divine talisman

Chapter 1718

At this moment, Gongye Nanli's face finally changed, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

With his current status and strength, killing a spirit-god realm is simply easier than crushing an ant, even if he encounters the supreme god, he doesn't need to pay attention at all.

But now, under the watchful eyes of all the people, it is a great shame to be hit by a wall in the hands of a young man.

But all of this is unimportant at this time. What really makes him aggrieved is that because of a small negligence, his own realm has been completely suppressed, and he has completely lost the advantage of being an ancestor god realm.

If it is normal, this is nothing, even if the realm is suppressed, even if the opponent is a god supreme who ranks in the top ten of the list of gods, he is still not afraid, and even has the confidence to win it.

But Chen Xi is obviously not comparable to the top ten gods and gods, his combat power is even more terrifying, and it can even be described as defying the sky!

Under such circumstances, he had no choice but to escape from this sea of ​​burial.

But it was obvious that Chen Xi didn't intend to let him go.



The sword intent was like a tide, like a tsunami, making a roaring sound, blocking it.

Almost subconsciously, Gongye Nanli exerted all his strength, he sacrificed a sword as bright as silver, transpiring billions of divine brilliance, roared, and slashed down with the sword.

To break through this surging sword energy!

To cut a channel!

But in just a split second, he was frightened and furious. Under his full blow, he was unable to shake the wave of sword intent at all, but was shocked by it so that the whole person regressed!

What kind of kendo is this?

Gong Ye Nan was so furious in his heart that his eyes were about to burst. If he regained the power of the ancestral god realm, he would be able to crush all these obstacles with a single wave of his hand.

But unfortunately... he can only display the full power of the Spiritual God Realm. Under such circumstances, how could he possibly be Chen Xi's opponent?


The next moment, Gongye Nanli was shaken back and had to dodge, completely losing his chance to escape to the coast.


He roared so loudly that he fought towards Chen Xi with all his strength. He knew that if he continued to dodge blindly, he was doomed to completely lose all his advantages.

"Everyone, if you don't make a move, when will you wait? If you can't kill this beast this time, you will have no chance when he escapes into the depths of the God Burying Sea!"

Almost at the same time, he transmitted voice to other big figures on the distant coast.


As soon as the words were finished, Chen Xi came over violently. His whole body was almost torn apart by the blow of the sword, and he flew backward fiercely, not daring to be distracted.


"How to do?"

"Even if I enter the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, my combat power will be suppressed, so it will be dangerous."

"Are you really going to sit here and wait for a rabbit? I'm not reconciled."

"If we do it together, maybe we have some chances of winning, so we can give it a try."

"No, since this beast can kill Luo Shaonong and other seven gods and gods in the same day, the combat power may have reached the limit of the spirit god realm, let's go, if something happens, it will be too late .”

"Then what should we do? Could it be that this little thing is acting fiercely in front of us? If this gets out, the entire Ancient God Realm will laugh at me and wait!"

At this moment, all the big figures from the Yue clan, Jin clan, Kunwu clan, and Pei clan in the imperial domain were a little hesitant.

The reason is that the Burying God Sea suppressed their own realm, and after seeing Chen Xi's almost heaven-defying combat power, they were also a little hesitant, and they were not fully sure of capturing and killing Chen Xi.

This scene is indeed very infuriating. They have set up a big formation, but now they can only stand helplessly on the coast, not daring to easily set foot in the sea of ​​burying the gods. One can imagine the aggrieved hearts in their hearts.


In the distant sea area, the divine brilliance exploded, and the sword energy soared to the sky.

At this time, Gongye Nanli was completely at a disadvantage, and was completely suppressed by Chen Xi. His clothes were stained with blood, his hair was disheveled, his expression was distorted, and in the end he roared continuously, looking extremely embarrassed and pitiful.

Such a scene made all the big figures on the shore feel terrified and couldn't believe it.

It is naturally unacceptable for a dignified person who is listed in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods to be beaten like a bereaved dog by a junior because of his suppressed realm.

"Everyone, you can do whatever you want. This place is in charge of the old man, so don't worry too much."

Just when those big shots were hesitating in their hearts, an indifferent and deep voice suddenly rang through their ears.

This shocked the hearts of those big shots, but their eyes brightened in just a split second.

Because the one who spoke was the "Emperor Dou Chong" Luo Chong from the Luo clan of the Imperial Region!

"Since there is Senior Luo Chong in command, why should I hesitate?"

"Let's go, I have already suppressed my anger, this time I must kill this beast!"


The next moment, one after another powerful figures soared into the sky, like rounds of scorching sun rising gradually, they pierced through the sky from all directions towards the sea of ​​burying gods.

Although there were only a dozen or so people, it gave people the feeling of thousands of troops and black clouds overwhelming the city, and the momentum was extremely powerful.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Le Wuhen and the others changed their countenance for a while and became anxious.



