divine talisman

Chapter 1730 The Mysterious Land

The purple mist was steaming, and I couldn't see my fingers. In the eerie silence, there was endless murderous intent.

At this moment, even Lao Bai and Empress Yu Che looked serious, not daring to take it lightly. After all, this is a restriction imposed by a Taoist master, which is too terrifying.


The purple mist billowed, engulfing their entire group.

However, Chen Xi seemed to have a plan in mind, and he walked with strange steps, sometimes turning around, sometimes stopping, and sometimes rushing forward.

During this process, thunder and lightning, volcanic tsunamis emerged from time to time, and even fractured abysses of time and space lay across. The shouts of ancient gods and demons resounded, the torrential blood of gods poured down, and the corpses of gods and bones filled the earth...

Every scene represents a deadly killing intent!

However, under the leadership of Chen Xi, these murderous intentions always passed by their group, and they were narrowly avoided.

Along the way, there was no danger, but even so, it still made Lao Bai and Empress Yu Che look dignified and extremely vigilant.

They all knew very well that if it wasn't for Chen Xi to lead the team this time, they might have already touched a divine prohibition, causing endless slaughter.

until later.

The scene ahead became more and more frightening. Sometimes a black hole in the starry sky would appear, devouring the whole world, and sometimes billions of stars would explode together, and the light and rain were dazzling, and the entire universe would be annihilated...

That was not an illusion, but a real occurrence. It's just that Chen Xi and his party had narrowly avoided it before it happened. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable if they got involved in it.

At this moment, even Chen Xi's expression became serious, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, the divine light shook and overflowed with a frightening brilliance.

This God's Forbidden City is indeed too penetrating. If you fight recklessly, the existence of the Emperor Realm may be destroyed!

It's also no wonder that the Lingji Divine Sect has not been able to break this divine ban until now. If there is no cultivation base of the talisman Tao that reaches the sky, or has the highest cultivation base of the Taoist level, it is simply difficult to surpass this place.

This made Chen Xi's actions more and more prudent and cautious. Sometimes he didn't even take a step for an hour, and sometimes he traveled tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

At this time, he seems to have the ability to predict the future, shuttling through the desperate situation full of murderous opportunities, trying to find a way out.


Two days later, a god ape with a silver body and a height of hundreds of feet suddenly rushed out of the front, holding a spear of snow-white animal bones, and violently came across the sky.

This piece of time and space suddenly shattered, and the terrifying murderous aura made Chen Xi suffocate, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"Yu Che, attack! Be sure to kill it within sixty breaths!"

Chen Xi quickly transmitted the voice, and there was a hint of anxiety in his voice.


Before Chen Xi's voice fell, Empress Yu Che made a bold move, and the Litian Divine Sword and Abi Zhuo Sword turned into two shocking rainbows, whizzing away.


It was as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was collapsing here, and the blazing divine brilliance exploded and spread, forcing Chen Xi's figure to stagger backwards.

The next moment, Empress Yu Che was shocked back by Ye Ye.

"Unbearable, quickly suffer death!" The silver god ape sneered disdainfully, his voice was like thunder, shaking his soul.


With a wave of its big arm, the bone spear crushed the spine of the void, killing it again.

Empress Yu Che's face was serious, she took a deep breath, and she had used all her cultivation to fight with her opponent.

All of a sudden, the sword energy criss-crossed, and the shadows of guns seemed to smash and pulverize this place, turning it into a place of extinction.

You know, Empress Yu Che is an emperor, and the silver god ape can stand up to her, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

"No, if you can't kill this evil obstacle again, that way of life will disappear completely..." Chen Xi's face was as gloomy as water, and his heart was anxious.

He couldn't intervene in this battle, and even if he was swept into it, he would be killed immediately on the spot, leaving no room for resistance.

At this moment, Lao Bai suddenly said: "Girl doll, obliquely stab the star to fight Na Haichuan, and swim in the North Sea to kill the Emperor Kun."

In the arena, Empress Yu Che was shaken all over, and her figure suddenly stretched out, the Litian Divine Sword pierced obliquely into the air, the blade of the sword hangs like a sea river hanging down, and at the same time, the divine power in her body gathers in the Between the fingers, there was a sudden shock.


In an instant, the aura of the Litian Divine Sword suddenly surged, and with a bang, it abruptly shook the silver divine ape to fly backwards, letting out a startled roar.

This made Empress Yu Che a little unbelievable, because in the past, she would never be able to do this step.

Before she could react, Lao Bai's voice sounded again: "Bingdou divides the sky, and Zhong Shenxiu is created in one breath."


Empress Yu Che almost subconsciously draws an arc in the air with the divine sword in her palm, which seems to divide Yin and Yang, but presents a complete and solemn atmosphere.


Under this blow, one arm of the silver divine ape was cut off!

The blood of the gods was splashed, and the silver god ape was frightened and angry, and roared again and again, as if he couldn't believe it, and looked extremely irritable.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally saw some tricks. What Lao Bai said was not a specific move, but a unique way to use the divine power in the queen's body. It was this kind of way that made Empress Yu Che respect her own divine power In an instant, his control has obviously risen to a higher level, and his power has also skyrocketed accordingly. Only then has such an astonishing effect been achieved.

