divine talisman

Chapter 1723 Overbearing Mr. Big

Junior Brother?

Everyone present was stunned, when did they offend Shenyanshan's direct disciple?

After experiencing the shock just now, they have learned about Wu Xuechan's identity through sound transmission through each other's thoughts.

But it was also because of this that when they heard Wu Xuechan's words, they reacted so strongly.

But soon, they shuddered Lingling. The aura emanating from Wu Xuechan's body was too terrifying, like an abyss like a prison, majestic and immeasurable, which made them suffocate.

Just when everyone was in doubt, Wu Xuechan stepped forward in one step, and suddenly came in front of Chen Xi.

"Little brother, I'm sorry, I was delayed a lot by some blind guys on the way, so I'm late."

When facing Chen Xi, Wu Xuechan had an apologetic expression.


Everyone present gasped, their scalps went numb for a while, they never expected that this Chen Xi would be Wu Xuechan's Junior Junior Brother!

Not only them, but Emperor Dou Chong didn't expect that his face would change suddenly, how could this be possible?When did Shenyan Mountain have an extra direct disciple named Chen Xi?

"I'm fine." Chen Xi shook his head.

Wu Xuechan looked Chen Xi up and down, and suddenly frowned, sighed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I've wronged you, don't worry anymore, senior brother is here."

With just a few words, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and felt a kind of long-lost fellowship.

"how can that be!"

Suddenly, someone yelled, but it was Gongye Nanli who yelled. He watched all this happen, and watched Chen Xi escape the murder again and again, and he felt so aggrieved in his heart. About to cough up blood.


How can this be?

The other big figures in the imperial domain also couldn't accept this situation. They saw that Chen Xi was about to be punished before, but a female emperor Yu Che was killed, and after the female emperor Yu Che was also suppressed by Emperor Dou Chong, another Mr. Shen Yanshan was killed!

How could they accept this continuous change?

"Just now, you were the one who made my little junior brother kneel down." Suddenly, Wu Xuechan turned around, and the strange and simple face was already full of indifference.

His pupils were radiant, as if the sun and the moon were shining on mountains and rivers, he locked on Gongye Nanli coldly.

"So what? Don't you, Shenyan Mountain, still dare to fight with..." Gongye Nanli bit the bullet and said sharply.

After he finished speaking, his whole body shook violently, with a click, the bones of his knees shattered, and with a thud, he fell to his knees in full view of everyone!

From the beginning to the end, not to mention him, even others did not see how Wu Xuechan made a move.

This sudden change made many people's faces change again. It has been rumored that Mr. Shenyan Shanda's wrists reach the sky and his cultivation level is unpredictable. Now seeing him, he is even more terrifying than the legends.


Gongye Nanli screamed, struggling to get up, but was suppressed by an invisible force, in vain.

An ancestral god existence on the list of conferred gods, a big man from the Gongye clan of the imperial domain, his knees were shattered at this moment, and he knelt down in front of everyone, making many big men present feel secretly Terrified.

"Wu Xuechan, I respect you as Mr. Shen Yanshan, but if you don't ask indiscriminately and fight, you don't take me too seriously, don't you?"

Some people were annoyed and spoke sharply to fight for Gongye Nanli.

"That's right, don't you ask what kind of outrageous things this son has done, and blindly cover up, that's deceiving too much!"

"This son not only killed Kun Wuqing, the son of our clan who has the potential of the supreme god, but also other disciples such as Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu, Zhai Jun, Yue Ruhuo, Jin Qingyang, Pei Wen, etc., were all killed by this son. , such a ruthless murderer is simply a disgrace to your Shenyan Mountain!"

The other big shots also opened their mouths angrily, criticizing Chen Xi verbally and in writing.

Chen Xi sneered when he saw it. These old things were so ugly to the extreme. They were unreasonable and unscrupulous when dealing with him before, but now that the elder brother came, they suddenly started to reason.

What indiscriminate, all is bullshit!

If it is reasonable, why did Luo Shaonong and his party surround and kill him back then?Why can't he kill the other party?

What is even more hateful is that Zhen Liuqing was murdered precisely because of Luo Shaonong and his party, which made it impossible for Chen Xi to forgive these bastards at all!

He took a deep breath, intending to tell his big brother Wu Xuechan about all the cause and effect.

Wu Xuechan waved his hand, signaling that he needn't say more.

The next moment, his gaze was coldly swept towards those big figures who were talking angrily, with a expressionless face, he said two words softly from his lips: "Kneel down."

Just a few words, like thunder piercing through the sky.

The next moment, there was a sound of bones breaking one after another, and each of the powerful figures in the past uttered a shrill scream, and knelt down on the ground uncontrollably.

Those scenes were simply horrifying to the extreme.

People can't help but think that when Emperor Dou Chong was dealing with Chen Xi before, he also opened his mouth like this, and it also caused such a horrible scene.

It's just that Chen Xi didn't kneel down in the end, and before these big shots from the imperial domain had time to react, they couldn't even resist, they were suppressed and fell to their knees!

There were more than a dozen people kneeling on the ground, and seeing other ascetics nearby tremble, their eyelids twitched, and their whole bodies froze there.


It's too strong!

Mr. Shenyan Shanda hasn't appeared in the world for many years, but when he appeared in the world, he displayed such a domineering and cruel method, which is simply unbelievable.