In the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, Gongye Nanli was sent flying again, his seven orifices were bleeding, his face was blurred and hideous, his clothes were all torn, he was even more miserable than a beggar.

He was about to go mad with rage, and roared again and again in anger, but under Chen Xi's crisp and sharp attack, he was completely powerless to parry.

swear to god!

He Gongye Nanli has never suffered such a big loss since he practiced in Nanli, and he has never been so aggrieved and resentful like this moment. This feeling stimulated his whole body to explode.

Compared to Gongye Nanli, Chen Xi was also secretly astonished. Up to this point in the battle, he had already used several assassins, but every time he was able to completely kill this old thing, it is conceivable. , Even if the realm is suppressed, it is not so easy to kill such an ancestor god.


Chen Xi charged again with his sword, and this time he had used all his strength to kill Gongye Nanli Town in one fell swoop with the precision and sharpness of the "Unraveling the Bull Style". In this way, he could shake the mountain and kill the chicken for the monkeys to see.

"Evil barrier dare you!"

But at this moment, there was a loud shout like thunder, and with the sound, a crystal clear jade tripod rose into the air, splashing billions of misty light rains, and roared towards it.

Chen Xi frowned, and immediately saw the mighty figures of more than a dozen gods approaching from a distance at this moment.


With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, a wave of divine glow turned into a horse and flew out, shaking the white jade cauldron until his whole body trembled violently, and flew out backwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi went to kill Gongye Nanli again.

"court death!"

"No one is in the eyes, really arrogant!"

But it was obvious that those big figures who rushed over didn't intend to give Chen Xi a chance. As soon as they arrived, they used all their strength to sacrifice various divine treasures, and were ruthlessly suppressed and killed by Chen Xi from all sides.

Chen Xi had no choice but to stop and fight with his sword.



The next moment, thunder and lightning flashed in this sea area, divine treasures criss-crossed, rays of light spread, time and space were shattered, latitude and longitude were all pulverized, and the sky was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark.

Those horrifying scenes made everyone on the shore dizzy and shocked.

Who could have imagined that one day, big figures from the top powers in the imperial domain would join hands?

Who dares to imagine that what they are dealing with is just a young man in the spiritual realm?


Even seeing it with their own eyes at this moment made people a little unacceptable, and they were so shocked that they couldn't help but gasped.

What shocked them even more was that even in this situation where they were surrounded by enemies and enemies from all sides, Chen Xi was not at all inferior, and he was evenly matched with those big shots!

"Wuhen, how did you know this kid?"

Le Beiyou's expression was solemn, and he couldn't help but ask again. He was really surprised by Chen Xi's fighting power.

Even if he had suppressed the combat power of those great figures by taking advantage of the unique "aura" of Burial God Sea, Chen Xi was able to do this, which is enough to be said to be unique in the past and present, shocking the world.

This time, Le Wuhen directly ignored him, the Ninth Uncle.

He stared intently at the battlefield in the distance, and he only prayed in his heart that Chen Xi could persevere until the end, and he even wished that Chen Xi could kill those old things.

Not only Le Wuhen, but Shentu Yanran, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui were also in the same state of mind at the moment.

But no matter what, there was always a trace of worry in their hearts that couldn't be shaken off, because this was the Sea of ​​Burying Gods after all, even if Chen Xi could resist everything at this moment, if he couldn't escape from now on, he would be the White Tower at all!


At this moment, Chen Xi, in a trance, seemed to have returned to the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple, and returned to the situation where Qi Moling was attacked by 36 peerless sword souls.

It's just that his opponents were replaced by more than a dozen big figures from the top forces in the imperial domain.

These old guys have rich fighting experience and sophisticated methods. Even if they are suppressed, with the supreme magic they master and the powerful magic treasure in their hands, their combat effectiveness is also extremely terrifying, not comparable to those soulless swords.

However, all of these are no longer a threat to the current Chen Xi!


Suddenly, a surge of divine light burst out from his body, which evolved into a light wheel, surrounding the back of his head, grand, holy, and blazing.

A divine platform sinks and floats in the light wheel, like the cornerstone of the ten thousand ways.

The only altar!

In an instant, Chen Xi's might skyrocketed again, and there was an air of contempt and arrogance that overshadowed him forever.


While he was waving his hands, sword qi crisscrossed like violent wind and rain, spreading out in bursts. Every sword qi contained supreme killing power. As soon as he appeared, the world fell into deathly silence middle.

There is only one Qingyue sword chanting one after another, like a dragon chant and a tiger roaring, it is deafening and deafening, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths!

"The only altar!"

"This son...has reached such a supreme state!"

"Not good! It's dangerous!"

At this moment, all the ascetics on the shore were shocked, and their expressions changed in horror.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass~~


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