divine talisman

Chapter 1726 Linlangbao City

To be precise, it was a group of demon cultivators.

The leader was an orange-haired boy with brilliant blue pupils, and his bare upper body had tough and smooth skin lines, imprinted with mysterious totem tattoos.

Beside him, there is also a flower demon, its branches and leaves are flaring, shining brightly, and the blooming flowers present an incomparably charming face.

In addition, there is a tauren with two horns on his head and wearing armor, and a dwarf old man who is only two feet tall with snow-white beard and pointed ears.

This is a very peculiar team of demon cultivators. Chen Xi couldn't even recognize the origin of the other party, but judging from the aura, except for the orange-haired boy in the lead who possessed the Ancestral God Realm, the other demon cultivators actually possessed Spiritual realm cultivation base.

Obviously, they also found Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che. As soon as they arrived, the orange-haired boy smiled and said, "The two fellow Taoists are also going to Putuo Planet to participate in the Linlang Treasure City held once in a thousand years. ?”

Linlangbao City?

Chen Xi was startled, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, the two of us have no such plan."

"Hey, didn't you come here for Linlangbao City?" the flower demon beside him spoke, with a soft and sweet voice.

Chen Xi smiled and shook his head again.

"Forget it, let's go by ourselves. As long as we get there, we should be able to find out the entrance to Linlangbao City."

The orange-haired boy sighed, and led everyone to wave goodbye to Chen Xi.

Soon, the group of them fled far away and disappeared.

"Interesting, a young strongman from the Raging Flame Qilin clan, with three demon cultivators from the Posuohua clan, the barbarian bull clan, and the Dikui warrior clan, is going to participate in Linlangbao City."

Empress Yu Che said thoughtfully at the side.

It was only now that Chen Xi understood the origins of those four demon cultivators, and couldn't help but click his tongue inwardly. All of these four races were extremely ancient, and they were rare to see.

It can also be seen from this that the South China Sea is worthy of the title of "Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races".

"Then what happened to Linlangbao City?"

Chen Xi asked curiously.

"It's very complicated to say, but you can simply understand it as a grand trade fair, which will be held every 3000 years. At that time, ascetics from all the universes in the South China Sea will come here admiringly."

Empress Yu Che spoke slowly, "Up to now, this Linlangbao City has been held no less than a hundred times. In terms of time, it can be traced back to the ancient times."

After a pause, she continued: "In short, most of the hard-to-find divine materials, treasures, and some weird cultivation items in the Ancient God Realm can be found in Linlangbao City, so it is Attracting many ascetics to come.”

It was only then that Chen Xi suddenly realized that this so-called Linlang Treasure Market was tantamount to providing a place for ascetics to exchange things, so as to finally achieve the goal of "everyone gets what they need".

"If you are interested, we can also go and see it. Every time the Linlang Treasure City is opened, some rare and rare treasures will emerge, not only for the ascetics in the South China Sea, but also for the ascetics in other realms. A lot of people came here admiringly."

Empress Yu Che chuckled, "I remember the last time in the Linlang Treasure Market, a young man picked up a leak by accident. With only 100 yuan of divine crystals, he harvested a congenital spiritual treasure, which caused a sensation in the entire South China Sea."

Chen Xi said in surprise, "This is really a great opportunity."

Empress Yu Che said: "Instances like this are not uncommon in Linlangbao City."

Chen Xi laughed and said, "When you return from the Absolute Beginning View, if you have time, you can go to Linlangbao City to experience it."

At that moment, the two of them didn't pause any longer, they used the method of teleportation, and flew away towards Putuo Star in the distance.


Putuo Star, a planet as blue as the sea.

Unlike other planets, this star has an extremely vast territory, straddling the sky and the earth, like a dazzling blue sun, setting off other nearby planets in a dim light.

What is particularly amazing is that around Putuo Star, there are still pieces of land floating. Each piece of land can be called a big world. It is covered with dense veins of gods, and there are many sacred mountains. .

Luojia Mountain is located on one of the lands.

After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che floated to this piece of land. They said it was land, but it was actually much larger than the Xuanhuan Realm that Chen Xi had seen before.

The cities of gods are listed among them, with lakes and mountains everywhere, very prosperous and prosperous.

The two of them went forward without any delay, spent another cup of tea time, and finally arrived in front of a boundless ocean.

The sky is blue, the sea is vast, the seabirds are soaring in the distance, the ships are full of sails, and the beach is like a layer of gold paved with splendor.

On the coast, all kinds of sea creatures are exchanging goods with vendors, which is extremely lively.

"This sea is called Falling Star Sea, and the end of it is where Luojia Mountain is located. According to our speed, it will take about half an hour to reach it."

Empress Yu Che pointed to the distance and said.

Chen Xi nodded: "Then let's set off."

"Two seniors, stay behind."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Chen Xi turned his head to look around, and saw an old man rushing over with a young man.

"Dare to ask the two seniors, but you want to go to the Luojia Mountain?" The old man was humble, bowed and saluted, with a very respectful attitude.

