divine talisman

Chapter 1719

When they saw that perfect, holy, and grand wheel of light steaming up from Chen Xi's body, and saw the altar constantly rising and falling in that wheel of light, the entire audience was shocked and cried out in surprise.

The only altar!

This is the ultimate state in the legends, supreme and perfect, crowned with the supreme god, unrivaled, in thousands of years, it is impossible for a single person to be born in the realm of spirits and gods!

It is also because it is too rare that it has become a legend, illusory, and younger ascetics have not even heard of such legends.

But those big men on the coast are different, they know that this is not an illusory legend, but true!

Because in the imperial domain, there is now a known god supreme who has reached such a supreme level, and that is Yechen, who is ranked first in the spirit and god realm in the list of gods!

A legendary young man from the Imperial Taoist Academy, who is known as "Innate Martial Arts", is famous all over the world!

Before Yechen, no one was sure whether there was a second strong man in the spiritual realm with the "unique altar" in this world.

But now, when they saw the grand phenomenon that appeared on Chen Xi's body, everyone was convinced that there really was a second such young man in this world!

And at this moment, everyone finally understood why Chen Xi's combat power was so heaven-defying. He possessed the frightening swordsmanship cultivation base of the first level of the Sword Emperor, and his cultivation base reached the point of condensing the "unique god platform". Those gods can be compared to the supreme?

At this moment, even Le Wuhen and the others felt turbulent in their hearts. They already knew that Luo Shaonong and his party were killed by Chen Xi, but they didn't know until now that Chen Xi had already condensed the "unique altar" !


All of this is slow to say, but in fact, it is all completed in a blink of an eye.

When Chen Xi used the power of the only altar to slay thousands of sword rains like a violent storm, the expressions of those big men attacking all around also changed one after another, and their hearts were greatly shaken.

"not good!"

"Come on!"

"In this state, we can no longer compete with it!"

They cried out in shock and anger, and subconsciously made a decision, retreated resolutely, and no longer confronted Chen Xi head-on.

After all, this is the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, suppressing the realm. Before, they could only compete with Chen Xi, let alone now?

Therefore, evacuating first is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment.

"Want to leave? Impossible!"

Accompanied by Chen Xi's indifferent and stern voice, thousands of sword qi whistled down and covered the escape routes in all directions.


In an instant, terrifying crashing sounds came and went, shaking the heaven and the earth, one after another divine treasures were blown away and wailed.

Almost at the same time, those big men were all robbed, either their chests were pierced by the sword energy, or they were so shocked that they coughed up blood and fell backwards, all in disarray, looking extremely embarrassed.

This is the power of the only altar!

If one hadn't witnessed such terrifying fighting power, it would be absolutely unimaginable that a cultivator in the spiritual realm would have such power.


Chen Xi took advantage of this opportunity to slaughter these big shots in one fell swoop, since they have already offended them thoroughly anyway, it would be foolish not to kill them thoroughly at this time.

But on the way, Chen Xi suddenly felt an indescribable throbbing in his heart, and felt a fatal threat.

At this moment, an indifferent and deep voice sounded: "Little thing, you still want to be fierce, you really don't know how to live or die!"

The voice was full of supreme majesty, like an imperial decree issued by the emperor, every word and every word carried a majestic spirit that reached the hearts of the people and shook the soul.

The beating on Chen Xi's eardrums actually caused his whole body to churn, and his whole body's energy mechanism faintly showed signs of being disordered!

This is just the power generated by a voice!

not good!

Chen Xi's heart sank, and he subconsciously retreated violently, heading towards the depths of the God Burial Sea.

He knew that it must be the "Emperor Dou Chong", who had been quietly entrenched in the center of the sea cliff, finally couldn't help but make a move!

And the power filled with this voice made Chen Xi understand that if he encountered such a terrifying person on the shore, he might not even have room to struggle, and would undoubtedly die.

After fleeing tens of thousands of miles of sea area, the throbbing in Chen Xi's heart was slightly relieved, and a huge thought spread out.

Sure enough, it was discovered that on the sea cliff, the Canglong whose body was like a mountain was entrenched, and at this moment it raised its head and roared, sending out a desolate and majestic dragon chant, which shocked all directions.

And that figure who has been sitting cross-legged on top of Canglong's head, surrounded by strands of thunder and lightning, like an emperor, has stood up with his hands behind his back at some point.

His eyes are like the sun and the moon, shining through the ages. Although he is standing still, the aura that permeates his whole body makes this land of millions of miles fall into a deadly and terrifying atmosphere. Time, space, light, sea water , dust, air currents... everything seemed to be trembling, bowing their heads in surrender.

When the emperor got angry, he laid down millions of corpses, bleeding and floating.

And Luo Chong is the emperor in the realm of gods!Control the power of all ways, have the power to reverse the world, and use the power of the world!

An existence below the emperor's realm can only bow down in front of him!

