divine talisman

Chapter 1733

Early the next morning.

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che, who were meditating, both woke up.

"Please come in."

Chen Xi spoke.

To their surprise, it was not Huicong who came, but the Bailing deer.

"Three fellow Taoists, my master is currently in seclusion, and it will take some time to summon you. If you have no other urgent matters, you can wait here for a while."

Bai Linglu spoke warmly.


Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che were startled, vaguely feeling that there might be something strange about this.

Huicong left yesterday but did not return, and today he told Taichu Guanzhu that he is retreating, this is too much of a coincidence.

"Dare to ask my friend, how long do I need to wait here?"

Chen Xi frowned and asked.

"It's as little as three or five months, and as much as it is immeasurable."

Bai Linglu replied.

"Well, we'll wait here for March and May."

Chen Xi suddenly smiled, and said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I can take this opportunity to meditate for a while."

Bai Linglu nodded, then turned and left.

"You really want to wait here?"

Empress Yu Che raised her eyebrows and said, "I feel that the temple master just avoided seeing him on purpose. If that's the case, it's pointless for us to wait."

"As long as we don't drive us away, there will be a turning point in this matter. We'd better wait."

There was determination in Chen Xi's eyes, as long as he could find a way to revive Zhen Liuqing, no matter what, he would have to wait.

"This place is good. It is isolated from the world. In today's Ancient God Realm, I am afraid that your enemies are all over the world looking for you. It is not bad for us to avoid the limelight for a while."

Lao Bai yawned for a long time, and opened his mouth lazily.

Chen Xi nodded.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also planned to break through to the Ancestral God Realm first.


From this day on, Chen Xi occupied a room by himself and began to retreat.

Empress Yu Che was not idle either, she tried all kinds of means to extract some cultivation methods from Lao Bai.

Poor old Bai has lived for countless years, but his combat power is only equivalent to the level of a spirit god. After being bullied by the empress Yu Che for a long time, he finally succumbed, but he no longer hid himself, and began to teach Empress Yu Che to practice one by one.

It's just that I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a while, this old bird is also strange, and shed his anger on the Ruilin Baiyugui in the pond.

It took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, caught one, and finally became its midday meal, only then was it satisfied.

However, soon the white spirit deer came to the door and warned Lao Bai coldly, which saved the group of Ruilin white jade turtles in the pond from being poisoned by Lao Bai.

A full seven days passed, and there was no news of Huicong.

But at this moment, Chen Xi no longer had the heart to pay attention to these things.


In the room, he sat cross-legged, his tall waist straight as a gun, and his whole body was transpiring like a vast divine radiance, transpiring like a bright glow, releasing a sacred aura.

In the universe in the body, the mighty divine power is like the Yangtze River, sweeping through the universe, spreading every inch of space, and constantly circulating around the sky, showing a sign of saturation and perfection, boiling to the extreme.

Not only that, at this moment, his whole body and exterior are running like a furnace of the great avenue, using the energy and spirit as the medium, and the whole body's energy as the guide, the whole person is burning like a raging fire.

This is "gathering power" and preparing for the impact on the ancestral god realm.

The ancestral god is the point of returning to the ancestors and returning to the true nature. When you reach this state, the universe in your body will be opened up with a source of divine power, just like chaos, swallowing the heaven and earth, including divine power, and it can't tolerate anything.


After a stick of incense, Chen Xi's entire body was surrounded by surging divine brilliance, and the sound of the great avenue vibrated in his body, like dragons singing and tigers roaring, and it was like divine mountains colliding continuously in his body, it was deafening.

This scene is extremely extraordinary, and at an ordinary level of the spiritual realm, it must be difficult to have such a grand power.

And in the universe in his body, a chaotic area suddenly emerged, like an ancient abyss, filled with an ancient and boundless breath.

Ancestral source of divine power!

This is a sign of advancing to the Ancestral God Realm!


Suddenly, Chen Xi's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he uttered an obscure Dao sound.

Accompanied by the sound, a purple-gold light cluster rose up, its whole body was brilliant, like golden stars suspended in it, thousands of them, endless, circulating endlessly, releasing a palpitating emperor's aura.

As soon as it appeared, the whole room was illuminated with golden light.

This is the emperor-level Daogen!

The only supreme dao root in the world, which is hard to come by, is a level higher than the ninth-grade emperor-level dao root.

At this moment, Chen Xi opened his mouth and swallowed it into his body.


In just a split second, the universe within Chen Xi's body seemed to open up as chaos, and an incomparably loud thunderous sound resounded.

Billions of stars trembled and hummed continuously.

A purple-gold blazing luster suddenly poured into the universe and took root in the ancestral land that was opened up.

At this moment, everything seemed to have fallen into a stillness. The continuously circulating divine power, the billions of stars floating in the universe, and even the spirit and energy around Chen Xi all fell into a kind of silence.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

In just a moment, there was a rhythmic vibration in the universe in his body, as if he had his own heart, beating continuously.

