divine talisman

Chapter 1721

Everyone was suffocated, and their hearts were horrified.

If the former Empress Yu Che was a peerless sword hidden in a box, then at this moment, this sword is out of its sheath, revealing its supreme edge, as if the emperor wants to slaughter the world!


The heavens and the earth wailed, and an unparalleled murderous aura spread from Empress Yu Che, time and space suddenly became chaotic, and the avenue of heaven and earth collapsed.

This is also the power of the emperor's realm. With a thought, the universe is easy to change, everything is controlled, and the power of the gods is immeasurable.

"I can't go."

Between heaven and earth, Emperor Dou Chong sighed softly, and in an instant, the light and rain of the pictures of saints and sages of all living beings circulated, resounding through Sanskrit chants, and floating hundreds of millions of mysterious ancient characters.

Every ancient character is transformed into a phantom of a sage.

Thousands of ancient characters have evolved into thousands of phantom images of sages and sages. They sit in all directions of the world, standing solemnly, reciting the supreme Tao sound in their mouths, shaking the soul, and resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten places.

In an instant, all of this turned into a barrier, suppressing the whole world in a radius of a million miles, making it impossible for people to escape and avoid.

Everyone present was throbbing again, keenly aware that he had lost his sense of this world, as if he was in a cage isolated from the world, exiled by the way of heaven!

"The world of sages?"

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes showed a hint of coldness, and even a hint of solemnity, "In order to kill a younger generation, you are willing to spend all your money."

"No, killing this son is inevitable, but more importantly..." Emperor Dou Chong said indifferently, "Leave you behind!"


The twin swords in Empress Yu Che's palms buzzed, releasing unparalleled sword intent, as if she couldn't hold back and wanted to drink blood.

"Still not giving up? You should be clear that the realm of sages and sages cannot be broken by you at all. Looking at the entire emperor realm of the ancient gods, those who can break through this barrier are only a small group of people, but this is not one of them. Not including you, Yu Che."

Emperor Dou Chong's eyes were like the sun and the moon, and he glanced at Empress Yu Che coldly, "Give up, your opponent is the Supreme Master, I don't want to get involved in your hatred."

The words are like a great avenue, shaking the soul!


Empress Yu Che fell silent.

No one knew what she was thinking about.

But in the eyes of everyone, her silence has become a kind of compromise and concession, just like what Emperor Dou Chong said, she must have tacitly agreed that she cannot break through the "world of sages"!

This made many big figures from the major forces in the imperial domain breathe a sigh of relief, and a sneer appeared on their faces again.

Before, when Empress Yu Che arrived, they were still worried that there would be a big change this time, but after witnessing the means prepared by Emperor Dou Chong, they suddenly felt relieved and regained their confidence.

Yes, from their point of view, under such circumstances, not only Chen Xi is doomed, but even Empress Yu Che is in danger!

But Le Wuhen and others saw the changes in front of them, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, and they lost their minds. They never expected that even the arrival of Empress Yu Che would not be able to reverse the situation.

And all of this is thanks to Emperor Dou Chong!

Obviously, in order to kill Chen Xi and avenge Luo Shaonong for his clan, he has arranged many backhands regardless of any cost!

"Yu Che, if I, Gongye Sect, hadn't let you go, you would have been killed by the Supreme Sect long ago, how could you have survived to this day and become the master of the Xuemo Region?

Gongye Nanli gritted his teeth and uttered resentment, "It would be fine if you stayed in Xuemo Region with peace of mind all your life, but you still persist in your obsession and secretly use this son's hand to kill Gongye Zhefu, a direct descendant of the Gongye clan. Unforgivable sin!"

"This time, I want to see how you can escape!"

There is not only resentment in the voice, but also a kind of pride.

Empress Yu Che glanced at the other party coldly: "I never imagined that there are such shameless people like you in this world. Sooner or later, I will kill Shang Gongye, so that you can also taste the fate of losing relatives and friends!"

"You..." Gongye Nanli was furious, never expecting that under such circumstances, Empress Yu Che would be so arrogant.


Empress Yu Che was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, she slashed out with a sword casually, the sword intent was like lightning, light, and ethereal smoke, quietly passing through time and space, smashing away.

Gongye Nanli was horrified, his whole body trembled with fright, and he almost lost his wits.

As soon as the emperor's realm made a move, the aura enveloped all directions, oppressing him as if he was imprisoned, even if he called the wind and rain in the ancestor god's realm, he was invincible, but in front of the emperor, he was as miserable as an ant.


Emperor Dou Chong snorted coldly, this piece of time and space suddenly collapsed and collapsed, instantly obliterating the sword energy that Empress Yu Che slashed out.


But without waiting for all this to end, Empress Yu Che suddenly led Chen Xi, tearing apart time and space, turning into a streak of rainbow, and rushing towards the distance.


Time and space shattered, and everything was in chaos. At this moment, Empress Yu Che used all her strength. As soon as she moved, the whole world trembled.

Obviously, the blow that killed Gongye Nanli before was just a cover, her real purpose was to take Chen Xi away with this opportunity!

"not good!"