This is the majesty of the Emperor Realm. A few words are enough to scare Chen Xi away, and just standing there casually can intimidate the universe for a million miles.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression became extremely dignified, and his whole body tensed up. Although the sea of ​​burying the gods suppressed his realm, he couldn't suppress the attack of the Emperor Chongdi who came ashore.

Even though they were separated by tens of thousands of miles, Chen Xi didn't feel safe at all.

On the contrary, the crisis lingered in his heart, and he was still throbbing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gongye Nanli and other big figures had already returned to the shore in embarrassment. At this moment, they all looked at Chen Xi from a distance with ashen faces, and the murderous intent in their eyes was extremely terrifying.

Just now, if Emperor Dou Chong hadn't been dispatched, they would have almost died. Now that they were out of trouble, they returned to the shore and restored their original cultivation. They naturally hated Chen Xi to the core.

But they knew that they didn't need to do anything at this moment, and with Dou Chongdijun around, they no longer had the necessity and qualifications to do so.

For Le Wuhen and the others, the dispatch of Dou Chongdijun was undoubtedly the worst scene, which made their hearts rise in their throats.

If such people were to use all their strength to deal with Chen Xi, how could he... be alive?

At this moment, the audience was silent, many people had sneers on their faces, and their expressions were full of pity, as if looking at a dying person, so what if the talent was against the sky?What about the only altar?In front of an emperor, he is nothing more than an ant!


"come over."

This was the first sentence that Emperor Dou Chong said to Chen Xi.

"Kneel down and kill yourself."

This is the second sentence.

"The emperor left you a whole body."

This is the third sentence.

In fact, this was originally a complete sentence, but because the voice of Dou Chongdijun was full of indescribable power and power, every word was like the imperial decree of the Taoist voice, but it gave people a feeling of shocking the soul, so that no one could understand it. Ignore the divine power contained in every word.

As the sound fell, there was a murderous intent that oppressed the soul and almost suffocated in this world.

It seems that as long as Emperor Dou Chong is angry, the world will be smashed to pieces.

This caused the people present to change their faces slightly, and only those big figures from the imperial domain were able to remain calm and composed.

There are also emperor-level existences in their clans, and they have long known how powerful the emperor realm is.

But for Chen Xi, who was tens of thousands of miles away, at this moment, he felt a completely different kind of oppression from others.

As the sound fell, an invisible mighty force rushed towards his face, oppressing his body and mind, frightening his blood as if it was about to freeze.

It was the first time for Chen Xi to encounter this kind of oppression. It was as if he was being suppressed by a hundred thousand gods. Every bone in his body was about to collapse, and his soul was trembling violently.

In an instant, Chen Xi's face turned pale and faintly distorted, as if he was resisting unspeakable pain and pressure.


The next moment, a majestic suction surged in, like an invisible big hand grasping Chen Xi's body, generating an incomparable tearing force, which took him flying, uncontrollably staggering towards the coast come!

This scene is simply incredible!

Obviously, Emperor Dou Chong didn't make a move, but with just the word "come here", he manipulated Chen Xi's body as if possessing supreme magic power, and dragged him fiercely!

It also seemed that the whole world was listening to Emperor Dou Chong giving orders, rejecting Chen Xi, and wanted to "transport" Chen Xi to the coast.

This kind of supreme method is really too terrifying, and everyone on the shore is shocked.

But to Chen Xi at this moment, the current situation can only be described as powerless and hopeless.

He couldn't control his body, no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles of that invisible force.

What unique altar, what kendo cultivation, what combat experience... everything, at this moment, can no longer exert any effect!

Do not!

Chen Xi roared in his heart, his whole body was burning like molten lava, and he almost tried his best to struggle.


Time and space in this area exploded, and an invisible force seemed to be broken.


An indifferent and deep voice resounded, and with just one syllable, this piece of time and space was re-stabilized!

At the same time, a more terrifying force field than before completely suppressed and imprisoned Chen Xi. His muscles, bones, acupoints, and the universe in his body were all shackled, making it difficult to move even an inch!


The next moment, Chen Xi's figure swept up uncontrollably, and roared towards the shore at a faster speed than before.

Ten thousand miles.

Eight thousand miles.

Five thousand miles.


The distance was getting closer and closer, and Chen Xi could even clearly see the sneer and murderous intent on the faces of the big men on the shore.

You can see Le Wuhen and the others extremely anxious and restless.

Similarly, one can also see the figure standing proudly on the head of the Canglong like an emperor on the coast...

Do not!

Chen Xi roared inwardly, his incomparably aggrieved and desperate feeling swept his whole body like scorching molten liquid, but in the end, it was in vain.

In the final analysis, this time, his only mistake was that he underestimated the power of an emperor-level existence!

In the face of such a terrifying existence, any cultivator in the spiritual state can only let it be slaughtered, and there is no way to recover.


ps: 5th update today, congratulations to Ye Shen leader, before 7:[-] in the next chapter.


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