divine talisman

Chapter 1725 Yunmeng Zhouyu


The space-time tunnel glows with mysterious fluctuations.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, cupped his fists and said, "Eldest brother, take care."

Wu Xuechan nodded with a smile: "Let's go."

At that moment, Chen Xi no longer hesitated, and stepped into that space-time tunnel together with Empress Yu Che.

That is?

The moment he was about to leave, Chen Xi inadvertently saw a piece of darkness spreading from the depths of the universe, swallowing up galaxies, and sweeping in at an inconceivable speed.

At this moment, Wu Xuechan suddenly turned around, flying like snow with silver hair, and faced the engulfing darkness...


Time and space rotated, creating a roar, and in the next moment, Chen Xi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed, and the stars moved, and suddenly disappeared in place.


This space-time tunnel opened by Wu Xuechan is very special. When entering it, although it is motionless, there is a feeling of roaring in the universe and traveling through the universe.

"That darkness..."

Chen Xi was terrified in his heart, and vaguely guessed that it was probably the power and influence from the Supreme Priest of the Supreme Sect.

"Every Supreme Sacred Priest is above the Emperor Realm, and its power is unpredictable and immeasurable."

Empress Yu Che spoke from the side, her voice was clear and pleasant, "This realm is the realm of the Taoist Lord of the God Realm. With just a few clicks, you can reshape the universe and turn the way of heaven into your own use!"

The Realm of Gods and Taoists!

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he suddenly remembered that the Taoist Kunpeng whose corpse had turned into the entire "Domain of the Doomed Law" must be such an existence, right?

Back then, Chen Xi entered the Realm of Doomed Law from the Three Realms. Later, he happened to meet members of the Primordial Fungus tribe, and only then did he learn that the Realm of Doomed Law was transformed by the corpse of a Kunpeng Taoist master.

At that time, he was still amazed at what kind of cultivation he must have to achieve this step, but now that he heard Empress Yu Che talk about it, he suddenly understood a little bit.

On the road to cultivating gods, there are not only the True God Dongwei, the Spiritual God Dongguang, and the Ancestral God Dongyu, but above these three realms, there are also the Emperor Realm of the God Realm and the Dao Lord Realm of the God Realm!

Empress Yuche, Emperor Dou Chong, and Emperor Gouchen are existences in the Emperor Realm of the God Realm, who have the supreme power to reverse the universe and control all ways.

And the realm of the God Realm Daoist Lord is obviously more terrifying than the Emperor Realm, surpassing it, you can reshape the universe and use the way of heaven for your own use!

Like the Supreme Priest, he is obviously the existence of the Taoist level.

"Don't worry about Mr. Da. According to my observation, Mr. Da's cultivation level may have reached the position of Taoist master. Otherwise, he would not be able to suppress Emperor Dou Chong to his knees with a single palm."

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes were full of splendor.


Chen Xi was also emotional in his heart, he originally thought that his car cultivation speed was already fast enough, and he was only one step away from reaching the level of the ancestor god.

But who would have thought that senior brother has already reached such an unimaginable height.

If we speculate based on this, what is the level of cultivation of my master, the master of Shenyan Mountain, Fuxi, who I have never met?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, shook his head, and said to Empress Yu Che beside him, "Senior, thank you for your help this time."

"Speaking of which, I should thank you."

Empress Yu Che said, "If Mr. Da hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid I would have already been surrounded by the three red-robed high priests of the Supreme Sect."

"You... also have enmity with the Supreme Master?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"Correctly speaking, it should be an enmity with the Emperor Yugongye clan."

A cold look appeared in Empress Yu Che's clear eyes, and she said softly, "Actually, it's all the same, because the Gongye clan was originally attached to the Supreme Sect, and most of the people in its clan are now members of the Supreme Sect. disciples, priests, elders."

As for what the hatred was, Empress Yu Che didn't say much.

But just like this, Chen Xi has already completely understood some things.

For example, Empress Yu Che had entrusted him to prevent Gongye Zhefu from taking that ninth-rank emperor-level dao root. Obviously, all of this must be inseparable from this kind of hatred.

"Senior, how powerful is the power of the Supreme Master in the Imperial Domain?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"Just call me Yu Che from now on."

Empress Yu Che corrected Chen Xi's title, and then said: "The Emperor's Domain is the core of the entire Ancient God's Domain. It is so large that it includes eight thousand universes, and the ancient orthodoxy and clan forces distributed in it are countless. .”

"However, those who can be called the top powers are only a small part, like the Emperor Yu Ye clan, Luo clan, Gongye clan, Yu clan... Could it be that they belong to the top clan forces."

"Sanqing Dao, Buddhist Sect, Lingbao Temple, Qixia Mountain, Fortune Heavenly Palace, Jinchan God Island...these are all ancient orthodox traditions that have stood for countless years."

"But the ones that can really be called the supreme orthodox lineage are only the number of grievances. Among them are Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Taoist Temple, and Divine Academy, which are honored as 'Emperor'. Domain Wuji'."

Empress Yu Che gave a succinct description of the forces in the Emperor's Domain while understating them.

