divine talisman

Chapter 1732

Huicong giggled, "You are a very irritable bird, come with me." He turned and walked towards the thatched cottage.

Chen Xi and the others immediately followed.

Inside the thatched cottage, there are borders of flowers and trees, luxuriant grass, scattered courtyards, and a secluded path winding among them.

It looks no different from ordinary thatched cottages in the world, but the breath is quiet and distant, and there are wisps of ancient Taoist rhyme everywhere, so it looks very different.

"Be careful, every plant and tree here is simple, but they are all self-contained. It is a supreme method that includes the longitude and latitude of the four seas, and is included in every sand and dust. Once you trespass without authorization, you will be robbed!"

Old Bai's dignified reminder sounded in Chen Xi's ear, which made him tremble in his heart, and he didn't dare to underestimate this place even more.

A while later, Huicong led Chen Xi and his party into one of the courtyards.

This courtyard was also simple, with a pond dug in the middle, with clear water and lotus leaves swaying in it, and a group of white turtles swimming in it, poking their heads out of curiosity from time to time, looking at Chen Xi and his party.

"Hey, Ruilin White Jade Turtle, this is a strange species from heaven and earth. It has long been extinct. It is used to refine medicine. It is like a rare treasure in the world. Especially when it breaks through the realm and advances, it can obtain incredible benefits."

The old white monster let out a cry, looking salivating.

With a crash, the group of white turtles were so frightened that they dived into the depths of the pond, not daring to bubble again.

Huicong watched and giggled, crisp and melodious, with an innocent look, and said: "Everyone, please take a seat and rest."

A group of people sat down in front of the desk in front of the courtyard, and at that moment, a golden spirit monkey came over carrying melons, fruits, delicacies, and immortal wine, and put them one by one in front of Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che, and then disappeared with a whoosh. not see.

"Golden-eyed macaque, alas, this monkey is unique in the world. It has all kinds of supernatural powers. It can listen to the wonderful truth of the world and see the luck of the eight directions."

Lao Bai let out another strange cry, tsk-tut in amazement.

This old bird has lived for an unknown number of years, but now he was taken aback. Chen Xi couldn't help being speechless when he saw it.

But with this, we can also know how extraordinary this view of the beginning is, not only the universe is contained in every plant and tree, even the fairy birds and beasts that are raised are also rare and alien species.

"Hey, you know a lot, you bird." Huicong also sat down on one side, and looked at Lao Bai curiously.

"What kind of bird is not a bird? It's called Patriarch!" Lao Bai corrected a sentence solemnly.

Huicong rolled his eyes: "Hmph, I won't bark, no matter how fierce I am, I'll catch you and drink the stew."

As he spoke, he waved his small fist vigorously.

Lao Bai's expression froze, and he snorted coldly: "Forget it, Patriarch, I'm too lazy to argue with you little girl."

It is not afraid of Hui Cong, but worried about the master who leads to this primordial insight, then it will be troublesome.

Seeing that Lao Bai was deflated, Huicong smiled complacently, and immediately turned to look at Chen Xi: "Little brother, why are you here?"

Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and told the whole story about his purpose here.

After Huicong listened, he said thoughtfully: "Is it the Black Witch God Gu? It's the first time I've heard of such things, but I think the empress must know about it."

Chen Xi couldn't help asking: "Miss Huicong, that senior... is the owner of this place, right?"

Huicong giggled: "Yes, what do you think?"

Chen Xi said with emotion: "I never thought before that I would meet you here, and naturally I never thought that that senior would be the Master of Absolute Beginning."

Huicong tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "You guys wait here first, I'll report to the empress and come back later."

As she said that, she got up, but she seemed to remember something immediately, and warned Lao Bai: "You are not allowed to plot against Ruilin Bai Yugui, if the empress finds out, even I will not be able to save you."

Lao Bai's expression froze, and he flew into a rage: "Ancestor, am I that kind of person?"

"You are not a man, you are a bird."

Huicong giggled, then turned around and walked away. His steps were light and brisk, and his whole body was filled with a sense of liveliness and agility.

"How did you know this little girl?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders in the courtyard, Empress Yu Che couldn't help asking.

At that moment, Chen Xi told the whole story about everything that happened in the Dharma-Ending Realm, and finally said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I still owe them a favor."

"Are you from the Three Realms?"

Lao Bai cast a sideways glance at Chen Xi, and a strange color appeared in his eyes, which was fleeting.

"what happened?"

Chen Xi asked.

"It's nothing, I just remembered some past events."

Lao Bai shook his head.

Chen Xi stared at Lao Bai for a long time, always feeling that this old bird was hiding something from him, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions.


Time passed unknowingly, the sky was covered with a touch of night, and the purple stars glowed with a quiet luster, sprinkled in the courtyard, looking extremely holy.

"It's been six hours, why hasn't the little girl come back?"

Empress Yu Che frowned.

Chen Xi was also full of doubts in his heart, and said, "Perhaps, she was delayed by something."

