomy expression on his face, he was very disappointed with his Uncle Jiu, even angry.

Chen Xi was his friend, and he took care of him all the way, but now that Chen Xi was in trouble, he could only stand here and watch helplessly, feeling guilty and unwilling in his heart.

He wanted to rush over more than once to fight side by side with Chen Xi, but in the end they were all blocked by Le Beiyou, which made his attitude towards Le Beiyou also become bad.

Not only him, but Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others also turned pale. The performance of the clan elders made them completely disappointed.

Of course they knew that helping Chen Xi at this time would make them the common enemy of the other big forces present, but, could it be that they abandoned their friends because of this?

It is true that they are very proud, conceited, even arrogant and domineering, but they still have blood flowing in their hearts, and when they treat their friends, they are even more righteous!

This is a friend, since it is recognized, do you need other reasons to explain it?

No need!

"Yan Ran, if you really regard this son as your friend, I will fight for you, even if I do my best, Third Uncle. However, I cannot use the name of the clan."

Seeing that Shentu Yanran also had a gloomy expression on her face, Shentubao couldn't help sighing, and said complicatedly, "Friendship is of course important, and if it involves clan interests...you are destined to only make concessions. This is the reality. After you have experienced more things in the future, You will understand naturally."

"no need."

Shentu Yanran shook her head resolutely, and said, "Chen Xi has Chen Xi's choice, and we respect him, but... we can only watch him suffer, and this makes me unable to forgive myself."

Shen Tubao raised his eyebrows: "Then what do you want?"

Shentu Yanran bit her cherry lips, gritted her teeth and said: "His enemy is my enemy, no matter now or in the future!"

Shen Tubao was terrified in his heart, he knew the meaning of this sentence too clearly, it was as if he was saying, whoever dared to hurt Chen Xi this time, in the future, she, Shentu Yanran, would definitely take revenge for it!

It seemed ruthless and decisive, but in fact there was a deep sense of helplessness in it. If she had the ability, she could go to rescue Chen Xi now. How could she wait to avenge him later?

This is the reason for the lack of strength.

It is a choice that has to be compromised after considering the reality.

"Okay!" Shentubao was silent for a long time, then patted Shentu Yanran on the shoulder, very relieved, "Sanbo supports you."

Seeing all this, Le Wuhen and the others felt their blood boil, and secretly made the same decision.



Suddenly, after a violent collision, the originally evenly matched situation suddenly changed.

That incomparably mighty Gongye Nanli was sent flying by Chen Xi's sword, coughing up blood from his mouth!

All of a sudden, the audience was shocked.

All the old monsters on the list of Conferred Gods have been defeated, this kid is only in the realm of spirit gods, if he advances to the realm of ancestral gods in the future, is it okay?

"You despicable little thing, you tricked me into harming this old man!"

Gongye Nanli roared, his figure flashed, and he actually used the method of teleportation to plunder from the sea of ​​burying gods towards the shore.

How could this be?

Everyone was stunned again, they didn't expect that Gongye Nanli was only frustrated once, and he looked like he was running away.

"What a clever little guy, he actually used the power of the world to fight. There has been a terrifying force field in the Sea of ​​Burying Gods since ancient times, suppressing the realm. Only those who cultivated in the spiritual realm can safely step into it, surpassing this level His own realm will be severely suppressed to the level of spirit gods, and it will be difficult to exert his full power!"

Someone expressed emotion and pointed out the reason.

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly came to their senses, and they were all ashamed for a while. They naturally knew all this, but because they knew it already, they ignored it.

Similarly, if it wasn't for the unique force field in the Burying God Sea, they wouldn't have to wait on the coast, they would have rushed into the ancient ruins to investigate the truth of the matter.

Even, as early as the start of this land of supreme opportunities, they didn't have to stop, and they could go to the ancient ruins of Mang to find opportunities together with others.

In short, all of this is because the Burial God Sea is too different, it does not belong to the ancient god domain, and it has a unique force field that suppresses the realm, so that those who are above the spirit god realm dare not even try to set foot in it.

Apparently, Gongye Nanli had also ignored this before, and he didn't realize it until he was frustrated in the battle.

"Old man, you yelled so hard one by one, you still want to leave now?"

Chen Xi snorted coldly, stepping on time and space, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of millions of sword qi fell like a cage from the sky, sealing Gongye Nanli's escape route.

After finally seizing this opportunity, he would never just watch Gongye Nanli return to the coast.

In other words, the current Gongye Nanli is an existence that has been suppressed to the spiritual realm, and has completely lost the advantage of the ancestor god realm. If he is not captured in this matter, then this battle will be meaningless.


The sword's intent reaches the sky, like a tide rising from the blue sea, lying before Gongye Nanli like a moat, almost drowning him.


ps: Regarding the point of suppressing the realm, when Chen Xi entered the Manggu ruins, the foreshadowing was already laid. Those who are not clear can look back.Also, the second is later.


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