divine talisman

Chapter 1727 Mountain Gate Dispute

Chen Xi looked at the Luojia mountain in the distance, and couldn't help nodding his head and said, "This is indeed a treasure land, with radiant divine veins and precious energy soaring to the sky, it's very suitable for cultivation."

With his current eyesight, he can see many mysteries at a glance.

Empress Yu Che said: "It is rumored that this mountain has existed for 8000 million years, which is longer than the history of the Lingji Sect that is currently entrenched on the mountain."

While talking, the two had brought the young man Xiao Zhu to the coast.

Luojia Sacred Mountain is extremely vast, stretching like an endless stretch, with lofty mountains everywhere, reckless and majestic, like a vast continent.

Lingji Shenzong was built on the top of one of the peaks, where the precious light is dense, and the purple divine brilliance is like light rain, and the atmosphere is myriad.

You don't have to look for it at all, you can see the location of its mountain gate at a glance.

The young Xiao Xiao came here to worship the Lingji Divine Sect and practice, and Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che also planned to go to the Lingji Divine Sect to inquire about the news about the Absolute Beginning View, and happened to be on the way. Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not Leave this boy alone.

Coupled with Xiao Zhu's honest and honest temperament, it can be seen that he was born in a bitter cold, and he was very reserved and dull along the way, but this attracted Chen Xi's goodwill.

Without delay, the three of them rose into the sky, and suddenly they arrived at the gate of Lingji Shenzong Mountain.

At this moment, many men and women had already gathered in front of the mountain gate, about hundreds of people.

These men and women obviously came from extraordinary backgrounds, their clothes were gorgeous, and they were surrounded by clan elders, guards, and retinues.

When Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che arrived with Xiao Zhu, they also attracted a lot of attention.

"There are three more guys, alas, the competition is getting bigger and bigger."

"I heard that the Lingji Divine Sect only recruited thirty disciples this time. If it is calculated in this way, at least half of us will be eliminated."

"Hmph, I'm not worried about this. What I'm worried about is whether someone cheated through the back door when recruiting disciples this time."

Through these conversations, Chen Xi could judge that these men and women were obviously the same as Xiao Zhu, and they came to learn from teachers.

What made Chen Xi dumbfounded was that these men and women actually regarded him and Empress Yu Che as their apprentices.

"Let's go."

Empress Yu Che didn't even bother to pay attention to this, she glanced at the mountain gate in the distance, and planned to enter.

"Wait a mininute."

Chen Xi glanced at Xiao Zhu who was beside him, but he became ponderous.

To be honest, Xiao Zhu's aptitude can only be considered good, but it is definitely not excellent. It is slightly inferior to many young men and women nearby. In addition, he has no power and power, and wants to enter the Lingji Sect through his own efforts. Obviously hope is not much.

"With his aptitude, he will certainly not be able to enter the Lingji Sect."

Empress Yu Che seemed to see what Chen Xi was thinking, and said bluntly.

Xiao Zhu's expression froze, he was at a loss, and his eyes dimmed. He never thought that before he participated in the test, he was directly rejected by the senior beside him.

To him, it was like a bolt from the blue, and he was stunned, with an unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

"Haha, Xiao Zhu! It's really you, don't you give up? It's just that I didn't expect that your good-for-nothing father is capable enough to send you here."

Suddenly, a young man in brocade clothes and sable fur came laughing, not hiding his sarcasm, and beside him, followed by a group of retinues and guards, full of style.

"However, as this girl said, with your aptitude, it is wishful thinking to enter the Lingji Sect."

After the young man finished speaking, he bowed his hands gracefully to Empress Yu Che, with a bright smile on his face.

Xiao Zhu's face darkened, and his eyes widened with anger: "Meng Yuanqing, who are you calling trash?"

"Angry? Hehe, your father used to be a servant of my Meng family. Even if I called him a trash, I would think highly of him."

The young man named Meng Yuanqing sneered and said, "Also, if you dare to bark like a brat, don't blame me for being rude!"

This time, Chen Xi finally understood the relationship between Meng Yuanqing and Xiao Zhu, and it was no wonder that Meng Yuanqing dared to humiliate Xiao Zhu so unscrupulously.

Xiao Zhu was so angry that he was trembling all over, he gritted his teeth and tried to endure it, and finally he didn't say a word.

He did not seek help from Chen Xi, or Empress Yu Che.

He didn't rush forward with enthusiasm, and fought to the death with that Meng Yuanqing.

Because he has not given up the idea of ​​worshiping Lingji Shenzong, so he will never allow it to be delayed because of other things.

But in the eyes of other men and women nearby, Xiao Zhu seemed to have silently confessed and cowardly, and there was a touch of disdain or pity in his expression.

Chen Xi saw all of this in his eyes, until now, he stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Zhu's shoulder, then looked at Yu Che, shrugged and said, "Look, because you caused so many troubles with just one word."

Empress Yu Che also shrugged: "I will compensate him."

The attitude of the two of them made many people around them confused, unable to figure out the relationship between them and Xiao Zhu.

