divine talisman

Chapter 1729 5-Star Monarch

a whole day.

Chen Xi stood motionless in front of the canyon, without saying a word, like a clay statue.

Empress Yu Che didn't bother him, and stood quietly in the distance.

She had already known earlier that Chen Xi was a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, and as we all know, when it comes to talisman and dao attainments, in the entire Ancient God Realm, there might not be a single power that could compare with Shenyan Mountain.

Under such circumstances, Empress Yu Che was not at all worried that Chen Xi would not be able to break the divine ban, unless the power of the divine ban in front of her had already exceeded the talisman realm controlled by Chen Xi.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Another three days passed, and Chen Xi was still motionless, but his sword eyebrows were gradually furrowed, as if he had encountered some difficult problem.

Very troublesome!

This divine taboo is extremely mysterious, and the talisman array filled in it is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, just like a natural creation, and it is obscure and profound beyond imagination.

Not only that, but according to Chen Xi's deduction, this God's Forbidden City not only has the power of divine order, but also gathers the power of heaven and earth luck, and condenses the power of the wishes of all beings.

In this way, not to mention the Ancestral God Realm, even if the existence of the Emperor Realm enters it, I am afraid that they will be robbed, trapped in it, and completely lose themselves.

According to Chen Xi's current attainments in Talisman Dao, he can only recognize many of the mysteries in it, and spy on all kinds of murders hidden in it.

But in terms of breaking the formation, it is far from enough.

It's not because of the talisman, but because of the limitation of cultivation!

In other words, the power in this forbidden god cannot be broken by a level of spiritual god.

Chen Xi even suspected that it would be difficult for Empress Yu Che to accomplish this step even if he instructed him to do so.

The reason is that the power in the Divine Forbidden City is too profound, like an abyss like a prison, it seems to be able to contain all the power of heaven!

This is not something the emperor can do.

"It seems that the cultivation of the people who set up the formation is at least above the emperor realm..." Chen Xi thought quickly in his heart.

This is an unknown place in the Luojia Mountain, which is rarely visited by ordinary people, but why is there such a shocking God Forbidden place?

Obviously, after God's Forbidden, there must be something hidden.

And in Chen Xi's view, the rear of the Divine Forbidden must be seen from the beginning.

He even had a faint feeling that the master Wu Xuechan asked him to meet with was probably the one who set up the formation.

"Old Bai, do you recognize this formation?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he called Lao Bai out.

As soon as this proud, self-absorbed, narcissistic, sharp-mouthed old bird appeared, it raged and roared: "Little guy, you made the ancestor very angry, you know! You actually locked the ancestor in your house!" Breaking through the inner universe and ignoring it, it is simply cold-blooded, cruel and ruthless!"

Empress Yu Che was surprised, and looked at Lao Bai carefully, and saw that its wings were snow-white, its sharp claws were made of poured gold, and there was a feather crown on its head filled with seven-colored divine brilliance. It looked very divine, but it did not recognize it. Find out what kind of divine bird this is.

This made her even more astonished, where did Chen Xi find such a divine bird, which seemed to be completely different from other divine birds in the Ancient God Realm...

Chen Xi frowned, looked at Lao Bai who was playing around, and said, "Is it over?"

Those few words made Lao Bai's expression stagnate, and he groaned, "My ancestor is magnanimous, so I will forgive you this time."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't release this old bird when he was in Fengqi Divine City, otherwise God knows how many disasters would have happened.

"Well, is this God Forbidden? Even you little guy can't recognize it. It seems that I am the only one who made a move..."

At this moment, Laobai straightened his chest, and proudly glanced at the canyon in front of him. After just a moment, his expression froze, and he yelled strangely, "I'm afraid this god is forbidden by a Taoist master. My boy, are you going to provoke the Taoist master?" ? This is no different from courting death."


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I just ask if you recognize this formation?"

Lao Bai opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak for a long time.

Obviously, it doesn't recognize the origin of this divine prohibition.

Chen Xi glared at it angrily, "Stay aside."

Immediately, he took a deep breath and murmured in his heart: "Even Lao Bai doesn't recognize this formation. It seems that we can only find a way out with the help of the inheritance of the Wuji divine talisman."


As soon as he made a decision, in the universe inside his body, the Promise Divine Talisman began to revolving abruptly, deriving mysterious and grand divine talisman patterns one after another.

And Chen Xi also integrated everything he had perceived before with the power of the inheritance of the Wuji Divine Manual, and began to deduce it with all his strength.

The Wuji divine talisman, known as Wuji, includes all phenomena, and can deduce all the essential mysteries of any divine talisman. It is the supreme inheritance of Shenyan Mountain.

At this moment, with the help of the power of the Wuji divine talisman, Chen Xi began to deduce the divine taboo in front of him with all his strength, and in an instant, countless feelings flooded his heart like a torrent.


Time passed, and before I knew it, several days passed.

"Girl baby, seeing your extraordinary aura, I'm afraid you already have the cultivation level of a five-star emperor, right?" Lao Bai sized up Empress Yu Che after being idle and bored, and said very familiarly.

