divine talisman

Chapter 1720 1 Sword Broken Arm

In front of the coast at this moment, looking at Chen Xi like a prisoner, being restrained by an invisible force field and being brought towards this side, Gongye Nanli and other important figures all showed a sneer on their livid faces. .

There is also a joy of venting hatred.

It's just a little guy who came out of nowhere, and he made them so embarrassed just now, making a fool of himself in public, it's really hateful and rampant to the extreme.

So what if the fighting power is against the sky?

So what if you have the only cave?

At this moment, isn't he being suppressed in one fell swoop like an ant?


Really happy!

Seeing Chen Xi's figure getting closer and closer, all the big shots felt a sense of joy in their hearts.

They were sneering, looking extremely serious, as if they saw a prey coming to their door, waiting for them to slaughter it at will.

"No, don't...Chen Xi! Run away!"

Le Wuhen and the others' faces were extremely anxious and worried, and they kept shouting in their hearts, their whole bodies froze there, and they couldn't even bear to look at them.

And this is just the power caused by Dou Chongdijun's "come here"!

After "come here", it is "kneel down and kill yourself"!

Everyone clearly remembered this sentence, so no one acted rashly at this moment. They were waiting and wanted to watch Chen Xi kneel down and kill himself!

Thinking of this, many big shots felt excited again. What could be more outrageous than a young man with outstanding talent and supreme crown kneeling in front of him, committing suicide and apologizing?

Three hundred miles.

One hundred miles.

fifty miles.



Seeing that Chen Xi flew back uncontrollably like a prisoner, and was about to land on the shore, all the important people present were already extremely excited, and the sneer on their lips became more and more intense.

And seeing this scene, at this moment, Chen Xi's expression was surprisingly indifferent, only a pair of eyes burned with a murderous intent and determination that boiled to the extreme.

The grievance and anger in his heart have already made him completely angry, even if he can no longer control himself at this moment, he will never kneel down!

Not to mention committing suicide in front of these old things!

Even if he could only be robbed in the end, he would use his last resort to kill these old things no matter what!

"The Luo family, the Gongye family, the Yue family, the Jin family, the Kunwu family, the Pei family... I, Chen Xi, have remembered that I survived this catastrophe, and I will let you all have a taste of this in the future!"

Chen Xi glanced over the faces of those big shots, and made a decision in his heart.


A huge force came and threw Chen Xi's body onto the shore, intending to ruthlessly crush him to the ground.

But at this very moment, Chen Xi did not know where the strength came from, he forcibly resisted this kind of oppression, his waist was straight, and he never fell to his knees.

But there was a distorted look on his face, and he trembled all over, as if he was enduring an incomparably painful oppression.

He looked at the center of the sea cliff, looking at the figure standing proudly on the head of the Canglong like an emperor, with a cold arc on the corner of his lips, "Luo Chong! This vendetta, someone Chen will remember!"

"Your Majesty!"

Someone couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"Your Majesty!"

The other big shots also spoke one after another, their voices were like thunder, revealing indifference, disdain, and an unspeakable joy and pride.

For a moment, the word "kneel down" reverberated throughout the world, and the atmosphere became more deadly and chilling.

And at this moment, Chen Xi was completely isolated and helpless, besieged on all sides, and enemies from all directions, he seemed especially small and pitiful.

"These damned old things!"

Le Wuhen and the others gritted their teeth with hatred, their eyes were about to burst, they couldn't kill anyone without nodding their heads, but now, they obviously wanted to humiliate and torture Chen Xi to death!

Le Wuhen and the others wanted to rush out more than once, but they were stopped by the elders of the clan around them despite all their efforts. They could only watch it happen, and suffered unprecedented suffering in their hearts.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Chen Xi didn't kneel for so long, Gongye Nanli couldn't hold back the resentment in his heart anymore, and slapped hard, the strong wind was so strong that it shattered the void into pieces.

At this time, Gongye Nanli had already recovered his ancestral god realm cultivation, and as soon as he made a move, his might was different. Not to mention that Chen Xi was imprisoned and unable to move, even if he regained his freedom, he would not be able to resist this blow without exerting all his strength.

At this moment, Le Wuhen and the others were suffocated for breathing. They couldn't help closing their eyes, and couldn't bear to see Chen Xi kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, all the big figures couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, Chen Xi's pair of Ruyuan black eyes were filled with blood.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Just at this very moment——


A stream of clear sword energy appeared out of thin air, so abrupt and chunky.

With a pop, before Gongye Nanli could react, he cut off his right arm!

Almost at the same time, a red dress suddenly appeared, slender and graceful, and stood in front of Chen Xi. With a light swipe of a white white hand, the force of the palm that was stabbing towards Chen Xi was silently dispelled.

All of this is done in this instant.

Everyone's sneer, the blood in Chen Xi's eyes, a sword energy, a touch of red clothes... Completely different actions happened at the same time.

Then, the broken arm was thrown into the air, and blood was sprinkled like a waterfall. Gongye Nanli let out a scream of pain, like a suddenly injured beast.


"what happened?"

"Who is that woman?"