And with this vibration, the universe in the body was covered by a layer of purple-gold divine brilliance, and the invisible power of divine order began to spread in the universe in the body...

In just a few breaths, the incomparably magnificent universe in Chen Xi's body seemed to be poured with purple gold soup. The stars, the void, the longitude of the sky, the latitude of the earth... all showed the color of purple gold, releasing an incomparably compelling force. Prestige.

Like wearing a royal robe, jumping into the dragon's gate, it suddenly becomes different from before!

It was an emperor-like majesty, and even the divine power contained a sense of majesty like looking down on mountains and rivers.

And in the ancestral source of divine power, a sea of ​​brilliant purple gold surged and howled, like a primitive source born in chaos, constantly spouting brilliant splendor, with a kind of charm of "returning to the ancestors on the road".

All these changes have not stopped, but as time goes by, they have become more and more amazing and vast.

What is the root of returning to the ancestors, establishes the destiny of heaven and earth!

What solution?

That is to say, the existence of the divine realm, with the ancestral Dao root, is like taking root in heaven and earth, no longer like duckweed like before, and can only drift with the tide.

On the contrary, when one arrives at this place, the Dao returns to one's ancestors, and when one contends with the heavens, one's roots of the Dao will not be destroyed, and the eight winds will still remain unmoved, and will not hurt the life of the ascetic.


For a full half a month, Chen Xi had undergone astonishing transformations through his internal and external bodies, as if there was no end to it.

Especially later, in his soul, the "fire of soul" and "the only spiritual altar" turned into the color of purple gold, and the aura became more grand and dazzling.

All the signs indicated that Chen Xi was breaking through at an astonishing speed, and that he was about to step out of the spirit god realm and become a real ancestor god!


On the No. 30 six days when Chen Xi retreated to attack the Ancestral God Realm, outside the courtyard, above the sky, there was a terrifying sound of thunder.

In an instant, infinite golden light was released from the sky, illuminating the nine heavens, golden flowers descended like rain, and strands of Sanskrit chants resonated between the heaven and the earth.


"This kid has finally come to this point."

Empress Yu Che and Lao Bai raised their heads abruptly, and when they saw such a grand vision of heaven and earth, their eyes were filled with extraordinary splendor.

"The air of the emperor descended from the sky, interpreting the image of golden flowers falling, and advancing to the realm of ancestor gods? This is a bit scary..."

In Taichu's view, Bai Linglu raised his head, his eyes were full of light, as if he was deducing something.


At this moment, there was another shock in the sky, and visions such as heavenly dragons soaring, phoenixes singing, and gods chanting and so on emerged.

Until later, purple auspicious clouds emerged, against the golden light, releasing an indescribable majesty.

"This is?"

Empress Yu Che's heart was shocked, and she was in a daze. She didn't know that what Chen Xi had obtained was an emperor-level dao root.

Bai Linglu also froze, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Looking outside at the beginning, in the purple bamboo forest, one after another figure also stopped their movements, and they all looked at the distant sky, all showing a hint of panic.

"Who is responsible for such a vision of heaven and earth?"

"Is this advancing to the realm of ancestor gods? The aroused vision of heaven and earth is rare in ancient times. Could it be that the one refining is the ninth-rank emperor-level dao root?"

"No, although the ninth-grade emperor-level Daogen is rare, it can't produce such power when it is promoted. I have heard that in the world, only those who have the "unique altar" can be promoted. Only then will you attract the visions of heaven and earth, temper your body, and enjoy the blessings of heaven!"


In the view of Taichu, a holy and majestic figure emerged, with hands behind his back, looking at the sky, it was the mysterious empress, and at this moment, she was also shocked.

"The purple air is coming from the east, turning into clouds and hanging down. This is... a sign of the emperor! As expected, the Lord of the Desolation has already laid down his hands before leaving."

"It seems that I can only take a gamble..."

The empress murmured in her heart, and immediately she turned around and left.

"Lu'er, let him come to see me after he advances."

A sound transmission came into Bai Linglu's ears, causing it to suddenly wake up from the shock, and immediately took a deep breath, and respectfully replied: "Here."

The vision in the sky lasted for a full cup of tea before it turned into a purple-gold divine radiance that suddenly descended and rushed into the room where Chen Xi was.

All of a sudden, sitting cross-legged, he was filled with divine brilliance, and his whole body seemed to turn into a light, majestic, vast, and holy.

It took a long time before he absorbed all the power in his body, and the changes in his body also came to an end.

Everything seemed to return to calm.

Without the incomparably blazing scene before, returning to reality, there is a sense of the bustling end and the avenue returning to the truth.

However, Chen Xi didn't wake up just like that. He was in a strange situation right now, completely oblivious and completely forgetting himself.


ps: The fourth update is around 12 o'clock in the morning.Ask for monthly tickets to encourage and encourage. There are very few voters for monthly tickets today. Did everyone go out to play on weekends?


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