Empress Yu Che glanced at the other party in surprise, never expecting that this old bird could see through her own cultivation.

"Hey, don't look at the ancestor with such admiration, the ancestor still has a lot of skills." Lao Bai said proudly.

"Oh? How dare I ask you?"

Empress Yu Che was very interested and asked.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

Lao Bai said mysteriously, "My ancestor, my origin is too shocking, telling you will only bring you a lot of disaster."

With Empress Yu Che's disposition, she almost couldn't help rolling her eyes at this moment. This old bird is too good at bragging, it's just a weird thing to talk about.

"Do not believe?"

Lao Bai snorted coldly, "Girl baby, if my guess is correct, you practiced the 'Infinite Void Sutra' of Emperor Yu Yu's family?"

Empress Yu Che's pupils suddenly shrank.

Lao Bai continued to talk eloquently, spitting all over the place: "The Wumi Wuliang Sutra is indeed a rare book of qi refining. When used to temper the cultivation of swordsmanship, it can achieve unimaginable miraculous effects. Unfortunately, this exercise has advantages and disadvantages. , it’s no wonder that your cultivation has been stagnant in the five-star emperor realm, but you can’t make any progress.”

Empress Yu Che lost her voice: "How do you know?"

Lao Bai's words were like thunder, shaking in her heart, making her unable to maintain her composure.

Because she has definitely stayed in the five-star emperor realm for a long time, and she has not yet found a way to advance, which has almost become a knot in her heart.

Seeing Empress Yu Che's appearance, Lao Bai became more and more proud and proud, and lazily said: "What's so difficult? You are still too young to see the world."

Empress Yu Che didn't dare to be negligent like before, took a deep breath, and said: "Then dare to ask, is there a solution?"

Lao Bai glanced at her sideways, and the old god said, "Nonsense, since I, Patriarch, can break through your cultivation barrier, naturally there is a magic method to solve it."

After a pause, it suddenly laughed and said, "Do you want to know? Don't be shy, please, my ancestor, my ears are the softest, maybe I will agree to you."

Empress Yu Che frowned immediately, but she was struggling in her heart, because she really needed to solve this obstacle in cultivation urgently.

Immediately, she didn't know what to think of, suddenly smiled slightly, and stopped talking to Lao Bai.

This time, Lao Bai became a little anxious, and said: "Girl baby, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. My ancestor, I usually don't give pointers to others easily. You should cherish it. If you miss this time, you will come back again later." No chance."

Empress Yu Che said indifferently: "No need, I may ask Chen Xi when the time comes, and maybe I can get the answer."

"That kid?"

Lao Bai almost laughed, "He knows what a fart."

But only for a moment, it was stunned, understood Empress Yu Che's plan, jumped up and said: "Well, are you going to use that kid to force the ancestor to speak? You have such a vicious plan, but you It’s too small to underestimate the strength of my ancestor..."

"What backbone?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came, which made Lao Bai's expression froze, and he immediately closed his mouth.

It was Chen Xi who spoke.

"But do you have an idea?" Empress Yu Che asked.

"That's right, a path has been deduced, which is enough for us to safely pass through this formation." Chen Xi nodded with a smile.

"In that case, let's set off immediately." Empress Yu Che hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Xi looked at Lao Bai and didn't say a word. Lao Bai felt uneasy all over his body while watching, and couldn't help muttering, "Little brat, what are you trying to do?"

Chen Xi said, "Do you still need me to remind you of what you said just now?"

Lao Bai shouted: "Okay, for the sake of that girl, you actually did not hesitate to bully Patriarch me, it's so insane, it makes Patriarch me... very heartbroken!"

Chen Xi frowned and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I'll lock you up right now?"

Lao Bai was suddenly as if struck by lightning, completely wilted, angrily threw a piece of jade slip, and said bitterly: "What a pair of dogs and men, really hateful!"

dog men and women...

The corners of Chen Xi's lips couldn't help twitching when he heard it.

Empress Yu Che's eyes also turned cold, and she locked on Lao Bai like a knife.


But Lao Bai spread his wings, hovered in the air, and shouted arrogantly, "The method is also given to you, should you still go or not?"

Chen Xi handed the jade slip to Empress Yu Che, and said helplessly, "Old Bai's mouth is very damaged, just pretend it doesn't exist."

Empress Yu Che smiled, "I know."

To be honest, she was already pleasantly surprised to be able to get a solution to her own cultivation obstacles so easily, and she would not care so much about Lao Bai.

"Then let's go."

Chen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief, he was really worried that Empress Yu Che would be annoyed by Lao Bai's broken mouth.

"En." Empress Yu Che nodded.

"Let's go!" Lao Bai exclaimed in high spirits.

At that moment, Chen Xi took the lead, Lao Bai stood on his shoulders, and Empress Yu Che followed closely behind, walking towards the canyon covered in purple mist.


ps: Around 4 o'clock in the morning on the 12th.


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