divine talisman

Chapter 1722 He is here

All of a sudden, Empress Yu Che's heart sank to the bottom.

If it was just a picture of sages and sages, or just 24 Boundary-Defining Divine Beads, she was confident that a desperate fight would be enough to take Chen Xi away.

But when these two powerful and unpredictable congenital treasures appeared together and were sacrificially used in the hands of Emperor Dou Chong, she was helpless.

No matter how hard you try!

This is reality, she can't help but deny it.

hum~~ hum~~

The 24 Boundary Divine Beads buzzed, spreading blue divine brilliance like waves, sitting in front, blocking the way out.

Dou Chongdijun came with hundreds of millions of lightning arcs all over his body, with a look of contempt, with a smile of victory hanging on the corner of his lips.

"The world of sages and sages, plus 24 delimiting beads, may I ask, in this ancient god's domain, is there any emperor who can break through this kind of defense?"

Emperor Dou Chong looked at Empress Yu Che, and said indifferently, "Yu Che, this old man will give you one last chance, obediently stay aside, and hand Chen Xi over to this old man."

Every word contains prestige and is full of coercion.

Seeing this, the big figures in the distance were completely relaxed. The previous incidents had turned around, until now, when the dust finally settled, their hearts became excited again.

"Hand over it!"

"Chen Xi, don't kneel down yet!"

"If you still have a sliver of conscience, then don't embarrass Empress Yu Che, and get caught obediently, and apologize on your knees!"

Those dignitaries from the top forces in the imperial domain yelled loudly, they were not afraid of Empress Yu Che's identity, what they were really afraid of was Empress Yu Che's cultivation.

After all, with their current identities, they don't need to condescend even if they encounter ordinary emperors.

Coupled with the fact that Empress Yu Che is now desperate and completely suppressed by Emperor Dou Chong, these big shots no longer worry that the other party will dare to continue to act fiercely.

Hearing these yells, Empress Yu Che's face darkened, and she said coldly: "If you dare to talk too much, even if you try your best, you will take your life!"

In a word, the chilling clang made all the big shots froze and felt furious, but no one dared to say more.

It's just that they looked at Empress Yu Che and Chen Xi with a sneer and disdain. It's really pitiful that they still don't give up at this time.

But Le Wuhen and the others were all heartbroken. Among the people present, their seniority could be said to be the youngest, and they couldn't talk at all, let alone help Chen Xi.

What's more, even Empress Yu Che hit a wall, who in this world can save Chen Xi?

"Senior..." Chen Xi, who had been silently and coldly watching all this, took a deep breath and was about to say something.

But Empress Yu Che interrupted: "Listen to me."

Chen Xi was stunned, his heart was moved and angry at the same time, complicated to the extreme.

How could Chen Xi not be moved by the fact that an emperor and great man had fallen to such a state just to save himself?

But more, it is resentment!

Hate those old things for deceiving others too much, hate myself for being unable to deal with all this, and can only be manipulated and slaughtered by others!

Recalling the previous scenes, first Zhai Yunqiu made a move, intending to forcefully search for his soul, and then Gongye Nanli dispatched, intending to suppress and kill himself on the spot...

Until later, this fight against Emperor Chongdi was even tougher. In a word, he would force himself to kneel down and commit suicide, which was extremely arrogant and deceiving!

"If you survive the catastrophe today, you will have to taste this kind of taste one day, for sure!!" Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and the hatred in his heart was churning endlessly.

"Yu Che, they are coming soon, and you are destined to be unable to escape from now on. If this stalemate continues, the situation will only be against you."

Emperor Dou Chong opened his mouth slowly, graceful and arrogant.

Having said that, he didn't dare to push Empress Yu Che too hard, if the other party fought himself desperately, the consequences would be something he didn't want to see.

"What if I try my best?"

Empress Yu Che seemed to have seen through Emperor Dou Chong's mind, and spoke coldly.


Dou Chongdijun said indifferently, "Even if you try your best, are you sure you can break through the defense of the sage's realm and the 24 Boundary God Beads? Are you sure you can take this little thing away?"

One question at a time, aggressive, with a touch of sarcasm, as if mocking Empress Yu Che for being overconfident.

Empress Yu Che fell silent.

Seeing this, the sneer on the faces of the big figures in the distance became more and more intense. Seeing a being of the emperor state being forced to such a degree, they also felt an unspeakable sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

"Chen Xi, don't kneel down yet!"

But Gongye Nanli couldn't hold back any longer and shouted loudly, he couldn't believe that under such circumstances, Empress Yu Che dared to distract her to deal with him.

This old thing!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and the depths of his eyes were full of murderous intent.


Emperor Dou Chong was confronting Empress Yu Che.

Chen Xi pursed his lips and remained silent.

The big figures in the distance sneered.

Gongye Nanli shouted loudly, intending to force Chen Xi to kneel down and apologize.

Le Wuhen and the others had ashen faces, and their hearts were ashamed.

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed so deadly, almost suffocating.

After a while, as if she had made some decision, Empress Yu Che suddenly raised her head, her pair of clear eyes were full of determination.