Especially Meng Yuanqing, who quickly smiled and said: "You don't have to be like this, this kid Xiao Zhu was originally muddy and couldn't support the wall. What you said is not false at all, so what can I make up for?"

Empress Yu Che glanced at him indifferently and walked towards the mountain gate without saying a word.

Although it was just a look, it made Meng Yuanqing's heart inexplicably cold, and he couldn't help shivering, his soul was throbbing and uneasy, and his whole face suddenly turned pale.

This... what's going on here?

Meng Yuanqing was horrified. At that moment just now, he seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss, almost sank, and lost his sanity!

He opened his mouth and exclaimed, but found that he couldn't make any sound, and even his whole body seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move an inch, like a clay statue!

All this, only he himself knows, the nearby guards and subordinates are not even aware of it.

This made Meng Yuanqing even more frightened, that woman... who is it! ?


"Go and tell Liu Yazi, the elder of your family, that an old friend is visiting."

In front of the mountain gate, there were two disciples of Lingji Shenzong guarding, and they were stunned when they heard Empress Yu Che's words.

This woman has such a big tone, she dares to call herself an old friend of the Supreme Elder!

"Haha, a distant relative of the suzerain of Lingji Shenzong came here before, and now another old friend of Senior Liu Yazi came."

"Hmph, people nowadays, in order to worship the Lingji Sect, would they be so unscrupulous? How dare you pretend to be an old friend of Senior Liu Yazi, it's really audacious!"

"I didn't expect that this girl looks so good, but her words are really ridiculous."

When the other people nearby heard Empress Yu Che's words, they were also startled, and immediately let out a burst of laughter, with teasing and joking expressions on their faces.

Before, there were people who tried to sneak into the Lingji Sect under the guise of the lord of the Lingji Sect, elders, relatives, friends, or old friends, but they were eventually exposed and expelled from the mountain gate.

I never thought that now another imposter came, and even had a relationship with Senior Liu Yazi!

Who is Liu Yazi?

That is the Supreme Elder of the Lingji Divine Sect, an old antique who possesses the pinnacle of the Ancestral God!It has long been unknown how many years have not appeared in the world.

And Empress Yuche was dressed in a white dress in blue, with a feather crown on her head and a black veil covering her face. Although her demeanor was indifferent and quiet, she seemed too low-key and mysterious, making it difficult to associate her with an emperor.

Under such circumstances, who would believe what she said?

Even so, the disciple of Lingji Shenzong guarding the mountain gate still bowed his hands politely, and said: "Sorry, my family's Taishang Elder has retreated many years ago and doesn't care about world affairs."

"I didn't expect that even you were rejected."

Chen Xi stepped forward and heard the discussions around him, which made him feel a little ridiculous.

"It seems that all this is my fault for being too polite."

A hint of helplessness appeared in Empress Yu Che's clear eyes. Indeed, with her status, she didn't need to report where she went. Someone had already stepped forward to greet her respectfully. How could such a thing have happened?

Of course, all of this is also because she is now changing her appearance and deliberately concealing her identity, which led to such a situation.

"Hey, let me tell you two, you should wait here with peace of mind. If you continue pretending, you will be expelled!"

Someone gloated and yelled.

Empress Yu Che's eyes turned cold.

At this moment, a majestic shout suddenly sounded from the mountain gate: "Who is making noise here? How decent!"

Accompanied by the sound, a middle-aged figure in a python robe and jade belt suddenly appeared in front of the mountain gate with a stern face, his eyes were like cold lightning, scanning the audience.

All of a sudden, the whole audience was silent, as silent as a chilling cicada.

"Report to the third elder..." A disciple in front of the mountain gate hastily stepped forward and told everything that happened before.


Hearing that someone dared to pretend to be an old friend of the Supreme Elder Liu Yazi, the majestic middle-aged man's face darkened, his eyes were like knives, and he glanced at Empress Yu Che.

Seeing this, everyone in the vicinity couldn't help gloating in their hearts, as if they were watching the excitement.


However, the majestic middle-aged man didn't take action in anger, but seemed to have discovered something, and said in surprise, "You are..."

"Xiao Daotong, are you going to drive me out?" Empress Yu Che said calmly.

Xiaodao boy?

Everyone was stunned, how could this woman address the third elder of Lingji Shenzong, Mo Daochen?

But when he heard this address, the majestic middle-aged Mo Dao Shen was shocked, his face changed suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it, Qiqi Ai said: "You...you are..."

When he spoke, he actually made a plop, fell to his knees, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But was interrupted by Empress Yu Che, who said calmly: "Take me to see Liu Yazi."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Mo Daochen quickly got up, as if he was stuttering, with a look of awe on his face.

Witnessing such a change, everyone present was completely dumbfounded and opened their mouths wide.

Mo Daochen, the third elder of Lingji Shenzong who was so high in their hearts, knelt down on the ground at this moment, with a look of sincerity and fear, who would dare to believe it?


ps: I didn’t know until I was reminded that tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of Fuhuang’s book opening, time flies so fast~


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