"If you were reasonable, you wouldn't harm my junior brother like this, so I can only be even more unreasonable when I treat you."

Wu Xuechan glanced indifferently at those big figures who were kneeling down, and then glanced at other people present, "Who else wants to reason with me, Wu Xuechan?"

Everyone was silent like cicadas, and there was a dead silence.

At this moment, Wu Xuechan has almost become the emperor who dominates the world, looking down at the universe with a kind of supreme demeanor.

"Mr. Da, what you did is a bit too much!" Emperor Dou Chong said in a deep voice with a very pale expression on his face.


Wu Xuechan raised his eyes and looked at Emperor Dou Chong coldly.

Emperor Dou Chong narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Why, is it that you, Shenyan Mountain, are still going to be enemies of all of us?"

But Wu Xuechan suddenly smiled, looked at Emperor Dou Chong indifferently, and said: "I'll give you a chance, if you can catch my three strikes, I will take my junior brother and leave immediately, if you can't, your life will stay, how about it? "

A simple sentence, but it is unmatched in strength.

Emperor Dou Chong's expression suddenly changed again, and he said in a deep voice, "What if I don't agree?"

Wu Xuechan's smile narrowed, and she became indifferent: "If you don't agree, then apologize on your knees."

Let an emperor kneel down and apologize!

Hearing this, the hearts of all the people present were shocked again, and they almost couldn't believe their ears. How could Mr. Shenyan Shanda become so aggressive?

According to the rumors, Shenyan Mountain has always been known for being mysterious and low-key, and the rumored Mr. Wu Xuechan is an extremely gentle and wise man, but now, he has become so strong and domineering. Could it be that all of this is because of that Chen Xi? ?

"Too deceiving!"

Emperor Dou Chong was completely furious, with his beard flying, pointing at Wu Xuechan: "Since this is the case, the old man should learn from Mr. Da's clever tricks!"


He was full of momentum, releasing immeasurable majesty.

Almost at the same time, 24 Boundary God Beads were sacrificed and transformed into an enchantment, which seemed to stretch across the universe, with the sun and moon rising and falling, and the river of stars revolving in it, reflecting a terrifying and grand vision, ruthlessly suppressing and killing Wu Xuechan.

As soon as he made a move, he had already used all his strength, and that power that belonged to the emperor's realm enveloped a million miles around in a flash, everything collapsed, and the great way sank!

But all of this disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When everyone at the scene came back to their senses, they were shocked to find that those 24 bounding beads had been grasped by Wu Xuechan at some time!

This scene almost made their eyes fall out of shock, it was simply incredible!

Even Chen Xi was horrified, the combat power of the senior brother was too much against the heavens, and in an understatement, the world had turned around!

"You...you...have..." Emperor Dou Chong's eyes dilated, as if realizing something, he was extremely shocked and angry.

"Kneel down."

Wu Xuechan stretched out her slender and broad palm, and pressed lightly in the void.

With a bang, the area where Emperor Dou Chong stood was shattered, and his whole body seemed to be hit by a giant hammer. With a bang, blood overflowed from the pores of his body, and his face was distorted. In the end, Wei Neng could withstand the pressure of such a terrifying force. , with a plop, fell to his knees in the void.

An emperor, kneeling down in front of everyone like this!

At this moment, the entire audience was extremely silent, everyone almost forgot to breathe, their pupils dilated, and they couldn't believe it.

It is impossible for such a scene to happen once in thousands of years!

After all, this is an emperor!Putting it in the Emperor's Domain, it is also a peak and pillar-like existence, calling the wind and rain, overwhelming the God Realm, enough to dominate the realm of a domain.

But now, he was forced to kneel down...

Empress Yu Che couldn't help shrinking her clear eyes, as if realizing something, she looked at Wu Xuechan's back in shock, unable to calm down.

"Wu Xuechan! I will never forget the shame of today!!" Emperor Dou Chong roared, shaking Jiuxiao, full of endless anger and resentment.

"You are welcome to come to me at any time." Wu Xuechan glanced at him, and didn't bother to pay attention.

He turned his head to look at Chen Xi, and said with a smile, "Little Junior Brother, how happy is your heart?"

Chen Xi shook his head and said, "This time, senior brother will help me after all. One day, when I succeed in cultivation, I can kill them again, and that will be a joy."

Wu Xuechan was dumb, and then he seemed to notice something, looked into the distance, frowned imperceptibly, and muttered: "Forget it, let's leave first."

Chen Xi was startled: "Then they..."

Wu Xuechan smiled and said, "Leave it to you to enjoy yourself later."

As he said that, he frowned again, and regardless of whether Chen Xi agreed or not, he waved his sleeve and led him and Empress Yu Che to disappear in place in an instant.


ps: Regarding the combat effectiveness of the disciples in Shenyan Mountain, I will explain them one by one later. Let me talk about Wu Xuechan first. When I wrote that when Chen Xi met Wu Xuechan for the first time in Shenyan Mountain, what the other party left behind was just a wisp The imprint of will should be clear to children's shoes who read the book carefully.

As for the cultivation of the other brothers in Shenyan Mountain, including those disciples from the Three Realms Nuwa Taoist Palace and the Supreme Sect, it involves some clues between the Three Realms and the Ancient God Realm, which will be written later.

Finally, the five shifts are over, ask for a monthly pass~~


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