divine talisman

Chapter 1728 Zizhuxi

The atmosphere was dead silent, and everyone was as dumb as clay statues.

Even the two Lingji Shenzong disciples who were guarding in front of the mountain gate opened their eyes wide at this moment, looking like a ghost.

"Bastard! You haven't opened the mountain gate yet!"

Seeing them like this, Mo Daochen couldn't help scolding them loudly.

Those two disciples just woke up from a dream, and hurriedly guarded the mountain gods, and stood at one side with humility on their faces.

"Senior, please!"

After the initial shock, Mo Daoshen had regained his sanity a little at this moment, and saw that Empress Yu Che did not intend to reveal her identity, so when addressing her, he wisely did not mention Empress Yu Che's name.

Empress Yu Che nodded.

It's not that she bullied others, she never threatened Mo Daochen once from the beginning to the end, and all of this was done by Mo Daochen himself.

As for Mo Daochen, he took it for granted.

Back then when he was just a Taoist boy, he had the honor to visit Empress Yu Che with his master Liu Yazi, so he naturally knew how lofty the status of Empress Yu Che was, even his master Liu Yazi was treated like a junior when he met him. Go treat it!

"Xiao Zhu, come here." Chen Xi beckoned to Xiao Zhu who was in a sluggish state in the distance.


Xiao Zhu's whole body trembled, and he hurriedly stepped forward, with a look of awe and fear on his face.

"Senior, who is this?"

Mo Daochen noticed Chen Xi only now, and couldn't help asking respectfully.

"Chen Xun, my companion."

Empress Yu Che casually explained.

"It turned out to be Senior Chen Xun."

Mo Daochen hurriedly saluted, but secretly guessed in his heart, Chen Xun?Is this also an emperor?

While talking, Chen Xi and his group had already entered the mountain gate of Lingji Divine Sect under the leadership of Mo Daochen.

It took a long time for everyone present to wake up from the shock, but at this moment their expressions were extremely complicated.

They finally realized that the woman was not putting on airs. Just from Mo Daochen's sincere and respectful attitude, they knew that the other party was not just as simple as Liu Yazi's old friend, but even more terrifying!


A loud bell sounded from the distant mountain gate.

"The time is up. Disciples who take the test please enter the mountain gate and wait. Other unrelated people stay where they are and wait."

A disciple of Lingji Shenzong who was guarding in front of the mountain gate announced loudly.

Everyone's spirits were refreshed, and they came out more immediately. After checking their identities, they entered the mountain gate.

Only Meng Yuanqing was rejected.

"Why?" He was shocked and annoyed.

"Why do you know clearly in your heart." The disciple of Lingji Shenzong said expressionlessly.

"Is it because of Xiao Zhu?" Meng Yuanqing was not a fool, he vaguely guessed something all of a sudden, and his face completely collapsed.

"It's good that you understand." The disciple said coldly, "I'm doing this for your own good. If the Third Elder finds out that you and Xiao Zhu had had a dispute, you should know what the consequences will be."

Meng Yuanqing was stunned, his face was ashen, his soul was lost, and there was an uncontrollable remorse and bewilderment in his heart.

Just because of the son of a servant, he lost a supreme opportunity to learn from a teacher, so who is to blame?


There are many pavilions and pavilions in Lingji Shenzong, row upon row, the mountains are beautiful, and the brilliance is transpiring, just like a kingdom of gods opened up in the mountains, it is magnificent.

Back Mountain.

This place is the forbidden area of ​​Lingji Shenzong, and the elder Liu Yazi retreated here.

Under Empress Yu Che's order, Mo Daoshen did not disturb the others in the sect, and led Chen Xi and his group straight to the back mountain.

"Master, there is an old friend visiting."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Dao stood in front of a cave and spoke respectfully.

"Old man?"

In the cave, a deep voice suddenly came out, "Dao Chen, who is the old man? If ordinary people are waiting, tell them that I am at a critical moment in my cultivation and cannot entertain guests."

Mo Daochen glanced awkwardly at Empress Yu Che next to him, and then said respectfully: "Master, it is... that senior from Xuemoyu, they have already arrived."

"Who? Could it be..."

That voice suddenly intensified, and the next moment, the restriction in the cave suddenly opened, and a thin and old figure emerged.

This man was dressed in gray, with white hair and a childlike face, his pupils opened and closed with divine light flashing, it was truly frightening.

But when he saw Empress Yu Che, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock, "So it's you, Senior Yu Che."

This person is naturally the elder Liu Yazi of Lingji Shenzong, an existence of the pinnacle state of an ancestor god.

"It's been so many years, I didn't expect you to be one step away from stepping into the realm of the emperor. I'm very happy." Empress Yu Che said calmly.

"It's really you." Liu Yazi's face became excited and surprised, and he said hastily, "Quick, please come in and talk."

"Wait a minute, let's arrange this little guy first. He was in front of the mountain gate just now, because I hurt him with a single word." Empress Yu Che pointed at Xiao Zhu next to her, and said.

