divine talisman

Chapter 1731 Meeting Suddenly

The whole body of the white deer is filled with holy light, the steed is extraordinary, the steps are graceful and calm, and the hooves sound like the sound of nature when they step on the bluestone slabs in the forest.

Empress Yu Che whispered: "This seems to be the legendary Bailing deer. It is born with auspiciousness and is the most holy. The place where it lives is the first-class holy place in the world."

There was a touch of shock in the voice.

Chen Xi was also filled with awe, Bai Linglu, this is an almost extinct natural divine beast!

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi followed up first. This Bai Linglu had a gentle temperament and didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

Along the way, he also tentatively talked with the other party, but found that no matter what he asked, the other party seemed to be unaware of it, and led the way on his own.

This made Chen Xi frowned, suppressing doubts in his heart, and continued to follow.

This quiet mountain forest is very special. Walking in it, from time to time on the road, you can see plants of rare magic medicines, which have survived for at least more than [-] years.

In addition, the deeper you go into the mountains and forests, the more peaceful the atmosphere becomes. The mist in the forest is graceful and the brilliance overflows, like a dream, making you feel like you have entered a paradise, completely separated from the world.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi suddenly noticed that wisps of lavender rays descended from the sky like waterfalls, permeating the quiet forest, and there was a surge of pure Dao Qi rushing towards his face in the air.

Breathing in casually makes people feel as if they are in the source of the Dao, and the whole body's energy is surging, which is extremely miraculous.

Chen Xi couldn't help but look up, but was surprised to find that one after another purple stars were floating in the air, less than a thousand meters away from the ground, shining brightly and emitting purple brilliance.

These stars are only the size of a fist, crystal clear, as clear as purple jade, but filled with a huge, vast and incomparably pure Dao Qi.

"Hey, to refine the stars one by one into pawns, integrate the power of the source of Taoism to lay out the mid-air, and finally turn it into an order of heaven and earth, maintaining the cycle of heaven and earth in this piece of heaven and earth. If it weren't for the existence of the Taoist realm, it would be impossible to do it arrive."

Lao Bai was amazed.

The hearts of Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che couldn't help but shake. Anyone who saw such a scene might not be able to keep calm. One star after another was refined into pawns, arranged in midair, and transformed into the power of the order of the heavens. It was simply a coincidence. Great fortune.

"Little guy, why are you here?"

Lao Bai couldn't help asking.

"To find a way to undo the black witch god's Gu."

Chen Xi didn't hide it.

"So, shouldn't there be a powerful witch clan that has survived from the last era living here?"

Lao Bai was surprised.

Hearing this, Chen Xi was suddenly stunned. A great power of the Wu Clan from the last era?Why didn't I think of this?

"Look ahead!"

Suddenly, Empress Yu Che spoke out, a little surprised.

Chen Xi raised his eyes subconsciously, but couldn't help squinting his eyes.

There is a purple bamboo forest in the distance, the mist is graceful, like a fairyland, white cranes can be seen from time to time, spirit apes are playing, divine sparrows are singing, all kinds of divine birds and auspicious animals appear and appear, a peaceful scene.

And in the purple bamboo forest, there are still figures lingering in it.

There is a majestic god and demon wearing animal skins, carrying a big bow of animal bones, controlling a pair of brilliant sun and moon, sitting there with closed eyes and meditating.

A Bi An shook his head lazily, and suddenly transformed into an old man in gray clothes, holding a volume of Daoist scriptures, pacing back and forth in the forest, shaking his head.

On the other side, a young man stood on a rock with an ancient bronze sword in his hand, maintaining a unique sword posture, with sword intent circulating all over his body, as if he was enlightening.

In addition, there are figures of old or young, male or female, lingering in it, all doing their own things without interfering with each other.

Some of them frowned in thought, some muttered to themselves, some paced back and forth, and some remained motionless like clay statues.

Everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

"Where is this...?"

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, he thought it was an illusion, but after careful identification, everything was real and not an illusion.

At this moment, even Empress Yu Che was speechless, feeling a little dazed as if she didn't know where she was.

"Interesting, interesting, they are here to hang around, do you want to ask?"

Lao Bai seemed to see something, thoughtful.


Chen Xi couldn't help saying, "Old Bai, what did you see?"

"It's hard to say, just look at it again."

Lao Bai pondered for a long time, but finally shook his head, unable to confirm.

Chen Xi frowned, and found that after they arrived here, those figures lingering in the purple bamboo forest seemed to be unaware, not to mention paying attention to them, they didn't even look at them.

This caused Chen Xi to be puzzled again, where exactly did these figures come from, and why did they gather here?

At this moment, Bai Linglu, who was leading the way, stamped his feet, turned his head and said softly: "Three friends, please wait here."

Saying that, it seemed to be leaving.

"Fellow Daoist, stay here."

Chen Xi hurriedly called out: "Dare to ask if this place is Taichu Guan?"

Bai Linglu nodded.

Chen Xi's heart was lifted, and he was completely relieved to get this definite answer. He was really worried that he would go to the wrong place and come to a strange place, and that would be bad.

