divine talisman

Chapter 1724

Between heaven and earth, there is devastation.

Outside Fengqi Divine City, beside the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, in a land of millions of miles, rocks, sea cliffs, vegetation, and the earth... all turned into dust.


The sound of the wind was bleak, revealing a sense of sadness.

Wu Xuechan walked too abruptly and hurriedly, which made many people confused.

But no matter what, after Wu Xuechan left with Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che, everyone couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But immediately, when they witnessed the scene in front of them and recalled the scenes that happened just now, their expressions suddenly became extremely complicated.

No one spoke.

There was silence in the field.

What happened just now was so appalling that no one expected that the action against Chen Xi would end in such a miserable way.

Similarly, no one thought that a young man who they thought was not well-known, not only was extremely powerful in combat, but would also be Wu Xuechan's junior brother of Mr. Shenyan Shanda.

No one thought that Wu Xuechan, who hadn't been in the world for many years, would behave so domineeringly, suppressing a lot of big figures, even an emperor, with a few words!

All of this made them feel terrified, trembling, bewildered, and unbelievable.



I don't know how long it took, and a dragon chant resounded through the world.

Then everyone saw that the blue dragon whose body was undulating like a mountain was carrying the livid-faced Dou Chongdijun, tearing apart time and space.

Today, he was forced to kneel in front of everyone. It can be said that he lost all face. Now that he left angrily, everyone present felt a burst of embarrassment.

Once upon a time, an existence of the Emperor Realm who controlled the myriad ways and possessed the power to reverse the universe, would be forced to such a degree?

Not long after, Gongye Nanli, who had one arm severed and his knees smashed to pieces, gritted his teeth and left with the support of a group of god slaves.

From the beginning to the end, it was also silent.

Seeing this, everyone sighed again in their hearts. The Gongye Clan of Diyu is such a powerful force. Who could have imagined that one day, such a big man as Gongye Nanli would be reduced to such a state?

As Gongye Nanli left, those other big figures who were suppressed and knelt down also left one after another with sullen faces.

Not long after, only Le Wuhen and his party were left in the field.

Compared with other people, their emotions are more complicated, and there is still a hint of surprise in their expressions until now.

They have seen it all.

They saw Chen Xi fighting alone and defeating Zhai Yunqiu in one fell swoop.

Seeing the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, Chen Xi fought alone against a group of great figures, and his might was as high as the sky.

Seeing what Emperor Dou Chong said, he arrested Chen Xi and wanted to force him to kneel down.

I also saw Empress Yu Che approaching, not hesitate to confront Emperor Dou Chong with two swords.

But all of this was not as strong as the shock brought by Wu Xuechan when Mr. Shenyan Shanda arrived.

The domineering aura of turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into rain, and the supreme demeanor of suppressing the heroes between talking and laughing, made them unable to calm down even now.

"Wuhen, why didn't you say earlier that this son is from Shenyan Mountain? If he had known earlier that he was the younger brother of Mr. Wu Xuechan..."

Le Beiyou's expression was complicated, and there was shock and annoyance in his voice, as if he regretted that his attitude towards Chen Xi was a little cold.

"Uncle Jiu, I'm not like you. I dated Chen Xi, but I didn't care about his background at all!"

Le Wuhen frowned, and said slightly mockingly, resenting Le Beiyou in his heart.

Le Beiyou's face froze, a little embarrassing, but soon recovered, and said: "I am also considering the interests of the clan. Even if I know the origin of that kid, I will definitely put the interests of the clan first."

Le Wuhen snorted coldly and said no more.

"It's just that this time because of Chen Xi, Shenyan Mountain has completely offended the Luo clan, Gongye clan, Yue clan, Jin clan, Kunwuqing...their top powers in the imperial domain. This will do more harm than good. Some are not worth it."

Le Beiyou was filled with emotion.

"If you offend, you will be offended. No matter how angry these forces are, they probably won't have the guts to go to Shenyan Mountain Zongmen Xingshi to ask for their crimes."

Shentu Yanran who was on the side suddenly said, "After all, in the Imperial Domain, there are only a few forces that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Shenyan Mountain, but the Luo family and the others are not among them."

"That's right. Speaking of which, I really admire Wu Xuechan, Mr. Shen Yanshan. In order to avenge justice for my junior brother, no matter what your background and identity, you should kneel down and make amends first. It's really satisfying."

Yu Qiujing also chimed in, speaking highly of Wu Xuechan.

"Hehe, didn't you realize that Chen Xi's behavior is actually the same as that of Mr. Wu Xuechan? But he has never bullied others from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, it is Luo Shaonong and the others who keep provoking and suppressing Chen Xi. In the end, Chen Xi was angered because of this, and he was destroyed by Chen Xi, this is self-inflicted evil."

Le Wuhen also deeply believed it, and was filled with emotion, "I dare to conclude that within a day, the entire Ancient God Realm will probably know about this, causing an uproar, and Chen Xi's name is also destined to cause a sensation in the world!"