Chen Xi was also shocked when he heard that, but he did not expect that Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Supreme Sect were not only transcendent in the Three Realms, but also possessed such shocking power in the Ancient God Realm.

Chen Xi knew very little about the two major forces, the Daoist Academy and the Divine Academy, but they were able to be listed as the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain" along with Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Supreme Sect, which must be extraordinary.

"Now you understand that the Supreme Master is one of these supreme forces."

Empress Yu Che said with a hint of coldness in her voice, "There are countless disciples in her religion. According to their strength, they can be divided into disciples, true disciples, elders, red-robed high priests, and supreme priests. Hierarch."

"Generally speaking, the existence of the level of the supreme priest will not be easily dispatched. Even the red-robed high priest who has the emperor level rarely appears in the world unless there is a major change."

Empress Yu Che is obviously very clear about the power composition of the Supreme Sect, "Those who can become the elders of the Supreme Sect must have the cultivation of the ancestor gods, all the true disciples have the cultivation of the spiritual gods, and the ordinary disciples are all in the Dongwei True God about."

Chen Xi finally fully understood that when he was in the Three Realms before, he thought that the God Realm was the existence of the highest level of the Supreme Sect.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

Suirenting and Yin Huaikong, the true disciples of the Supreme Master Sect whom he had killed, were suppressed by the power of the heavens in the three realms, so they could only display their cultivation in the realm of the true gods.

Ye Yan, the powerful ancestor of the Supreme Sect who he defeated, was obviously an elder in the Supreme Sect.

Further up, there are the red-robed High Priest of the Monarch Realm, the Supreme Holy Priest of the Taoist Realm, and... the Supreme Leader!

"It seems that overthrowing the Grand Master is more difficult than I expected..." Chen Xi sighed lightly.

Empress Yu Che's eyes were fixed, she was a little surprised and said: "To overthrow the Supreme Master?"

Chen Xi smiled, didn't say much, changed the subject, frowned and said, "That's right, if you help me escape this time, it means you've completely offended those big powers in the Emperor's Domain. In the future, I'm afraid..."

Empress Yu Che interrupted indifferently: "I'm alone, and now I don't plan to return to Xuemoyu. It won't be so easy for them to deal with me."

"Where's Yunqing?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"He has followed my instructions and kept his name incognito. When I return to the Emperor's Domain one day, he will connect with me."

Empress Yu Che obviously had already arranged everything. Speaking of this, she looked at Chen Xi and said, "Next, what are your plans?"

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders: "Naturally, we should first arrive at the Luojia Divine Mountain in the South China Sea."

Empress Yu Che said thoughtfully: "The southern sea area is known as the 'holy land of all races', inhabited by many ancient races, such as demons, demons, spirits, monsters, demons, charms... It can be said that there are many races, and there are many of them. Extremely powerful ethnic groups, such as Zhenhou, Bai Ze, Bi An, etc., compared with the Imperial Region, the distribution of power in the South Sea Region is extremely complicated."

Chen Xi was stunned, then smiled and said, "The more complicated the situation, the better, and the safer it is."

"I think so too."

Empress Yu Che smiled, and immediately she raised her eyebrows and said, "However, although I know that Luojia Mountain is located in Yunmeng Zhouyu in the South China Sea, I have never heard of it. There is a place of practice called Taichu Guan."

Chen Xi was a little surprised. He originally thought that the sect that could be mentioned by the senior brother Wu Xuechan must be a famous existence in the world. Who would have thought that with Empress Yu Che's experience, she had never heard of this sect.

"It's better to wait there to inquire about it." Chen Xi pondered.

Empress Yu Che nodded.

Just talking like this, after a cup of tea time.


The space-time tunnel suddenly fluctuated violently, and it shattered inch by inch, with light and rain flying down.

The next moment, Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che had arrived in a strange starry sky.

This piece of starry sky is extremely vast, with billions of stars circulating in it, floating in the universe one after another like a dreamy cloud, colorful and gorgeous.

"Mr. Big is really amazing."

Empress Yu Che glanced around, and couldn't remember admiring, "This tunnel spans 190 seven domains, and it can still accurately reach the Yunmeng Universe. Such a supreme means is not something that can be done by the Emperor Realm. Arrived."

Chen Xi was surprised and said, "This is Yunmeng Zhouyu where Luojia Mountain is located?"

"Yes, look at this starry sky, the clouds and mist are like a dream, covering all directions, and the Luojia Mountain is located on Putuo Star."

Empress Yu Che pointed to the distance, where there was a light blue planet emitting a luster like water waves.

Suddenly, she seemed to be aware of something, and the glow flowed all over her body, and the next moment, she transformed into another appearance.

She wore a white dress in Tsing Yi, a feather crown on her head, and a black gauze covering her face. Her demeanor was pure and elegant. Compared with before, she lacked a haughty aura.

Just when Chen Xi was feeling puzzled, his heart suddenly moved, and he sensed from a distance that a group of people was rushing towards this side.

"My previous makeup was too eye-catching, and it was easy to cause many troubles." Empress Yu Che explained in a low voice.

This actually reminded Chen Xi, he smiled slightly, and his appearance changed suddenly, becoming a young man with an ordinary temperament and appearance.


At this moment, the group of people had traveled through time and space.


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