"Xuan Ming and Yin merged into the five mansions, sweeping Shen Yumen with vigor."

"Jiuxiaobiluo Hunyuanjin, breathing out the heroic spirit."

"Miaoyunguan, Sanxuan Pavilion, snake-shaped eight poles swinging roots, rocking dragons and phoenixes!"

Lao Bai spoke quickly, uttering a series of mysterious and obscure formulas. Under such guidance, Empress Yu Che became more and more courageous in the battle, and she was unstoppable. She killed the silver god ape until it was defeated. The power to parry.

And Chen Xi was also smacking his tongue as he watched from the sidelines. He never expected that Lao Bai, a proud, arrogant, narcissistic old bird with a bad mouth, could actually guide an emperor to fight, and he acted like he was pointing the country. The posture of wind and water.

"It seems that this old guy also has a lot of things hidden in his stomach." Chen Xi was thoughtful.


With a terrifying roar, the head of the silver god ape was cut off by a sword, and it was thrown into the air, and the entire mountain-like body crashed to the ground.

In the outside world, this silver god ape can keep pace with the existence of the emperor's realm and dominate all directions, but now, it was simply and neatly beheaded by Empress Yu Che.

At this moment, Empress Yu Che was also stunned, and she couldn't believe that all this was done by herself.

"Hmph, old ancestor, I just showed off my small tricks, and I shocked you to such a state. You guys are still too young." Lao Bai said triumphantly.

In just an instant, the corpse of the silver god ape turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared from the scene. If one hadn't seen it with one's own eyes, one would doubt whether everything just now was illusory.

Witnessing this scene, Chen Xi's expression became serious, and he said, "Get out of here quickly!"


When he spoke, his figure flashed and he rushed forward.

Empress Yu Che didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly followed.


As soon as they left, the world suddenly collapsed and turned into an abyss of nothingness, nothing existed!

It is conceivable that if they take another step late, they will be robbed.

On the road ahead, no other ferocious beast like the silver god ape rushed out, but it became more and more dangerous.

It can be called a step-by-step killing machine.

Along the way, even Chen Xi was a little terrified and didn't dare to be distracted at all.

Under such circumstances, Empress Yu Che, who originally planned to ask Lao Bai for advice, also tried her best not to speak, so as not to disturb Chen Xi.

It's just that in her heart, she has secretly decided that she must have a good talk with this old bird when she finds a chance.

When she confronted that silver god ape just now, she was indeed a little shocked, because the method that Lao Bai pointed out not only raised her ability to use divine power to a higher level, but also faintly loosened her cultivation realm that had been lingering for a long time. signs.

For an ascetic of her level, this is much more precious than a big chance.


Suddenly, Chen Xi exhaled a long breath, and spoke easily.

When he was speaking, he took a step forward, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a quiet mountain forest appeared, surrounded by divine light, very quiet and peaceful.

At first glance, this quiet mountain forest is disorganized, and there are many plants and trees. If you don't look carefully, you may think it is weeds and wild flowers.

In fact, those are all rare miracle medicines, growing in the forest, emitting wisps of fragrance and light rain, extremely holy.

However, Chen Xi keenly noticed that there were forbidden fluctuations around those magical medicines, and they were obviously planted here.

In addition, there is a bluestone path in the forest, winding and deep, leading to the depths, with no end in sight.

The atmosphere here is very quiet, and there is a calming and peaceful atmosphere in the air.

But what surprised Chen Xi was that after arriving here, the perception power of his thoughts was restricted by an invisible force, and he could barely perceive the range of a thousand feet!

I don't know if it was Chen Xi, but even Empress Yu Che did the same. This made her, who was slightly relaxed, become vigilant again.

This god-forbidden is so powerful, one can imagine how powerful the "superior" entrenched here is, and one must not take it lightly.

"Here... is very unusual!"

At this moment, even Lao Bai went uncharacteristically, and became extremely dignified, "If my guess is right, the ancestor, I'm afraid we are no longer in the ancient gods!"


Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che were shocked, not in the Ancient God Realm?Where would that be?

"Anyway, it's better to be careful. Someone who can turn things around like this is definitely not an ordinary person."

Lao Bai reminded me, but the next moment it revealed its true colors, and said hesitantly, "Of course, I am here with the ancestor, which is enough to save you from danger."

Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che glanced at each other, both of them were completely speechless towards this old bird.

"I didn't expect that after many years, another fellow Taoist could come here, please come with me."

Suddenly, a warm voice sounded, and with the voice, a white deer filled with holy light emerged from the sky.

As soon as he appeared, he gave Chen Xi and his party a slight nod, then turned around, and walked towards that bluestone road in the forest.

Chen Xi and the others felt a shudder in their hearts. They hadn't even noticed how the white deer arrived before!

too mysterious.

There is an awe-inspiring air about this area.


ps1: 4 updates today, 2 chapters are normal updates, 1 chapter is to make up for the day before yesterday, and 1 chapter is to make up for everyone.

ps2: Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of Fuhuang's book opening, and we will strive for 5 updates. On the one hand, we will celebrate the alliance leader Shen Shen, and on the other hand, we will also celebrate Fuhuang's 2nd anniversary.

ps3: In addition, before the end of the month, the remaining 2 leaders will be completed.

Finally, please ask for a monthly pass~~


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