Galaxy after galaxy was crossed, galaxy after galaxy was crossed, Wu Xuechan led Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che to travel through time and space.

It seems that it is just moving forward step by step, but if you take one step, you don't know how many galaxies you have crossed.

Too fast!

Chen Xi even felt that universes after universes were flashing before his eyes like fleeting images.

"Little brother, I have worked hard for you these years. If I hadn't heard that there was a sudden change in the Manggu ruins this time, I would not have thought that not only you had already arrived in this ancient god's domain, but you were about to advance to the ancestor god's realm."

Wu Xuechan spoke warmly, with a trace of apology in her voice.

"You don't have to say that, big brother."

Chen Xi laughed.


Wu Xuechan nodded, he seemed to be perceiving something, and frowned from time to time.

"Eldest brother, are Senior Sister Li Yang and the others alright?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"They are all in seclusion. If there is no accident, they will be able to leave the seclusion after a hundred years at most."

Wu Xuechan replied casually.

Suddenly, his figure paused, his eyes narrowed, and he recovered calmly the next moment, but he changed his direction.

"But someone is following us?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. Ever since he left the God's Burying Coast, he had keenly noticed that his senior brother Wu Xuechan moved in a hurry, as if he had sensed something.

And along the way, although Wu Xuechan didn't say much, she frowned from time to time, which made Chen Xi even more puzzled, and vaguely felt something unusual.


Wu Xuechan nodded, "When I was going to Fengqi Divine City, I met three red-robed priests from the Supreme Sect on the road, and it took some time to kill them, but I didn't expect that these three old guys were not the only ones dispatched this time. .”

The red-robed priest?

Chen Xi was at a loss.

Empress Yu Che, who was at the side, felt a shudder in her heart, and a strange color appeared in her clear eyes.

The red-robed high priest is a group of old monsters with a very high status in the Supreme Sect. They live in a simple way and control the punishment of the Supreme Supreme.

The most important thing is that everyone who can become a red-robed high priest has the cultivation base of the emperor!

Empress Yu Che was well aware of this, but what she didn't expect was that the Grand Priest would send out three red-robed high priests this time. Could it be...they had already deduced that they had left the Xuemo Region, so they planned to make a move in one fell swoop. Capture yourself?

Yes, Empress Yu Che dared to confirm that the three red-robed high priests who were killed by Mr. Wu Xuechan were the helpers that Emperor Dou Chong said, and their real intention was to kill herself.

It's just that by mistake, these three guys met Mr. Wu Xuechan on a narrow road before they arrived, and they were finally robbed.

Thinking of this, Empress Yu Che couldn't help but secretly rejoice in her heart, she didn't expect that because of Chen Xi, she had avoided a catastrophe this time without any danger.

"It's the Supreme Master again... They really linger." Chen Xi's eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent.

Wu Xuechan smiled, and was about to say something when suddenly she narrowed her eyes and stood still.

"Junior Brother, it seems that this time we can only let you and Yu Che leave first." Wu Xuechan said, with a look of helplessness on his brows.

Both Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che were taken aback. Could it be that the enemy has caught up?

"I didn't expect that just after killing three red-robed high priests, a supreme holy priest would come out."

Wu Xuechan sighed softly, but she was not afraid, and seemed very helpless.

Holy priest!

Hearing this title, Empress Yu Che was shocked, as if she couldn't believe it.

"The Supreme Holy Priest? Is it very powerful?"

Chen Xi was ignorant and fearless, and asked with a frown.

"It can only be said that killing him is very troublesome."

Wu Xuechan frowned again, and said, "No, this old thing is about to catch up, I'll send you off first, at least five years, at most ten years, I will take you back to the sect."

At this moment, Chen Xi fully realized that the situation was a bit serious.

You know, the big brother used to suppress the Emperor Chong so much that he couldn't kneel down, but now it takes five to ten years just to deal with a Supreme Priest. One can imagine how difficult the other party is.


With a wave of Wu Xuechan's sleeve robe, a deep passage was opened in the starry sky.

"Junior Brother, it is far from enough to solve the Black Witch God Gu within ten years. Now that Miss Zhen has the body protection of the Five Sacred Treasures of the Buddha School, she can only solve it for a short time."

Wu Xuechan took out a piece of jade-like purple bamboo and handed it to Chen Xi, "Take this thing and go to the South Sea Region, Luojia Divine Mountain, and Absolute Beginning for a visit, and when the time comes, hand this thing over to the temple master, and he will tell you The solution to your black witch god Gu."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "If there are no accidents, I will also go to the South China Sea to find you."

"Big Brother..."

Chen Xi never expected that he would be separated from his elder brother just after reuniting, and he felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

What's more, he just casually mentioned Zhen Liuqing's situation on the way, and the elder brother has already taken this matter to heart.


Wu Xuechan smiled, and said to Empress Yu Che, "I'll take care of you along the way."

Empress Yu Che nodded.


ps: There is no second update at 10:[-] in the evening, so I will make it up tomorrow~


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