"Fellow Daoist, if I want to visit the temple master, please inform me."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Just wait here."

Bai Linglu said softly, "Look at the fellow Taoists in the forest, they all came to visit my master. Some of them have been waiting here for thousands of years, and some of them have been waiting for hundreds of years."

Chen Xi was stunned, a little unbelievable.

"So, if we want to see your master, we have to wait in line here?"

Lao Bai couldn't help shouting.

"Fellow daoist who can arrive here is also considered a predestined person. You should know that I have observed the rules in the early days, and I hope you can understand me a lot."

Bai Linglu said apologetically.

"Hmph, what a big shelf, what if we don't want to wait?"

Lao Bai snorted coldly.

Bai Linglu smiled, but didn't say much.

But in the air, there was a palpitating aura lingering. With the cultivation bases of Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che, they were terrified at this moment.

Not only that, in the purple bamboo forest in the distance, there are also many glances at this moment, as if a little surprised, there are people in this world who dare to provoke trouble here.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to rush in."

Although he couldn't perceive where that ray of danger came from, Chen Xi didn't dare to try it, so he quickly explained.

"That's the best, the three fellow Taoists, please do whatever you want."

Bai Linglu said warmly.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Xi immediately took out that piece of shiny purple bamboo, and handed it over, "Fellow Daoist, take a look at this token."

"It turned out to be a visit from an old friend."

Bai Linglu was stunned for a moment, silent for a long time, he held the piece of purple bamboo in his mouth, and said, "Follow me."

With that said, he turned around and walked deeper into the Qingshi Road.

Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che glanced at each other, both of them felt excited, knowing that they didn't have to wait here like the others.


"Why is that so?"

"A visit from an old friend? That young man is not easy."

After Chen Xi and his party left, there was a burst of whispering in the purple bamboo forest, and it was obvious that they were not at peace.

But soon, they returned to their original state, doing their own things without showing any dissatisfaction.


After walking forward for a full incense stick, the bluestone road under his feet stopped abruptly, and a thatched cottage appeared in front of him.

The thatched cottage is surrounded by bamboo forests and entwined with old vines, which is quiet and elegant, with a sense of detachment.

On the side of the thatched hut, there is still a stone tablet standing upright. The stone tablet seems to have been baptized by endless years, and the three ancient characters of "Taichu Guan" are imprinted on it.

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately took a deep breath, and his expression became solemn. He knew clearly that the people that his elder brother Wu Xuechan asked him to visit must be among them.

"Miss, an old friend is visiting."

Bai Linglu stood in front of the hut, and spoke in a warm voice.

"Uncle Lu, wait a moment, I'm refining medicine, I'll open the door right away."

A crisp and pleasant sound came out from it, ding dong like gurgling spring water, it was really pleasant, exuding a lively and clever taste.


Chen Xi raised his eyebrows suddenly, feeling vaguely that this voice seemed somewhat familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he heard it.

"what happened?"

Empress Yu Che asked, keenly noticing something strange in Chen Xi's expression.

"It's nothing."

Chen Xi shook his head, he was somewhat unable to judge.


Not long after, the door of the thatched cottage was opened from the inside, revealing a delicate face that should be both angry and happy. This is a young and beautiful girl, wearing a white dress, slim and cute, with a compelling and delicate aura.

When she opened the door, she turned her pair of jet-black eyes that were like jewels, and when she saw Chen Xi, she was immediately stunned.

Chen Xi was also stunned, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

"why you?"

The two spoke almost in unison.

This time, Empress Yu Che and Lao Bai were also stunned. Chen Xi actually recognized this little girl?

But at this moment, Chen Xi's heart was quite uneasy. If he remembered correctly, the girl in front of him was named Huicong!

When he first arrived in the Realm of Doom from the Three Realms, he was chased and killed by Yi Tian, ​​the third son of the Dayi family, and his party. Fortunately, he met this Huicong and that mysterious lady on the way, and escaped the catastrophe.

Back then, he asked Tie Yunping's grandfather, Tie Kun, about the origins of Huicong and that empress, hoping to find a chance to repay the other party for his help.

But Tie Kun kept a secret, and only told him that the lady had an unusual background and lived in the South China Sea.

But Chen Xi still never expected that he would actually see Huicong in this mysterious and unfathomable view of Taichu. This simply made Chen Xi a little unbelievable.

Could it be that the mysterious lady next to Huicong is the master of Tai Chu Guan?

"It turns out that Miss recognizes this fellow Taoist, so the little old man stopped bothering her."

Bai Linglu smiled gently, and after handing over the piece of purple bamboo to Huicong, he turned around and left.

At this time, Huicong also came to his senses, looked at Chen Xi with a smile, and said with a little surprise, "Brother, I never thought you'd come here. It's true that we never meet again in life."

Her lips are red and her teeth are white, her face is delicate and pretty, and she is really lively and agile.

Chen Xi said with emotion: "I never thought that I would meet Miss Huicong here."

"What's the point of talking so much nonsense, since we know each other, there's no way to catch up on the old days outside the door, this is not the way of hospitality." Lao Bai yelled.


ps: before 9 o'clock in the second update.


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