At this moment, Lao Bai drank a pot of divine brew before, and now he is lying on the side of the pond and sleeping soundly, the saliva from the corner of his lips is almost dripping into the fish pond, his sleeping position is very unsightly.

"This old guy is heartless."

Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, and then murmured, "Forget it, there is mystery everywhere in this Absolute Beginning view, every plant and every tree is full of variables, we'd better wait here quietly."

Empress Yu Che nodded, and she took out a piece of jade slip, and began to meditate on it.

This jade handbook was handed over by Lao Bai, and it recorded some cultivation methods, which Empress Yu Che lacked.

Seeing this, Chen Xi also took a deep breath, discarded distracting thoughts in his mind, and started to meditate.

He has practiced so far, and in terms of cultivation base, he has reached the limit of being unique in the spirit and god realm, and now he has an emperor-level dao root, which is enough to attack the realm of ancestor gods anytime and anywhere.

In the realm of enlightenment, he has also reached the end of the "minor accomplishment" realm, and he is only one step away from the "great accomplishment" realm.

Even the cultivation of mind power has reached the perfect level of the first forging of the [Original Heart Sutra], and it is about to break through the power of the second forging.

It can be said that the current Chen Xi is already in a state where everything is ready in terms of cultivation, and he is just short of taking this last step.

But in the end, he did not choose to attack the realm immediately. After all, this was the concept of the beginning. He came here to find a way to get in touch with the "Black Witch God Gu". When he returned, it would not be too late to find a secluded and safe place to advance.


In Taichu View, in a simple, clean, spotless thatched hut.

Huicong sat cross-legged on the futon, holding his cheeks in his hands, waiting boredly, almost drowsy.

At this moment, Zhuang Su's quiet voice sounded as calm as water: "Huicong, why are you lazy here if you don't go to refine medicine?"

Accompanied by the sound, a holy and majestic figure appeared, surrounded by wisps of white divine brilliance. She obviously did not hide her face, but it was hard to see her true face.

Huicong was refreshed, stood up and said, "Ma'am, do you know who I saw today?"

The empress seemed to fall into silence, and after a while, she suddenly said: "It turned out to be that young man, how did he find this place?"

Huicong giggled and said, "I know I can't hide it from you, Madam, and I'm wondering how he got it. By the way, take a look at this thing."

As she spoke, she flipped her palm, and a section of purple bamboo that was crystal clear and permeated with luster emerged.

"Zizhu Shenxin?"

The empress took it with her hand, looked at it carefully, and somehow remembered something, suddenly sighed softly, and said, "I see, they are indeed from the same sect."

Huicong asked suspiciously, "Who are they?"

"Mr. Shenyan Shanda Wu Xuechan."

The empress did not hide anything, and there was a quiet force that reached people's hearts in her voice, "The young man is probably his junior."

"Oh, so it's Shenyan Mountain."

Huicong nodded thoughtfully.

"What is he here for?"

the empress asked.

Huicong immediately narrated everything about the "Black Witch God Gu" one by one.

After hearing all this, the empress fell into silence again. It took a long time before she said calmly, "It stands to reason that he came here with Zizhu's heart and made any request, as long as I can do it, all of them can be granted."

After a pause, she continued: "However, when we were in the Realm of Doom, we had already helped him resolve a fatal disaster. If you pay for what you pay, it means you owe nothing to each other."

Huicong said in a daze, "Ma'am, what do you mean?"

The empress said: "This matter will be discussed later."

Huicong asked suspiciously, "Then... how should I reply to that little brother?"

The empress glanced at Huicong, and said: "Remember what I said in the realm of the end of the law? That young man's fate is unpredictable, and his path is full of turmoil. Even I can't deduce it. Once I get in touch with such a person, It will definitely affect my own path, whether it is good or bad, but I can’t say for sure.”

The voice was calm, but there was a hint of warning.

Huicong asked in surprise, "You mean, you won't let me see that little brother again?"

The empress suddenly sighed: "Let's avoid it for now, you stay here these days, and you are not allowed to take a step without my will."

After all, her ethereal figure had already left the thatched cottage.


Huicong was in a hurry, and was about to step up to catch up, but found that the door was closed tightly, filled with a layer of restraint, and could no longer be opened.

This made her annoyed: "It's inexplicable, I don't know what the empress is thinking in her heart, it's really annoying."


Under the night, a graceful figure stood alone like a luminous luster, looking at the courtyard in the distance.

In the courtyard, both Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che were meditating, while Lao Bai was fast asleep.

"He came to the door unexpectedly, and it seems that he can't hide even if he wants to hide...Huh?"

The empress sighed softly in her heart, but immediately a strange color appeared in her eyes, and she noticed Lao Bai.

For a moment, she didn't know what to think of, and there were strands of deep luster in her eyes, and after a long time, she turned around and left.

Almost at the same time, Lao Bai, who was sleeping soundly, trembled all over, opened his eyes suddenly, and murmured in surprise: "Damn it, did someone just spy on me sleeping, Patriarch?"

But immediately, it shook its head, lay down lazily, and continued to sleep soundly.


ps: before 10:[-] in the third update.


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