"Gongye Nanli's arm was cut off in an instant, how...is that possible?"

The audience was in an uproar and shocked.

Everyone was horrified and became vigilant one after another. They never expected that such a scene would happen at such a moment.

Le Wuhen and the others were startled, and couldn't help but open their eyes, but they suddenly saw, at some point, a red-hot figure standing in front of Chen Xi.

She was covered in divine radiance, with a graceful and slender figure, dressed in a phoenix-like robe, a phoenix crown on her head, and a red gauze covering her face, revealing a pair of clear starry eyes.

Although it just stands quietly, it has the imposing manner like the presence of an emperor, patrolling the mountains and rivers, giving people a sense of suffocation, and seems to be able to control the fate of all things.

Monarch Realm!

In an instant, not only Le Wuhen and the others, but also the other big figures present shrank their pupils, recognizing the cultivation level of the visitor.

Chen Xi was also stunned, the blood in his eyes quickly faded, and he returned to calm.

Before, he wanted to use the explosive energy to kill the gods to kill him, and fight those big shots to the death.

But obviously, he doesn't have to do this anymore, because Empress Yu Che is here!

Yes, the woman in red dress like fire and wearing a phoenix crown in front of her is none other than Empress Yu Che, the lord of the Xuemo Region.

A powerful existence whose cultivation has reached the level of an emperor!

"Yu Che, it's actually you!"

Gongye Nanli let out an angry roar, his face was livid and gloomy, his eyes fixed on Empress Yu Che, and he wanted to spit out fire.

"Why can't it be me?" Empress Yu Che said, her voice was clear and indifferent, but there was a sense of supreme power.

Everyone present was shocked, and finally understood the identity of the visitor, but what made them puzzled was, why did this woman dare to do this?

What is the relationship between her and that Chen Xi?

You know, most of the people present are from the top powers in the imperial domain. Does she still want to be an enemy of these big powers?Who gave her the guts?

"I see, did you instruct this son to kill Zhefu!" Gongye Nanli seemed to recall something from the past, his face turned livid, and he uttered angrily.

"I didn't come here this time to settle an old score with you, Gongye Nanli, but to settle the score with the entire Gongye clan."

Empress Yu Che glanced at Gongye Nanli indifferently, then turned her gaze to Chen Xi, and said softly, "Let's go."

As she said that, she completely ignored the big figures present. With a flick of her sleeve, she opened a passage in time and space, and was about to take Chen Xi away. .

"Yu Che, under the eyes of this old man, do you think you can leave like this?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded, and with the sound, the broken passage suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

The one who spoke was naturally Emperor Dou Chong who was standing on the blue dragon with his hands behind his back. At this moment, his eyes were floating like the sun and the moon, filled with divine brilliance, and he glanced over coldly.

"Oh? I really want to give it a try. How can you, Luo Chong, stop me?" Empress Yu Che narrowed her clear eyes, and a cold look flashed across her eyes.

Although the two emperors were talking, as their voices conveyed to the audience, the atmosphere in this world suddenly became extremely oppressive, and everything in time and space seemed to be frozen, making people suffocated.

At this moment, no one dared to speak more.

Because this world has been completely covered and controlled by the power and influence between the two emperors!

"I heard that you have surrendered Abi Zhuojian a while ago, maybe this is your biggest reliance? Unfortunately, if it was the past, I might still be afraid, but today, even if you surrender the Litian Divine Sword and Abizhuo Combining two swords into one will not help anything, just look at what it is."

Emperor Dou Chong spoke indifferently, looking down at Empress Yu Che on the coast, aloof, he turned his palm.


With a strange fluctuation, in the palm of Emperor Dou Chong, a piece of brilliant animal skin suddenly emerged, which gave rise to grand and sacred visions such as kowtowing of all spirits, sages chanting sutras, etc.

Sages of all living beings!

Chen Xi's pupils shrank, he did not expect that this treasure that escaped from Luo Shaonong's body would appear in the hands of Emperor Dou Chong at this moment.

"The Picture of Sages and Sages of All Living Beings is indeed a great treasure, but you can't keep me because you have one person and one treasure."

Empress Yu Che remained calm and spoke indifferently.

"Of course this old man knows this, but who told you that this time only this old man will come here?" Emperor Dou Chong spoke slowly, lightning flashed all over his body, and he looked arrogant and condescending.


Hearing these words, the hearts of all the people present were shocked. Could it be that there are other emperors and figures nearby?

Empress Yu Che squinted her clear eyes, as if sensing something, she said after a while: "They haven't come yet?"

Luo Chong seemed very calm: "Not bad, but it's almost here."


Suddenly, Empress Yu Che pressed both hands in the void, and two divine swords emerged, the Abi Zhuo Sword in her left hand and the Litian Divine Sword in her right hand.

In an instant, her power suddenly became chilling, shaking the sky, rushing straight beyond the sky, disturbing Xinghan!

"Then just give it a try, can I leave before that!"


ps: After a meticulous reminder from leader Shen Shen, today is the addition of leader "Shen Chen", not leader Ye Shen, uh, forgive me for typing the wrong name...


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