Emperor Dou Chong's face darkened, and he said coldly: "What? In such a situation, you still want to hit the stone with an egg? I'm not afraid to tell you that the one who is coming soon is the Supreme Master..."


Before he could finish speaking, at this moment, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the world of sages, which spread like ripples.


Dou Chongdijun's voice stopped abruptly, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Everyone present was also startled. At such a critical moment, how dare they be so bold that they don't even recognize the "world of sages" derived from the picture of the saints and sages of the Luo clan in the imperial domain?


Before everyone could react, the "World of Sages" trembled violently again, shaking like thunder, spreading across the world, causing everyone's hearts to jump violently, and their whole body to twitch with blood.

Emperor Dou Chong's face was gloomy for a while, could it be that those guys from the Supreme Sect came?But why do you want to do this?

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the vibrating sound suddenly resounded like a gust of wind and rain, densely resounding, rumbling and spreading.

The entire "Sage's Realm" that covered millions of miles of heaven and earth trembled violently, making a whimpering sound as if it was overwhelmed.

not good!

Dou Chongdijun's expression finally changed, and he realized that the strength of the comer was not as simple as he imagined.


But just when he was about to take action, there was a deafening explosion sound, and under the gaze of the crowd, the entire "Sage Realm" was like fragile glass, shattered into pieces, and collapsed and spread.


The collapsing power is too terrifying, crushing time and space, pulverizing everything, making everyone dodge subconsciously.

Even Empress Yu Che shrank her pupils slightly, leading Chen Xi to avoid the sharpness for the time being.

"Who is it, what a guts!"

Emperor Dou Chong's voice was low and sullen, and he threw up his sleeves and sacrificed 24 Boundary Divine Beads, which turned into a straight beam of light, and went to kill them in the distance.

But the scene that happened next shocked the audience, and there was no sound.

The string of light transformed by 24 Divine Bounding Beads was flicked lightly by a slender and generous hand, and with a buzzing sound, it flew back backwards.

That relaxed appearance is like flicking a fly away, but you must know that it is not a snake, but a township treasure from the Luo family in the imperial domain, which is powerful enough to fix a world and imprison all directions. Go to Xiantian Lingbao!

Now, it is even sacrificed by Emperor Dou Chong with anger. One can imagine how terrifying the power is, but it is easily thrown away by a big hand!

At this moment, Emperor Dou Chong's heart was also shaken severely, and his face became dignified.

In this deathly silence, a figure walked across time and space.

He is tall and tall, with snow-white hair hanging over his shoulders, revealing a strange and simple face, with a pair of eyes opening and closing, it seems that countless stars are disillusioned, rolled, and transpired in it, reflecting a scene where the universe is changing, and all things are born. The grand spectacle of destruction.

The moment they made eye contact with each other, everyone's souls throbbed, as if all the secrets in their bodies had been snooped out.

This is not only shocking, but what kind of cultivation should one have to achieve this step?

Big Brother!

When Chen Xi saw this figure, Chen Xi's heart was shocked. He never expected that at this moment and this place, the senior brother would come here!

Mr. Shenyan Shanda!

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes overflowed with brilliance, extremely bright, there was a hint of surprise faintly, and there was a sense of relief.

Wu Xuechan!

Emperor Dou Chong's face turned gloomy like water, and he couldn't believe it, how could he meet the chief disciple of Shenyan Mountain here.

Among the other important people present, only a small group of people recognized Wu Xuechan's identity, and they couldn't help being stiff and dull.

As for those who did not reveal Wu Xuechan's identity, through the aura released by Wu Xuechan and the reactions of other people present, they all realized in an instant that the visitors were extraordinary!

"why you?"

Emperor Dou Chong took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"Because those fellow Taoists from the Supreme Sect couldn't come, so I was the only one who came." Wu Xuechan smiled, and his words were flat.

But the news revealed in the words completely shocked Emperor Dou Chong, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and they froze there, causing a turbulent wave in his heart.

The big shots present at the scene could only vaguely guess so far that the one who came to deal with Empress Yu Che this time also had the power of the Supreme Master.

As for who it is, they don't know, but they are sure that to be able to deal with Empress Yu Che, they must at least have the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, right?

But at this time, Wu Xuechan who came suddenly said that those who were too high-spirited would not be able to come. Doesn't this mean that they have all been robbed?

Thinking of this, their hearts were also shaken endlessly, unable to calm down for a long time.

"But... what are you people from Shenyan Mountain going to do? It seems that everything in front of you has nothing to do with your Shenyan Mountain, right?"

Emperor Dou Chong's face was gloomy, and he paused every word.

"My junior brother has been bullied like this, and you actually said that it has nothing to do with me, Wu Xuechan?!"

Wu Xuechan's face turned cold all of a sudden, his eyes opened and closed, as if the universe was circulating, and a majestic and vast momentum gushed out of his body, causing the sky to roll and everything to mourn.


ps: I admit that this episode is a bit long-winded, and I was a little dazed when I was writing it. I wrote a lot of plots that I thought were necessary without knowing it. In the past, when coding, I always arranged the details before doing it. , These few chapters were written entirely with a rush of emotions, I think I wrote very hot...

The 5th update is after midnight.


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