His clothes are plain, and his face has a lot of wind and frost. His cultivation is only at the level of a true god, which is very ordinary. He is obviously a monk who has lived at the bottom all year round.

Chen Xi nodded: "Not bad."

The old man looked happy, and became more cautious, and said: "I don't know... I wonder if I can take my dog ​​with me?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, the old man hastily said, "Don't worry, seniors, the dog has a good temperament, and will never cause any trouble for you two, and..."

Speaking of this, he took out a storage bag, took a deep breath, and put his hands on it: "I still have a hundred god crystals in my hand. Although it is insignificant, it can be regarded as my heart."

His words were sincere, even with a tinge of begging, completely from the bottom of his heart, Chen Xi could completely discern that this person was not lying.

Chen Xi glanced at the young man next to the old man, and saw that he was thin and thin, with a dark complexion, and a very simple and honest demeanor. He seemed a little uncomfortable standing there, and his whole body was a little stiff.

"Hmph, it's thanks to you that you can get one hundred divine crystals."

Someone in the distance sneered disdainfully, "The sea of ​​fallen stars is full of dangers. If you want to reach Luojia Mountain safely, you have to go through many dangerous places, but you only use a hundred god crystals as tolls. It is simply wishful thinking."

The old man was suddenly embarrassed, and looked at Chen Xi more and more beggingly.

These days, he begged for someone more than once, but he was rejected every time. If he couldn't succeed this time, he would be completely desperate.

"It's okay to promise you, but can I know why you did this?" Chen Xi asked curiously.

The old man's spirit was lifted suddenly and he was very excited. He thanked him for a long time, and then said: "I heard that in a few days, the Lingji Sect on Luojia Mountain will open its gates to recruit disciples, so I want to let the dog Go and have a try."

Lingji Divine Sect?

Chen Xi was startled, and thought to himself, it seems that the forces entrenched on Luojia Mountain are not limited to Taichuguan.

"Let's go."

The next moment, Chen Xi beckoned to the young man. Anyway, he was on the way, so it would be fine to take a young man with him.

"Thank you, thank you for your success, senior."

If Chen Xi hadn't stopped him, the old man would have knelt down to thank him.

In the end, Chen Xi didn't want the 100 Yuan Divine Crystal that he gave, and took the young man named Xiao Zhu and Empress Yu Che together on the road.

"Old man Xiao, are you so relieved that those two will take your son away?"

Someone leaned forward and said suspiciously.

"Although I have been depressed and unsuccessful in my life, I have seen many people with great powers. I can guarantee that those two seniors are absolutely extraordinary and comparable."

The old man took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Nonsense, don't forget, the Falling Star Sea is extremely dangerous, it's simply too reckless for you to hand over your son so casually."

The man shook his head and sighed.

But in the next moment, his eyeballs almost fell out, and in his field of vision, Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che suddenly had a radiance around them, and they used the method of teleportation, leading Xiao Zhu away through the air, and disappeared without a trace. trace.

Although it was only for a split second, Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che inadvertently revealed a trace of aura that made him suffocate, his knees gave way, and he almost fell to his knees.

He finally understood that the man and woman were really not ordinary people!



Time and space change, fleeting.

The three of Chen Xi shuttled across the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, and moved straight to the depths.

"Yu Che, do you know this Lingji Divine Sect?"

Chen Xi asked.

"I know, it can be regarded as a first-class force in the South Sea Region. I have met with a Supreme Elder of the Lingji Divine Sect several times, so I know the exact location of the Luojia Divine Mountain, but I have never heard of it. , there will be forces like Taichu Guan on Luojia Mountain.”

Yu Che said casually.

Hearing this, the skinny young man Xiao Gu who had been silent all this time froze. He glanced at Empress Yu Che in disbelief. For him, it was simply unimaginable.

But he didn't say much, instead he became more and more silent, even a little at a loss, uneasy, and didn't dare to vent his breath.

Chen Xi didn't bother to pay attention to these things, he frowned and muttered, "Strange, could it be that senior brother made a mistake?"

Empress Yu Che said softly: "It's better if we go to Lingji Divine Sect first to find out the situation. There are many hidden sects in this world. Perhaps Taichuguan is hidden in a certain area of ​​Luojia Divine Mountain."

Chen Xi nodded.

Falling Star Sea is indeed very dangerous. There are space-time turbulence, tsunami and storms everywhere along the way, and it may be difficult for ordinary ascetics to come here.

But all of these obviously couldn't help Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che, and they came to the end of Falling Star Sea almost without any obstacles along the way.

A majestic sacred mountain stretching between heaven and earth appeared in the field of vision. The mountain was steep and pierced into the sky.

This is Luojia Mountain.


ps: Kavinka is going crazy, I will make up for the change I owed yesterday, and Jinyu needs to revise the plot and plots in the future. If the thinking is smooth tomorrow, I will continue the celebration plan of the lord 5 update.


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