There was a moment of chaos in the arena, and some big figures who stood in the way of Empress Yu Che all exclaimed and dodged in horror, not daring to show her sharpness at all.

"Yu Che, this old man has already given you a chance, but unfortunately...you are still stubborn!"

Accompanied by Dou Chongdijun's indifferent voice full of murderous intent, a phantom of a sage soared into the air, releasing immeasurable power, chanting mantras, and evolved into a terrifying force, suppressing Empress Yuche.

"Opportunity? Keep it for yourself!"

Empress Yu Che's eyes were icy cold, she raised her plain hand, clang!Clang!Li Tian Shen Jian and A Bi Zhuo Sword flew into the air together.


The power of the sage realm and the confrontation of the two swords produced a terrifying torrent of power that spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, everything in the world suddenly collapsed, and the universe was turned into chaos.

If this piece of world is a piece of drawing paper, at this moment the piece of drawing paper has been completely crumbled and cracked, making it extremely frightening.

This is the power of the emperor's realm confrontation.

If it weren't for the "world of sages" covering the world, suppressing all directions, and blocking many spreading forces, this kind of collision alone would be enough to spread to the entire Fengqi Divine City, causing a shocking disaster!

Soon, Empress Yu Che reached the barrier.


The two divine swords staggered, drawing a cross, slashing fiercely at the barrier with the terrifying power of the Emperor's Realm.

She had used all her strength, and she didn't dare to delay for a moment, knowing that if she couldn't leave in time, the situation would only get worse.

But what shocked her was that her full blow was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and the "Sage's Realm" just trembled violently, and then returned to its original state.


Without any hesitation, she made a move here, and cut out hundreds of millions of sword lights in an instant, like a roaring Milky Way pouring down, the momentum was extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, phantoms of saints and sages emerged one after another, blocking all these attacks.

puff puff~~~

Even if the phantoms of the saints and sages were smashed and destroyed one by one, they continued to emerge like infinity, endlessly.

This made Empress Yu Che's eyes more serious, with a hint of anxiety faintly appearing, but she did not expect that the "Picture of Sages and Sages" handed down by the Luo family was so difficult to deal with.

She strikes again.

The divine flames all over his body seemed to be burning, soaring into the sky, with immeasurable momentum, becoming more and more monstrous, fully interpreting the power possessed by an emperor.


Finally, the world of saints and sages tumbled violently, faintly about to collapse.

But before Empress Yu Che could take another action, the figure of Emperor Dou Chong appeared out of thin air, and the pictures of saints and sages of all living beings appeared between his palms and fingers, and within the light and rain, all of Empress Yu Che's attacks were deflected.

"It's a futile move, why be stubborn? With the old man here, you are destined to be unable to escape."

At this moment, the fight against Emperor Chongdi is like an unshakable mountain. With the picture of saints and sages in his hand, he is evenly matched with Empress Yu Che.

Empress Yu Che didn't say a word, she fought with her with her sword.

But in the end, even with the might of the Litian Divine Sword and Abi Zhuojian, he could only fight the Emperor Dou Chong evenly, and no one could do anything to the other.

But Empress Yu Che knew that the seemingly evenly divided battle would only become more and more detrimental to herself and Chen Xi if it continued in such a stalemate!


Suddenly, a flash of determination flashed in her clear eyes, and she opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. I don't know what kind of secret method she used, and her whole person's momentum soared, and the bang of the sword unexpectedly sent Emperor Dou Chong flying out!

"For this little thing, you don't want to hurt yourself!" Emperor Dou Chong was startled and furious, as if he didn't expect that Empress Yu Che would be so crazy.

Empress Yu Che didn't say a word, taking advantage of this opportunity, her red dress fluttered, her whole body shone brightly, her two swords converged, and she slashed down with an indomitable and terrifying force.

The power and influence are terrifying, disturbing the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers!

At this moment, the big figures in the distance were all horrified, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and almost knelt down on the ground, being captured by Empress Yu Che's aura.

This is a desperate act of an emperor, how can it be ordinary and comparable?


The next moment, an earth-shattering boom resounded throughout, as if a universe had exploded, and the area was suddenly in extreme chaos, turning into chaos without any order at all.

Even, many of the weaker people present were so shocked that their seven orifices bled, their faces turned extremely pale, and their livers were about to burst.

"24 Divine Boundary Beads! I didn't expect you, Luo Chong, to be so scheming that you brought along the treasure of your Luo clan!"

Suddenly, in the billowing light, Empress Yu Che's voice full of unwillingness came out, like surprise and anger.

At this time, many people could see clearly that the world of saints and sages has not been broken, the reason is that 24 bright, clear, round and clear beads are floating there.

This bead is only the size of a baby's fist, and the whole body overflows with divine brilliance like blue ocean waves, permeating the rhyme and releasing the divine chain of order. The 24 beads are linked together, just like iron chains crossing a river, and it gives people an unshakable feeling of insignificance.

This is the treasure of the Luo clan, the 24 Boundary-Defining Beads, once cast, can imprison the world of a world, shackle the power of the world, unbreakable!


ps: Around 11 o'clock in the fourth update, this bridge must have been reversed today.


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