Xiao Gu seemed extremely nervous, but he was not a dull person. Hearing this, he hurriedly bowed and said: "Disciple Xiao Gu, I have met senior."


Liu Yazi nodded towards Xiao Zhu, then looked at Empress Yu Che suspiciously.

"That's right, this little guy is dedicated to Taoism, and this time he is considered destined to come to Lingji Divine Sect with me, and wants to worship and practice in your sect."

Empress Yu Che casually explained.

Liu Yazi heaved a sigh of relief, he thought what was the matter, it turned out that it was just arranging a young man to worship in the sect to practice, it was nothing to him at all.

At that moment, he looked at Mo Daochen, who understood, and quickly said: "Master, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Zhu was so excited that he knelt down and kowtowed incessantly.

"Ha, you little guy values ​​love and righteousness, and it's good to repay you with gratitude. From now on, you can practice in the sect with peace of mind, and keep your future bright."

Liu Yazi laughed heartily.

"Come on, little one."

Mo Daochen raised his hand to help Xiao Zhu up, and after saying goodbye to everyone, he floated away with Xiao Zhu.

Chen Xi knew that, just because of Empress Yu Che's face, Xiao Zhu would not receive any slights in the Lingji Divine Sect in the future.

"Senior Yu Che, please."

Liu Yazi smiled all over his face, and warmly invited, "I collected some Yunjing divine tea a few years ago, and I would like to take this opportunity to give you a taste."


After a stick of incense.

The two figures left from Lingji Shenzong and fled towards the southwest of Luojia Shenshan.

"Didn't Mr. Big give you a piece of Zizhu? According to my deduction, the View of Taichu should be near the Zizhu River that Liu Yazi mentioned."

"Yes, I think so too, but according to what Liu Yazi said, the environment there is a bit unusual."

"It's better to go and check first."

These two people are exactly Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che.

Because of Empress Yu Che's relationship, Chen Xi almost effortlessly learned some useful clues from Liu Yazi, the Supreme Elder of the Lingji Divine Sect.

To Chen Xi's regret, Liu Yazi didn't know what kind of power Tai Chu Guan was at all. He didn't even know that apart from the Lingji Sect, there were other powers existing in this Luojia Divine Mountain.

However, according to the clues provided by Liu Yazi, Chen Xi learned that the Luojia Mountain is also full of many mysterious and unpredictable places, and it has not been completely occupied by the Lingji Divine Sect so far.

For example, the area where "Zizhuxi" is located is an extremely dangerous area.

In that area, there is a mysterious ancient restriction. If one does not know how to break it, even entering the Ancestral God Realm will be robbed, and the body will disappear, which is extremely powerful.

In history, Lingji Shenzong sent experts to explore more than once, but in the end, no one survived, which also made Lingji Shenzong completely give up the idea of ​​occupying that area.

But this clue moved Chen Xi's heart, because when he came here, his senior brother Wu Xuechan had given him a piece of purple bamboo

Zizhu, Zizhuxi... I'm afraid there is some kind of connection between them!


When Chen Xi felt that he had moved thousands of miles away, he finally saw the place where Zizhuxi was located.

The first thing that catches the eyelids is a deep and quiet canyon. A clear stream flows out of the canyon, winding and winding. Beside the stream, there is a dense purple bamboo forest.

Each purple bamboo is straight and handsome, straight into the clouds, and the veins of the leaves are glowing with purple light, floating in the void, giving people a dreamy and blurred color.

The atmosphere is quiet, only the sound of the gurgling stream can be heard, and the purple bamboo forests on both sides of the stream sway in the wind, making the sound of whirling and rustling.

If it is not clear that the ambush here is dangerous, people will think that this is a paradise-like place.


Chen Xi released a wisp of sword energy with a flick of his finger, cutting through time and space, and rushing into the canyon.


Before the sword qi approached, suddenly, everything that was originally quiet and quiet suddenly changed, producing a strange fluctuation, and a piece of purple mist steamed up, completely covering the canyon.

After Chen Xi's ray of sword energy entered, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace without causing a single ripple.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, keenly aware that even his own thoughts could no longer detect the reality in that canyon!

"This is indeed a mysterious and unpredictable forbidden place. From my point of view, there are murderous intentions lingering inside it, enough to kill gods and demons. Even if I venture into it, I'm afraid I will encounter great danger."

Empress Yu Che's clear eyes glowed with a frightening brilliance, her voice was a bit dignified, and she was also probing, sensing the horror in it.

"It seems that the View of Absolute Beginning may really be hidden in it. Next, let me see how powerful a forbidden god is."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a strange look appeared between his brows.


For Chen Xi, who was born in Shenyan Mountain and had already reached the supernatural state of talisman, this obviously did not have much deterrent effect.

"You want to break the formation?" Empress Yu Che asked in surprise.

"If you can find a way out of it, you don't need to break the formation."

Chen Xi didn't answer without turning his head, his mind had already been attracted by the divine sanctuary in front of him.


ps: The third update is around 10:[-].


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